inline double pcl::getAngle3D (const Eigen::Vector3f &v1, const Eigen::Vector3f &v2, const bool in_degree) { // Compute the actual angle double rad = v1.normalized ().dot (v2.normalized ()); if (rad < -1.0) rad = -1.0; else if (rad > 1.0) rad = 1.0; return (in_degree ? acos (rad) * 180.0 / M_PI : acos (rad)); }
void pd_solver_advance(struct PdSolver *solver, uint32_t const n_iterations) { /* set external force */ Eigen::VectorXf ext_accel = Eigen::VectorXf::Zero(solver->positions.size()); #pragma omp parallel for for (uint32_t i = 0; i < solver->positions.size()/3; ++i) for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) ext_accel[3*i + j] = solver->ext_force[j]; Eigen::VectorXf const ext_force = solver->mass_mat*ext_accel; Eigen::VectorXf const mass_y = solver->mass_mat*(2.0f*solver->positions - solver->positions_last); solver->positions_last = solver->positions; for (uint32_t iter = 0; iter < n_iterations; ++iter) { /* LOCAL STEP */ /* LOCAL STEP (we account everything except the global solve */ struct timespec local_start; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &local_start); uint32_t const n_constraints = solver->n_attachments + solver->n_springs; Eigen::VectorXf d(3*n_constraints); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < solver->n_attachments; ++i) { struct PdConstraintAttachment c = solver->attachments[i]; d.block<3, 1>(3*i, 0) = Eigen::Map<Eigen::Vector3f>(c.position); } uint32_t const offset = solver->n_attachments; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < solver->n_springs; ++i) { struct PdConstraintSpring c = solver->springs[i]; Eigen::Vector3f const v = solver->positions.block<3, 1>(3*c.i[1], 0) - solver->positions.block<3, 1>(3*c.i[0], 0); d.block<3, 1>(3*(offset + i), 0) = v.normalized()*c.rest_length; } Eigen::VectorXf const b = mass_y + solver->t2*(solver->j_mat*d + ext_force); struct timespec local_end; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &local_end); /* GLOBAL STEP */ struct timespec global_start; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &global_start); solve(solver, b); struct timespec global_end; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &global_end); solver->global_time = pd_time_diff_ms(&global_start, &global_end); solver->local_time = pd_time_diff_ms(&local_start, &local_end); solver->global_cma = (solver->global_time + solver->n_iters*solver->global_cma)/(solver->n_iters + 1); solver->local_cma = (solver->local_time + solver->n_iters*solver->local_cma)/(solver->n_iters + 1); if (!(solver->n_iters % 1000)) { printf("Local CMA: %f ms\n", solver->local_cma); printf("Global CMA: %f ms\n\n", solver->global_cma); } ++solver->n_iters; } }
void stateCallback(const nav_msgs::Odometry::ConstPtr& state) { vel[0] = state->twist.twist.linear.x; vel[1] = state->twist.twist.linear.y; vel[2] = state->twist.twist.linear.z; pos[2] = state->pose.pose.position.z; //q.x() = state->pose.pose.orientation.x; //q.y() = state->pose.pose.orientation.y; //q.z() = state->pose.pose.orientation.z; //q.w() = state->pose.pose.orientation.w; float q_x = state->pose.pose.orientation.x; float q_y = state->pose.pose.orientation.y; float q_z = state->pose.pose.orientation.z; float q_w = state->pose.pose.orientation.w; float yaw = atan2(2*(q_w*q_z+q_x*q_y),1-2*(q_y*q_y+q_z*q_z)); //Eigen::Matrix3d R(q); force(0) = offset_x+k_vxy*(vel_des(0)-vel(0))+m*acc_des(0); if(pd_control==0) force(1) = offset_y+k_vxy*(vel_des(1)-vel(1))+m*acc_des(1); else if(pd_control==1) { pos[1]=state->pose.pose.position.y; force(1) = offset_y+k_vxy*(vel_des(1)-vel(1))+k_xy*(0-pos[1])+m*acc_des(1); } force(2) = (k_z*(pos_des(2)-pos(2))+k_vz*(vel_des(2)-vel(2))+m*g(2)+m*acc_des(2)); b3 = force.normalized(); b2 = b3.cross(b1w); b1 = b2.cross(b3); R_des<<b1[0],b2[0],b3[0], b1[1],b2[1],b3[1], b1[2],b2[2],b3[2]; Eigen::Quaternionf q_des(R_des); quadrotor_msgs::SO3Command command; command.force.x = force[0]; command.force.y = force[1]; command.force.z = force[2]; command.orientation.x = q_des.x(); command.orientation.y = q_des.y(); command.orientation.z = q_des.z(); command.orientation.w = q_des.w(); command.kR[0] = k_R; command.kR[1] = k_R; command.kR[2] = k_R; command.kOm[0] = k_omg; command.kOm[1] = k_omg; command.kOm[2] = k_omg; command.aux.current_yaw = yaw; command.aux.enable_motors = true; command.aux.use_external_yaw = true; control_pub.publish(command); }
Point ModelView::make_exocentric_focus__( Eigen::Vector3f const & view_direction, Point const & view_origin) { Eigen::Vector3f unit_viewdir = view_direction.normalized(); return Point(view_origin.x() + unit_viewdir.x(), view_origin.y() + unit_viewdir.y(), view_origin.z() + unit_viewdir.z()); }
