예제 #1
Eigen::Vector6d FreeJoint::getPositionDifferencesStatic(
    const Eigen::Vector6d& _q2,
    const Eigen::Vector6d& _q1) const
  const Eigen::Isometry3d T1 = convertToTransform(_q1);
  const Eigen::Isometry3d T2 = convertToTransform(_q2);

  return convertToPositions(T1.inverse() * T2);
예제 #2
void RegApp::featuresReferenceHandler(const lcm::ReceiveBuffer* rbuf, const std::string& channel, const  reg::features_t* msg){
  if (registeration_mode_ != 1){ // ignore features if we havent just been asked to track to them

  cout << "\n\ngot reference features @ "<< msg->utime<<"\n";

  // now find the corresponding image and pair it
  bool feat_image_matched_ = false;
  for(int i=0; i < image_queue_->size(); i++){
    //cout << image_queue_->at(i).utime << " " << i << "\n";
    if (msg->utime == image_queue_->at(i).utime){
      cur_features_ = getFeaturesFromLCM(msg,cur_pose_);
      cur_image_ = image_queue_->at(i);
      cout << "image and features matched: " << i << " " << image_queue_->at(i).utime << " ("<< cur_features_.size()<<"f)\n"; 
      feat_image_matched_ = true;

  if (!feat_image_matched_){
     cout <<"didn't find a matching reference image - make image deque bigger\n";

  ref_features_ = cur_features_;
  ref_image_ = cur_image_;
  ref_pose_ = cur_pose_;

  // set the reference image
  cout << "Will now register to " << ref_features_.size() << " features\n";
  // Send the pose we will try to register back to:
  Isometry3dTime ref_poseT = Isometry3dTime(ref_image_.utime, ref_pose_);
  pc_vis_->pose_to_lcm_from_list(70000, ref_poseT);

  deque_to_cloud(laser_queue_, botframes_, accum_cloud);

  Isometry3dTime null_poseT = Isometry3dTime(ref_image_.utime, Eigen::Isometry3d::Identity()  );
  pc_vis_->pose_to_lcm_from_list(70001, null_poseT);
  pc_vis_->ptcld_to_lcm_from_list(70002, *accum_cloud, ref_image_.utime, ref_image_.utime);

  std::stringstream ss2;
  print_Isometry3d(ref_pose_, ss2);
  std::cout << "Received refpose: " << ss2.str() << "\n";

  Eigen::Isometry3f pose_f = ref_pose_.inverse().cast<float>();
  Eigen::Quaternionf pose_quat(pose_f.rotation());
  pcl::transformPointCloud (*accum_cloud, *accum_cloud,
      pose_f.translation(), pose_quat); // !! modifies accum_cloud
  pc_vis_->ptcld_to_lcm_from_list(70003, *accum_cloud, ref_image_.utime, ref_image_.utime);

  registeration_mode_ = 2;
예제 #3
void foot_contact_classify::determineContactPoints(int64_t utime, Eigen::Isometry3d primary_foot, Eigen::Isometry3d secondary_foot){
  // Currently Deprecated to remove PCL dependency

  bool success =false;

  // use primary and secondary foot to determine plane that CPs are one
  Isometry3dTime null_pose = Isometry3dTime(utime, Eigen::Isometry3d::Identity() );
  pc_vis_->pose_to_lcm_from_list(2001, null_pose);

  // Determine moving contact points in stationary foot's sole frame:
  // I define the sole frame as a frame directly below the foot frame on the sole
  pronto::PointCloud* cp_moving(new pronto::PointCloud ());
  Eigen::Isometry3d foot_to_foot =  primary_foot.inverse() * secondary_foot * foot_to_sole_;
  pc_vis_->transformPointCloud(*contact_points_, *cp_moving, Eigen::Affine3f ( foot_to_foot.cast<float>() ) );
  pc_vis_->ptcld_to_lcm_from_list(2004, *cp_moving, utime, utime); // this is visualised relative to 0,0,0
  if (cp_moving_prev_->points.size() != 4){
    std::cout << "Previous contact points not four - we have a problem\n";
    success = false;

    int n_points_in_contact = 0;
    for (size_t i=0; i < 4 ; i++){
      pronto::Point cp = cp_moving->points[i];
      pronto::Point cp_prev = cp_moving_prev_->points[i];

      double raise = fabs(cp.z);

      if ( raise < 0.02){
        //std::cout <<utime << " "<< raise << " " << (int)i << " cp in contact\n";
        //std::cout <<utime << " "<< raise << " " << (int)i << " cp NOT in contact\n";

    if (n_points_in_contact >0){
      std::cout << utime << " " << n_points_in_contact << "\n";

    success = true;

  cp_moving_prev_ = cp_moving;

  // determine the velocity of the SF CPs onto the PFCP plane
  // infer the time to contact by differencing

  // If the distance of the foot to the plane is less than a certain amount
  // and the time to contact is less than a certain amount
  // then contact is likely
예제 #4
  void EdgeSE3Offset::initialEstimate(const OptimizableGraph::VertexSet& from_, OptimizableGraph::Vertex* /*to_*/) {
    VertexSE3 *from = static_cast<VertexSE3*>(_vertices[0]);
    VertexSE3 *to   = static_cast<VertexSE3*>(_vertices[1]);

    Eigen::Isometry3d virtualMeasurement = _cacheFrom->offsetParam()->offset() * measurement() * _cacheTo->offsetParam()->offset().inverse();
    if (from_.count(from) > 0) {
      to->setEstimate(from->estimate() * virtualMeasurement);
    } else
      from->setEstimate(to->estimate() * virtualMeasurement.inverse());
예제 #5
const Eigen::Matrix3d CMiniVisionToolbox::getEssential( const Eigen::Isometry3d& p_matTransformationFrom, const Eigen::Isometry3d& p_matTransformationTo )
    //ds compute essential matrix: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Essential_matrix TODO check math!
    const Eigen::Isometry3d matTransformation( p_matTransformationTo.inverse( )*p_matTransformationFrom );
    //const Eigen::Isometry3d matTransformation( p_matTransformationFrom.inverse( )*p_matTransformationTo );
    //const Eigen::Isometry3d matTransformation( p_matTransformationTo*p_matTransformationFrom.inverse( ) );
    const Eigen::Matrix3d matSkewTranslation( CMiniVisionToolbox::getSkew( matTransformation.translation( ) ) );

    //ds compute essential matrix
    return matTransformation.linear( )*matSkewTranslation;
예제 #6
const double CMiniVisionToolbox::getTransformationDelta( const Eigen::Isometry3d& p_matTransformationFrom, const Eigen::Isometry3d& p_matTransformationTo )
    //ds compute pose change
    const Eigen::Isometry3d matTransformChange( p_matTransformationTo*p_matTransformationFrom.inverse( ) );

