예제 #1
// GetAssemblyResourceFiles
void LinkerNode::GetAssemblyResourceFiles( Args & fullArgs, const AString & pre, const AString & post ) const
    const Dependency * const end = m_AssemblyResources.End();
    for ( Dependencies::Iter i = m_AssemblyResources.Begin();
          i != end;
          i++ )
        Node * n( i->GetNode() );

        if ( n->GetType() == Node::OBJECT_LIST_NODE )
            ObjectListNode * oln = n->CastTo< ObjectListNode >();
            oln->GetInputFiles( fullArgs, pre, post );

        if ( n->GetType() == Node::LIBRARY_NODE )
            LibraryNode * ln = n->CastTo< LibraryNode >();
            ln->GetInputFiles( fullArgs, pre, post );

        fullArgs += pre;
        fullArgs += n->GetName();
        fullArgs += post;
예제 #2
// GetInputFiles
void ObjectListNode::GetInputFiles( Array< AString > & files ) const
    // only valid to call on ObjectListNode (not LibraryNode)
    ASSERT( GetType() == Node::OBJECT_LIST_NODE );

    files.SetCapacity( files.GetCapacity() + m_DynamicDependencies.GetSize() );
    for ( Dependencies::Iter i = m_DynamicDependencies.Begin();
            i != m_DynamicDependencies.End();
            i++ )
        const Node * n = i->GetNode();
        files.Append( n->GetName() );
예제 #3
// GetInputFiles
void ObjectListNode::GetInputFiles( Args & fullArgs, const AString & pre, const AString & post ) const
    for ( Dependencies::Iter i = m_DynamicDependencies.Begin();
            i != m_DynamicDependencies.End();
            i++ )
        const Node * n = i->GetNode();

        // handle pch files - get path to object
        if ( n->GetType() == Node::OBJECT_NODE )
            // handle pch files - get path to matching object
            const ObjectNode * on = n->CastTo< ObjectNode >();
            if ( on->IsCreatingPCH() )
                if ( on->IsMSVC() )
                    fullArgs += pre;
                    fullArgs += on->GetName();
                    fullArgs += on->GetObjExtension();
                    fullArgs += post;
                    // Clang/GCC/SNC don't have an object to link for a pch

        // extract objects from additional lists
        if ( n->GetType() == Node::OBJECT_LIST_NODE )
            ASSERT( GetType() == Node::LIBRARY_NODE ); // should only be possible for a LibraryNode

            // insert all the objects in the object list
            ObjectListNode * oln = n->CastTo< ObjectListNode >();
            oln->GetInputFiles( fullArgs, pre, post );

        // normal object
        fullArgs += pre;
        fullArgs += n->GetName();
        fullArgs += post;
예제 #4
// GetInputFiles
void LinkerNode::GetInputFiles( Args & fullArgs, const AString & pre, const AString & post ) const
    // (exlude assembly resources from inputs)
    const Dependency * end = m_StaticDependencies.End() - ( m_AssemblyResources.GetSize() + m_OtherLibraries.GetSize() );
    if ( m_LinkerStampExe )
        --end; // LinkerStampExe is not an input used for linking
    for ( Dependencies::Iter i = m_StaticDependencies.Begin();
          i != end;
          i++ )
        Node * n( i->GetNode() );
        GetInputFiles( n, fullArgs, pre, post );
예제 #5
// DoBuild
/*virtual*/ Node::BuildResult AliasNode::DoBuild( Job * UNUSED( job ) )
	const Dependencies::Iter end = m_StaticDependencies.End();
	for ( Dependencies::Iter it = m_StaticDependencies.Begin();
		  it != end;
		  ++it )
		// If any nodes are file nodes ...
		const Node * n = it->GetNode();
		if ( n->GetType() == Node::FILE_NODE )
			// ... and the file is missing ...
			if ( n->GetStamp() == 0 )
				// ... the build should fail
				FLOG_ERROR( "Alias: %s\nFailed due to missing file: %s\n", GetName().Get(), n->GetName().Get() );
				return Node::NODE_RESULT_FAILED;
예제 #6
// GatherDynamicDependencies
/*virtual*/ bool ObjectListNode::GatherDynamicDependencies( NodeGraph & nodeGraph, bool forceClean )
    (void)forceClean; // dynamic deps are always re-added here, so this is meaningless

    // clear dynamic deps from previous passes

#if defined( __WINDOWS__ )
    // On Windows, with MSVC we compile a cpp file to generate the PCH
    // Filter here to ensure that doesn't get compiled twice
    Node * pchCPP = nullptr;
    if ( m_PrecompiledHeader && m_PrecompiledHeader->IsMSVC() )
        pchCPP = m_PrecompiledHeader->GetPrecompiledHeaderCPPFile();

    // if we depend on any directory lists, we need to use them to get our files
    for ( Dependencies::Iter i = m_StaticDependencies.Begin();
            i != m_StaticDependencies.End();
            i++ )
        // is this a dir list?
        if ( i->GetNode()->GetType() == Node::DIRECTORY_LIST_NODE )
            // get the list of files
            DirectoryListNode * dln = i->GetNode()->CastTo< DirectoryListNode >();
            const Array< FileIO::FileInfo > & files = dln->GetFiles();
            m_DynamicDependencies.SetCapacity( m_DynamicDependencies.GetSize() + files.GetSize() );
            for ( Array< FileIO::FileInfo >::Iter fIt = files.Begin();
                    fIt != files.End();
                    fIt++ )
                // Create the file node (or find an existing one)
                Node * n = nodeGraph.FindNode( fIt->m_Name );
                if ( n == nullptr )
                    n = nodeGraph.CreateFileNode( fIt->m_Name );
                else if ( n->IsAFile() == false )
                    FLOG_ERROR( "Library() .CompilerInputFile '%s' is not a FileNode (type: %s)", n->GetName().Get(), n->GetTypeName() );
                    return false;