Eigen::Matrix4f MatrixFactory::createLookAt ( const Eigen::Vector3f& position, const Eigen::Vector3f& direction, const Eigen::Vector3f& world_up, Handedness handedness ) const { if (handedness == Handedness::RightHanded) { Eigen::Vector3f right, up, dir; dir = -direction.normalized(); right = world_up.normalized().cross(dir).normalized(); up = dir.cross(right); Eigen::Matrix4f matrix; matrix << right.x(), right.y(), right.z(),, up.x(), up.y(), up.z(),, dir.x(), dir.y(), dir.z(),, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f; return matrix; } else if (handedness == Handedness::LeftHanded) { Eigen::Vector3f right, up, dir; dir = direction.normalized(); right = world_up.normalized().cross(dir).normalized(); up = dir.cross(right); Eigen::Matrix4f matrix; matrix << right.x(), right.y(), right.z(),, up.x(), up.y(), up.z(),, dir.x(), dir.y(), dir.z(),, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f; return matrix; } else { DebugError("Not implemented."); return Eigen::Matrix4f::Zero(); } }
void computeTransformationFromYZVectorsAndOrigin(const Eigen::Vector3f& y_direction, const Eigen::Vector3f& z_axis, const Eigen::Vector3f& origin, Eigen::Affine3f& transformation){ Eigen::Vector3f x = (y_direction.cross(z_axis)).normalized(); Eigen::Vector3f y = y_direction.normalized(); Eigen::Vector3f z = z_axis.normalized(); Eigen::Affine3f sub = Eigen::Affine3f::Identity(); sub(0,3) = -origin[0]; sub(1,3) = -origin[1]; sub(2,3) = -origin[2]; transformation = Eigen::Affine3f::Identity(); transformation(0,0)=x[0]; transformation(0,1)=x[1]; transformation(0,2)=x[2]; // x^t transformation(1,0)=y[0]; transformation(1,1)=y[1]; transformation(1,2)=y[2]; // y^t transformation(2,0)=z[0]; transformation(2,1)=z[1]; transformation(2,2)=z[2]; // z^t transformation = transformation*sub; }
void Cylinder::updateAttributes(const Eigen::Vector3f& sym_axis, const Eigen::Vector3f& origin, const Eigen::Vector3f& z_axis) { //origin_= new_origin; sym_axis_ = sym_axis; if (sym_axis_[2] < 0 ) { sym_axis_ = sym_axis_ * -1; } computePose(origin, z_axis.normalized()); //d_ = fabs(pose_.translation().dot(normal_)); //normal_ = new_normal; /*Eigen::Affine3f transform_from_plane_to_world; getTransformationFromPlaneToWorld(sym_axis,normal,origin_,transform_from_plane_to_world); transform_from_world_to_plane=transform_from_plane_to_world.inverse();*/ }
bool Camera::collides(const Entity &e) { // return false; float cam_rad = collisionRadius(); if (e.useBoundingBox()) { // return true; BoundingBox bb = e.getBoundingBox(); += e.getPosition(); += e.getPosition(); Eigen::Vector3f our_pos = -translations; if (bb.contains(our_pos)) { return true; } Eigen::Vector3f displacement = ( - our_pos); float distance = displacement.norm(); Eigen::Vector3f direction = displacement.normalized(); if (bb.contains(direction * cam_rad + our_pos)) { return true; } return false; } else { Eigen::Vector3f their_pos = e.getCenterWorld(); Eigen::Vector3f our_pos = translations; their_pos(1) = 0; our_pos(1) = 0; Eigen::Vector3f delta = -their_pos - our_pos; return std::abs(delta.norm()) < cam_rad + e.getRadius(); } /* std::cout << "object pos" << std::endl; std::cout << their_pos << std::endl; std::cout << "cam pos" << std::endl; std::cout << our_pos << std::endl; std::cout << " dist = " << std::abs(delta.norm()) << std::endl; */ }
void Cylinder::getMergeCandidates(const std::vector<Polygon::Ptr>& cylinder_array, std::vector<int>& intersections) { for (size_t i = 0; i < cylinder_array.size(); i++) { Cylinder::Ptr c(boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Cylinder>(cylinder_array[i])); BOOST_ASSERT(c); Cylinder& c_map = *c; Eigen::Vector3f connection = c_map.pose_.translation() - pose_.translation(); //connection.normalize(); //Eigen::Vector3f d= c_map.origin_ - this->origin_ ; // Test for geometrical attributes of cylinders if(fabs( > merge_settings_.angle_thresh && (fabs(c_map.r_ - r_) < (0.1 ))) //TODO: add param { // Test for spatial attributes of cylinders if( connection.norm() < (c_map.r_ + 0.1) || fabs( > merge_settings_.angle_thresh ) { /*Cylinder::Ptr c1(new Cylinder); Cylinder::Ptr c2(new Cylinder); *c1 = *this; *c2 = c_map; c2->pose_ = c1->pose_; //c2->transform_from_world_to_plane = c1->transform_from_world_to_plane; c1->makeCyl2D(); c2->makeCyl2D();*/ if(isIntersectedWith(cylinder_array[i])) //if (c1->isIntersectedWith(c2)) { intersections.push_back(i); } } } } }
Plane::Plane(Eigen::Vector3f normal, double d) : normal_(normal.normalized()), d_(d / normal.norm()) { initializeCoordinates(); }
template<typename PointT> void pcl::BoxClipper3D<PointT>::setTransformation (const Eigen::Vector3f& rodrigues, const Eigen::Vector3f& translation, const Eigen::Vector3f& box_size) { transformation_ = Eigen::Translation3f (translation) * Eigen::AngleAxisf(rodrigues.norm (), rodrigues.normalized ()) * Eigen::Scaling (box_size); //inverse_transformation_ = transformation_.inverse (); }