    //ds check point
    const Eigen::Vector4d vecSamplePoint( 40.2, -1.25, 2.5, 1.0 );
    double dNorm( vecSamplePoint.norm( ) );
    const Eigen::Vector4d vecDifference( vecSamplePoint-matTransformChange*vecSamplePoint );
    dNorm = ( dNorm + vecDifference.norm( ) )/2;

    //ds return norm
    return ( std::fabs( vecDifference(0) ) + std::fabs( vecDifference(1) ) + std::fabs( vecDifference(2) ) )/dNorm;
예제 #7
파일: BodyNode.cpp 프로젝트: scpeters/dart
double BodyNode::TransformObjFunc::eval(Eigen::Map<const Eigen::VectorXd>& _x)
  assert(mBodyNode->getParentJoint()->getNumGenCoords() == _x.size());

  // Update forward kinematics information with _x
  // We are just insterested in transformation of mBodyNode
  mBodyNode->getParentJoint()->setConfigs(_x, true, false, false);

  // Compute and return the geometric distance between body node transformation
  // and target transformation
  Eigen::Isometry3d bodyT = mBodyNode->getWorldTransform();
  Eigen::Vector6d dist = math::logMap(bodyT.inverse() * mT);
  return dist.dot(dist);
예제 #8
  void computeProjectiveTransform()
    // y points downward in the image, upward in real world.
    // same for z.
    Eigen::Isometry3d to_opencv = Eigen::Isometry3d::Identity();
    to_opencv(1,1) = to_opencv(2,2) = -1;

    Eigen::Projective3d projection = Eigen::Projective3d::Identity();
    if (iface->isOrthographic())
      projection(2,2) = 0;
      projection(2,3) = 1;

    Eigen::Isometry3d intrinsics = intrinsicsTransform();
    inv_camera_transform = camera_transform.inverse();

    project_transform = intrinsics * projection * to_opencv * camera_transform;
    inv_project_transform = project_transform.inverse();
예제 #9
int GraphicEnd::run()
    _present.planes = extractPlanesAndGenerateImage( _currCloud, _currRGB, _currDep );
    //_present.planes = extractPlanes( _currCloud );
    //generateImageOnPlane( _currRGB, _present.planes, _currDep );

    for ( size_t i=0; i<_present.planes.size(); i++ )
        _present.planes[i].kp = extractKeypoints( _present.planes[i].image );
        _present.planes[i].desp = extractDescriptor( _currRGB, _present.planes[i].kp );
        compute3dPosition( _present.planes[i], _currDep);

    // 求解present到current的变换矩阵
    RESULT_OF_MULTIPNP result = multiPnP( _currKF.planes, _present.planes );
    Eigen::Isometry3d T = result.T;
    T = T.inverse();  //好像是反着的
    // 如果平移和旋转超过一个阈值,则定义新的关键帧
    if ( T.matrix() == Eigen::Isometry3d::Identity().matrix() )
        cout<<BOLDRED"This frame lost"<<RESET<<endl;
    else if (result.norm > _max_pos_change)
        _robot = T * _kf_pos;
        if (_loop_closure_detection == true)
        _lost = 0;
        _robot = T * _kf_pos;
        _lost = 0;
    if (_lost > _lost_frames)
        cerr<<"the robot lost. Perform lost recovery."<<endl;

    cout<<RED<<"key frame size = "<<_keyframes.size()<<RESET<<endl;
    _index ++;
    if (_use_odometry)
        _odo_this = _odometry[ _index-1 ];

    return 1;
예제 #10
파일: testGeometry.cpp 프로젝트: hungl/dart
    int numTest = 100;

    // AdT(V) == T * V * InvT
    for (int i = 0; i < numTest; ++i)
        Eigen::Vector6d t = Eigen::Vector6d::Random();
        Eigen::Isometry3d T = math::expMap(t);
        Eigen::Vector6d V = Eigen::Vector6d::Random();

        Eigen::Vector6d AdTV = AdT(T, V);

        // Ad(T, V) = T * [V] * InvT
        Eigen::Matrix4d T_V_InvT = T.matrix() * toMatrixForm(V) * T.inverse().matrix();
        Eigen::Vector6d T_V_InvT_se3 = fromMatrixForm(T_V_InvT);

        for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
            EXPECT_NEAR(AdTV(j), T_V_InvT_se3(j), LIE_GROUP_OPT_TOL);

        // Ad(T, V) = [R 0; [p]R R] * V
        Eigen::Matrix6d AdTMatrix = Eigen::Matrix6d::Zero();
        AdTMatrix.topLeftCorner<3,3>() = T.linear();
        AdTMatrix.bottomRightCorner<3,3>() = T.linear();
        AdTMatrix.bottomLeftCorner<3,3>() = math::makeSkewSymmetric(T.translation()) * T.linear();
        Eigen::Vector6d AdTMatrix_V = AdTMatrix * V;
        for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
            EXPECT_NEAR(AdTV(j), AdTMatrix_V(j), LIE_GROUP_OPT_TOL);

    // AdR == AdT([R 0; 0 1], V)
    for (int i = 0; i < numTest; ++i)
        Eigen::Vector6d t = Eigen::Vector6d::Random();
        Eigen::Isometry3d T = math::expMap(t);
        Eigen::Isometry3d R = Eigen::Isometry3d::Identity();
        R = T.linear();
        Eigen::Vector6d V = Eigen::Vector6d::Random();

        Eigen::Vector6d AdTV = AdT(R, V);
        Eigen::Vector6d AdRV = AdR(T, V);

        for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
            EXPECT_NEAR(AdTV(j), AdRV(j), LIE_GROUP_OPT_TOL);

    // AdTAngular == AdT(T, se3(w, 0))
    for (int i = 0; i < numTest; ++i)
        Eigen::Vector6d t = Eigen::Vector6d::Random();
        Eigen::Isometry3d T = math::expMap(t);
        Eigen::Vector3d w = Eigen::Vector3d::Random();
        Eigen::Vector6d V = Eigen::Vector6d::Zero();
        V.head<3>() = w;

        Eigen::Vector6d AdTV = AdT(T, V);
        Eigen::Vector6d AdTAng = AdTAngular(T, w);

        for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
            EXPECT_NEAR(AdTV(j), AdTAng(j), LIE_GROUP_OPT_TOL);

    // AdTLinear == AdT(T, se3(w, 0))
    for (int i = 0; i < numTest; ++i)
        Eigen::Vector6d t = Eigen::Vector6d::Random();
        Eigen::Isometry3d T = math::expMap(t);
        Eigen::Vector3d v = Eigen::Vector3d::Random();
        Eigen::Vector6d V = Eigen::Vector6d::Zero();
        V.tail<3>() = v;

