예제 #1
void ExodusII_IO::read (const std::string& fname)
  // This is a serial-only process for now;
  // the Mesh should be read on processor 0 and
  // broadcast later
//  libmesh_assert_equal_to (libMesh::processor_id(), 0);


  libMesh::err <<  "ERROR, ExodusII API is not defined.\n"
	        << "Input file " << fname << " cannot be read"
	        << std::endl;


  // Get a reference to the mesh we are reading
  MeshBase& mesh = MeshInput<MeshBase>::mesh();

  // Clear any existing mesh data

  // Keep track of what kinds of elements this file contains
  elems_of_dimension.resize(4, false);

#ifdef DEBUG

  ExodusII_IO_Helper::ElementMaps em;     // Instantiate the ElementMaps interface

  exio_helper->open(fname.c_str());       // Open the exodus file, if possible
  exio_helper->read_header();             // Get header information from exodus file
  exio_helper->print_header();            // Print header information

  //assertion fails due to inconsistent mesh dimension
//  libmesh_assert_equal_to (static_cast<unsigned int>(exio_helper->get_num_dim()), mesh.mesh_dimension()); // Be sure number of dimensions
                                                                                // is equal to the number of
                                                                                // dimensions in the mesh supplied.

  exio_helper->read_nodes();                        // Read nodes from the exodus file
  mesh.reserve_nodes(exio_helper->get_num_nodes()); // Reserve space for the nodes.

  // Loop over the nodes, create Nodes with local processor_id 0.
  for (int i=0; i<exio_helper->get_num_nodes(); i++)
    mesh.add_point (Point(exio_helper->get_x(i),
			  exio_helper->get_z(i)), i);

  libmesh_assert_equal_to (static_cast<unsigned int>(exio_helper->get_num_nodes()), mesh.n_nodes());

  exio_helper->read_block_info();                 // Get information about all the blocks
  mesh.reserve_elem(exio_helper->get_num_elem()); // Reserve space for the elements

  // Read in the element connectivity for each block.
  int nelem_last_block = 0;

  std::map<int, unsigned int> exodus_id_to_mesh_id;

  // Loop over all the blocks
  for (int i=0; i<exio_helper->get_num_elem_blk(); i++)
      // Read the information for block i
      exio_helper->read_elem_in_block (i);
      int subdomain_id = exio_helper->get_block_id(i);

      // populate the map of names
      mesh.subdomain_name(static_cast<subdomain_id_type>(subdomain_id)) =

      // Set any relevant node/edge maps for this element
      const std::string type_str (exio_helper->get_elem_type());
      const ExodusII_IO_Helper::Conversion conv = em.assign_conversion(type_str);
      //if (_verbose)
      //libMesh::out << "Reading a block of " << type_str << " elements." << std::endl;

      // Loop over all the faces in this block
      int jmax = nelem_last_block+exio_helper->get_num_elem_this_blk();
      for (int j=nelem_last_block; j<jmax; j++)
	  Elem* elem = Elem::build (conv.get_canonical_type()).release();
	  libmesh_assert (elem);
          elem->subdomain_id() = static_cast<subdomain_id_type>(subdomain_id) ;
          //elem->set_id(j);// Don't try to second guess the Element ID setting scheme!

          elems_of_dimension[elem->dim()] = true;

	  elem = mesh.add_elem (elem); // Catch the Elem pointer that the Mesh throws back

          exodus_id_to_mesh_id[j+1] = elem->id();

	  // Set all the nodes for this element
	  for (int k=0; k<exio_helper->get_num_nodes_per_elem(); k++)
	      int gi = (j-nelem_last_block)*exio_helper->get_num_nodes_per_elem() + conv.get_node_map(k); // global index
	      int node_number   = exio_helper->get_connect(gi);             // Global node number (1-based)
	      elem->set_node(k) = mesh.node_ptr((node_number-1)); // Set node number
	                                                          // Subtract 1 since
		                                                  // exodus is internally 1-based

      // running sum of # of elements per block,
      // (should equal total number of elements in the end)
      nelem_last_block += exio_helper->get_num_elem_this_blk();
  libmesh_assert_equal_to (static_cast<unsigned int>(nelem_last_block), mesh.n_elem());

   // Set the mesh dimension to the largest encountered for an element
  for (unsigned int i=0; i!=4; ++i)
    if (elems_of_dimension[i])

  // Read in sideset information -- this is useful for applying boundary conditions
    exio_helper->read_sideset_info(); // Get basic information about ALL sidesets
    int offset=0;
    for (int i=0; i<exio_helper->get_num_side_sets(); i++)
	offset += (i > 0 ? exio_helper->get_num_sides_per_set(i-1) : 0); // Compute new offset
	exio_helper->read_sideset (i, offset);

        mesh.boundary_info->sideset_name(exio_helper->get_side_set_id(i)) =

    const std::vector<int>& elem_list = exio_helper->get_elem_list();
    const std::vector<int>& side_list = exio_helper->get_side_list();
    const std::vector<int>& id_list   = exio_helper->get_id_list();

    for (unsigned int e=0; e<elem_list.size(); e++)
	// Set any relevant node/edge maps for this element

