bool Shader::load(FS::IFile& file) { lua_State* L = luaL_newstate(); luaL_openlibs(L); registerFunctions(this, &m_combintions, &getRenderer(), L); m_render_states = BGFX_STATE_DEPTH_TEST_LEQUAL; bool errors = luaL_loadbuffer(L, (const char*)file.getBuffer(), file.size(), "") != LUA_OK; errors = errors || lua_pcall(L, 0, 0, 0) != LUA_OK; if (errors) { g_log_error.log("Renderer") << getPath().c_str() << ": " << lua_tostring(L, -1); lua_pop(L, 1); return false; } if (!generateInstances()) { g_log_error.log("Renderer") << "Could not load instances of shader " << getPath().c_str(); return false; } m_size = file.size(); lua_close(L); return true; }
bool LuaScript::load(FS::IFile& file) { m_properties.clear(); m_source_code.set((const char*)file.getBuffer(), (int)file.size()); parseProperties(); m_size = file.size(); return true; }
bool ShaderBinary::load(FS::IFile& file) { auto* mem = bgfx::alloc((uint32)file.size() + 1);>data, file.size()); mem->data[file.size()] = '\0'; m_handle = bgfx::createShader(mem); m_size = file.size(); return bgfx::isValid(m_handle); }
void LuaScript::loaded(FS::IFile& file, bool success, FS::FileSystem& fs) { if (success) { m_source_code.set((const char*)file.getBuffer(), file.size()); parseProperties(); m_size = file.size(); decrementDepCount(); } else { g_log_error.log("lua_script") << "Could not load script " << m_path.c_str(); onFailure(); } }
bool Texture::load(FS::IFile& file) { PROFILE_FUNCTION(); const char* path = getPath().c_str(); size_t len = getPath().length(); bool loaded = false; if (len > 3 && compareString(path + len - 4, ".dds") == 0) { loaded = loadDDS(file); } else if (len > 3 && compareString(path + len - 4, ".raw") == 0) { loaded = loadRaw(file); } else { loaded = loadTGA(file); } if (!loaded) { g_log_warning.log("Renderer") << "Error loading texture " << path; return false; } m_size = file.size(); return true; }
void Model::loaded(FS::IFile& file, bool success, FS::FileSystem& fs) { PROFILE_FUNCTION(); if (success) { FileHeader header;, sizeof(header)); if (header.m_magic == FILE_MAGIC && header.m_version <= (uint32_t)FileVersion::LATEST && parseMeshes(file) && parseGeometry(file) && parseBones(file) && parseLODs(file)) { m_size = file.size(); decrementDepCount(); } else { g_log_warning.log("renderer") << "Error loading model " << m_path.c_str(); onFailure(); return; } } else { g_log_warning.log("renderer") << "Error loading model " << m_path.c_str(); onFailure(); } }
JsonSerializer::JsonSerializer(FS::IFile& file, AccessMode access_mode, const Path& path, IAllocator& allocator) : m_file(file) , m_access_mode(access_mode) , m_allocator(allocator) { m_is_error = false; copyString(m_path, path.c_str()); m_is_first_in_block = true; m_data = nullptr; m_is_string_token = false; if (m_access_mode == READ) { m_data_size = (int)file.size(); if (file.getBuffer() != nullptr) { m_data = (const char*)file.getBuffer(); m_own_data = false; } else { int size = (int)m_file.size(); char* data = (char*)m_allocator.allocate(size); m_own_data = true;, m_data_size); m_data = data; } m_token = m_data; m_token_size = 0; deserializeToken(); } }