        Eigen::Vector6d AdTV = AdT(T, V);
        Eigen::Vector6d AdTLin = AdTLinear(T, v);

        for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
            EXPECT_NEAR(AdTV(j), AdTLin(j), LIE_GROUP_OPT_TOL);

    // AdTJac
    for (int i = 0; i < numTest; ++i)
        Eigen::Vector6d t = Eigen::Vector6d::Random();
        Eigen::Isometry3d T = math::expMap(t);
        Eigen::Vector3d v = Eigen::Vector3d::Random();
        Eigen::Vector6d V = Eigen::Vector6d::Zero();
        V.tail<3>() = v;

        Eigen::Vector6d AdTV = AdT(T, V);
        Eigen::Vector6d AdTLin = AdTLinear(T, v);

        for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
            EXPECT_NEAR(AdTV(j), AdTLin(j), LIE_GROUP_OPT_TOL);

    // AdInvT
    for (int i = 0; i < numTest; ++i)
        Eigen::Vector6d t = Eigen::Vector6d::Random();
        Eigen::Isometry3d T = math::expMap(t);
        Eigen::Isometry3d InvT = T.inverse();
        Eigen::Vector6d V = Eigen::Vector6d::Random();

        Eigen::Vector6d Ad_InvT = AdT(InvT, V);
        Eigen::Vector6d AdInv_T = AdInvT(T, V);

        for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
            EXPECT_NEAR(Ad_InvT(j), AdInv_T(j), LIE_GROUP_OPT_TOL);

    // AdInvRLinear
    for (int i = 0; i < numTest; ++i)
        Eigen::Vector6d t = Eigen::Vector6d::Random();
        Eigen::Isometry3d T = math::expMap(t);
        Eigen::Vector3d v = Eigen::Vector3d::Random();
        Eigen::Vector6d V = Eigen::Vector6d::Zero();
        V.tail<3>() = v;
        Eigen::Isometry3d R = Eigen::Isometry3d::Identity();
        R = T.linear();

        Eigen::Vector6d AdT_ = AdT(R.inverse(), V);
        Eigen::Vector6d AdInvRLinear_ = AdInvRLinear(T, v);

        for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
            EXPECT_NEAR(AdT_(j), AdInvRLinear_(j), LIE_GROUP_OPT_TOL);

    // dAdT
    for (int i = 0; i < numTest; ++i)
        Eigen::Vector6d t = Eigen::Vector6d::Random();
        Eigen::Isometry3d T = math::expMap(t);
        Eigen::Vector6d F = Eigen::Vector6d::Random();

        Eigen::Vector6d dAdTF = dAdT(T, F);

        // dAd(T, F) = [R 0; [p]R R]^T * F
        Eigen::Matrix6d AdTMatrix = Eigen::Matrix6d::Zero();
        AdTMatrix.topLeftCorner<3,3>() = T.linear();
        AdTMatrix.bottomRightCorner<3,3>() = T.linear();
        AdTMatrix.bottomLeftCorner<3,3>() = math::makeSkewSymmetric(T.translation()) * T.linear();
        Eigen::Vector6d AdTTransMatrix_V = AdTMatrix.transpose() * F;
        for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
            EXPECT_NEAR(dAdTF(j), AdTTransMatrix_V(j), LIE_GROUP_OPT_TOL);

    // dAdInvT
    for (int i = 0; i < numTest; ++i)
        Eigen::Vector6d t = Eigen::Vector6d::Random();
        Eigen::Isometry3d T = math::expMap(t);
        Eigen::Isometry3d InvT = T.inverse();
        Eigen::Vector6d F = Eigen::Vector6d::Random();

        Eigen::Vector6d dAdInvT_F = dAdInvT(T, F);

        Eigen::Vector6d dAd_InvTF = dAdT(InvT, F);

        for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
            EXPECT_NEAR(dAdInvT_F(j), dAd_InvTF(j), LIE_GROUP_OPT_TOL);

        // dAd(T, F) = [R 0; [p]R R]^T * F
        Eigen::Matrix6d AdInvTMatrix = Eigen::Matrix6d::Zero();
        AdInvTMatrix.topLeftCorner<3,3>() = InvT.linear();
        AdInvTMatrix.bottomRightCorner<3,3>() = InvT.linear();
        AdInvTMatrix.bottomLeftCorner<3,3>() = math::makeSkewSymmetric(InvT.translation()) * InvT.linear();
        Eigen::Vector6d AdInvTTransMatrix_V = AdInvTMatrix.transpose() * F;
        for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
            EXPECT_NEAR(dAdInvT_F(j), AdInvTTransMatrix_V(j), LIE_GROUP_OPT_TOL);

    // dAdInvR
    for (int i = 0; i < numTest; ++i)
        Eigen::Vector6d t = Eigen::Vector6d::Random();
        Eigen::Isometry3d T = math::expMap(t);
        Eigen::Isometry3d InvT = T.inverse();
        Eigen::Isometry3d InvR = Eigen::Isometry3d::Identity();
        InvR = InvT.linear();
        Eigen::Vector6d F = Eigen::Vector6d::Random();

        Eigen::Vector6d dAdInvR_F = dAdInvR(T, F);

        Eigen::Vector6d dAd_InvTF = dAdT(InvR, F);

        for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
            EXPECT_NEAR(dAdInvR_F(j), dAd_InvTF(j), LIE_GROUP_OPT_TOL);

    // ad
    for (int i = 0; i < numTest; ++i)
        Eigen::Vector6d V = Eigen::Vector6d::Random();
        Eigen::Vector6d W = Eigen::Vector6d::Random();

        Eigen::Vector6d ad_V_W = ad(V, W);

        Eigen::Matrix6d adV_Matrix = Eigen::Matrix6d::Zero();
        adV_Matrix.topLeftCorner<3,3>() = math::makeSkewSymmetric(V.head<3>());
        adV_Matrix.bottomRightCorner<3,3>() = math::makeSkewSymmetric(V.head<3>());
        adV_Matrix.bottomLeftCorner<3,3>() = math::makeSkewSymmetric(V.tail<3>());
        Eigen::Vector6d adV_Matrix_W = adV_Matrix * W;

        for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
            EXPECT_NEAR(ad_V_W(j), adV_Matrix_W(j), LIE_GROUP_OPT_TOL);

    // dad
    for (int i = 0; i < numTest; ++i)
        Eigen::Vector6d V = Eigen::Vector6d::Random();
        Eigen::Vector6d F = Eigen::Vector6d::Random();

        Eigen::Vector6d dad_V_F = dad(V, F);

