IGL_INLINE void igl::copyleft::cgal::propagate_winding_numbers( const Eigen::PlainObjectBase<DerivedV>& V, const Eigen::PlainObjectBase<DerivedF>& F, const Eigen::PlainObjectBase<DerivedL>& labels, Eigen::PlainObjectBase<DerivedW>& W) { const size_t num_faces = F.rows(); //typedef typename DerivedF::Scalar Index; Eigen::MatrixXi E, uE; Eigen::VectorXi EMAP; std::vector<std::vector<size_t> > uE2E; igl::unique_edge_map(F, E, uE, EMAP, uE2E); if (!propagate_winding_numbers_helper::is_orientable(F, uE, uE2E)) { std::cerr << "Input mesh is not orientable!" << std::endl; } Eigen::VectorXi P; const size_t num_patches = igl::extract_manifold_patches(F, EMAP, uE2E, P); DerivedW per_patch_cells; const size_t num_cells = igl::copyleft::cgal::extract_cells( V, F, P, E, uE, uE2E, EMAP, per_patch_cells); typedef std::tuple<size_t, bool, size_t> CellConnection; std::vector<std::set<CellConnection> > cell_adjacency(num_cells); for (size_t i=0; i<num_patches; i++) { const int positive_cell = per_patch_cells(i,0); const int negative_cell = per_patch_cells(i,1); cell_adjacency[positive_cell].emplace(negative_cell, false, i); cell_adjacency[negative_cell].emplace(positive_cell, true, i); } auto save_cell = [&](const std::string& filename, size_t cell_id) { std::vector<size_t> faces; for (size_t i=0; i<num_patches; i++) { if ((per_patch_cells.row(i).array() == cell_id).any()) { for (size_t j=0; j<num_faces; j++) { if ((size_t)P[j] == i) { faces.push_back(j); } } } } Eigen::MatrixXi cell_faces(faces.size(), 3); for (size_t i=0; i<faces.size(); i++) { cell_faces.row(i) = F.row(faces[i]); } Eigen::MatrixXd vertices(V.rows(), 3); for (size_t i=0; i<(size_t)V.rows(); i++) { assign_scalar(V(i,0), vertices(i,0)); assign_scalar(V(i,1), vertices(i,1)); assign_scalar(V(i,2), vertices(i,2)); } writePLY(filename, vertices, cell_faces); }; #ifndef NDEBUG { // Check for odd cycle. Eigen::VectorXi cell_labels(num_cells); cell_labels.setZero(); Eigen::VectorXi parents(num_cells); parents.setConstant(-1); auto trace_parents = [&](size_t idx) { std::list<size_t> path; path.push_back(idx); while ((size_t)parents[path.back()] != path.back()) { path.push_back(parents[path.back()]); } return path; }; for (size_t i=0; i<num_cells; i++) { if (cell_labels[i] == 0) { cell_labels[i] = 1; std::queue<size_t> Q; Q.push(i); parents[i] = i; while (!Q.empty()) { size_t curr_idx = Q.front(); Q.pop(); int curr_label = cell_labels[curr_idx]; for (const auto& neighbor : cell_adjacency[curr_idx]) { if (cell_labels[std::get<0>(neighbor)] == 0) { cell_labels[std::get<0>(neighbor)] = curr_label * -1; Q.push(std::get<0>(neighbor)); parents[std::get<0>(neighbor)] = curr_idx; } else { if (cell_labels[std::get<0>(neighbor)] != curr_label * -1) { std::cerr << "Odd cell cycle detected!" << std::endl; auto path = trace_parents(curr_idx); path.reverse(); auto path2 = trace_parents(std::get<0>(neighbor)); path.insert(path.end(), path2.begin(), path2.end()); for (auto cell_id : path) { std::cout << cell_id << " "; std::stringstream filename; filename << "cell_" << cell_id << ".ply"; save_cell(filename.str(), cell_id); } std::cout << std::endl; } assert(cell_labels[std::get<0>(neighbor)] == curr_label * -1); } } } } } } #endif size_t outer_facet; bool flipped; Eigen::VectorXi I; I.setLinSpaced(num_faces, 0, num_faces-1); igl::copyleft::cgal::outer_facet(V, F, I, outer_facet, flipped); const size_t outer_patch = P[outer_facet]; const size_t infinity_cell = per_patch_cells(outer_patch, flipped?1:0); Eigen::VectorXi patch_labels(num_patches); const int INVALID = std::numeric_limits<int>::max(); patch_labels.setConstant(INVALID); for (size_t i=0; i<num_faces; i++) { if (patch_labels[P[i]] == INVALID) { patch_labels[P[i]] = labels[i]; } else { assert(patch_labels[P[i]] == labels[i]); } } assert((patch_labels.array() != INVALID).all()); const size_t num_labels = patch_labels.maxCoeff()+1; Eigen::MatrixXi per_cell_W(num_cells, num_labels); per_cell_W.setConstant(INVALID); per_cell_W.row(infinity_cell).setZero(); std::queue<size_t> Q; Q.push(infinity_cell); while (!Q.empty()) { size_t curr_cell = Q.front(); Q.pop(); for (const auto& neighbor : cell_adjacency[curr_cell]) { size_t neighbor_cell, patch_idx; bool direction; std::tie(neighbor_cell, direction, patch_idx) = neighbor; if ((per_cell_W.row(neighbor_cell).array() == INVALID).any()) { per_cell_W.row(neighbor_cell) = per_cell_W.row(curr_cell); for (size_t i=0; i<num_labels; i++) { int inc = (patch_labels[patch_idx] == (int)i) ? (direction ? -1:1) :0; per_cell_W(neighbor_cell, i) = per_cell_W(curr_cell, i) + inc; } Q.push(neighbor_cell); } else { #ifndef NDEBUG for (size_t i=0; i<num_labels; i++) { if ((int)i == patch_labels[patch_idx]) { int inc = direction ? -1:1; assert(per_cell_W(neighbor_cell, i) == per_cell_W(curr_cell, i) + inc); } else { assert(per_cell_W(neighbor_cell, i) == per_cell_W(curr_cell, i)); } } #endif } } } W.resize(num_faces, num_labels*2); for (size_t i=0; i<num_faces; i++) { const size_t patch = P[i]; const size_t positive_cell = per_patch_cells(patch, 0); const size_t negative_cell = per_patch_cells(patch, 1); for (size_t j=0; j<num_labels; j++) { W(i,j*2 ) = per_cell_W(positive_cell, j); W(i,j*2+1) = per_cell_W(negative_cell, j); } } }
IGL_INLINE void igl::copyleft::cgal::propagate_winding_numbers( const Eigen::PlainObjectBase<DerivedV>& V, const Eigen::PlainObjectBase<DerivedF>& F, const Eigen::PlainObjectBase<DerivedL>& labels, Eigen::PlainObjectBase<DerivedW>& W) { #ifdef PROPAGATE_WINDING_NUMBER_TIMING const auto & tictoc = []() { static double t_start = igl::get_seconds(); double diff = igl::get_seconds()-t_start; t_start += diff; return diff; }; tictoc(); #endif const size_t num_faces = F.rows(); //typedef typename DerivedF::Scalar Index; Eigen::MatrixXi E, uE; Eigen::VectorXi EMAP; std::vector<std::vector<size_t> > uE2E; igl::unique_edge_map(F, E, uE, EMAP, uE2E); if (!propagate_winding_numbers_helper::is_orientable(F, uE, uE2E)) { std::cerr << "Input mesh is not orientable!" << std::endl; } Eigen::VectorXi P; const size_t num_patches = igl::extract_manifold_patches(F, EMAP, uE2E, P); #ifdef PROPAGATE_WINDING_NUMBER_TIMING std::cout << "extract manifold patches: " << tictoc() << std::endl; #endif DerivedW per_patch_cells; const size_t num_cells = igl::copyleft::cgal::extract_cells( V, F, P, E, uE, uE2E, EMAP, per_patch_cells); #ifdef PROPAGATE_WINDING_NUMBER_TIMING std::cout << "extract cells: " << tictoc() << std::endl;; #endif typedef std::tuple<size_t, bool, size_t> CellConnection; std::vector<std::set<CellConnection> > cell_adjacency(num_cells); for (size_t i=0; i<num_patches; i++) { const int positive_cell = per_patch_cells(i,0); const int negative_cell = per_patch_cells(i,1); cell_adjacency[positive_cell].emplace(negative_cell, false, i); cell_adjacency[negative_cell].emplace(positive_cell, true, i); } #ifdef PROPAGATE_WINDING_NUMBER_TIMING std::cout << "cell connection: " << tictoc() << std::endl; #endif auto save_cell = [&](const std::string& filename, size_t cell_id) { std::vector<size_t> faces; for (size_t i=0; i<num_patches; i++) { if ((per_patch_cells.row(i).array() == cell_id).any()) { for (size_t j=0; j<num_faces; j++) { if ((size_t)P[j] == i) { faces.push_back(j); } } } } Eigen::MatrixXi cell_faces(faces.size(), 3); for (size_t i=0; i<faces.size(); i++) { cell_faces.row(i) = F.row(faces[i]); } Eigen::MatrixXd vertices(V.rows(), 3); for (size_t i=0; i<(size_t)V.rows(); i++) { assign_scalar(V(i,0), vertices(i,0)); assign_scalar(V(i,1), vertices(i,1)); assign_scalar(V(i,2), vertices(i,2)); } writePLY(filename, vertices, cell_faces); }; #ifndef NDEBUG { // Check for odd cycle. Eigen::VectorXi cell_labels(num_cells); cell_labels.setZero(); Eigen::VectorXi parents(num_cells); parents.setConstant(-1); auto trace_parents = [&](size_t idx) { std::list<size_t> path; path.push_back(idx); while ((size_t)parents[path.back()] != path.back()) { path.push_back(parents[path.back()]); } return path; }; for (size_t i=0; i<num_cells; i++) { if (cell_labels[i] == 0) { cell_labels[i] = 