bool ViewProgress::update (const double value, bool take_priority) { // Don't allow progress to go backward if (value < m_bar_cur) return do_continue; m_bar_cur = CLAMP(value, 0, 1.0); m_bar->set_fraction(value / m_bar_max); ostringstream o; if(floor(value) != value && floor(m_bar_max) != m_bar_max) o.precision(1); else o.precision(0); o << fixed << value <<"/"<< m_bar_max; m_bar->set_text(o.str()); if (to_terminal) { int perc = (int(m_bar->get_fraction()*100)); cerr << m_label->get_label() << " " << o.str() << " -- " << perc << "% \r"; } if (value > 0) { Glib::TimeVal now; now.assign_current_time(); const double used = (now - start_time).as_double(); // seconds const double total = used * m_bar_max / value; const long left = (long)(total-used); m_label->set_label(label+" ("+timeleft_str(left)+")"); } if (take_priority) while( gtk_events_pending () ) gtk_main_iteration (); Gtk::Main::iteration(false); return do_continue; }
bool Forest::animate(GlView & view) { Glib::TimeVal delta = m_model.m_mainWindow.time(); delta.subtract(m_lastUpdate); m_lastUpdate = m_model.m_mainWindow.time(); m_cal3dModel.onUpdate(delta.as_double()); return true; }
// rearrange unselected shapes in random sequence bool Model::AutoArrange(vector<Gtk::TreeModel::Path> &path) { // all shapes vector<Shape*> allshapes; vector<Matrix4d> transforms; objtree.get_all_shapes(allshapes, transforms); // selected shapes vector<Shape*> selshapes; vector<Matrix4d> seltransforms; objtree.get_selected_shapes(path, selshapes, seltransforms); // get unselected shapes vector<Shape*> unselshapes; vector<Matrix4d> unseltransforms; for(uint s=0; s < allshapes.size(); s++) { bool issel = false; for(uint ss=0; ss < selshapes.size(); ss++) if (selshapes[ss] == allshapes[s]) { issel = true; break; } if (!issel) { unselshapes. push_back(allshapes[s]); unseltransforms.push_back(transforms[s]); } } // find place for unselected shapes int num = unselshapes.size(); vector<int> rand_seq(num,1); // 1,1,1... partial_sum(rand_seq.begin(), rand_seq.end(), rand_seq.begin()); // 1,2,3,...,N Glib::TimeVal timeval; timeval.assign_current_time(); srandom((unsigned long)(timeval.as_double())); random_shuffle(rand_seq.begin(), rand_seq.end()); // shuffle for(int s=0; s < num; s++) { int index = rand_seq[s]-1; // use selshapes as vector to fill up Vector3d trans = FindEmptyLocation(selshapes, seltransforms, unselshapes[index]); selshapes.push_back(unselshapes[index]); seltransforms.push_back(unseltransforms[index]); // basic transform, not shape selshapes.back()->transform3D.move(trans); CalcBoundingBoxAndCenter(); } ModelChanged(); return true; }
void Shape::draw_geometry(uint max_triangles) { bool listDraw = (max_triangles == 0); // not in preview mode bool haveList = gl_List >= 0; if (!listDraw && haveList) { if (gl_List>=0) glDeleteLists(gl_List,1); gl_List = -1; haveList = false; } if (listDraw && !haveList) { gl_List = glGenLists(1); glNewList(gl_List, GL_COMPILE); } if (!listDraw || !haveList) { uint step = 1; if (max_triangles>0) step = floor(triangles.size()/max_triangles); step = max((uint)1,step); glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); for(size_t i=0;i<triangles.size();i+=step) { glNormal3dv(triangles[i].Normal); glVertex3dv(triangles[i].A); glVertex3dv(triangles[i].B); glVertex3dv(triangles[i].C); } glEnd(); } if (listDraw && !haveList) { glEndList(); } if (listDraw && gl_List >= 0) { // have stored list Glib::TimeVal starttime, endtime; if (!slow_drawing) { starttime.assign_current_time(); } glCallList(gl_List); if (!slow_drawing) { endtime.assign_current_time(); Glib::TimeVal usedtime = endtime-starttime; if (usedtime.as_double() > 0.2) slow_drawing = true; } return; } }