        Eigen::Matrix6d dadV_Matrix = Eigen::Matrix6d::Zero();
        dadV_Matrix.topLeftCorner<3,3>() = math::makeSkewSymmetric(V.head<3>());
        dadV_Matrix.bottomRightCorner<3,3>() = math::makeSkewSymmetric(V.head<3>());
        dadV_Matrix.bottomLeftCorner<3,3>() = math::makeSkewSymmetric(V.tail<3>());
        Eigen::Vector6d dadV_Matrix_F= dadV_Matrix.transpose() * F;

        for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
            EXPECT_NEAR(dad_V_F(j), dadV_Matrix_F(j), LIE_GROUP_OPT_TOL);
예제 #11
파일: DARTCollide.cpp 프로젝트: dtbinh/dart
int collideSphereBox(const double& r0, const Eigen::Isometry3d& T0,
                     const Eigen::Vector3d& size1, const Eigen::Isometry3d& T1,
                     std::vector<Contact>* result)
  Eigen::Vector3d size = 0.5 * size1;
  bool inside_box = true;

  // clipping a center of the sphere to a boundary of the box
  Eigen::Vector3d c0 = T0.translation();
  Eigen::Vector3d p = T1.inverse() * c0;

  if (p[0] < -size[0]) { p[0] = -size[0]; inside_box = false; }
  if (p[0] >  size[0]) { p[0] =  size[0]; inside_box = false; }

  if (p[1] < -size[1]) { p[1] = -size[1]; inside_box = false; }
  if (p[1] >  size[1]) { p[1] =  size[1]; inside_box = false; }

  if (p[2] < -size[2]) { p[2] = -size[2]; inside_box = false; }
  if (p[2] >  size[2]) { p[2] =  size[2]; inside_box = false; }

  Eigen::Vector3d normal(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
  double penetration;

  if ( inside_box )
    // find nearest side from the sphere center
    double min = size[0] - std::abs(p[0]);
    double tmin = size[1] - std::abs(p[1]);
    int idx = 0;

    if ( tmin < min )
      min = tmin;
      idx = 1;
    tmin = size[2] - std::abs(p[2]);
    if ( tmin < min )
      min = tmin;
      idx = 2;

    normal[idx] = (p[idx] > 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0);
    normal = T1.linear() * normal;
    penetration = min + r0;

    Contact contact;
    contact.point = c0;
    contact.normal = normal;
    contact.penetrationDepth = penetration;
    return 1;

  Eigen::Vector3d contactpt = T1 * p;
  normal = c0 - contactpt;
  double mag = normal.norm();
  penetration = r0 - mag;

  if (penetration < 0.0)
    return 0;

    normal *= (1.0/mag);

    Contact contact;
    contact.point = contactpt;
    contact.normal = normal;
    contact.penetrationDepth = penetration;
    double min = size[0] - std::abs(p[0]);
    double tmin = size[1] - std::abs(p[1]);
    int idx = 0;

    if ( tmin < min )
      min = tmin;
      idx = 1;
    tmin = size[2] - std::abs(p[2]);
    if ( tmin < min )
      min = tmin;
      idx = 2;
    normal[idx] = (p[idx] > 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0);
    normal = T1.linear() * normal;

    Contact contact;
    contact.point = contactpt;
    contact.normal = normal;
    contact.penetrationDepth = penetration;
  return 1;
예제 #12
파일: DARTCollide.cpp 프로젝트: dtbinh/dart
int collideCylinderPlane(const double& cyl_rad, const double& half_height, const Eigen::Isometry3d& T0,
                         const Eigen::Vector3d& plane_normal, const Eigen::Isometry3d& T1,
                         std::vector<Contact>* result)
  Eigen::Vector3d normal = T1.linear() * plane_normal;
  Eigen::Vector3d Rx = T0.linear().rightCols(1);
  Eigen::Vector3d Ry = normal - normal.dot(Rx) * Rx;
  double mag = Ry.norm();
    if (std::abs(Rx[2]) > 1.0 - DART_COLLISION_EPS)
      Ry = Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX();
      Ry = (Eigen::Vector3d(Rx[1], -Rx[0], 0.0)).normalized();

  Eigen::Vector3d Rz = Rx.cross(Ry);
  Eigen::Isometry3d T;
  T.linear().col(0) = Rx;
  T.linear().col(1) = Ry;
  T.linear().col(2) = Rz;
  T.translation() = T0.translation();

  Eigen::Vector3d nn = T.linear().transpose() * normal;
  Eigen::Vector3d pn = T.inverse() * T1.translation();

  // four corners c0 = ( -h/2, -r ), c1 = ( +h/2, -r ), c2 = ( +h/2, +r ), c3 = ( -h/2, +r )
  Eigen::Vector3d c[4] = {
    Eigen::Vector3d(-half_height, -cyl_rad, 0.0),
    Eigen::Vector3d(+half_height, -cyl_rad, 0.0),
    Eigen::Vector3d(+half_height, +cyl_rad, 0.0),
    Eigen::Vector3d(-half_height, +cyl_rad, 0.0) };

  double depth[4] = { (pn - c[0]).dot(nn), (pn - c[1]).dot(nn), (pn - c[2]).dot(nn), (pn - c[3]).dot(nn) };

  double penetration = -1.0;
  int found = -1;
  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    if (depth[i] > penetration)
      penetration = depth[i];
      found = i;

  Eigen::Vector3d point;

  if (std::abs(depth[found] - depth[(found+1)%4]) < DART_COLLISION_EPS)
    point = T * (0.5 * (c[found] + c[(found+1)%4]));
  else if (std::abs(depth[found] - depth[(found+3)%4]) < DART_COLLISION_EPS)
    point = T * (0.5 * (c[found] + c[(found+3)%4]));
    point = T * c[found];

  if (penetration > 0.0)
    Contact contact;
    contact.point = point;
    contact.normal = normal;
    contact.penetrationDepth = penetration;
    return 1;

  return 0;
예제 #13
파일: DARTCollide.cpp 프로젝트: dtbinh/dart
int collideCylinderSphere(const double& cyl_rad, const double& half_height, const Eigen::Isometry3d& T0,
                          const double& sphere_rad, const Eigen::Isometry3d& T1,
                          std::vector<Contact>* result)
  Eigen::Vector3d center = T0.inverse() * T1.translation();

  double dist = sqrt(center[0] * center[0] + center[1] * center[1]);

  if ( dist < cyl_rad && std::abs(center[2]) < half_height + sphere_rad )
    Contact contact;
    contact.penetrationDepth = 0.5 * (half_height + sphere_rad - math::sgn(center[2]) * center[2]);
    contact.point = T0 * Eigen::Vector3d(center[0], center[1], half_height - contact.penetrationDepth);
    contact.normal = T0.linear() * Eigen::Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, math::sgn(center[2]));
    return 1;
    double penetration = 0.5 * (cyl_rad + sphere_rad - dist);
    if ( penetration > 0.0 )
      if ( std::abs(center[2]) > half_height )
        Eigen::Vector3d point = (Eigen::Vector3d(center[0], center[1], 0.0).normalized());
        point *= cyl_rad;
        point[2] = math::sgn(center[2]) * half_height;
        Eigen::Vector3d normal = point - center;
        penetration = sphere_rad - normal.norm();
        normal = (T0.linear() * normal).normalized();
        point = T0 * point;

        if (penetration > 0.0)
          Contact contact;
          contact.point = point;
          contact.normal = normal;
          contact.penetrationDepth = penetration;
          return 1;
      else // if( center[2] >= -half_height && center[2] <= half_height )
        Eigen::Vector3d point = (Eigen::Vector3d(center[0], center[1], 0.0)).normalized();
        Eigen::Vector3d normal = -(T0.linear() * point);
        point *= (cyl_rad - penetration);
        point[2] = center[2];
        point = T0 * point;

