bool KonsoleKalendar::showInstance() { bool status = true; QFile f; QString title; Event::Ptr event; const KDateTime::Spec timeSpec = m_variables->getCalendar()->timeSpec(); Akonadi::CalendarBase::Ptr calendar = m_variables->getCalendar(); if (m_variables->isDryRun()) { cout << i18n("View Events <Dry Run>:").toLocal8Bit().data() << endl; printSpecs(); } else { qCDebug(KONSOLEKALENDAR_LOG) << "konsolekalendar.cpp::showInstance() |" << "open export file"; if (m_variables->isExportFile()) { f.setFileName(m_variables->getExportFile()); if (! { status = false; qCDebug(KONSOLEKALENDAR_LOG) << "konsolekalendar.cpp::showInstance() |" << "unable to open export file" << m_variables->getExportFile(); } } else {, QIODevice::WriteOnly); } if (status) { qCDebug(KONSOLEKALENDAR_LOG) << "konsolekalendar.cpp::showInstance() |" << "opened successful"; if (m_variables->isVerbose()) { cout << i18n("View Event <Verbose>:").toLocal8Bit().data() << endl; printSpecs(); } QTextStream ts(&f); if (m_variables->getExportType() != ExportTypeHTML && m_variables->getExportType() != ExportTypeMonthHTML) { if (m_variables->getAll()) { qCDebug(KONSOLEKALENDAR_LOG) << "konsolekalendar.cpp::showInstance() |" << "view all events sorted list"; Event::List sortedList = calendar->events(EventSortStartDate); qCDebug(KONSOLEKALENDAR_LOG) << "Found" << sortedList.count() << "events"; if (!sortedList.isEmpty()) { // The code that was here before the akonadi port was really slow with 200 events // this is much faster: foreach (const KCalCore::Event::Ptr &event, sortedList) { status &= printEvent(&ts, event, event->dtStart().date()); } } } else if (m_variables->isUID()) {
Event::Ptr DndFactory::createDropEvent( const QMimeData *mimeData ) { //kDebug(); Event::Ptr event; MemoryCalendar::Ptr calendar( createDropCalendar( mimeData ) ); if ( calendar ) { Event::List events = calendar->events(); if ( !events.isEmpty() ) { event = Event::Ptr( new Event( *events.first() ) ); } } return event; }
Event *DndFactory::createDropEvent( const QMimeData *md ) { kDebug(); Event *ev = 0; Calendar *cal = createDropCalendar( md ); if ( cal ) { Event::List events = cal->events(); if ( !events.isEmpty() ) { ev = new Event( *events.first() ); } delete cal; } return ev; }