void stateCallback(const nav_msgs::Odometry::ConstPtr& state) { if(mode==1){ vel_des[0]=rc_vx; vel_des[1]=rc_vy; vel_des[2]=0; pos_des[1]=0; pos_des[2]=rc_z; } else if(mode==2) { double cur_t = ros::Time::now().toSec(); double t = cur_t-init_t; vel_des[2]=0; if(t<t1){ vel_des[0]=ax*t; vel_des[1]=ay*t; acc_des[0]=ax; acc_des[1]=ay; acc_des[2]=0; } else if(t<des_t-t1&&t>=t1){ vel_des[0]=des_vx; vel_des[1]=des_vy; acc_des = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero(); } else if(t>=des_t-t1&&t<des_t){ vel_des[0] = des_vx-ax*(t+t1-des_t); vel_des[1] = des_vy-ay*(t+t1-des_t); acc_des[0] = -ax; acc_des[1] = -ay; acc_des[2] = 0; } else if(t>=des_t){ vel_des = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero(); acc_des = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero(); } vel_des[0] = vel_des[0]+rc_vx/2; vel_des[1] = vel_des[1]+rc_vy/2; } else if(mode==3) { double cur_t = ros::Time::now().toSec(); double t = cur_t-init_t; vel_des[2]=0; if(t<t1){ vel_des[0]=ax*t; vel_des[1]=ay*t; acc_des[0]=ax; acc_des[1]=ay; acc_des[2]=0; } else if(t<des_t-t3&&t>=t1){ vel_des[0]=des_vx; vel_des[1]=des_vy; acc_des = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero(); } else if(t>=des_t-t3&&t<des_t){ vel_des[0] = 0; vel_des[1] = 0; acc_des[0] = -ax3; acc_des[1] = -ay3; acc_des[2] = 0; stop = 1; } else if(t>=des_t){ stop = 0; vel_des = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero(); acc_des = Eigen::Vector3f::Zero(); } vel_des[0] = vel_des[0]+rc_vx/2; vel_des[1] = vel_des[1]+rc_vy/2; } vel(0) = state->twist.twist.linear.x; vel(1) = state->twist.twist.linear.y; vel(2) = state->twist.twist.linear.z; pos(2) = state->pose.pose.position.z; //q.x() = state->pose.pose.orientation.x; //q.y() = state->pose.pose.orientation.y; //q.z() = state->pose.pose.orientation.z; //q.w() = state->pose.pose.orientation.w; float q_x = state->pose.pose.orientation.x; float q_y = state->pose.pose.orientation.y; float q_z = state->pose.pose.orientation.z; float q_w = state->pose.pose.orientation.w; float yaw = atan2(2*(q_w*q_z+q_x*q_y),1-2*(q_y*q_y+q_z*q_z)); if(stop==0){ force(0) = offset_x+k_vxy*(vel_des(0)-vel(0))+m*acc_des(0); if(pd_control==0) force(1) = offset_y+k_vxy*(vel_des(1)-vel(1))+m*acc_des(1); else if(pd_control==1) { pos(1)=state->pose.pose.position.y; force(1) = offset_y+k_vxy*(vel_des(1)-vel(1))+k_xy*(0-pos(1))+m*acc_des(1); } force(2) = (k_z*(pos_des(2)-pos(2))+k_vz*(vel_des(2)-vel(2))+m*g(2)+m*acc_des(2)); } else if(stop==1) { force(0) = offset_x+m*acc_des(0); force(1) = offset_y+m*acc_des(1); } b3 = force.normalized(); b2 = b3.cross(b1w); b1 = b2.cross(b3); R_des<<b1[0],b2[0],b3[0], b1[1],b2[1],b3[1], b1[2],b2[2],b3[2]; Eigen::Quaternionf q_des(R_des); quadrotor_msgs::SO3Command command; command.force.x = force[0]; command.force.y = force[1]; command.force.z = force[2]; command.orientation.x = q_des.x(); command.orientation.y = q_des.y(); command.orientation.z = q_des.z(); command.orientation.w = q_des.w(); command.kR[0] = k_R; command.kR[1] = k_R; command.kR[2] = k_R; command.kOm[0] = k_omg; command.kOm[1] = k_omg; command.kOm[2] = k_omg; command.aux.current_yaw = yaw; command.aux.enable_motors = true; command.aux.use_external_yaw = true; control_pub.publish(command); opticalflow_msgs::Traj traj; traj.x = pos_des[0]; traj.y = pos_des[1]; traj.z = pos_des[2]; traj.vx = vel_des[0]; traj.vy = vel_des[1]; traj.vz = vel_des[2]; traj.acc_x = acc_des[0]; traj.acc_y = acc_des[1]; traj.acc_z = acc_des[2]; traj.stop = 0; traj.mode = mode; traj.use_sensor = true; traj_pub.publish(traj); }
void SilhouetteExtractor::computeVisibleFrontFacingStatus() { int terrain_width = terrain_->width(); int terrain_height = terrain_->height(); delete front_facing_; front_facing_ = new FacingMode [(terrain_width-1)*(terrain_height-1)]; bool use_intersections = true ; if (!use_intersections) { setupPixelBuffer(); pixelbuffer_->makeCurrent(); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glEnable(GL_LIGHT0); glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); GLfloat lightpos[] = {.5, 1., 1., 0.}; glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, lightpos); glClearColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); drawTerrain(); updateMatrices(); saveBuffer("test_dpth.png"); pixelbuffer_->makeCurrent(); } double begin = omp_get_wtime(); int i = 0; #pragma omp parallel for private(i) for (int j = 0; j < terrain_->height()-1; ++j) for (i = 0; i < terrain_->width()-1; ++i) { front_facing_[j*(terrain_width-1)+i] = kInvisible; Eigen::Vector3f center = getFaceCentroid(i, j); Eigen::Vector3f projector = center - camera_info_.position; //projector = camera_info_.direction; float theta = acos(camera_info_.direction.normalized().dot(projector.normalized())); if (theta > camera_info_.fov_in_rads/2) continue; front_facing_[j*(terrain_width-1)+i] = kBackFacing; if (terrain_->getGridNormal(i, j).dot(projector) <= -FLT_EPSILON) { if (use_intersections) { if (checkVisibility(center)) front_facing_[j*(terrain_width-1)+i] = kFrontFacing; } else { Eigen::Vector3d window_coords; gluProject(center[0], center[1], center[2], modelview_matrix_, projection_matrix_, viewport_, &window_coords[0], &window_coords[1], &window_coords[2]); if (window_coords[0] < 0 || window_coords[1] < 0 || window_coords[0] >= width() || window_coords[1] >= height()) continue; float depth = 0.0; glReadPixels(window_coords[0], window_coords[1], 1, 1, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_FLOAT, &depth); if (std::abs(depth-window_coords[2]) < 1e-3) front_facing_[j*(terrain_width-1)+i] = kFrontFacing; } } } double end = omp_get_wtime(); double elapsed_secs = double(end - begin); fprintf(stdout, "Elapsed time for checking front/back facing: %.2f secs\n", elapsed_secs); fprintf(stdout, "Num of threads: %d threads\n", omp_get_thread_num()); fflush(stdout); if (pixelbuffer_) { pixelbuffer_->doneCurrent(); cleanupPixelBuffer(); } }
std::vector<Vector3f> ShapeEstimation::gradientField(ImageReader mask, std::vector<float> &pixelLuminances, std::vector<float> &gradientX, std::vector<float> &gradientY){ int rows = mask.getImageHeight(); int cols = mask.getImageWidth(); float gxNormalize = 0.0f; float gyNormalize = 0.0f; for(int row = 0; row < rows; row++){ for(int col = 0; col < cols; col++){ int index = mask.indexAt(row, col); if(row + 1 < rows){ int indexUp = mask.indexAt(row + 1, col); float dY = pixelLuminances[indexUp] - pixelLuminances[index]; gradientY.push_back(dY); if(fabs(dY) > gyNormalize){ gyNormalize = fabs(dY); } } else { gradientY.push_back(0.0f); } if(col + 1 < cols){ int indexRight = mask.indexAt(row, col+1); float dX = pixelLuminances[indexRight] - pixelLuminances[index]; gradientX.push_back(dX); if(fabs(dX) > gxNormalize){ gxNormalize = fabs(dX); } } else { gradientX.push_back(0.0f); } } } assert(gradientX.size() == gradientY.size()); for(int i = 0; i < gradientX.size(); i++){ gradientX[i] = gradientReshapeRecursive(gradientX[i]/gxNormalize, m_curvature) * gxNormalize; } for(int i = 0; i < gradientY.size(); i++){ gradientY[i] = gradientReshapeRecursive(gradientY[i]/gyNormalize, m_curvature) * gyNormalize; } std::vector<Vector3f> normals; for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < cols; j++){ QColor maskColor = QColor(mask.pixelAt(i,j)); if( > 150){ Eigen::Vector3f gx = Vector3f(1.0f, 0.0f, gradientX[mask.indexAt(i,j)]); Eigen::Vector3f gy = Vector3f(0.0f, 1.0f, gradientY[mask.indexAt(i,j)]); Eigen::Vector3f normal = (gx.cross(gy)); normal = normal.normalized(); normals.push_back(normal); } else { normals.push_back(Vector3f(0.0,0.0,0.0)); } } } //pixelLuminances = gradientX; return normals; }
NORI_NAMESPACE_BEGIN NoriObject *loadFromXML(const std::string &filename) { /* Load the XML file using 'pugi' (a tiny self-contained XML parser implemented in C++) */ pugi::xml_document doc; pugi::xml_parse_result result = doc.load_file(filename.c_str()); /* Helper function: map a position offset in bytes to a more readable row/column value */ auto offset = [&](ptrdiff_t pos) -> std::string { std::fstream is(filename); char buffer[1024]; int line = 0, linestart = 0, offset = 0; while (is.good()) {, sizeof(buffer)); for (int i = 0; i < is.gcount(); ++i) { if (buffer[i] == '\n') { if (offset + i >= pos) return tfm::format("row %i, col %i", line + 1, pos - linestart); ++line; linestart = offset + i; } } offset += (int) is.gcount(); } return "byte offset " + std::to_string(pos); }; if (!result) /* There was a parser / file IO error */ throw NoriException("Error while parsing \"%s\": %s (at %s)", filename, result.description(), offset(result.offset)); /* Set of supported XML tags */ enum ETag { /* Object classes */ EScene = NoriObject::EScene, EMesh = NoriObject::EMesh, EBSDF = NoriObject::EBSDF, ETEXTURE = NoriObject::ETEXTURE, EPERLIN = NoriObject::EPERLIN, EMIXTEXTURE = NoriObject::EMIXTEXTURE, EMIXBUMPMAP = NoriObject::EMIXBUMPMAP, EBUMPMAP = NoriObject::EBUMPMAP, EPhaseFunction = NoriObject::EPhaseFunction, EEmitter = NoriObject::EEmitter, EMedium = NoriObject::EMedium, EVolume = NoriObject::EVolume, ECamera = NoriObject::ECamera, EIntegrator = NoriObject::EIntegrator, ESampler = NoriObject::ESampler, ETest = NoriObject::ETest, EReconstructionFilter = NoriObject::EReconstructionFilter, /* Properties */ EBoolean = NoriObject::EClassTypeCount, EInteger, EFloat, EString, EPoint, EVector, EColor, ETransform, ETranslate, EMatrix, ERotate, EScale, ELookAt, EInvalid }; /* Create a mapping from tag names to tag IDs */ std::map<std::string, ETag> tags; tags["scene"] = EScene; tags["mesh"] = EMesh; tags["bsdf"] = EBSDF; tags["texture"] = ETEXTURE; tags["bumpmap"] = EBUMPMAP; tags["perlin"] = EPERLIN; tags["mixTexture"] = EMIXTEXTURE; tags["mixBumpmap"] = EMIXBUMPMAP; tags["bumpmap"] = EBUMPMAP; tags["emitter"] = EEmitter; tags["camera"] = ECamera; tags["medium"] = EMedium; tags["volume"] = EVolume; tags["phase"] = EPhaseFunction; tags["integrator"] = EIntegrator; tags["sampler"] = ESampler; tags["rfilter"] = EReconstructionFilter; tags["test"] = ETest; tags["boolean"] = EBoolean; tags["integer"] = EInteger; tags["float"] = EFloat; tags["string"] = EString; tags["point"] = EPoint; tags["vector"] = EVector; tags["color"] = EColor; tags["transform"] = ETransform; tags["translate"] = ETranslate; tags["matrix"] = EMatrix; tags["rotate"] = ERotate; tags["scale"] = EScale; tags["lookat"] = ELookAt; /* Helper function to check if attributes are fully specified */ auto check_attributes = [&](const pugi::xml_node &node, std::set<std::string> attrs) { for (auto attr : node.attributes()) { auto it = attrs.find(; if (it == attrs.end()) throw NoriException("Error while parsing \"%s\": unexpected attribute \"%s\" in \"%s\" at %s", filename,,, offset(node.offset_debug())); attrs.erase(it); } if (!attrs.empty()) throw NoriException("Error while parsing \"%s\": missing attribute \"%s\" in \"%s\" at %s", filename, *attrs.begin(),, offset(node.offset_debug())); }; Eigen::Affine3f transform; /* Helper function to parse a Nori XML node (recursive) */ std::function<NoriObject *(pugi::xml_node &, PropertyList &, int)> parseTag = [&]( pugi::xml_node &node, PropertyList &list, int parentTag) -> NoriObject * { /* Skip over comments */ if (node.type() == pugi::node_comment || node.type() == pugi::node_declaration) return nullptr; if (node.type() != pugi::node_element) throw NoriException( "Error while parsing \"%s\": unexpected content at %s", filename, offset(node.offset_debug())); /* Look up the name of the current element */ auto it = tags.find(; if (it == tags.end()) throw NoriException("Error while parsing \"%s\": unexpected tag \"%s\" at %s", filename,, offset(node.offset_debug())); int tag = it->second; /* Perform some safety checks to make sure that the XML tree really makes sense */ bool hasParent = parentTag != EInvalid; bool parentIsObject = hasParent && parentTag < NoriObject::EClassTypeCount; bool currentIsObject = tag < NoriObject::EClassTypeCount; bool parentIsTransform = parentTag == ETransform; bool currentIsTransformOp = tag == ETranslate || tag == ERotate || tag == EScale || tag == ELookAt || tag == EMatrix; if (!hasParent && !currentIsObject) throw NoriException("Error while parsing \"%s\": root element \"%s\" must be a Nori object (at %s)", filename,, offset(node.offset_debug())); if (parentIsTransform != currentIsTransformOp) throw NoriException("Error while parsing \"%s\": transform nodes " "can only contain transform operations (at %s)", filename, offset(node.offset_debug())); if (hasParent && !parentIsObject && !(parentIsTransform && currentIsTransformOp)) throw NoriException("Error while parsing \"%s\": node \"%s\" requires a Nori object as parent (at %s)", filename,, offset(node.offset_debug())); if (tag == EScene) node.append_attribute("type") = "scene"; else if (tag == ETransform) transform.setIdentity(); PropertyList propList; std::vector<NoriObject *> children; for (pugi::xml_node &ch: node.children()) { NoriObject *child = parseTag(ch, propList, tag); if (child) children.push_back(child); } NoriObject *result = nullptr; try { if (currentIsObject) { check_attributes(node, { "type" }); /* This is an object, first instantiate it */ result = NoriObjectFactory::createInstance( node.attribute("type").value(), propList ); if (result->getClassType() != (int) tag) { throw NoriException( "Unexpectedly constructed an object " "of type <%s> (expected type <%s>): %s", NoriObject::classTypeName(result->getClassType()), NoriObject::classTypeName((NoriObject::EClassType) tag), result->toString()); } /* Add all children */ for (auto ch: children) { result->addChild(ch); ch->setParent(result); } /* Activate / configure the object */ result->activate(); } else { /* This is a property */ switch (tag) { case EString: { check_attributes(node, { "name", "value" }); list.setString(node.attribute("name").value(), node.attribute("value").value()); } break; case EFloat: { check_attributes(node, { "name", "value" }); list.setFloat(node.attribute("name").value(), toFloat(node.attribute("value").value())); } break; case EInteger: { check_attributes(node, { "name", "value" }); list.setInteger(node.attribute("name").value(), toInt(node.attribute("value").value())); } break; case EBoolean: { check_attributes(node, { "name", "value" }); list.setBoolean(node.attribute("name").value(), toBool(node.attribute("value").value())); } break; case EPoint: { check_attributes(node, { "name", "value" }); list.setPoint(node.attribute("name").value(), Point3f(toVector3f(node.attribute("value").value()))); } break; case