        Contact contact;
        contact.point = point;
        contact.normal = normal;
        contact.penetrationDepth = penetration;
        return 1;
  return 0;
예제 #14
void GraphicEnd::loopClosure()
    if (_keyframes.size() <= 3 )  //小于3时,回环没有意义
    cout<<"Checking loop closure."<<endl;
    vector<int> checked;
    SparseOptimizer& opt = _pSLAMEnd->globalOptimizer;

    for (int i=-3; i>-5; i--)
        int n = _keyframes.size() + i;
        if (n>=0)
            vector<PLANE>& p1 = _keyframes[n].planes;
            Eigen::Isometry3d T = multiPnP( p1, _currKF.planes ).T;
            if (T.matrix() == Eigen::Isometry3d::Identity().matrix()) //匹配不上
            T = T.inverse();
            EdgeSE3* edge = new EdgeSE3();
            edge->vertices() [0] = opt.vertex( _keyframes[n].id );
            edge->vertices() [1] = opt.vertex( _currKF.id );
            Eigen::Matrix<double, 6,6> information = Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6>::Identity();
            information(0, 0) = information(2,2) = 100; 
            information(1,1) = 100;
            information(3,3) = information(4,4) = information(5,5) = 100; 
            edge->setInformation( information );
            edge->setMeasurement( T );
            edge->setRobustKernel( _pSLAMEnd->_robustKernel );
            opt.addEdge( edge );
    cout<<"checking seeds, seed.size()"<<_seed.size()<<endl;
    vector<int> newseed;
    for (size_t i=0; i<_seed.size(); i++)
        vector<PLANE>& p1 = _keyframes[_seed[i]].planes;
        Eigen::Isometry3d T = multiPnP( p1, _currKF.planes ).T;
        if (T.matrix() == Eigen::Isometry3d::Identity().matrix()) //匹配不上
        T = T.inverse();
        checked.push_back( _seed[i] );
        newseed.push_back( _seed[i] );
        EdgeSE3* edge = new EdgeSE3();
        edge->vertices() [0] = opt.vertex( _keyframes[_seed[i]].id );
        edge->vertices() [1] = opt.vertex( _currKF.id );
        Eigen::Matrix<double, 6,6> information = Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6>::Identity();
        information(0, 0) = information(2,2) = 100; 
        information(1,1) = 100;
        information(3,3) = information(4,4) = information(5,5) = 100; 
        edge->setInformation( information );
        edge->setMeasurement( T );
        edge->setRobustKernel( _pSLAMEnd->_robustKernel );
        opt.addEdge( edge );

    cout<<"checking random frames"<<endl;
    for (int i=0; i<_loopclosure_frames; i++)
        int frame = rand() % (_keyframes.size() -3 ); //随机在过去的帧中取一帧
        if ( find(checked.begin(), checked.end(), frame) != checked.end() ) //之前已检查过
        checked.push_back( frame );
        vector<PLANE>& p1 = _keyframes[frame].planes;
        RESULT_OF_MULTIPNP result = multiPnP( p1, _currKF.planes, true, _keyframes[frame].frame_index, 20 );
        Eigen::Isometry3d T = result.T;
        if (T.matrix() == Eigen::Isometry3d::Identity().matrix()) //匹配不上
        T = T.inverse();
        displayLC( _keyframes[frame].frame_index, _currKF.frame_index, result.norm);
        newseed.push_back( frame );
        cout<<BOLDBLUE<<"find a loop closure between kf "<<_currKF.id<<" and kf "<<frame<<RESET<<endl;
        EdgeSE3* edge = new EdgeSE3();
        edge->vertices() [0] = opt.vertex( _keyframes[frame].id );
        edge->vertices() [1] = opt.vertex( _currKF.id );
        Eigen::Matrix<double, 6,6> information = Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6>::Identity();
        information(0, 0) = information(2,2) = 100; 
        information(1,1) = 100;
        information(3,3) = information(4,4) = information(5,5) = 100; 
        edge->setInformation( information );
        edge->setMeasurement( T );
        edge->setRobustKernel( _pSLAMEnd->_robustKernel );
        opt.addEdge( edge );

    _seed = newseed;
예제 #15
int	collideBoxSphere(CollisionObject* o1, CollisionObject* o2,
                     const Eigen::Vector3d& size0, const Eigen::Isometry3d& T0,
                     const double& r1, const Eigen::Isometry3d& T1,
                     CollisionResult& result)
  Eigen::Vector3d halfSize = 0.5 * size0;
  bool inside_box = true;

  // clipping a center of the sphere to a boundary of the box
  //Vec3 c0(&T0[9]);
  Eigen::Vector3d c0 = T1.translation();
  Eigen::Vector3d p = T0.inverse() * c0;

  if (p[0] < -halfSize[0]) { p[0] = -halfSize[0]; inside_box = false; }
  if (p[0] >  halfSize[0]) { p[0] =  halfSize[0]; inside_box = false; }

  if (p[1] < -halfSize[1]) { p[1] = -halfSize[1]; inside_box = false; }
  if (p[1] >  halfSize[1]) { p[1] =  halfSize[1]; inside_box = false; }

  if (p[2] < -halfSize[2]) { p[2] = -halfSize[2]; inside_box = false; }
  if (p[2] >  halfSize[2]) { p[2] =  halfSize[2]; inside_box = false; }

  Eigen::Vector3d normal(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
  double penetration;

  if ( inside_box )
    // find nearest side from the sphere center
    double min = halfSize[0] - std::abs(p[0]);
    double tmin = halfSize[1] - std::abs(p[1]);
    int idx = 0;

    if ( tmin < min )
      min = tmin;
      idx = 1;
    tmin = halfSize[2] - std::abs(p[2]);
    if ( tmin < min )
      min = tmin;
      idx = 2;

    //normal[idx] = (p[idx] > 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0);
    normal[idx] = (p[idx] > 0.0 ? -1.0 : 1.0);
    normal = T0.linear() * normal;
    penetration = min + r1;