void ViewProgress::stop (const char *label) { if (to_terminal) { Glib::TimeVal now; now.assign_current_time(); const int time_used = (int) round((now - start_time).as_double()); // seconds cerr << m_label->get_label() << " -- " << _(" done in ") << time_used << _(" seconds") << " " << endl; } this->label = label; m_label->set_label (label); m_bar_cur = m_bar_max; m_bar->set_fraction(1.0); m_box->hide(); Gtk::Main::iteration(false); }
void Window::vComputeFrameskip(int _iRate) { static Glib::TimeVal uiLastTime; static int iFrameskipAdjust = 0; Glib::TimeVal uiTime; uiTime.assign_current_time(); if (m_bWasEmulating) { if (m_bAutoFrameskip) { Glib::TimeVal uiDiff = uiTime - uiLastTime; const int iWantedSpeed = 100; int iSpeed = iWantedSpeed; if (uiDiff != Glib::TimeVal(0, 0)) { iSpeed = (1000000 / _iRate) / (uiDiff.as_double() * 1000); } if (iSpeed >= iWantedSpeed - 2) { iFrameskipAdjust++; if (iFrameskipAdjust >= 3) { iFrameskipAdjust = 0; if (systemFrameSkip > 0) { systemFrameSkip--; } } } else { if (iSpeed < iWantedSpeed - 20) { iFrameskipAdjust -= ((iWantedSpeed - 10) - iSpeed) / 5; } else if (systemFrameSkip < 9) { iFrameskipAdjust--; } if (iFrameskipAdjust <= -4) { iFrameskipAdjust = 0; if (systemFrameSkip < 9) { systemFrameSkip++; } } } } } else { m_bWasEmulating = true; } uiLastTime = uiTime; }
unsigned long Gobby::GSelector::get_timeout(const net6::socket& sock) const { Glib::RecMutex::Lock lock(*m_mutex); map_type::const_iterator iter = m_map.find(&sock); // No timeout set for this socket if(iter == m_map.end() ) return 0; if(!iter->second.time_conn.connected() ) return 0; // Returns the remaining time for the timeout to be elapsed Glib::TimeVal val; val.assign_current_time(); val -= iter->second.timeout_begin; unsigned long elapsed = (val.tv_sec * 1000 + val.tv_usec / 1000); if(elapsed >= iter->second.timeout) return 1; return iter->second.timeout - elapsed; }
bool ViewProgress::restart (const char *label, double max) { if (!do_continue) return false; //m_box->show(); if (to_terminal) { Glib::TimeVal now; now.assign_current_time(); const int time_used = (int) round((now - start_time).as_double()); // seconds cerr << m_label->get_label() << " -- " << _(" done in ") << time_used << _(" seconds") << " " << endl; } m_bar_max = max; this->label = label; m_label->set_label (label); m_bar_cur = 0.0; m_bar->set_fraction(0.0); start_time.assign_current_time(); //g_main_context_iteration(NULL,false); Gtk::Main::iteration(false); return true; }
bool ASObject::waitUntilConstructed(unsigned long maxwait_ms) { Mutex::Lock lock(constructionMutex); if(isConstructed()) return true; // No need to loop over wait() because the construction state // will change only once from false to true. if(maxwait_ms==0) { constructionSignal.wait(constructionMutex); return true; } else { Glib::TimeVal waitEnd; waitEnd.assign_current_time(); waitEnd.add_milliseconds(maxwait_ms); return constructionSignal.timed_wait(constructionMutex, waitEnd); } }