1; std::queue<size_t> Q; Q.push(i); parents[i] = i; while (!Q.empty()) { size_t curr_idx = Q.front(); Q.pop(); int curr_label = cell_labels[curr_idx]; for (const auto& neighbor : cell_adjacency[curr_idx]) { if (cell_labels[std::get<0>(neighbor)] == 0) { cell_labels[std::get<0>(neighbor)] = curr_label * -1; Q.push(std::get<0>(neighbor)); parents[std::get<0>(neighbor)] = curr_idx; } else { if (cell_labels[std::get<0>(neighbor)] != curr_label * -1) { std::cerr << "Odd cell cycle detected!" << std::endl; auto path = trace_parents(curr_idx); path.reverse(); auto path2 = trace_parents(std::get<0>(neighbor)); path.insert(path.end(), path2.begin(), path2.end()); for (auto cell_id : path) { std::cout << cell_id << " "; std::stringstream filename; filename << "cell_" << cell_id << ".ply"; save_cell(filename.str(), cell_id); } std::cout << std::endl; } // Do not fail when odd cycle is detected because the resulting // integer winding number field, although inconsistent, may still // be used if the problem region is local and embedded within a // valid volume. //assert(cell_labels[std::get<0>(neighbor)] == curr_label * -1); } } } } } #ifdef PROPAGATE_WINDING_NUMBER_TIMING std::cout << "check for odd cycle: " << tictoc() << std::endl; #endif } #endif size_t outer_facet; bool flipped; Eigen::VectorXi I; I.setLinSpaced(num_faces, 0, num_faces-1); igl::copyleft::cgal::outer_facet(V, F, I, outer_facet, flipped); #ifdef PROPAGATE_WINDING_NUMBER_TIMING std::cout << "outer facet: " << tictoc() << std::endl; #endif const size_t outer_patch = P[outer_facet]; const size_t infinity_cell = per_patch_cells(outer_patch, flipped?1:0); Eigen::VectorXi patch_labels(num_patches); const int INVALID = std::numeric_limits<int>::max(); patch_labels.setConstant(INVALID); for (size_t i=0; i<num_faces; i++) { if (patch_labels[P[i]] == INVALID) { patch_labels[P[i]] = labels[i]; } else { assert(patch_labels[P[i]] == labels[i]); } } assert((patch_labels.array() != INVALID).all()); const size_t num_labels = patch_labels.maxCoeff()+1; Eigen::MatrixXi per_cell_W(num_cells, num_labels); per_cell_W.setConstant(INVALID); per_cell_W.row(infinity_cell).setZero(); std::queue<size_t> Q; Q.push(infinity_cell); while (!Q.empty()) { size_t curr_cell = Q.front(); Q.pop(); for (const auto& neighbor : cell_adjacency[curr_cell]) { size_t neighbor_cell, patch_idx; bool direction; std::tie(neighbor_cell, direction, patch_idx) = neighbor; if ((per_cell_W.row(neighbor_cell).array() == INVALID).any()) { per_cell_W.row(neighbor_cell) = per_cell_W.row(curr_cell); for (size_t i=0; i<num_labels; i++) { int inc = (patch_labels[patch_idx] == (int)i) ? (direction ? -1:1) :0; per_cell_W(neighbor_cell, i) = per_cell_W(curr_cell, i) + inc; } Q.push(neighbor_cell); } else { #ifndef NDEBUG // Checking for winding number consistency. // This check would inevitably fail for meshes that contain open // boundary or non-orientable. However, the inconsistent winding number // field would still be useful in some cases such as when problem region // is local and embedded within the volume. This, unfortunately, is the // best we can do because the problem of computing integer winding // number is ill-defined for open and non-orientable surfaces. for (size_t i=0; i<num_labels; i++) { if ((int)i == patch_labels[patch_idx]) { int inc = direction ? -1:1; //assert(per_cell_W(neighbor_cell, i) == // per_cell_W(curr_cell, i) + inc); } else { //assert(per_cell_W(neighbor_cell, i) == // per_cell_W(curr_cell, i)); } } #endif } } } #ifdef PROPAGATE_WINDING_NUMBER_TIMING std::cout << "propagate winding number: " << tictoc() << std::endl; #endif W.resize(num_faces, num_labels*2); for (size_t i=0; i<num_faces; i++) { const size_t patch = P[i]; const size_t positive_cell = per_patch_cells(patch, 0); const size_t negative_cell = per_patch_cells(patch, 1); for (size_t j=0; j<num_labels; j++) { W(i,j*2 ) = per_cell_W(positive_cell, j); W(i,j*2+1) = per_cell_W(negative_cell, j); } } #ifdef PROPAGATE_WINDING_NUMBER_TIMING std::cout << "save result: " << tictoc() << std::endl; #endif }