    Contact contact;
    contact.collisionObject1 = o1;
    contact.collisionObject2 = o2;
    contact.point = c0;
    contact.normal = normal;
    contact.penetrationDepth = penetration;
    return 1;

  Eigen::Vector3d contactpt = T0 * p;
  //normal = c0 - contactpt;
  normal = contactpt - c0;
  double mag = normal.norm();
  penetration = r1 - mag;

  if (penetration < 0.0)
    return 0;

    normal *= (1.0/mag);

    Contact contact;
    contact.collisionObject1 = o1;
    contact.collisionObject2 = o2;
    contact.point = contactpt;
    contact.normal = normal;
    contact.penetrationDepth = penetration;
    double min = halfSize[0] - std::abs(p[0]);
    double tmin = halfSize[1] - std::abs(p[1]);
    int idx = 0;

    if ( tmin < min )
      min = tmin;
      idx = 1;
    tmin = halfSize[2] - std::abs(p[2]);
    if ( tmin < min )
      min = tmin;
      idx = 2;
    //normal[idx] = (p[idx] > 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0);
    normal[idx] = (p[idx] > 0.0 ? -1.0 : 1.0);
    normal = T0.linear() * normal;

    Contact contact;
    contact.collisionObject1 = o1;
    contact.collisionObject2 = o2;
    contact.point = contactpt;
    contact.normal = normal;
    contact.penetrationDepth = penetration;
  return 1;
예제 #16
void writeQueue() {
  SensorData* data;
  std::ofstream ofG2O(&filename[0]);
  geometry_msgs::TransformStamped msg;
  int num = 0;

  // this is the vertex where we are packing the data
  g2o::VertexSE3* activeVertex = 0;
  // this is the timestamp of the first measurement added to the vertex
  double activeVertexTime=0;

  // this is the previous vertex
  g2o::VertexSE3* previousVertex = 0;
  // this is the timestamp of the first measurement added to the previous vertex
  double previousVertexTime=0;

  // the last position of the robot (not of the vertex, needed to measure the distances)
  Eigen::Isometry3d lastRobotPose;

  // set of sensors we packed in the current data. 
  // We do not want to put 10 camera images of the same camera in the same vertex.
  std::set<Sensor*> addedSensors;

  Eigen::Vector2d distances(0.,0);
  while (true)
    if(! _queue.empty())
      data = (SensorData*)_queue.front();
      double timeNow = _queue.lastElementTime();
      conditionalPrint(annoyingLevel) <<  "size=" << _queue.size() << " lastTime=" << FIXED(timeNow) << endl;
      if (timeNow - data->timeStamp()> initialDelay)
      { // we have enough stuff in the queue
	if (! nptr->ok())
	tf::StampedTransform transform;
	bool we_got_transf = false;
	  ros::Time timeStamp;
	  // Get transformation
	  (*tfListener).lookupTransform("/odom", "/base_link", timeStamp.fromSec(data->timeStamp()), transform);
	  we_got_transf = true;
	catch (tf::TransformException & ex)
	  ROS_ERROR("%s", ex.what());

	if (! we_got_transf)
	Eigen::Isometry3d currentRobotPose = fromStampedTransform(transform);
	double currentDataTime = data->timeStamp();
	distances += isometry2distance(lastRobotPose.inverse()*currentRobotPose);
	double passedTime = currentDataTime-previousVertexTime;
	lastRobotPose = currentRobotPose;

	conditionalPrint(annoyingLevel) << "distances: " << distances[0] << " " << distances[1] <<  " " << passedTime << endl;
	if (distances[0] < minDistances[0] && 
	    distances[1] < minDistances[1] && 
	    passedTime   < minTime){
	  conditionalPrint(annoyingLevel) << "reject: (time/distance)" << endl;
	  delete data;
	  data = 0;

	if (!activeVertex) {
	  activeVertex = new g2o::VertexSE3();
	  activeVertexTime = currentDataTime;
	Sensor* sensor = data->sensor();
	assert (sensor && "!");
	// check if we already packed the data for this kind of sensor
	if (addedSensors.count(sensor)){
	  conditionalPrint(annoyingLevel) << "reject: (sensor) "<< endl;
	  delete data;
	} else {
	  Parameter* parameter = sensor->parameter();
	  assert (parameter && "!@#");
	  if (! graph->parameters().getParameter(parameter->id())){
	    graph->saveParameter(ofG2O, parameter);
	// detach the data from the thing
	data = 0;

	if (currentDataTime - activeVertexTime > vertexTimeWindow) {
	  conditionalPrint(annoyingLevel) << "flush" << endl;
	  graph->saveVertex(ofG2O, activeVertex);
	  if (previousVertex) {
	    EdgeSE3* e = new EdgeSE3();
	    e->setVertex(0, previousVertex);
	    e->setVertex(1, activeVertex);
	    Eigen::Matrix<double, 6,6> m;
	    graph->saveEdge(ofG2O, e);

	    // JACP: do not do the remove, scan the data list and do a release() of the images which are big. The rest can stay in memory
	    g2o::HyperGraph::Data* d = previousVertex->userData();
	    while (d) {
	      RGBDData* rgbd = dynamic_cast<RGBDData*> (d);
	      if (rgbd)
	      d = d->next();
	  previousVertex = activeVertex;
	  previousVertexTime = activeVertexTime;
	  activeVertex = 0;
	  conditionalPrint(defaultLevel) << ".";
    usleep(20e3); // queue is emp-ty
예제 #17
파일: ViewerEye.cpp 프로젝트: 6DB/OSVR-Core
 Eigen::Matrix4d ViewerEye::getView() const {
     Eigen::Isometry3d transformedPose = getPoseIsometry();
     return transformedPose.inverse().matrix();
예제 #18
void GraphicEnd::lostRecovery()
    cout<<BOLDYELLOW<<"Lost Recovery..."<<RESET<<endl;
    _currKF.id ++;
    _currKF.planes = _present.planes;
    _currKF.frame_index = _index;
    _lastRGB = _currRGB.clone();
    _kf_pos = _robot;

