예제 #1
int main()
  trace.beginBlock ( "Example distancetransform2D" );

  Z2i::Point a ( 0, 0 );
  Z2i::Point b ( 127, 127);
  //Input image with unsigned char values
  typedef ImageSelector<Z2i::Domain, unsigned int>::Type Image;
  Image image ( a, b );

  //We fill the image with the 128 value
  for ( Image::Iterator it = image.begin(), itend = image.end();it != itend; ++it)
  //We generate 16 seeds with 0 values.

  //Colormap used for the SVG output
  typedef HueShadeColorMap<long int, 2> HueTwice;
  typedef GrayscaleColorMap<unsigned char> Gray;
  //Input shape output
  Board2D board;
  board.setUnit ( LibBoard::Board::UCentimeter );
  image.selfDraw<Gray> ( board , 0, 129);

  typedef  DistanceTransformation<Image, 2> DTL2;
  typedef  DistanceTransformation<Image, 0> DTLInf;
  typedef  DistanceTransformation<Image, 1> DTL1;
  DTL2 dtL2;
  DTLInf dtLinf;
  DTL1 dtL1;
  DTL2::OutputImage resultL2 = dtL2.compute ( image );
  DTLInf::OutputImage resultLinf = dtLinf.compute ( image );
  DTL1::OutputImage resultL1 = dtL1.compute ( image );
  unsigned int maxv=0;
  //We compute the maximum DT value on the Linf map
  for ( DTLInf::OutputImage::ConstIterator it = resultLinf.begin(), itend = resultLinf.end();it != itend; ++it)
    if ( (*it) > maxv)  maxv = (*it);
  unsigned int maxv2=0;
  //We compute the maximum DT value on the L2 map
  for ( DTL2::OutputImage::ConstIterator it = resultL2.begin(), itend = resultL2.end();it != itend; ++it)
    if ( (*it) > maxv2)  maxv2 = (*it);
  unsigned int maxv1=0;
  //We compute the maximum DT value on the L1 map
  for ( DTL1::OutputImage::ConstIterator it = resultL1.begin(), itend = resultL1.end();it != itend; ++it)
    if ( (*it) > maxv1)  maxv1 = (*it);
  trace.warning() << resultL2 << " maxValue= "<<maxv2<< endl;
  resultL2.selfDraw<HueTwice> ( board , 0, maxv2 + 1 );
  board.saveSVG ( "example-DT-L2.svg" );

  trace.warning() << resultL1 << " maxValue= "<<maxv1<< endl;
  resultL1.selfDraw<HueTwice> ( board , 0, maxv1 + 1 );
  board.saveSVG ( "example-DT-L1.svg" );

  trace.warning() << resultLinf << " maxValue= "<<maxv<< endl;
  resultLinf.selfDraw<HueTwice> ( board , 0, maxv + 1 );
  board.saveSVG ( "example-DT-Linf.svg" );

  return 0;
예제 #2
int main()
  trace.beginBlock ( "Example distancetransform2D" );

  //! [DTDef]
  Z2i::Point a ( 0, 0 );
  Z2i::Point b ( 127, 127);
  //Input image with unsigned char values
  typedef ImageSelector<Z2i::Domain, unsigned int>::Type Image;
  Image image ( Z2i::Domain(a, b ));

  //We fill the image with the 128 value
  for ( Image::Iterator it = image.begin(), itend = image.end();it != itend; ++it)
  //We generate 16 seeds with 0 values.
  //! [DTDef]

  //! [DTColormaps]
  //Colormap used for the SVG output
  typedef HueShadeColorMap<long int, 2> HueTwice;
  typedef GrayscaleColorMap<unsigned char> Gray;
  //! [DTColormaps]

  //Input shape output
  Board2D board;
  board.setUnit ( LibBoard::Board::UCentimeter );
  Display2DFactory::drawImage<Gray>(board, image, (unsigned int)0, (unsigned int)129);

  //! [DTPredicate]
  //Point Predicate from random seed image
  typedef SimpleThresholdForegroundPredicate<Image> PointPredicate;
  PointPredicate predicate(image,0);
  //! [DTPredicate]  

  //! [DTCompute]
  typedef  DistanceTransformation<Z2i::Space, PointPredicate, 2> DTL2;
  typedef  DistanceTransformation<Z2i::Space, PointPredicate, 0> DTLInf;
  typedef  DistanceTransformation<Z2i::Space, PointPredicate, 1> DTL1;
  DTL2 dtL2( image.domain(), predicate );
  DTLInf dtLinf(image.domain(), predicate );
  DTL1 dtL1(image.domain(),  predicate );
  DTL2::OutputImage resultL2 = dtL2.compute (  );
  DTLInf::OutputImage resultLinf = dtLinf.compute (  );
  DTL1::OutputImage resultL1 = dtL1.compute (  );
  //! [DTCompute]

  DGtal::int64_t maxv=0;
  //We compute the maximum DT value on the Linf map
  for ( DTLInf::OutputImage::ConstIterator it = resultLinf.begin(), itend = resultLinf.end();it != itend; ++it)
    if ( (*it) > maxv)  maxv = (DGtal::int64_t)(*it);

  DGtal::int64_t maxv2=0;
  //We compute the maximum DT value on the L2 map
  for ( DTL2::OutputImage::ConstIterator it = resultL2.begin(), itend = resultL2.end();it != itend; ++it)
    if ( (*it) > maxv2)  maxv2 = (DGtal::int64_t)(*it);
  DGtal::int64_t maxv1=0;
  //We compute the maximum DT value on the L1 map
  for ( DTL1::OutputImage::ConstIterator it = resultL1.begin(), itend = resultL1.end();it != itend; ++it)
    if ( (*it) > maxv1)  maxv1 = (DGtal::int64_t)(*it);
  trace.warning() << resultL2 << " maxValue= "<<maxv2<< endl;
  Display2DFactory::drawImage<HueTwice>(board, resultL2, (DGtal::int64_t)0, maxv2 + 1);
  board.saveSVG ( "example-DT-L2.svg" );

  trace.warning() << resultL1 << " maxValue= "<<maxv1<< endl;
  Display2DFactory::drawImage<HueTwice>(board, resultL1, (DGtal::int64_t)0, maxv1 + 1);
  board.saveSVG ( "example-DT-L1.svg" );

  trace.warning() << resultLinf << " maxValue= "<<maxv<< endl;
  Display2DFactory::drawImage<HueTwice>(board, resultLinf, (DGtal::int64_t)0, maxv + 1);
  board.saveSVG ( "example-DT-Linf.svg" );

  //We compute the maximum DT value on the L2 map
  for ( unsigned int j=0;j<33;j++)
      for(unsigned int i=0; i<33; i++)
        trace.info()<< resultL2(Z2i::Point(i,j)) << " ";

  return 0;