bool Texture::loadRaw(FS::IFile& file) { PROFILE_FUNCTION(); size_t size = file.size(); m_BPP = 2; m_width = (int)sqrt(size / m_BPP); m_height = m_width; if (m_data_reference) { m_data.resize(size);[0], size); } const uint16_t* src_mem = (const uint16_t*)file.getBuffer(); const bgfx::Memory* mem = bgfx::alloc(m_width * m_height * sizeof(float)); float* dst_mem = (float*)mem->data; for (int i = 0; i < m_width * m_height; ++i) { dst_mem[i] = src_mem[i] / 65535.0f; } m_texture_handle = bgfx::createTexture2D( m_width, m_height, 1, bgfx::TextureFormat::R32F, 0, nullptr); bgfx::updateTexture2D( m_texture_handle, 0, 0, 0, m_width, m_height, mem); return bgfx::isValid(m_texture_handle); }
bool Texture::loadDDS(FS::IFile& file) { bgfx::TextureInfo info; m_texture_handle = bgfx::createTexture( bgfx::copy(file.getBuffer(), file.size()), 0, 0, &info); m_BPP = -1; m_width = info.width; m_height = info.height; return bgfx::isValid(m_texture_handle); }
bool Clip::load(FS::IFile& file) { short* output = nullptr; auto res = stb_vorbis_decode_memory( (unsigned char*)file.getBuffer(), (int)file.size(), &m_channels, &m_sample_rate, &output); if (res <= 0) return false; m_data.resize(res * m_channels); copyMemory(&m_data[0], output, res * m_channels * sizeof(m_data[0])); free(output); return true; }
void Animation::loaded(FS::IFile& file, bool success, FS::FileSystem& fs) { if (success) { IAllocator& allocator = getAllocator(); allocator.deallocate(m_positions); allocator.deallocate(m_rotations); allocator.deallocate(m_bones); m_positions = nullptr; m_rotations = nullptr; m_bones = 0; m_frame_count = m_bone_count = 0; Header header;, sizeof(header)); if (header.magic != HEADER_MAGIC) { onFailure(); g_log_error.log("animation") << m_path.c_str() << " is not an animation file"; return; } if (header.version > 1) { onFailure(); g_log_error.log("animation") << "Unsupported animation version " << header.version << " (" << m_path.c_str() << ")"; return; } m_fps = header.fps;, sizeof(m_frame_count));, sizeof(m_bone_count)); m_positions = static_cast<Vec3*>(allocator.allocate(sizeof(Vec3) * m_frame_count * m_bone_count)); m_rotations = static_cast<Quat*>(allocator.allocate(sizeof(Quat) * m_frame_count * m_bone_count)); m_bones = static_cast<uint32_t*>(allocator.allocate(sizeof(uint32_t) * m_bone_count));[0], sizeof(Vec3)* m_bone_count * m_frame_count);[0], sizeof(Quat)* m_bone_count * m_frame_count);, sizeof(m_bones[0]) * m_bone_count); m_size = file.size(); decrementDepCount(); } else { onFailure(); } }
bool Model::load(FS::IFile& file) { PROFILE_FUNCTION(); FileHeader header;, sizeof(header)); if (header.m_magic == FILE_MAGIC && header.m_version <= (uint32)FileVersion::LATEST && parseMeshes(file) && parseGeometry(file) && parseBones(file) && parseLODs(file)) { m_size = file.size(); return true; } g_log_warning.log("renderer") << "Error loading model " << getPath().c_str(); return false; }
bool Model::load(FS::IFile& file) { PROFILE_FUNCTION(); FileHeader header;, sizeof(header)); if (header.magic != FILE_MAGIC) { g_log_warning.log("Renderer") << "Corrupted model " << getPath().c_str(); return false; } if(header.version > (u32)FileVersion::LATEST) { g_log_warning.log("Renderer") << "Unsupported version of model " << getPath().c_str(); return false; } u32 global_flags = 0; // backward compatibility if(header.version > (u32)FileVersion::WITH_FLAGS) {, sizeof(global_flags)); } bgfx::VertexDecl global_vertex_decl; if (header.version > (u32)FileVersion::SINGLE_VERTEX_DECL && header.version <= (u32)FileVersion::MULTIPLE_VERTEX_DECLS) { parseVertexDeclEx(file, &global_vertex_decl); } if (parseMeshes(global_vertex_decl, file, (FileVersion)header.version, global_flags) && parseBones(file) && parseLODs(file)) { m_size = file.size(); return true; } g_log_error.log("Renderer") << "Error loading model " << getPath().c_str(); return false; }