    _keyframes.push_back( _currKF );
    SparseOptimizer& opt = _pSLAMEnd->globalOptimizer;
    VertexSE3* v = new VertexSE3();
    v->setId( _currKF.id );
    if (_use_odometry)
        v->setEstimate( _odo_this );
        v->setEstimate( Eigen::Isometry3d::Identity() );
    opt.addVertex( v );

    if (_use_odometry)
        Eigen::Isometry3d To = _odo_last.inverse()*_odo_this;
        EdgeSE3* edge = new EdgeSE3();
        edge->vertices()[0] = opt.vertex( _currKF.id - 1 );
        edge->vertices()[1] = opt.vertex( _currKF.id );
        Eigen::Matrix<double, 6,6> information = Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6>::Identity();
        information(0, 0) = information(2,2) = information(1, 1) = information(3,3) = information(4,4) = information(5,5) = 1/(_error_odometry*_error_odometry);
        edge->setInformation( information );
        edge->setMeasurement( To );
        opt.addEdge( edge );
        _odo_last = _odo_this;
        _lost = 0;
    //check loop closure
    for (int i=0; i<_keyframes.size() - 1; i++)
        vector<PLANE>& p1 = _keyframes[ i ].planes;
        Eigen::Isometry3d T = multiPnP( p1, _currKF.planes ).T;
        if (T.matrix() == Eigen::Isometry3d::Identity().matrix()) //匹配不上
        T = T.inverse();
        EdgeSE3* edge = new EdgeSE3();
        edge->vertices() [0] = opt.vertex( _keyframes[i].id );
        edge->vertices() [1] = opt.vertex( _currKF.id );
        Eigen::Matrix<double, 6,6> information = Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6>::Identity();
        information(0, 0) = information(1,1) = information(2,2) = 100; 
        information(3,3) = information(4,4) = information(5,5) = 100; 
        edge->setInformation( information );
        edge->setMeasurement( T );
        edge->setRobustKernel( _pSLAMEnd->_robustKernel );
        opt.addEdge( edge );
예제 #19
const std::shared_ptr< std::vector< const CMeasurementLandmark* > > CMockedMatcherEpipolar::getVisibleLandmarks( const uint64_t p_uFrame,
                                                                                                                    cv::Mat& p_matDisplayLEFT,
                                                                                                                    cv::Mat& p_matDisplayRIGHT,
                                                                                                                    const cv::Mat& p_matImageLEFT,
                                                                                                                    const cv::Mat& p_matImageRIGHT,
                                                                                                                    const Eigen::Isometry3d& p_matTransformationLEFTtoWORLD,
                                                                                                                    cv::Mat& p_matDisplayTrajectory,
                                                                                                                    const double& p_dMotionScaling )
    //ds detected landmarks at this position
    std::shared_ptr< std::vector< const CMeasurementLandmark* > > vecVisibleLandmarks( std::make_shared< std::vector< const CMeasurementLandmark* > >( ) );

    //ds precompute inverse once
    const Eigen::Vector3d vecTranslation( p_matTransformationLEFTtoWORLD.translation( ) );
    const Eigen::Isometry3d matTransformationWORLDtoLEFT( p_matTransformationLEFTtoWORLD.inverse( ) );
    const MatrixProjection matProjectionWORLDtoLEFT( m_pCameraLEFT->m_matProjection*matTransformationWORLDtoLEFT.matrix( ) );

    //ds current position
    const cv::Point2d ptPositionXY( vecTranslation.x( ), vecTranslation.y( ) );

    //ds get currently visible landmarks
    const std::map< UIDLandmark, CMockedDetection > mapVisibleLandmarks( m_pCameraSTEREO->getDetectedLandmarks( ptPositionXY, matTransformationWORLDtoLEFT, p_matDisplayTrajectory ) );

    //ds new active measurement points after this matching
    std::vector< CDetectionPoint > vecMeasurementPointsActive;

    //ds initial translation
    const CPoint3DWORLD vecTranslationEstimate( p_matTransformationLEFTtoWORLD.translation( ) );

    //ds vectors for pose solver
    gtools::Vector3dVector vecLandmarksWORLD;
    gtools::Vector2dVector vecImagePointsLEFT;
    gtools::Vector2dVector vecImagePointsRIGHT;

    //ds active measurements
    for( const CDetectionPoint cMeasurementPoint: m_vecDetectionPointsActive )
        //ds visible (=in this image detected) active (=not detected in this image but failed detections below threshold)
        std::vector< const CMeasurementLandmark* > vecVisibleLandmarksPerMeasurementPoint;
        std::shared_ptr< std::vector< CLandmark* > >vecActiveLandmarksPerMeasurementPoint( std::make_shared< std::vector< CLandmark* > >( ) );

        //ds loop over the points for the current scan
        for( CLandmark* pLandmarkReference: *cMeasurementPoint.vecLandmarks )
            //ds projection from triangulation to estimate epipolar line drawing TODO: remove cast
            const cv::Point2d ptProjection( m_pCameraLEFT->getProjection( static_cast< CPoint3DWORLD >( matTransformationWORLDtoLEFT*pLandmarkReference->vecPointXYZOptimized ) ) );

            //ds draw last position
            cv::circle( p_matDisplayLEFT, pLandmarkReference->getLastDetectionLEFT( ), 2, CColorCodeBGR( 255, 0, 0 ), -1 );

                //ds look for the detection of this landmark (HACK: set mocked landmark id into keypoint size field to avoid another landmark class)
                const CMockedDetection cDetection( mapVisibleLandmarks.at( static_cast< UIDLandmark >( pLandmarkReference->dKeyPointSize ) ) );

                //ds triangulate point
                const CPoint3DCAMERA vecPointTriangulatedLEFT( CMiniVisionToolbox::getPointStereoLinearTriangulationSVDLS( cDetection.ptUVLEFT,
                                                                                                                                  m_pCameraRIGHT->m_matProjection ) );

                //ds update landmark
                pLandmarkReference->bIsCurrentlyVisible        = true;
                pLandmarkReference->matDescriptorLASTLEFT      = CDescriptor( );
                pLandmarkReference->matDescriptorLASTRIGHT     = CDescriptor( );
                pLandmarkReference->uFailedSubsequentTrackings = 0;
                pLandmarkReference->addMeasurement( p_uFrame, cDetection.ptUVLEFT, cDetection.ptUVRIGHT, vecPointTriangulatedLEFT, static_cast< CPoint3DWORLD >( p_matTransformationLEFTtoWORLD*vecPointTriangulatedLEFT ), matTransformationWORLDtoLEFT.translation( ), Eigen::Vector3d( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ), matProjectionWORLDtoLEFT, CDescriptor( ) );

                //ds register measurement
                vecVisibleLandmarksPerMeasurementPoint.push_back( pLandmarkReference->getLastMeasurement( ) );

                //ds store elements for optimization
                vecLandmarksWORLD.push_back( pLandmarkReference->vecPointXYZOptimized );
                vecImagePointsLEFT.push_back( CWrapperOpenCV::fromCVVector( cDetection.ptUVLEFT ) );
                vecImagePointsRIGHT.push_back( CWrapperOpenCV::fromCVVector( cDetection.ptUVRIGHT ) );