EVector: { check_attributes(node, { "name", "value" }); list.setVector(node.attribute("name").value(), Vector3f(toVector3f(node.attribute("value").value()))); } break; case EColor: { check_attributes(node, { "name", "value" }); list.setColor(node.attribute("name").value(), Color3f(toVector3f(node.attribute("value").value()).array())); } break; case ETransform: { check_attributes(node, { "name" }); list.setTransform(node.attribute("name").value(), transform.matrix()); } break; case ETranslate: { check_attributes(node, { "value" }); Eigen::Vector3f v = toVector3f(node.attribute("value").value()); transform = Eigen::Translation<float, 3>(v.x(), v.y(), v.z()) * transform; } break; case EMatrix: { check_attributes(node, { "value" }); std::vector<std::string> tokens = tokenize(node.attribute("value").value()); if (tokens.size() != 16) throw NoriException("Expected 16 values"); Eigen::Matrix4f matrix; for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) for (int j=0; j<4; ++j) matrix(i, j) = toFloat(tokens[i*4+j]); transform = Eigen::Affine3f(matrix) * transform; } break; case EScale: { check_attributes(node, { "value" }); Eigen::Vector3f v = toVector3f(node.attribute("value").value()); transform = Eigen::DiagonalMatrix<float, 3>(v) * transform; } break; case ERotate: { check_attributes(node, { "angle", "axis" }); float angle = degToRad(toFloat(node.attribute("angle").value())); Eigen::Vector3f axis = toVector3f(node.attribute("axis").value()); transform = Eigen::AngleAxis<float>(angle, axis) * transform; } break; case ELookAt: { check_attributes(node, { "origin", "target", "up" }); Eigen::Vector3f origin = toVector3f(node.attribute("origin").value()); Eigen::Vector3f target = toVector3f(node.attribute("target").value()); Eigen::Vector3f up = toVector3f(node.attribute("up").value()); Vector3f dir = (target - origin).normalized(); Vector3f left = up.normalized().cross(dir); Vector3f newUp = dir.cross(left); Eigen::Matrix4f trafo; trafo << left, newUp, dir, origin, 0, 0, 0, 1; transform = Eigen::Affine3f(trafo) * transform; } break; default: throw NoriException("Unhandled element \"%s\"",; }; } } catch (const NoriException &e) { throw NoriException("Error while parsing \"%s\": %s (at %s)", filename, e.what(), offset(node.offset_debug())); } return result; }; PropertyList list; return parseTag(*doc.begin(), list, EInvalid); }
template<typename Point> void TableObjectCluster<Point>::calculateBoundingBox( const PointCloudPtr& cloud, const pcl::PointIndices& indices, const Eigen::Vector3f& plane_normal, const Eigen::Vector3f& plane_point, Eigen::Vector3f& position, Eigen::Quaternion<float>& orientation, Eigen::Vector3f& size) { // transform to table coordinate frame and project points on X-Y, save max height Eigen::Affine3f tf; pcl::getTransformationFromTwoUnitVectorsAndOrigin(plane_normal.unitOrthogonal(), plane_normal, plane_point, tf); pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr pc2d(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>); float height = 0.0; for(std::vector<int>::const_iterator it=indices.indices.begin(); it != indices.indices.end(); ++it) { Eigen::Vector3f tmp = tf * (*cloud)[*it].getVector3fMap(); height = std::max<float>(height, fabs(tmp(2))); pc2d->push_back(pcl::PointXYZ(tmp(0),tmp(1),0.0)); } // create convex hull of projected points #ifdef PCL_MINOR_VERSION >= 6 pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr conv_hull(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>); pcl::ConvexHull<pcl::PointXYZ> chull; chull.setDimension(2); chull.setInputCloud(pc2d); chull.reconstruct(*conv_hull); #endif /*for(int i=0; i<conv_hull->size(); ++i) std::cout << (*conv_hull)[i].x << "," << (*conv_hull)[i].y << std::endl;*/ // find the minimal bounding rectangle in 2D and table coordinates Eigen::Vector2f p1, p2, p3; cob_3d_mapping::MinimalRectangle2D mr2d; mr2d.setConvexHull(conv_hull->points); mr2d.rotatingCalipers(p2, p1, p3); /*std::cout << "BB: \n" << p1[0] << "," << p1[1] <<"\n" << p2[0] << "," << p2[1] <<"\n" << p3[0] << "," << p3[1] <<"\n ---" << std::endl;*/ // compute center of rectangle position[0] = 0.5f*(p1[0] + p3[0]); position[1] = 0.5f*(p1[1] + p3[1]); position[2] = 0.0f; // transform back Eigen::Affine3f inv_tf = tf.inverse(); position = inv_tf * position; // set size of bounding box float norm_1 = (p3-p2).norm(); float norm_2 = (p1-p2).norm(); // BoundingBox coordinates: X:= main direction, Z:= table normal Eigen::Vector3f direction; // y direction if (norm_1 < norm_2) { direction = Eigen::Vector3f(p3[0]-p2[0], p3[1]-p2[1], 0) / (norm_1); size[0] = norm_2 * 0.5f; size[1] = norm_1 * 0.5f; } else { direction = Eigen::Vector3f(p1[0]-p2[0], p1[1]-p2[1], 0) / (norm_2); size[0] = norm_1 * 0.5f; size[1] = norm_2 * 