void Texture::loaded(FS::IFile& file, bool success, FS::FileSystem& fs) { PROFILE_FUNCTION(); if (success) { const char* path = m_path.c_str(); size_t len = m_path.length(); bool loaded = false; if (len > 3 && strcmp(path + len - 4, ".dds") == 0) { loaded = loadDDS(file); } else if (len > 3 && strcmp(path + len - 4, ".raw") == 0) { loaded = loadRaw(file); } else { loaded = loadTGA(file); } if (!loaded) { g_log_warning.log("renderer") << "Error loading texture " << m_path.c_str(); onFailure(); } else { m_size = file.size(); decrementDepCount(); } } else { g_log_warning.log("renderer") << "Error loading texture " << m_path.c_str(); onFailure(); } }
bool Animation::load(FS::IFile& file) { IAllocator& allocator = getAllocator(); allocator.deallocate(m_positions); allocator.deallocate(m_rotations); allocator.deallocate(m_bones); m_positions = nullptr; m_rotations = nullptr; m_bones = nullptr; m_frame_count = m_bone_count = 0; Header header;, sizeof(header)); if (header.magic != HEADER_MAGIC) { g_log_error.log("Animation") << getPath() << " is not an animation file"; return false; } if (header.version > 1) { g_log_error.log("Animation") << "Unsupported animation version " << header.version << " (" << getPath() << ")"; return false; } m_fps = header.fps;, sizeof(m_frame_count));, sizeof(m_bone_count)); m_positions = static_cast<Vec3*>(allocator.allocate(sizeof(Vec3) * m_frame_count * m_bone_count)); m_rotations = static_cast<Quat*>(allocator.allocate(sizeof(Quat) * m_frame_count * m_bone_count)); m_bones = static_cast<uint32*>(allocator.allocate(sizeof(uint32) * m_bone_count));[0], sizeof(Vec3)* m_bone_count * m_frame_count);[0], sizeof(Quat)* m_bone_count * m_frame_count);, sizeof(m_bones[0]) * m_bone_count); m_size = file.size(); return true; }
bool Material::load(FS::IFile& file) { PROFILE_FUNCTION(); m_render_states = BGFX_STATE_DEPTH_TEST_LEQUAL | BGFX_STATE_CULL_CW; m_uniforms.clear(); JsonSerializer serializer(file, JsonSerializer::READ, getPath().c_str(), m_allocator); serializer.deserializeObjectBegin(); char path[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; char label[256]; char material_dir[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; PathUtils::getDir(material_dir, MAX_PATH_LENGTH, getPath().c_str()); bool b_value; while (!serializer.isObjectEnd()) { serializer.deserializeLabel(label, 255); if (compareString(label, "uniforms") == 0) { deserializeUniforms(serializer); } else if (compareString(label, "texture") == 0) { if (!deserializeTexture(serializer, material_dir)) { return false; } } else if (compareString(label, "alpha_cutout") == 0) { bool b; serializer.deserialize(b, false); enableAlphaCutout(b); } else if (compareString(label, "alpha_blending") == 0) { if (serializer.isNextBoolean()) { bool is_alpha_blending; serializer.deserialize(is_alpha_blending, false); if (is_alpha_blending) { m_render_states |= BGFX_STATE_BLEND_ADD; } else { m_render_states &= ~BGFX_STATE_BLEND_MASK; } } else { serializer.deserialize(label, 255, "alpha"); if (compareString(label, "alpha") == 0) { m_render_states |= BGFX_STATE_BLEND_ALPHA; } else if (compareString(label, "add") == 0) { m_render_states |= BGFX_STATE_BLEND_ADD; } else if (compareString(label, "disabled") == 0) { m_render_states &= ~BGFX_STATE_BLEND_MASK; } } } else if (compareString(label, "specular") == 0) { serializer.deserializeArrayBegin(); serializer.deserializeArrayItem(m_specular.x, 1.0f); serializer.deserializeArrayItem(m_specular.y, 1.0f); serializer.deserializeArrayItem(m_specular.z, 1.0f); serializer.deserializeArrayEnd(); } else if (compareString(label, "shininess") == 0) { serializer.deserialize(m_shininess, 4.0f); } else if (compareString(label, "shadow_receiver") == 0) { bool b; serializer.deserialize(b, true); enableShadowReceiving(b); } else if (compareString(label, "shader") == 0) { serializer.deserialize(path, MAX_PATH_LENGTH, ""); setShader(static_cast<Shader*>( m_resource_manager.get(ResourceManager::SHADER)->load(Path(path)))); } else if (compareString(label, "z_test") == 0) { serializer.deserialize(b_value, true); enableZTest(b_value); } else if (compareString(label, "backface_culling") == 0) { serializer.deserialize(b_value, true); enableBackfaceCulling(b_value); } else { g_log_warning.log("renderer") << "Unknown parameter " << label << " in material " << getPath().c_str(); } } serializer.deserializeObjectEnd(); if (!m_shader) { g_log_error.log("renderer") << "Material " << getPath().c_str() << " without a shader"; return false; } m_size = file.size(); return true; }
bool PhysicsGeometry::load(FS::IFile& file) { Header header;, sizeof(header)); if (header.m_magic != HEADER_MAGIC || header.m_version > (uint32)Versions::LAST) { return false; } auto* phy_manager = m_resource_manager.get(ResourceManager::PHYSICS); PhysicsSystem& system = static_cast<PhysicsGeometryManager*>(phy_manager)->getSystem(); uint32 num_verts; Array<Vec3> verts(getAllocator());, sizeof(num_verts)); verts.resize(num_verts);[0], sizeof(verts[0]) * verts.size()); m_is_convex = header.m_convex != 0; if (!m_is_convex) { physx::PxTriangleMeshGeometry* geom = LUMIX_NEW(getAllocator(), physx::PxTriangleMeshGeometry)(); m_geometry = geom; uint32 num_indices; Array<uint32> tris(getAllocator());, sizeof(num_indices)); tris.resize(num_indices);[0], sizeof(tris[0]) * tris.size()); physx::PxTriangleMeshDesc meshDesc; meshDesc.points.count = num_verts; meshDesc.points.stride = sizeof(physx::PxVec3); = &verts[0]; meshDesc.triangles.count = num_indices / 3; meshDesc.triangles.stride = 3 * sizeof(physx::PxU32); = &tris[0]; OutputStream writeBuffer(getAllocator()); system.getCooking()->cookTriangleMesh(meshDesc, writeBuffer); InputStream readBuffer(, writeBuffer.size); geom->triangleMesh = system.getPhysics()->createTriangleMesh(readBuffer); } else { physx::PxConvexMeshGeometry* geom = LUMIX_NEW(getAllocator(), physx::PxConvexMeshGeometry)(); m_geometry = geom; physx::PxConvexMeshDesc meshDesc; meshDesc.points.count = verts.size(); meshDesc.points.stride = sizeof(Vec3); = &verts[0]; meshDesc.flags = physx::PxConvexFlag::eCOMPUTE_CONVEX; OutputStream writeBuffer(getAllocator()); bool status = system.getCooking()->cookConvexMesh(meshDesc, writeBuffer); if (!status) { LUMIX_DELETE(getAllocator(), geom); m_geometry = nullptr; return false; } InputStream readBuffer(, writeBuffer.size); physx::PxConvexMesh* mesh = system.getPhysics()->createConvexMesh(readBuffer); geom->convexMesh = mesh; } m_size = file.size(); return true; }