                //ds new positions
                cv::circle( p_matDisplayLEFT, pLandmarkReference->getLastDetectionLEFT( ), 2, CColorCodeBGR( 0, 255, 0 ), -1 );

                char chBufferMiniInfo[20];
                std::snprintf( chBufferMiniInfo, 20, "%lu(%u|%5.2f)", pLandmarkReference->uID, pLandmarkReference->uOptimizationsSuccessful, pLandmarkReference->dCurrentAverageSquaredError );
                cv::putText( p_matDisplayLEFT, chBufferMiniInfo, cv::Point2d( cDetection.ptUVLEFT.x+10, cDetection.ptUVLEFT.y+10 ), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 0.8, CColorCodeBGR( 0, 0, 255 ) );

                //ds draw reprojection of triangulation
                cv::circle( p_matDisplayRIGHT, cDetection.ptUVRIGHT, 2, CColorCodeBGR( 0, 255, 0 ), -1 );
                cv::circle( p_matDisplayLEFT, ptProjection, 10, CColorCodeBGR( 0, 0, 255 ), 1 );
            catch( const std::out_of_range& p_eException )
                //ds draw last position
                cv::circle( p_matDisplayLEFT, pLandmarkReference->getLastDetectionLEFT( ), 2, CColorCodeBGR( 255, 0, 0 ), -1 );
                //std::printf( "<CMockedMatcherEpipolar>(getVisibleLandmarksEssential) landmark [%lu] caught exception: %s\n", pLandmarkReference->uID, p_eException.what( ) );

            //ds check activity
            if( m_uMaximumFailedSubsequentTrackingsPerLandmark > pLandmarkReference->uFailedSubsequentTrackings )
                vecActiveLandmarksPerMeasurementPoint->push_back( pLandmarkReference );
                std::printf( "<CMockedMatcherEpipolar>(getVisibleLandmarksEssential) landmark [%lu] dropped\n", pLandmarkReference->uID );

        //ds log
        CLogger::CLogDetectionEpipolar::addEntry( p_uFrame, cMeasurementPoint.uID, cMeasurementPoint.vecLandmarks->size( ), vecActiveLandmarksPerMeasurementPoint->size( ), vecVisibleLandmarksPerMeasurementPoint.size( ) );

        //ds check if we can keep the measurement point
        if( !vecActiveLandmarksPerMeasurementPoint->empty( ) )
            //ds register the measurement point and its visible landmarks anew
            vecMeasurementPointsActive.push_back( CDetectionPoint( cMeasurementPoint.uID, cMeasurementPoint.matTransformationLEFTtoWORLD, vecActiveLandmarksPerMeasurementPoint ) );

            //ds combine visible landmarks
            vecVisibleLandmarks->insert( vecVisibleLandmarks->end( ), vecVisibleLandmarksPerMeasurementPoint.begin( ), vecVisibleLandmarksPerMeasurementPoint.end( ) );
            std::printf( "<CMockedMatcherEpipolar>(getVisibleLandmarksEssential) erased detection point\n" );

    //ds check if we have a sufficient number of points to optimize
    if( m_uMinimumPointsForPoseOptimization < vecLandmarksWORLD.size( ) )
        //ds feed the solver with the 3D points (in camera frame)
        m_cSolverPoseSTEREO.model_points = vecLandmarksWORLD;

        //ds feed the solver with the 2D points
        m_cSolverPoseSTEREO.vecProjectionsUVLEFT  = vecImagePointsLEFT;
        m_cSolverPoseSTEREO.vecProjectionsUVRIGHT = vecImagePointsRIGHT;

        //ds initial guess of the transformation
        m_cSolverPoseSTEREO.T = matTransformationWORLDtoLEFT;

        //ds initialize solver
        m_cSolverPoseSTEREO.init( );

        //ds convergence
        double dErrorPrevious( 0.0 );

        //ds run KLS
        const uint8_t uMaxIterations = 10;
        for( uint8_t uIteration = 0; uIteration < uMaxIterations; ++uIteration )
            //ds run optimization
            const double dErrorSolverPoseCurrent = m_cSolverPoseSTEREO.oneRound( );
            const uint32_t uInliersCurrent       = m_cSolverPoseSTEREO.uNumberOfInliers;

            CLogger::CLogOptimizationOdometry::addEntryIteration( p_uFrame, uIteration, vecLandmarksWORLD.size( ), uInliersCurrent, m_cSolverPoseSTEREO.uNumberOfReprojections, dErrorSolverPoseCurrent );

            //ds check convergence (triggers another last loop)
            if( m_dConvergenceDeltaPoseOptimization > std::fabs( dErrorPrevious-dErrorSolverPoseCurrent ) )
                //ds if we have a sufficient number of inliers
                if( m_uMinimumInliersForPoseOptimization < uInliersCurrent )
                    //ds the last round is run with only inliers
                    const double dErrorSolverPoseCurrentIO = m_cSolverPoseSTEREO.oneRoundInliersOnly( );

                    //ds log the error evolution
                    CLogger::CLogOptimizationOdometry::addEntryInliers( p_uFrame, vecLandmarksWORLD.size( ), m_cSolverPoseSTEREO.uNumberOfInliers, m_cSolverPoseSTEREO.uNumberOfReprojections, dErrorSolverPoseCurrentIO );
                    std::printf( "<CMockedMatcherEpipolar>(getVisibleLandmarksEssential) unable to run loop on inliers only (%u not sufficient)\n", uInliersCurrent );

            //ds save error
            dErrorPrevious = dErrorSolverPoseCurrent;

        const Eigen::Isometry3d matTransformationLEFTtoWORLDCorrected( m_cSolverPoseSTEREO.T.inverse( ) );

        //ds qualitiy information
        const double dDeltaOptimization      = ( matTransformationLEFTtoWORLDCorrected.translation( )-vecTranslationEstimate ).squaredNorm( );
        const double dOptimizationCovariance = dDeltaOptimization/p_dMotionScaling;

        //ds log resulting trajectory and delta to initial
        CLogger::CLogOptimizationOdometry::addEntryResult( matTransformationLEFTtoWORLDCorrected.translation( ), dDeltaOptimization, dOptimizationCovariance );

        const cv::Point2d ptPositionXY( matTransformationLEFTtoWORLDCorrected.translation( ).x( ), matTransformationLEFTtoWORLDCorrected.translation( ).y( ) );
        cv::circle( p_matDisplayTrajectory, cv::Point2d( 180+ptPositionXY.x*10, 360-ptPositionXY.y*10 ), 2, CColorCodeBGR( 0, 0, 255 ), -1 );
        std::printf( "<CMockedMatcherEpipolar>(getVisibleLandmarksEssential) unable to optimize pose (%lu points)\n", vecLandmarksWORLD.size( ) );

    //ds update active measurement points
    m_vecDetectionPointsActive.swap( vecMeasurementPointsActive );

    //ds return active landmarks
    return vecVisibleLandmarks;