0.5f; } size[2] = -height; direction = inv_tf.rotation() * direction; orientation = pcl::getTransformationFromTwoUnitVectors(direction, plane_normal).rotation(); // (y, z-direction) return; Eigen::Matrix3f M = Eigen::Matrix3f::Identity() - plane_normal * plane_normal.transpose(); Eigen::Vector3f xn = M * Eigen::Vector3f::UnitX(); // X-axis project on normal Eigen::Vector3f xxn = M * direction; float cos_phi = acos(xn.normalized().dot(xxn.normalized())); // angle between xn and main direction cos_phi = cos(0.5f * cos_phi); float sin_phi = sqrt(1.0f-cos_phi*cos_phi); //orientation.w() = cos_phi; //orientation.x() = sin_phi * plane_normal(0); //orientation.y() = sin_phi * plane_normal(1); //orientation.z() = sin_phi * plane_normal(2); }
Plane::Plane(Eigen::Vector3f normal, Eigen::Vector3f p) : normal_(normal.normalized()), d_(- / normal.norm()) { initializeCoordinates(); }
BlockFitter::Result BlockFitter:: go() { Result result; result.mSuccess = false; if (mCloud->size() < 100) return result; // voxelize LabeledCloud::Ptr cloud(new LabeledCloud()); pcl::VoxelGrid<pcl::PointXYZL> voxelGrid; voxelGrid.setInputCloud(mCloud); voxelGrid.setLeafSize(mDownsampleResolution, mDownsampleResolution, mDownsampleResolution); voxelGrid.filter(*cloud); for (int i = 0; i < (int)cloud->size(); ++i) cloud->points[i].label = i; if (mDebug) { std::cout << "Original cloud size " << mCloud->size() << std::endl; std::cout << "Voxelized cloud size " << cloud->size() << std::endl; pcl::io::savePCDFileBinary("cloud_full.pcd", *cloud); } if (cloud->size() < 100) return result; // pose cloud->sensor_origin_.head<3>() = mOrigin; cloud->sensor_origin_[3] = 1; Eigen::Vector3f rz = mLookDir; Eigen::Vector3f rx = rz.cross(Eigen::Vector3f::UnitZ()); Eigen::Vector3f ry = rz.cross(rx); Eigen::Matrix3f rotation; rotation.col(0) = rx.normalized(); rotation.col(1) = ry.normalized(); rotation.col(2) = rz.normalized(); Eigen::Isometry3f pose = Eigen::Isometry3f::Identity(); pose.linear() = rotation; pose.translation() = mOrigin; // ground removal if (mRemoveGround) { Eigen::Vector4f groundPlane; // filter points float minZ = mMinGroundZ; float maxZ = mMaxGroundZ; if ((minZ > 10000) && (maxZ > 10000)) { std::vector<float> zVals(cloud->size()); for (int i = 0; i < (int)cloud->size(); ++i) { zVals[i] = cloud->points[i].z; } std::sort(zVals.begin(), zVals.end()); minZ = zVals[0]-0.1; maxZ = minZ + 0.5; } LabeledCloud::Ptr tempCloud(new LabeledCloud()); for (int i = 0; i < (int)cloud->size(); ++i) { const Eigen::Vector3f& p = cloud->points[i].getVector3fMap(); if ((p[2] < minZ) || (p[2] > maxZ)) continue; tempCloud->push_back(cloud->points[i]); } // downsample voxelGrid.setInputCloud(tempCloud); voxelGrid.setLeafSize(0.1, 0.1, 0.1); voxelGrid.filter(*tempCloud); if (tempCloud->size() < 100) return result; // find ground plane std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> pts(tempCloud->size()); for (int i = 0; i < (int)tempCloud->size(); ++i) { pts[i] = tempCloud->points[i].getVector3fMap(); } const float kGroundPlaneDistanceThresh = 0.01; // TODO: param PlaneFitter planeFitter; planeFitter.setMaxDistance(kGroundPlaneDistanceThresh); planeFitter.setRefineUsingInliers(true); auto res = planeFitter.go(pts); groundPlane = res.mPlane; if (groundPlane[2] < 0) groundPlane = -groundPlane; if (mDebug) { std::cout << "dominant plane: " << groundPlane.transpose() << std::endl; std::cout << " inliers: " << res.mInliers.size() << std::endl; } if (std::acos(groundPlane[2]) > 30*M_PI/180) { std::cout << "error: ground plane not found!" << std::endl; std::cout << "proceeding with full segmentation (may take a while)..." << std::endl; } else { // compute convex hull result.mGroundPlane = groundPlane; { tempCloud.reset(new LabeledCloud()); for (int i = 0; i < (int)cloud->size(); ++i) { Eigen::Vector3f p = cloud->points[i].getVector3fMap(); float dist = groundPlane.head<3>().dot(p) + groundPlane[3]; if (std::abs(dist) > kGroundPlaneDistanceThresh) continue; p -= (groundPlane.head<3>()*dist); pcl::PointXYZL cloudPt; cloudPt.getVector3fMap() = p; tempCloud->push_back(cloudPt); } pcl::ConvexHull<pcl::PointXYZL> chull; pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZL> hull; chull.setInputCloud(tempCloud); chull.reconstruct(hull); result.mGroundPolygon.resize(hull.size()); for (int i = 0; i < (int)hull.size(); ++i) { result.mGroundPolygon[i] = hull[i].getVector3fMap(); } } // remove points below or near ground tempCloud.reset(new LabeledCloud()); for (int i = 0; i < (int)cloud->size(); ++i) { Eigen::Vector3f p = cloud->points[i].getVector3fMap(); float dist =<3>()) + groundPlane[3]; if ((dist < mMinHeightAboveGround) || (dist > mMaxHeightAboveGround)) continue; float range = (p-mOrigin).norm(); if (range > mMaxRange) continue; tempCloud->push_back(cloud->points[i]); } std::swap(tempCloud, cloud); if (mDebug) { std::cout << "Filtered cloud size " << cloud->size() << std::endl; } } } // normal estimation auto t0 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); if (mDebug) { std::cout << "computing normals..." << std::flush; } RobustNormalEstimator normalEstimator; normalEstimator.setMaxEstimationError(0.01); normalEstimator.setRadius(0.1); normalEstimator.setMaxCenterError(0.02); normalEstimator.setMaxIterations(100); NormalCloud::Ptr normals(new NormalCloud()); normalEstimator.go(cloud, *normals); if (mDebug) { auto t1 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); auto dt = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(t1-t0); std::cout << "finished in " << dt.count()/1e3 << " sec" << std::endl; } // filter non-horizontal points const float maxNormalAngle = mMaxAngleFromHorizontal*M_PI/180; LabeledCloud::Ptr tempCloud(new LabeledCloud()); NormalCloud::Ptr tempNormals(new NormalCloud()); for (int i = 0; i < (int)normals->size(); ++i) { const auto& norm = normals->points[i]; Eigen::Vector3f normal(norm.normal_x, norm.normal_y, norm.normal_z); float angle = std::acos(normal[2]); if (angle > maxNormalAngle) continue; tempCloud->push_back(cloud->points[i]); tempNormals->push_back(normals->points[i]); } std::swap(tempCloud, cloud); std::swap(tempNormals, normals); if (mDebug) { std::cout << "Horizontal points remaining " << cloud->size() << std::endl; pcl::io::savePCDFileBinary("cloud.pcd", *cloud); pcl::io::savePCDFileBinary("robust_normals.pcd", *normals); } // plane segmentation t0 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); if (mDebug) { std::cout << "segmenting planes..." << std::flush; } PlaneSegmenter segmenter; segmenter.setData(cloud, normals); segmenter.setMaxError(0.05); segmenter.setMaxAngle(5); segmenter.setMinPoints(100); PlaneSegmenter::Result segmenterResult = segmenter.go(); if (mDebug) { auto t1 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); auto dt = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(t1-t0); std::cout << "finished in " << dt.count()/1e3 << " sec" << std::endl; std::ofstream ofs("labels.txt"); for (const int lab : segmenterResult.mLabels) { ofs << lab << std::endl; } ofs.close();"planes.txt"); for (auto it : segmenterResult.mPlanes) { auto& plane = it.second; ofs << it.first << " " << plane.transpose() << std::endl; } ofs.close(); } // create point clouds std::unordered_map<int,std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f>> cloudMap; for (int i = 0; i < (int)segmenterResult.mLabels.size(); ++i) { int label = segmenterResult.mLabels[i]; if (label <= 0) continue; cloudMap[label].push_back(cloud->points[i].getVector3fMap()); } struct Plane { MatrixX3f mPoints; Eigen::Vector4f mPlane; }; std::vector<Plane> planes; planes.reserve(cloudMap.size()); for (auto it : cloudMap) { int n = it.second.size(); Plane plane; plane.mPoints.resize(n,3); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) plane.mPoints.row(i) = it.second[i]; plane.mPlane = segmenterResult.mPlanes[it.first]; planes.push_back(plane); } std::vector<RectangleFitter::Result> results; for (auto& plane : planes) { RectangleFitter fitter; fitter.setDimensions(mBlockDimensions.head<2>()); fitter.setAlgorithm((RectangleFitter::Algorithm)mRectangleFitAlgorithm); fitter.setData(plane.mPoints, plane.mPlane); auto result = fitter.go(); results.push_back(result); } if (mDebug) { std::ofstream ofs("boxes.txt"); for (int i = 0; i < (int)results.size(); ++i) { auto& res = results[i]; for (auto& p : res.mPolygon) { ofs << i << " " << p.transpose() << std::endl; } } ofs.close();"hulls.txt"); for (int i = 0; i < (int)results.size(); ++i) { auto& res = results[i]; for (auto& p : res.mConvexHull) { ofs << i << " " << p.transpose() << std::endl; } } ofs.close();"poses.txt"); for (int i = 0; i < (int)results.size(); ++i) { auto& res = results[i]; auto transform = res.mPose; ofs << transform.matrix() << std::endl; } ofs.close(); } for (int i = 0; i < (int)results.size(); ++i) { const auto& res = results[i]; if (mBlockDimensions.head<2>().norm() > 1e-5) { float areaRatio = mBlockDimensions.head<2>().prod()/res.mConvexArea; if ((areaRatio < mAreaThreshMin) || (areaRatio > mAreaThreshMax)) continue; } Block block; block.mSize << res.mSize[0], res.mSize[1], mBlockDimensions[2]; block.mPose = res.mPose; block.mPose.translation() -= block.mPose.rotation().col(2)*mBlockDimensions[2]/2; block.mHull = res.mConvexHull; result.mBlocks.push_back(block); } if (mDebug) { std::cout << "Surviving blocks: " << result.mBlocks.size() << std::endl; } result.mSuccess = true; return result; }
cPlane::cPlane(const Eigen::Vector3f& n, float d): mNormal(n.normalized()), mD(d) { }
cPlane::cPlane(const Eigen::Vector3f& n, float d, const sMaterial& mat): mNormal(n.normalized()), mD(d), aWorldObject(mat) { }