        Elem * elem = mesh.elem(exodus_id_to_mesh_id[elem_list[e]]);

	const ExodusII_IO_Helper::Conversion conv =

	mesh.boundary_info->add_side (exodus_id_to_mesh_id[elem_list[e]],

  // Read nodeset info

    for (int nodeset=0; nodeset<exio_helper->get_num_node_sets(); nodeset++)
        int nodeset_id = exio_helper->get_nodeset_id(nodeset);

        mesh.boundary_info->nodeset_name(nodeset_id) =


        const std::vector<int>& node_list = exio_helper->get_node_list();

        for(unsigned int node=0; node<node_list.size(); node++)
          mesh.boundary_info->add_node(node_list[node]-1, nodeset_id);

  if (mesh.mesh_dimension() > LIBMESH_DIM)
      libMesh::err << "Cannot open dimension " <<
		      mesh.mesh_dimension() <<
		      " mesh file when configured without " <<
                      mesh.mesh_dimension() << "D support." <<

예제 #2
void ExodusII_IO::read (const std::string & fname)
  // Get a reference to the mesh we are reading
  MeshBase & mesh = MeshInput<MeshBase>::mesh();

  // Clear any existing mesh data

  // Keep track of what kinds of elements this file contains
  elems_of_dimension.resize(4, false);

#ifdef DEBUG

  // Instantiate the ElementMaps interface
  ExodusII_IO_Helper::ElementMaps em(*exio_helper);

  // Open the exodus file in EX_READ mode
  exio_helper->open(fname.c_str(), /*read_only=*/true);

  // Get header information from exodus file

  // Read the QA records

  // Print header information

  // Read nodes from the exodus file

  // Reserve space for the nodes.

  // Read the node number map from the Exodus file.  This is
  // required if we want to preserve the numbering of nodes as it
  // exists in the Exodus file.  If the Exodus file does not contain
  // a node_num_map, the identity map is returned by this call.

  // Loop over the nodes, create Nodes with local processor_id 0.
  for (int i=0; i<exio_helper->num_nodes; i++)
      // Use the node_num_map to get the correct ID for Exodus
      int exodus_id = exio_helper->node_num_map[i];

      // Catch the node that was added to the mesh
      Node * added_node = mesh.add_point (Point(exio_helper->x[i], exio_helper->y[i], exio_helper->z[i]), exodus_id-1);

      // If the Mesh assigned an ID different from what is in the
      // Exodus file, we should probably error.
      if (added_node->id() != static_cast<unsigned>(exodus_id-1))
        libmesh_error_msg("Error!  Mesh assigned node ID "    \
                          << added_node->id()                         \
                          << " which is different from the (zero-based) Exodus ID " \
                          << exodus_id-1                              \
                          << "!");

  // This assert is no longer valid if the nodes are not numbered
  // sequentially starting from 1 in the Exodus file.
  // libmesh_assert_equal_to (static_cast<unsigned int>(exio_helper->num_nodes), mesh.n_nodes());

  // Get information about all the blocks

  // Reserve space for the elements

  // Read the element number map from the Exodus file.  This is
  // required if we want to preserve the numbering of elements as it
  // exists in the Exodus file.  If the Exodus file does not contain
  // an elem_num_map, the identity map is returned by this call.

  // Read in the element connectivity for each block.
  int nelem_last_block = 0;

  // Loop over all the blocks
  for (int i=0; i<exio_helper->num_elem_blk; i++)
      // Read the information for block i
      exio_helper->read_elem_in_block (i);
      int subdomain_id = exio_helper->get_block_id(i);

      // populate the map of names
      std::string subdomain_name = exio_helper->get_block_name(i);
      if (!subdomain_name.empty())
        mesh.subdomain_name(static_cast<subdomain_id_type>(subdomain_id)) = subdomain_name;

      // Set any relevant node/edge maps for this element
      const std::string type_str (exio_helper->get_elem_type());
      const ExodusII_IO_Helper::Conversion conv = em.assign_conversion(type_str);

      // Loop over all the faces in this block
      int jmax = nelem_last_block+exio_helper->num_elem_this_blk;
      for (int j=nelem_last_block; j<jmax; j++)
          Elem * elem = Elem::build (conv.get_canonical_type()).release();
          libmesh_assert (elem);
          elem->subdomain_id() = static_cast<subdomain_id_type>(subdomain_id) ;

          // Use the elem_num_map to obtain the ID of this element in the Exodus file
          int exodus_id = exio_helper->elem_num_map[j];

          // Assign this element the same ID it had in the Exodus
          // file, but make it zero-based by subtracting 1.  Note:
          // some day we could use 1-based numbering in libmesh and
          // thus match the Exodus numbering exactly, but at the
          // moment libmesh is zero-based.

