inline bool operator== ( const google::protobuf::Message & x, const google::protobuf::Message & y) { std::string x_string; std::string y_string; x.SerializeToString(&x_string); y.SerializeToString(&y_string); return x_string == y_string; }
void reply(const google::protobuf::Message& message) { CHECK(from) << "Attempting to reply without a sender"; std::string data; message.SerializeToString(&data); send(from, message); }
bool NFNetModule::SendMsgPBToAllClient(const uint16_t nMsgID, const google::protobuf::Message& xData) { NFMsg::MsgBase xMsg; if (!xData.SerializeToString(xMsg.mutable_msg_data())) { std::ostringstream stream; stream << " SendMsgPBToAllClient"; stream << " Failed For Serialize of MsgData, MessageID " << nMsgID; m_pLogModule->LogError(stream, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return false; } std::string strMsg; if (!xMsg.SerializeToString(&strMsg)) { std::ostringstream stream; stream << " SendMsgPBToAllClient"; stream << " Failed For Serialize of MsgBase, MessageID " << nMsgID; m_pLogModule->LogError(stream, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return false; } return SendMsgToAllClientWithOutHead(nMsgID, strMsg); }
void send(const process::UPID& to, const google::protobuf::Message& message) { std::string data; message.SerializeToString(&data); process::Process<T>::send(to, message.GetTypeName(), std::move(data)); }
inline void post(const process::UPID& to, const google::protobuf::Message& message) { std::string data; message.SerializeToString(&data); post(to, message.GetTypeName(),, data.size()); }
bool write_message(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket& s, ::google::protobuf::Message& msg) { string msg_str; if (!msg.SerializeToString(&msg_str)) return false; bling_pb::header hdr; if (typeid(msg) == typeid(bling_pb::get_slave_list)) hdr.set_msg_id(bling_pb::header::GET_SLAVE_LIST); else if (typeid(msg) == typeid(bling_pb::slave_list)) hdr.set_msg_id(bling_pb::header::SLAVE_LIST); else if (typeid(msg) == typeid(bling_pb::set_slave_tlc)) hdr.set_msg_id(bling_pb::header::SET_SLAVE_TLC); else if (typeid(msg) == typeid(bling_pb::start_effect)) hdr.set_msg_id(bling_pb::header::START_EFFECT); else cout << "Unidentified message type!!!" << endl; hdr.set_len(msg_str.size()); string hdr_str; if (!hdr.SerializeToString(&hdr_str)) return false; if (hdr_str.size() != header_length) cout << "Header length=" << hdr_str.size() << endl; string tx_buffer = hdr_str + msg_str; size_t n = write_string(s, tx_buffer); return n == tx_buffer.size(); }
bool NFNetModule::SendMsgPB(const uint16_t nMsgID, const google::protobuf::Message& xData, const NFSOCK nSockIndex) { NFMsg::MsgBase xMsg; if (!xData.SerializeToString(xMsg.mutable_msg_data())) { std::ostringstream stream; stream << " SendMsgPB Message to " << nSockIndex; stream << " Failed For Serialize of MsgData, MessageID " << nMsgID; m_pLogModule->LogError(stream, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return false; } NFMsg::Ident* pPlayerID = xMsg.mutable_player_id(); *pPlayerID = NFToPB(NFGUID()); std::string strMsg; if (!xMsg.SerializeToString(&strMsg)) { std::ostringstream stream; stream << " SendMsgPB Message to " << nSockIndex; stream << " Failed For Serialize of MsgBase, MessageID " << nMsgID; m_pLogModule->LogError(stream, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return false; } SendMsgWithOutHead(nMsgID, strMsg, nSockIndex); return true; }
/* * Send a ConfigureDevice() request * @param message the request to send */ bool OlaConfigurator::SendMessage(const google::protobuf::Message &message) { string request_string; message.SerializeToString(&request_string); return m_client->ConfigureDevice( m_alias, request_string, NewSingleCallback(this, &OlaConfigurator::HandleConfigResponse)); }
void AbstractService::sendToUnifier(const std::string &to, ::google::protobuf::Message &msg, unifier::UnifierMessage_Type type) { unifier::UnifierMessage w; w.set_to(to); w.set_type(type); std::string payload; msg.SerializeToString(&payload); w.set_payload(payload); sendToUnifier(w); }
event_index_status EventIndex::SetGTIDIndex(const string >id, const ::google::protobuf::Message &data_info) { string buffer; if (!data_info.SerializeToString(&buffer)) { ColorLogError("buffer serialize fail"); return event_index_status::DATA_ERROR; } //LogVerbose("%s gtid %s", __func__, gtid.c_str()); leveldb::Status status = level_db_->Put(leveldb::WriteOptions(), gtid, buffer); return status.ok() ? event_index_status::OK : event_index_status::DB_ERROR; }