void GCode::MakeText(string &GcodeTxt, const Settings &settings, ViewProgress * progress) { string GcodeStart = settings.GCode.getStartText(); string GcodeLayer = settings.GCode.getLayerText(); string GcodeEnd = settings.GCode.getEndText(); double lastE = -10; double lastF = 0; // last Feedrate (can be omitted when same) Vector3d pos(0,0,0); Vector3d LastPos(-10,-10,-10); std::stringstream oss; Glib::Date date; date.set_time_current(); Glib::TimeVal time; time.assign_current_time(); GcodeTxt += "; GCode by Repsnapper, "+ date.format_string("%a, %x") + //time.as_iso8601() + "\n"; GcodeTxt += "\n; Startcode\n"+GcodeStart + "; End Startcode\n\n"; layerchanges.clear(); if (progress) progress->restart(_("Collecting GCode"), commands.size()); int progress_steps=(int)(commands.size()/100); if (progress_steps==0) progress_steps=1; for (uint i = 0; i < commands.size(); i++) { char E_letter; if (settings.Slicing.UseTCommand) // use first extruder's code for all extuders E_letter = settings.Extruders[0].GCLetter[0]; else E_letter = settings.Extruders[commands[i].extruder_no].GCLetter[0]; if (progress && i%progress_steps==0 && !progress->update(i)) break; if ( commands[i].Code == LAYERCHANGE ) { layerchanges.push_back(i); if (GcodeLayer.length()>0) GcodeTxt += "\n; Layerchange GCode\n" + GcodeLayer + "; End Layerchange GCode\n\n"; } if ( commands[i].where.z() < 0 ) { cerr << i << " Z < 0 " << commands[i].info() << endl; } else { GcodeTxt += commands[i].GetGCodeText(LastPos, lastE, lastF, settings.Slicing.RelativeEcode, E_letter, settings.Hardware.SpeedAlways) + "\n"; } } GcodeTxt += "\n; End GCode\n" + GcodeEnd + "\n"; buffer->set_text (GcodeTxt); // save zpos line numbers for faster finding buffer_zpos_lines.clear(); uint blines = buffer->get_line_count(); for (uint i = 0; i < blines; i++) { const string line = getLineAt(buffer, i); if (line.find("Z") != string::npos || line.find("z") != string::npos) buffer_zpos_lines.push_back(i); } if (progress) progress->stop(); }
uint32_t systemGetClock() { Glib::TimeVal time; time.assign_current_time(); return time.as_double() * 1000; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ // Some variables... int numberOfThreads; int duration; int i; Glib::Thread** threads; const char* config_file = NULL; int debug_level = -1; Arc::LogStream logcerr(std::cerr); // Process options - quick hack, must use Glib options later while(argc >= 3) { if(strcmp(argv[1],"-c") == 0) { config_file = argv[2]; argv[2]=argv[0]; argv+=2; argc-=2; } else if(strcmp(argv[1],"-d") == 0) { debug_level=Arc::string_to_level(argv[2]); argv[2]=argv[0]; argv+=2; argc-=2; } else if(strcmp(argv[1],"-r") == 0) { alwaysReconnect=true; argv+=1; argc-=1; } else { break; }; } if(debug_level >= 0) { Arc::Logger::getRootLogger().setThreshold((Arc::LogLevel)debug_level); Arc::Logger::getRootLogger().addDestination(logcerr); } // Extract command line arguments. if (argc!=4){ std::cerr << "Wrong number of arguments!" << std::endl << std::endl << "Usage:" << std::endl << "perftest [-c config] [-d debug] [-r] url threads duration" << std::endl << std::endl << "Arguments:" << std::endl << "url The url of the service." << std::endl << "threads The number of concurrent requests." << std::endl << "duration The duration of the test in seconds." << std::endl << "-c config The file containing client chain XML configuration with " << std::endl << " 'soap' entry point and HOSTNAME, PORTNUMBER and PATH " << std::endl << " keyword for hostname, port and HTTP path of 'echo' service." << std::endl << "-d debug The textual representation of desired debug level. Available " << std::endl << " levels: DEBUG, VERBOSE, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, FATAL." << std::endl << "-r If specified close connection and reconnect after " << std::endl << " every request." << std::endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } url_str = std::string(argv[1]); numberOfThreads = atoi(argv[2]); duration = atoi(argv[3]); // Start threads. run=true; finishedThreads=0; //Glib::thread_init(); mutex=new Glib::Mutex; threads = new Glib::Thread*[numberOfThreads]; for (i=0; i<numberOfThreads; i++) threads[i]=Glib::Thread::create(sigc::ptr_fun(sendRequests),true); // Sleep while the threads are working. Glib::usleep(duration*1000000); // Stop the threads run=false; while(finishedThreads<numberOfThreads) Glib::usleep(100000); // Print the result of the test. Glib::Mutex::Lock lock(*mutex); totalRequests = completedRequests+failedRequests; totalTime = completedTime+failedTime; std::cout << "========================================" << std::endl; std::cout << "URL: " << url_str << std::endl; std::cout << "Number of threads: " << numberOfThreads << std::endl; std::cout << "Duration: " << duration << " s" << std::endl; std::cout << "Number of requests: " << totalRequests << std::endl; std::cout << "Completed requests: " << completedRequests << " (" << Round(completedRequests*100.0/totalRequests) << "%)" << std::endl; std::cout << "Failed requests: " << failedRequests << " (" << Round(failedRequests*100.0/totalRequests) << "%)" << std::endl; std::cout << "Completed requests per second: " << Round(completedRequests/duration) << std::endl; std::cout << "Average response time for all requests: " << Round(1000*totalTime.as_double()/totalRequests) << " ms" << std::endl; if (completedRequests!=0) std::cout << "Average response time for completed requests: " << Round(1000*completedTime.as_double()/completedRequests) << " ms" << std::endl; if (failedRequests!=0) std::cout << "Average response time for failed requests: " << Round(1000*failedTime.as_double()/failedRequests) << " ms" << std::endl; std::cout << "========================================" << std::endl; return 0; }
void GCode::MakeText(string &GcodeTxt, const string &GcodeStart, const string &GcodeLayer, const string &GcodeEnd, bool RelativeEcode, ViewProgress * progress) { double lastE = -10; double lastF = 0; // last Feedrate (can be omitted when same) Vector3d pos(0,0,0); Vector3d LastPos(-10,-10,-10); std::stringstream oss; Glib::Date date; date.set_time_current(); Glib::TimeVal time; time.assign_current_time(); GcodeTxt += "; GCode by Repsnapper, "+ date.format_string("%a, %x") + //time.as_iso8601() + "\n"; GcodeTxt += "\n; Startcode\n"+GcodeStart + "; End Startcode\n\n"; layerchanges.clear(); progress->restart(_("Collecting GCode"),commands.size()); int progress_steps=(int)(commands.size()/100); if (progress_steps==0) progress_steps=1; for (uint i = 0; i < commands.size(); i++) { if (i%progress_steps==0) if (!progress->update(i)) break; if ( commands[i].Code == LAYERCHANGE ) { layerchanges.push_back(i); if (GcodeLayer.length()>0) GcodeTxt += "\n; Layerchange GCode\n" + GcodeLayer + "; End Layerchange GCode\n\n"; } if ( commands[i].where.z() < 0 ) { cerr << i << " Z < 0 " << commands[i].info() << endl; } else { GcodeTxt += commands[i].GetGCodeText(LastPos, lastE, lastF, RelativeEcode) + "\n"; } } GcodeTxt += "\n; End GCode\n" + GcodeEnd + "\n"; buffer->set_text (GcodeTxt); // save zpos line numbers for faster finding buffer_zpos_lines.clear(); uint blines = buffer->get_line_count(); for (uint i = 0; i < blines; i++) { const string line = getLineAt(buffer, i); if (line.find("Z") != string::npos || line.find("z") != string::npos) buffer_zpos_lines.push_back(i); } // oss.str( "" ); // switch(commands[i].Code) // { // case SELECTEXTRUDER: // oss << "T0\n"; // add_text_filter_nan(oss.str(), GcodeTxt); // //GcodeTxt += oss.str(); // break; // case SETSPEED: // commands[i].where.z() = LastPos.z(); // commands[i].e = lastE; // case ZMOVE: // commands[i].where.x() = LastPos.x(); // commands[i].where.y() = LastPos.y(); // case COORDINATEDMOTION: // if ((commands[i].where.x() != LastPos.x()) + // (commands[i].where.y() != LastPos.y()) + // (commands[i].where.z() != LastPos.z()) != 0 && // AntioozeDistance != 0 && commands[i].e == lastE && // !Use3DGcode && AntioozeDistance != 0) // { // if (UseIncrementalEcode) // { // oss << "G1 E" << (lastE - AntioozeDistance) << " F" << AntioozeSpeed << " ;antiooze retract\n"; // } // else // { // oss << "G1 E" << -(AntioozeDistance) << " F" << AntioozeSpeed << " ;antiooze retract\n"; // } // } // oss << "G1 "; // if(commands[i].where.x() != LastPos.x()) // oss << "X" << commands[i].where.x() << " "; // if(commands[i].where.y() != LastPos.y()) // oss << "Y" << commands[i].where.y() << " "; // if(commands[i].where.z() != LastPos.z()) // oss << "Z" << commands[i].where.z() << " "; // if(commands[i].e != lastE) // { // if(UseIncrementalEcode) // in incremental mode, the same is nothing // { // if(commands[i].e != lastE) // oss << "E" << commands[i].e << " "; // } // else // { // if(commands[i].e >= 0.0) // oss << "E" << commands[i].e << " "; // } // } // oss << "F" << commands[i].f; // if(commands[i].comment.length() != 0) // oss << " ;" << commands[i].comment << "\n"; // else // oss << "\n"; // if ((commands[i].where.x() != LastPos.x()) + // (commands[i].where.y() != LastPos.y()) + // (commands[i].where.z() != LastPos.z()) != 0 && // AntioozeDistance != 0 && // commands[i].e == lastE && // !Use3DGcode && AntioozeDistance != 0) // { // if (UseIncrementalEcode) // { // oss << "G1 E" << lastE << " F" << AntioozeSpeed << " ;antiooze return\n"; // } // else // { // oss << "G1 E" << AntioozeDistance << " F" << AntioozeSpeed << " ;antiooze return\n"; // } // } // add_text_filter_nan(oss.str(), GcodeTxt); // //GcodeTxt += oss.str(); // if(commands[i].Code == ZMOVE && commands[i].where.z() != LastPos.z()) // add_text_filter_nan(GcodeLayer + "\n", GcodeTxt); // //GcodeTxt += GcodeLayer + "\n"; // LastPos = commands[i].where; // if( commands[i].e >= 0.0) // lastE = commands[i].e; // break; // case EXTRUDERON: // // Dont switch extruder on/off right after eachother // if(i != 0 && commands[i-1].Code == EXTRUDEROFF) continue; // oss << "M101\n"; // add_text_filter_nan(oss.str(), GcodeTxt); // //GcodeTxt += oss.str(); // break; // case EXTRUDEROFF: // // Dont switch extruder on/off right after eachother // if(i != 0 && (i+1) < commands.size() && // commands[i+1].Code == EXTRUDERON) continue; // // don't switch extruder off twize // if(i != 0 && (i+1) < commands.size() && // commands[i+1].Code == EXTRUDEROFF) continue; // oss << "M103\n"; // add_text_filter_nan(oss.str(), GcodeTxt); // //GcodeTxt += oss.str(); // break; // case COORDINATEDMOTION3D: // oss << "G1 X" << commands[i].where.x() << " Y" << commands[i].where.y() << " Z" << commands[i].where.z(); // oss << " F" << commands[i].f; // if(commands[i].comment.length() != 0) // oss << " ;" << commands[i].comment << "\n"; // else // oss << "\n"; // add_text_filter_nan(oss.str(), GcodeTxt); // //GcodeTxt += oss.str(); // LastPos = commands[i].where; // break; // case RAPIDMOTION: // oss << "G0 X" << commands[i].where.x() << " Y" << commands[i].where.y() << " Z" << commands[i].where.z() << "\n"; // add_text_filter_nan(oss.str(), GcodeTxt); // //GcodeTxt += oss.str(); // LastPos = commands[i].where; // break; // case GOTO: // oss << "G92"; // if(commands[i].where.x() != LastPos.x() && commands[i].where.x() >= 0) // { // LastPos.x() = commands[i].where.x(); // oss << " X" << commands[i].where.x(); // } // if(commands[i].where.y() != LastPos.y() && commands[i].where.y() >= 0) // { // LastPos.y() = commands[i].where.y(); // oss << " Y" << commands[i].where.y(); // } // if(commands[i].where.z() != LastPos.z() && commands[i].where.z() >= 0) // { // LastPos.z() = commands[i].where.z(); // oss << " Z" << commands[i].where.z(); // } // if(commands[i].e != lastE && commands[i].e >= 0.0) // { // lastE = commands[i].e; // oss << " E" << commands[i].e; // } // oss << "\n"; // add_text_filter_nan(oss.str(), GcodeTxt); // //GcodeTxt += oss.str(); // break; // default: // break; // ignored CGCode // } // pos = commands[i].where; // cerr<< oss.str()<< endl; //} }
void Model::ConvertToGCode() { if (is_calculating) { return; } is_calculating=true; // default: settings.SelectExtruder(0); Glib::TimeVal start_time; start_time.assign_current_time(); gcode.clear(); GCodeState state(gcode); Infill::clearPatterns(); Vector3d printOffset = settings.getPrintMargin(); double printOffsetZ = printOffset.z(); // Make Layers lastlayer = NULL; Slice(); //CleanupLayers(); MakeShells(); if (settings.get_boolean("Slicing","DoInfill") && !settings.get_boolean("Slicing","NoTopAndBottom") && (settings.get_double("Slicing","SolidThickness") > 0 || settings.get_integer("Slicing","ShellCount") > 0)) // not bridging when support MakeUncoveredPolygons( settings.get_boolean("Slicing","MakeDecor"), !settings.get_boolean("Slicing","NoBridges") && !settings.get_boolean("Slicing","Support") ); if (settings.get_boolean("Slicing","Support")) // easier before having multiplied uncovered bottoms MakeSupportPolygons(settings.get_double("Slicing","SupportWiden")); MakeFullSkins(); // must before multiplied uncovered bottoms MultiplyUncoveredPolygons(); if (settings.get_boolean("Slicing","Skirt")) MakeSkirt(); CalcInfill(); if (settings.get_boolean("Raft","Enable")) { printOffset += Vector3d (settings.get_double("Raft","Size"), 0); MakeRaft (state, printOffsetZ); // printOffsetZ will have height of raft added } state.ResetLastWhere(Vector3d(0,0,0)); uint count = layers.size(); m_progress->start (_("Making Lines"), count+1); state.AppendCommand(MILLIMETERSASUNITS, false, _("Millimeters")); state.AppendCommand(ABSOLUTEPOSITIONING, false, _("Absolute Pos")); if (settings.get_boolean("Slicing","RelativeEcode")) state.AppendCommand(RELATIVE_ECODE, false, _("Relative E Code")); else state.AppendCommand(ABSOLUTE_ECODE, false, _("Absolute E Code")); bool cont = true; vector<PLine3> plines; bool farthestStart = settings.get_boolean("Slicing","FarthestLayerStart"); Vector3d start = state.LastPosition(); for (uint p=0; p<count; p++) { cont = (m_progress->update(p)) ; if (!cont) break; // cerr << "GCode layer " << (p+1) << " of " << count // << " offset " << printOffsetZ // << " have commands: " <<commands.size() // << " start " << start << endl;; // try { if (farthestStart) { // Vector2d randstart = layers[p]->getRandomPolygonPoint(); // start.set(randstart.x(), randstart.y()); const Vector2d fartheststart = layers[p]->getFarthestPolygonPoint(start); start.set(fartheststart.x(), fartheststart.y()); } layers[p]->MakePrintlines(start, plines, printOffsetZ, settings); // } catch (Glib::Error &e) { // error("GCode Error:", (e.what()).c_str()); // } // if (layers[p]->getPrevious() != NULL) // cerr << p << ": " <<layers[p]->LayerNo << " prev: " // << layers[p]->getPrevious()->LayerNo << endl; } // do antiooze retract for all lines: Printlines::makeAntioozeRetract(plines, settings, m_progress); vector<Command> commands; //Printlines::getCommands(plines, settings, commands, m_progress); Printlines::getCommands(plines, settings, state, m_progress); //state.AppendCommands(commands, settings.Slicing.RelativeEcode); string GcodeTxt; if (cont) gcode.MakeText (GcodeTxt, settings, m_progress); else { ClearLayers(); ClearGCode(); ClearPreview(); } // display whole layer if flat shapes // if (shapes.back()->dimensions() == 2) // gcode.layerchanges.push_back(0); m_progress->stop (_("Done")); int h = (int)state.timeused/3600; int m = ((int)state.timeused%3600)/60; int s = ((int)state.timeused-3600*h-60*m); std::ostringstream ostr; ostr << _("Time Estimation: ") ; if (h>0) ostr << h <<_("h") ; ostr <<m <<_("m") <<s <<_("s") ; double gctime = gcode.GetTimeEstimation(); if (abs(state.timeused - gctime) > 10) { h = (int)(gctime/3600); m = ((int)gctime)%3600/60; s = (int)(gctime)-3600*h-60*m; ostr << _(" / GCode Estimation: "); if (h>0) ostr << h <<_("h"); ostr<< m <<_("m") << s <<_("s") ; } double totlength = gcode.GetTotalExtruded(settings.get_boolean("Slicing","RelativeEcode")); ostr << _(" - total extruded: ") << totlength << "mm"; // TODO: ths assumes all extruders use the same filament diameter const double diam = settings.get_double("Extruder","FilamentDiameter"); const double ccm = totlength * diam * diam / 4. * M_PI / 1000 ; ostr << " = " << ccm << "cm^3 "; ostr << "(ABS~" << ccm*1.08 << "g, PLA~" << ccm*1.25 << "g)"; if (statusbar) statusbar->push(ostr.str()); else cout << ostr.str() << endl; { Glib::TimeVal now; now.assign_current_time(); const int time_used = (int) round((now - start_time).as_double()); // seconds cerr << "GCode generated in " << time_used << " seconds. " << GcodeTxt.size() << " bytes" << endl; } is_calculating=false; m_signal_gcode_changed.emit(); }
bool SimVoteWindow::loadConfiguration(std::string pass) { bool loginOk = false; if (VotingCentersWrapper::getInstance()->isInstall()) { VotingCenter votingCenter; VotingCentersWrapper::getInstance()->getInstallationVotingCenter(votingCenter); votingCenterName = votingCenter.getCode(); } std::cout << "Center : " << votingCenterName << std::endl; loginOk = MachineOperationManager::getInstance()->authentication(votingCenterName, pass, true); //Load precalculate other info needed for the VM try { if(loginOk) { loginOk = false; electoralConfiguration->loadAllData(); Smartmatic::SAES::Printing::VotePrintDocument::calculateMax(electoralConfiguration); std::string openingDateTime = electoralConfiguration->getVotingDevice()->getFirstVotingDevice().getOperation_modes().getOperation_mode()[0].getOpening_date_time(); std::string closingDateTime = electoralConfiguration->getVotingDevice()->getFirstVotingDevice().getOperation_modes().getOperation_mode()[0].getClosing_date_time(); Glib::TimeVal openingTime; Glib::TimeVal closingTime; openingTime.assign_from_iso8601(openingDateTime); double openingD = openingTime.as_double(); closingTime.assign_from_iso8601(closingDateTime); double closingD = closingTime.as_double(); Smartmatic::SAES::Security::Encryption::getInstance()->setMachineTime(openingD + (openingD + closingD)/2); Smartmatic::SAES::Voting::OperationStatus::Current()->init(); Glib::ustring openingCode = Smartmatic::SAES::Voting::OperationStatus::Current()->getElectionStatusWrapper()->getOpeningCode(); Smartmatic::System::GuidClass openCodeGUID = Smartmatic::System::GuidClass::Parse(openingCode); Smartmatic::SAES::Security::Encryption::getInstance()->setOpeningCode(openCodeGUID); //Clear previous language ElectionInstalationLanguages::getInstance()->clearLanguage(); Smartmatic::SAES::Voting::Election::Languages::LanguageSequence & sequence (electoralConfiguration->getLanguages().getLanguage()); for (Smartmatic::SAES::Voting::Election::Languages::LanguageIterator it = sequence.begin(); it != sequence.end(); ++it) { ElectionInstalationLanguages::getInstance()->addInstallationLanguages((*it)); Smartmatic::SAES::Voting::SetLanguageFunctionality::setNewVotingLanguageByLanguageCountry(it->getLanguage(),it->getCountry()); break; } loginOk = true; } } catch(ElectionException & ex) { std::cout << "FATAL "<<__func__<< ex.what() << std::endl; } catch(VotingDeviceException & ex) { std::cout << "FATAL "<<__func__<< ex.what() << std::endl; } catch(CryptoException & ex) { std::cout << "FATAL "<<__func__<< ex.what() << std::endl; } catch(SignedException & ex) { std::cout << "FATAL "<<__func__<< ex.what() << std::endl; } catch(XmlException & ex) { std::cout << "FATAL "<<__func__<< ex.what() << std::endl; } catch(GuIdException & ex) { std::cout << "FATAL "<<__func__<< ex.what() << std::endl; } catch(FileSystemException & ex) { std::cout << "FATAL "<<__func__<< ex.what() << std::endl; } catch(std::exception & ex) { std::cout << "FATAL "<<__func__<< ex.what() << std::endl; } catch(...) { std::cout << "FATAL "<<__func__<< "Unknown exception" << std::endl; } return loginOk; }
// Send requests and collect statistics. void sendRequests(){ // Some variables... unsigned long completedRequests = 0; unsigned long failedRequests = 0; Glib::TimeVal completedTime(0,0); Glib::TimeVal failedTime(0,0); Glib::TimeVal tBefore; Glib::TimeVal tAfter; bool connected; //std::string url_str(""); Arc::URL url(url_str); Arc::MCCConfig mcc_cfg; Arc::UserConfig usercfg(""); usercfg.ApplyToConfig(mcc_cfg); Arc::NS echo_ns; echo_ns["echo"]=""; while(run){ // Create a Client. Arc::ClientSOAP *client = NULL; client = new Arc::ClientSOAP(mcc_cfg,url,60); connected=true; while(run and connected){ // Prepare the request. Arc::PayloadSOAP req(echo_ns); req.NewChild("echo:echo").NewChild("echo:say")="HELLO"; // Send the request and time it. tBefore.assign_current_time(); Arc::PayloadSOAP* resp = NULL; //std::string str; //req.GetXML(str); //std::cout<<"request: "<<str<<std::endl; Arc::MCC_Status status = client->process(&req,&resp); tAfter.assign_current_time(); if(!status) { // Request failed. failedRequests++; failedTime+=tAfter-tBefore; connected=false; } else { if(resp == NULL) { // Response was not SOAP or no response at all. failedRequests++; failedTime+=tAfter-tBefore; connected=false; } else { //std::string xml; //resp->GetXML(xml); if (std::string((*resp)["echoResponse"]["hear"]).size()==0){ // The response was not what it should be. failedRequests++; failedTime+=tAfter-tBefore; connected=false; } else{ // Everything worked just fine! completedRequests++; completedTime+=tAfter-tBefore; } } } if(resp) delete resp; if(alwaysReconnect) connected=false; } if(client) delete client; } // Update global variables. Glib::Mutex::Lock lock(*mutex); ::completedRequests+=completedRequests; ::failedRequests+=failedRequests; ::completedTime+=completedTime; ::failedTime+=failedTime; finishedThreads++; std::cout << "Number of finished threads: " << finishedThreads << std::endl; }
bool CondTime::isInTheFuture() const { Glib::TimeVal now; now.assign_current_time(); return (now-timepoint).negative(); // timepoint > now }