          // Record that we have seen an element of dimension elem->dim()
          elems_of_dimension[elem->dim()] = true;

          // Catch the Elem pointer that the Mesh throws back
          elem = mesh.add_elem (elem);

          // If the Mesh assigned an ID different from what is in the
          // Exodus file, we should probably error.
          if (elem->id() != static_cast<unsigned>(exodus_id-1))
            libmesh_error_msg("Error!  Mesh assigned ID "       \
                              << elem->id()                             \
                              << " which is different from the (zero-based) Exodus ID " \
                              << exodus_id-1                            \
                              << "!");

          // Set all the nodes for this element
          for (int k=0; k<exio_helper->num_nodes_per_elem; k++)
              // global index
              int gi = (j-nelem_last_block)*exio_helper->num_nodes_per_elem + conv.get_node_map(k);

              // The entries in 'connect' are actually (1-based)
              // indices into the node_num_map, so to get the right
              // node ID we:
              // 1.) Subtract 1 from connect[gi]
              // 2.) Pass it through node_num_map to get the corresponding Exodus ID
              // 3.) Subtract 1 from that, since libmesh node numbering is "zero"-based,
              //     even when the Exodus node numbering doesn't start with 1.
              int libmesh_node_id = exio_helper->node_num_map[exio_helper->connect[gi] - 1] - 1;

              // Set the node pointer in the Elem
              elem->set_node(k) = mesh.node_ptr(libmesh_node_id);

      // running sum of # of elements per block,
      // (should equal total number of elements in the end)
      nelem_last_block += exio_helper->num_elem_this_blk;

  // This assert isn't valid if the Exodus file's numbering doesn't
  // start with 1!  For example, if Exodus's elem_num_map is 21, 22,
  // 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, ... 84, then by the time you are
  // done with the loop above, mesh.n_elem() will report 84 and
  // nelem_last_block will be 64.
  // libmesh_assert_equal_to (static_cast<unsigned>(nelem_last_block), mesh.n_elem());

  // Set the mesh dimension to the largest encountered for an element
  for (unsigned char i=0; i!=4; ++i)
    if (elems_of_dimension[i])

  // Read in sideset information -- this is useful for applying boundary conditions
    // Get basic information about all sidesets
    int offset=0;
    for (int i=0; i<exio_helper->num_side_sets; i++)
        // Compute new offset
        offset += (i > 0 ? exio_helper->num_sides_per_set[i-1] : 0);
        exio_helper->read_sideset (i, offset);

        std::string sideset_name = exio_helper->get_side_set_name(i);
        if (!sideset_name.empty())
            = sideset_name;

    for (unsigned int e=0; e<exio_helper->elem_list.size(); e++)
        // The numbers in the Exodus file sidesets should be thought
        // of as (1-based) indices into the elem_num_map array.  So,
        // to get the right element ID we have to:
        // 1.) Subtract 1 from elem_list[e] (to get a zero-based index)
        // 2.) Pass it through elem_num_map (to get the corresponding Exodus ID)
        // 3.) Subtract 1 from that, since libmesh is "zero"-based,
        //     even when the Exodus numbering doesn't start with 1.
        dof_id_type libmesh_elem_id =
          cast_int<dof_id_type>(exio_helper->elem_num_map[exio_helper->elem_list[e] - 1] - 1);

        // Set any relevant node/edge maps for this element
        Elem * elem = mesh.elem(libmesh_elem_id);

        const ExodusII_IO_Helper::Conversion conv = em.assign_conversion(elem->type());

        // Map the zero-based Exodus side numbering to the libmesh side numbering
        int mapped_side = conv.get_side_map(exio_helper->side_list[e]-1);

        // Check for errors
        if (mapped_side == ExodusII_IO_Helper::Conversion::invalid_id)
          libmesh_error_msg("Invalid 1-based side id: "                 \
                            << exio_helper->side_list[e]                \
                            << " detected for "                         \
                            << Utility::enum_to_string(elem->type()));

        // Add this (elem,side,id) triplet to the BoundaryInfo object.
        mesh.get_boundary_info().add_side (libmesh_elem_id,
                                           cast_int<unsigned short>(mapped_side),

  // Read nodeset info

    for (int nodeset=0; nodeset<exio_helper->num_node_sets; nodeset++)
        boundary_id_type nodeset_id =

        std::string nodeset_name = exio_helper->get_node_set_name(nodeset);
        if (!nodeset_name.empty())
          mesh.get_boundary_info().nodeset_name(nodeset_id) = nodeset_name;


        for (unsigned int node=0; node<exio_helper->node_list.size(); node++)
            // As before, the entries in 'node_list' are 1-based
            // indcies into the node_num_map array, so we have to map
            // them.  See comment above.
            int libmesh_node_id = exio_helper->node_num_map[exio_helper->node_list[node] - 1] - 1;

  if (mesh.mesh_dimension() > LIBMESH_DIM)
    libmesh_error_msg("Cannot open dimension "        \
                      << mesh.mesh_dimension()            \
                      << " mesh file when configured without "        \
                      << mesh.mesh_dimension()                        \
                      << "D support.");