bool CameraLidarTransformer::transformServiceCallback( navigator_msgs::CameraToLidarTransform::Request &req, navigator_msgs::CameraToLidarTransform::Response &res) { visualization_msgs::MarkerArray markers; sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr scloud = lidarCache.getElemAfterTime(req.header.stamp); if (!scloud) { res.success = false; res.error = navigator_msgs::CameraToLidarTransform::Response::CLOUD_NOT_FOUND; return true; } geometry_msgs::TransformStamped transform = tfBuffer.lookupTransform(req.header.frame_id, "velodyne", req.header.stamp); sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 cloud_transformed; tf2::doTransform(*scloud, cloud_transformed, transform); #ifdef DO_ROS_DEBUG cv::Mat debug_image(camera_info.height, camera_info.width, CV_8UC3, cv::Scalar(0)); #endif Eigen::Matrix3d matrixFindPlaneA; matrixFindPlaneA << 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0; Eigen::Vector3d matrixFindPlaneB(0, 0, 0); cv::circle(debug_image, cv::Point(req.point.x, req.point.y), 8, cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0), -1); //Tracks the closest lidar point to the requested camera point double minDistance = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(); for (auto ii = 0, jj = 0; ii < cloud_transformed.width; ++ii, jj += cloud_transformed.point_step) { floatConverter x, y, z, i; for (int kk = 0; kk < 4; ++kk) {[kk] =[jj + kk];[kk] =[jj + 4 + kk];[kk] =[jj + 8 + kk];[kk] =[jj + 16 + kk]; } cam_model.fromCameraInfo(camera_info); if (int(z.f) < 0 || int(z.f) > 30) continue; cv::Point2d point = cam_model.project3dToPixel(cv::Point3d(x.f, y.f, z.f)); if (int(point.x) > 0 && int(point.x) < camera_info.width && int(point.y) > 0 && int(point.y) < camera_info.height) { #ifdef DO_ROS_DEBUG visualization_msgs::Marker marker_point; marker_point.header = req.header; marker_point.header.seq = 0; marker_point.header.frame_id = req.header.frame_id; = (int)ii; marker_point.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::CUBE; marker_point.pose.position.x = x.f; marker_point.pose.position.y = y.f; marker_point.pose.position.z = z.f; marker_point.scale.x = 1; marker_point.scale.y = 0.1; marker_point.scale.z = 0.1; marker_point.color.a = 1.0; marker_point.color.r = 0.0; marker_point.color.g = 1.0; marker_point.color.b = 0.0; //marker_point.lifetime = ros::Duration(0.5); markers.markers.push_back(marker_point); // Draw if (int(point.x - 20) > 0 && int(point.x + 20) < camera_info.width && int(point.y - 20) > 0 && int(point.y + 20) < camera_info.height) { cv::circle(debug_image, point, 3, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255 * std::min(1.0, z.f / 20.0)), -1); } #endif double distance = sqrt(pow(point.x - req.point.x ,2) + pow(point.y - req.point.y,2) ); //Distance (2D) from request point to projected lidar point if (distance < req.tolerance) { #ifdef DO_ROS_DEBUG if (int(point.x - 20) > 0 && int(point.x + 20) < camera_info.width && int(point.y - 20) > 0 && int(point.y + 20) < camera_info.height) { cv::circle(debug_image, point, 3, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0), -1); } #endif matrixFindPlaneA(0, 0) += x.f * x.f; matrixFindPlaneA(1, 0) += y.f * x.f; matrixFindPlaneA(2, 0) += x.f; matrixFindPlaneA(0, 1) += x.f * y.f; matrixFindPlaneA(1, 1) += y.f * y.f; matrixFindPlaneA(2, 1) += y.f; matrixFindPlaneA(0, 2) += x.f; matrixFindPlaneA(1, 2) += y.f; matrixFindPlaneA(2, 2) += 1; matrixFindPlaneB(0, 0) -= x.f * z.f; matrixFindPlaneB(1, 0) -= y.f * z.f; matrixFindPlaneB(2, 0) -= z.f; geometry_msgs::Point geo_point; geo_point.x = x.f; geo_point.y = y.f; geo_point.z = z.f; if (distance < minDistance) { res.closest = geo_point; minDistance = distance; } res.transformed.push_back(geo_point); } } } if (res.transformed.size() < 1) { res.success = false; res.error = navigator_msgs::CameraToLidarTransform::Response::NO_POINTS_FOUND; return true; } //Filter out lidar points behind the plane (I don't think this will work, no good way to do this) // ~double min_z = (*std::min_element(res.transformed.begin(),res.transformed.end(), [=] (const geometry_msgs::Point& a,const geometry_msgs::Point& b) { // ~return a.z < b.z && a.z > MIN_Z; // ~})).z; // ~res.transformed.erase(std::remove_if(res.transformed.begin(),res.transformed.end(),[min_z] (const geometry_msgs::Point& p) { // ~return (p.z - min_z) < MAX_Z_ERROR; // ~}),res.transformed.end()); res.distance = res.closest.z; Eigen::Vector3d normalvec = matrixFindPlaneA.colPivHouseholderQr() .solve(matrixFindPlaneB) .normalized(); geometry_msgs::Vector3 normalvec_ros; normalvec_ros.x = normalvec(0, 0); normalvec_ros.y = normalvec(1, 0); normalvec_ros.z = normalvec(2, 0); res.normal = normalvec_ros; std::cout << "Plane solution: " << normalvec << std::endl; #ifdef DO_ROS_DEBUG //Create marker for normal visualization_msgs::Marker marker_normal; marker_normal.header = req.header; marker_normal.header.seq = 0; marker_normal.header.frame_id = req.header.frame_id; = 3000; marker_normal.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::ARROW; geometry_msgs::Point sdp_normalvec_ros; sdp_normalvec_ros.x = normalvec_ros.x + res.transformed[0].x; sdp_normalvec_ros.y = normalvec_ros.y + res.transformed[0].y; sdp_normalvec_ros.z = normalvec_ros.z + res.transformed[0].z; marker_normal.points.push_back(res.closest); marker_normal.points.push_back(sdp_normalvec_ros); marker_normal.scale.x = 0.1; marker_normal.scale.y = 0.5; marker_normal.scale.z = 0.5; marker_normal.color.a = 1.0; marker_normal.color.r = 1.0; marker_normal.color.g = 0.0; marker_normal.color.b = 0.0; markers.markers.push_back(marker_normal); //Publish 3D debug market pubMarkers.publish(markers); //Publish debug image cv_bridge::CvImage ros_debug_image; ros_debug_image.encoding = "bgr8"; ros_debug_image.image = debug_image.clone(); points_debug_publisher.publish(ros_debug_image.toImageMsg()); #endif res.success = true; return true; }
void mesh_core::Plane::leastSquaresFast( const EigenSTL::vector_Vector3d& points, Eigen::Vector3d* average) { Eigen::Matrix3d m; Eigen::Vector3d b; Eigen::Vector3d c; m.setZero(); b.setZero(); c.setZero(); EigenSTL::vector_Vector3d::const_iterator p = points.begin(); EigenSTL::vector_Vector3d::const_iterator end = points.end(); for ( ; p != end ; ++p) { m(0,0) += p->x() * p->x(); m(1,0) += p->x() * p->y(); m(2,0) += p->x(); m(1,1) += p->y() * p->y(); m(2,1) += p->y(); b(0) += p->x() * p->z(); b(1) += p->y() * p->z(); b(2) += p->z(); c += *p; } m(0,1) = m(1,0); m(0,2) = m(2,0); m(1,2) = m(2,1); m(2,2) = double(points.size()); c *= 1.0/double(points.size()); normal_ = m.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(b); if (normal_.squaredNorm() > std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) normal_.normalize(); d_ =; if (average) *average = c; }
std::vector<double> jerkMinimizingTrajectory(const motion& state0, const motion& state1, double dt) { double dt2 = dt*dt; double dt3 = dt2*dt; double dt4 = dt3*dt; double dt5 = dt4*dt; Eigen::Matrix3d a; a << dt3, dt4, dt5, 3*dt2, 4*dt3, 5*dt4, 6*dt, 12*dt2, 20*dt3; Eigen::Vector3d b; b << state1[0] - (state0[0] + dt*state0[1] + 0.5*dt2*state0[2]), state1[1] - (state0[1] + dt*state0[2]), state1[2] - state0[2]; Eigen::VectorXd p = a.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(b); return {state0[0], state0[1], state0[2]/2.0, p[0], p[1], p[2]}; }