                // ignore the precompiled header as a convenience for the user
                // so they don't have to exclude it explicitly
#if defined( __WINDOWS__ )
                if ( n == pchCPP )

                // create the object that will compile the above file
                if ( CreateDynamicObjectNode( nodeGraph, n, dln->GetPath() ) == false )
                    return false; // CreateDynamicObjectNode will have emitted error
        else if ( i->GetNode()->GetType() == Node::UNITY_NODE )
            // get the dir list from the unity node
            UnityNode * un = i->GetNode()->CastTo< UnityNode >();

            // unity files
            const Array< AString > & unityFiles = un->GetUnityFileNames();
            for ( Array< AString >::Iter it = unityFiles.Begin();
                    it != unityFiles.End();
                    it++ )
                Node * n = nodeGraph.FindNode( *it );
                if ( n == nullptr )
                    n = nodeGraph.CreateFileNode( *it );
                else if ( n->IsAFile() == false )
                    FLOG_ERROR( "Library() .CompilerInputUnity '%s' is not a FileNode (type: %s)", n->GetName().Get(), n->GetTypeName() );
                    return false;

                // create the object that will compile the above file
                if ( CreateDynamicObjectNode( nodeGraph, n, AString::GetEmpty(), true ) == false )
                    return false; // CreateDynamicObjectNode will have emitted error

            // files from unity to build individually
            const Array< UnityNode::FileAndOrigin > & isolatedFiles = un->GetIsolatedFileNames();
            for ( Array< UnityNode::FileAndOrigin >::Iter it = isolatedFiles.Begin();
                    it != isolatedFiles.End();
                    it++ )
                Node * n = nodeGraph.FindNode( it->GetName() );
                if ( n == nullptr )
                    n = nodeGraph.CreateFileNode( it->GetName() );
                else if ( n->IsAFile() == false )
                    FLOG_ERROR( "Library() Isolated '%s' is not a FileNode (type: %s)", n->GetName().Get(), n->GetTypeName() );
                    return false;

                // create the object that will compile the above file
                const AString & baseDir = it->GetDirListOrigin() ? it->GetDirListOrigin()->GetPath() : AString::GetEmpty();
                if ( CreateDynamicObjectNode( nodeGraph, n, baseDir, false, true ) == false )
                    return false; // CreateDynamicObjectNode will have emitted error
        else if ( i->GetNode()->IsAFile() )
            // a single file, create the object that will compile it
            if ( CreateDynamicObjectNode( nodeGraph, i->GetNode(), AString::GetEmpty() ) == false )
                return false; // CreateDynamicObjectNode will have emitted error
            ASSERT( false ); // unexpected node type

    // If we have a precompiled header, add that to our dynamic deps so that
    // any symbols in the PCH's .obj are also linked, when either:
    // a) we are a static library
    // b) a DLL or executable links our .obj files
    if ( m_PrecompiledHeader )
        m_DynamicDependencies.Append( Dependency( m_PrecompiledHeader ) );

    return true;
예제 #7
// DependOnNode
/*static*/ bool LinkerNode::DependOnNode( const BFFIterator & iter,
                                          const Function * function,
                                          Node * node,
                                          Dependencies & nodes )
    ASSERT( node );

    // a previously declared library?
    if ( node->GetType() == Node::LIBRARY_NODE )
        // can link directly to it
        nodes.Append( Dependency( node ) );
        return true;

    // a previously declared object list?
    if ( node->GetType() == Node::OBJECT_LIST_NODE )
        // can link directly to it
        nodes.Append( Dependency( node ) );
        return true;

    // a dll?
    if ( node->GetType() == Node::DLL_NODE )
        // TODO:B Depend on import lib
        nodes.Append( Dependency( node, true ) ); // NOTE: Weak dependency
        return true;

    // a previously declared external file?
    if ( node->GetType() == Node::FILE_NODE )
        // can link directy against it
        nodes.Append( Dependency( node ) );
        return true;

    // a file copy?
    if ( node->GetType() == Node::COPY_FILE_NODE )
        // depend on copy - will use input at build time
        nodes.Append( Dependency( node ) );
        return true;

    // an external executable?
    if ( node->GetType() == Node::EXEC_NODE )
        // depend on ndoe - will use exe output at build time
        nodes.Append( Dependency( node ) );
        return true;

    // a group (alias)?
    if ( node->GetType() == Node::ALIAS_NODE )
        // handle all targets in alias
        AliasNode * an = node->CastTo< AliasNode >();
        const Dependencies & aliasNodeList = an->GetAliasedNodes();
        const Dependencies::Iter end = aliasNodeList.End();
        for ( Dependencies::Iter it = aliasNodeList.Begin();
              it != end;
              ++it )
            if ( DependOnNode( iter, function, it->GetNode(), nodes ) == false )
                return false; // something went wrong lower down
        return true; // all nodes in group handled ok

    // don't know how to handle this type of node
    Error::Error_1005_UnsupportedNodeType( iter, function, "Libraries", node->GetName(), node->GetType() );
    return false;