Types::Transform PointOnPlaneCalibration::estimateTransform(const std::vector<PointPlanePair> & pair_vector) { const int size = pair_vector.size(); // Point-Plane Constraints // Initial system (Eq. 10) Eigen::MatrixXd system(size, 13); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { const double d = pair_vector[i].plane_.offset(); const Eigen::Vector3d n = pair_vector[i].plane_.normal(); const Types::Point3 & x = pair_vector[i].point_; system.row(i) << d + n[0] * x[0] + n[1] * x[1] + n[2] * x[2], // q_0^2 2 * n[2] * x[1] - 2 * n[1] * x[2], // q_0 * q_1 2 * n[0] * x[2] - 2 * n[2] * x[0], // q_0 * q_2 2 * n[1] * x[0] - 2 * n[0] * x[1], // q_0 * q_3 d + n[0] * x[0] - n[1] * x[1] - n[2] * x[2], // q_1^2 2 * n[0] * x[1] + 2 * n[1] * x[0], // q_1 * q_2 2 * n[0] * x[2] + 2 * n[2] * x[0], // q_1 * q_3 d - n[0] * x[0] + n[1] * x[1] - n[2] * x[2], // q_2^2 2 * n[1] * x[2] + 2 * n[2] * x[1], // q_2 * q_3 d - n[0] * x[0] - n[1] * x[1] + n[2] * x[2], // q_3^2 n[0], n[1], n[2]; // q'*q*t } // Gaussian reduction for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) for (int i = k + 1; i < size; ++i) system.row(i) = system.row(i) - system.row(k) * system.row(i)[10 + k] / system.row(k)[10 + k]; // Quaternion q Eigen::Vector4d q; // Transform to inhomogeneous (Eq. 13) bool P_is_ok(false); while (not P_is_ok) { Eigen::Matrix4d P(Eigen::Matrix4d::Random()); while (P.determinant() < 1e-5) P = Eigen::Matrix4d::Random(); Eigen::MatrixXd reduced_system(size - 3, 10); for (int i = 3; i < size; ++i) { const Eigen::VectorXd & row = system.row(i); Eigen::Matrix4d Mi_tilde; Mi_tilde << row[0] , row[1] / 2, row[2] / 2, row[3] / 2, row[1] / 2, row[4] , row[5] / 2, row[6] / 2, row[2] / 2, row[5] / 2, row[7] , row[8] / 2, row[3] / 2, row[6] / 2, row[8] / 2, row[9] ; Eigen::Matrix4d Mi_bar(P.transpose() * Mi_tilde * P); reduced_system.row(i - 3) << Mi_bar(0, 0), Mi_bar(0, 1) + Mi_bar(1, 0), Mi_bar(0, 2) + Mi_bar(2, 0), Mi_bar(0, 3) + Mi_bar(3, 0), Mi_bar(1, 1), Mi_bar(1, 2) + Mi_bar(2, 1), Mi_bar(1, 3) + Mi_bar(3, 1), Mi_bar(2, 2), Mi_bar(2, 3) + Mi_bar(3, 2), Mi_bar(3, 3); } // Solve A m* = b Eigen::MatrixXd A = reduced_system.rightCols<9>(); Eigen::VectorXd b = - reduced_system.leftCols<1>(); Eigen::VectorXd m_star = A.jacobiSvd(Eigen::ComputeFullU | Eigen::ComputeFullV).solve(b); Eigen::Vector4d q_bar(1, m_star[0], m_star[1], m_star[2]); Eigen::VectorXd err(6); err << q_bar[1] * q_bar[1], q_bar[1] * q_bar[2], q_bar[1] * q_bar[3], q_bar[2] * q_bar[2], q_bar[2] * q_bar[3], q_bar[3] * q_bar[3]; err -= m_star.tail<6>(); //if (err.norm() < 0.1) // P is not ok? P_is_ok = true; //std::cout << m_star.transpose() << std::endl; //std::cout << q_bar[1] * q_bar[1] << " " << q_bar[1] * q_bar[2] << " " << q_bar[1] * q_bar[3] << " " //<< q_bar[2] * q_bar[2] << " " << q_bar[2] * q_bar[3] << " " << q_bar[3] * q_bar[3] << std::endl; q = P * q_bar; } // We want q.w > 0 (Why?) //if (q[0] < 0) // q = -q; Eigen::Vector4d tmp_q(q.normalized()); Eigen::Quaterniond rotation(tmp_q[0], tmp_q[1], tmp_q[2], tmp_q[3]); Eigen::VectorXd m(10); m << q[0] * q[0], q[0] * q[1], q[0] * q[2], q[0] * q[3], q[1] * q[1], q[1] * q[2], q[1] * q[3], q[2] * q[2], q[2] * q[3], q[3] * q[3]; // Solve A (q^T q t) = b Eigen::Matrix3d A = system.topRightCorner<3, 3>(); Eigen::Vector3d b = - system.topLeftCorner<3, 10>() * m; Eigen::Translation3d translation(A.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(b) / q.squaredNorm()); // Eigen::Quaterniond tmp(pose.linear()); // Eigen::Translation3d tmp2(pose.translation()); // std::cout << "Prev: " << tmp.normalized().coeffs().transpose() << " " << tmp2.vector().transpose() << std::endl; //std::cout << "PoP : " << rotation.coeffs().transpose() << " " << translation.vector().transpose() << std::endl; return translation * rotation; }