void CNetConn::sendResponse(google::protobuf::Message& msg, uint32_t cmd, uint32_t requestId, uint64_t uid64) { std::string strMsg; msg.SerializeToString(&strMsg); CEpoll::Functor f = boost::bind(&CNetConn::send, this, strMsg, cmd, requestId, uid64); getEpoll()->pushFuctor(f); // sendResponse(strMsg, cmd, requestId, uid64); }
bool NFNetModule::SendMsgPB(const uint16_t nMsgID, const google::protobuf::Message& xData, const NFSOCK nSockIndex, const std::vector<NFGUID>* pClientIDList) { if (!m_pNet) { std::ostringstream stream; stream << " m_pNet SendMsgPB faailed fd " << nSockIndex; stream << " Failed For Serialize of MsgBase, MessageID " << nMsgID; m_pLogModule->LogError(stream, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return false; } NFMsg::MsgBase xMsg; if (!xData.SerializeToString(xMsg.mutable_msg_data())) { std::ostringstream stream; stream << " SendMsgPB faailed fd " << nSockIndex; stream << " Failed For Serialize of MsgBase, MessageID " << nMsgID; m_pLogModule->LogError(stream, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return false; } NFMsg::Ident* pPlayerID = xMsg.mutable_player_id(); *pPlayerID = NFToPB(NFGUID()); if (pClientIDList) { for (int i = 0; i < pClientIDList->size(); ++i) { const NFGUID& ClientID = (*pClientIDList)[i]; NFMsg::Ident* pData = xMsg.add_player_client_list(); if (pData) { *pData = NFToPB(ClientID); } } } std::string strMsg; if (!xMsg.SerializeToString(&strMsg)) { std::ostringstream stream; stream << " SendMsgPB faailed fd " << nSockIndex; stream << " Failed For Serialize of MsgBase, MessageID " << nMsgID; m_pLogModule->LogError(stream, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return false; } return SendMsgWithOutHead(nMsgID, strMsg, nSockIndex); }
int protobuf_msg_to_msgb_file(const google::protobuf::Message & msg, const std::string & msgbfile) { std::string msgb; if (!msg.SerializeToString(&msgb)) { GLOG_ERR("protomsg msg serialize error !"); return -1; } int sz = dcs::writefile(msgbfile,, msgb.length()); if (sz <= 0) { GLOG_SER("write file :%s error :%d", msgbfile.c_str(), sz); return -1; } return 0; }
/** This function is used to send a protobuf object as a ZMQ message, with optional preappended or postappended data. It manages serialization and will throw an exception if required fields of the message are missing. @param inputSocketToSendFrom: The socket to send from @param inputMessage: The message to send @param inputDataToPreappend: The data to place in the ZMQ message before the serialized protobuf object @param inputDataToPostAppend: The data to place in the ZMQ message after the serialized protobuf object @throws: This function can throw exceptions */ void pylongps::sendProtobufMessage(zmq::socket_t &inputSocketToSendFrom, const google::protobuf::Message &inputMessage, const std::string &inputDataToPreappend, const std::string &inputDataToPostAppend) { std::string serializedMessage; SOM_TRY inputMessage.SerializeToString(&serializedMessage); SOM_CATCH("Error serializing message to string\n") std::string dataToSend = inputDataToPreappend + serializedMessage + inputDataToPostAppend; SOM_TRY inputSocketToSendFrom.send(dataToSend.c_str(), dataToSend.size()); SOM_CATCH("Error, unable to send message\n") }
void CommonMemoryCache::Set( const std::string& key, const google::protobuf::Message& message) { std::string buffer; if (!message.SerializeToString(&buffer)) { LOG(ERROR) << "serialize to string failed. message [" << message.ShortDebugString() << "]"; return; } RWLock::WriterLocker locker(&m_rw_lock); m_cache_map[key] = buffer; }
void Client::postData(const std::string& event_name, const google::protobuf::Message& event_data) { std::cerr << "Sending proto\n"; Forms formParts; std::string proto_code; event_data.SerializeToString(&proto_code); const std::string type_name("type"); const std::string value_name("value"); formParts.push_back(new curlpp::FormParts::Content(type_name, event_name)); formParts.push_back(new curlpp::FormParts::Content(value_name, proto_code)); request.setOpt(new curlpp::options::HttpPost(formParts)); request.perform(); }
/// Validates that a protocol request message has been sent /// /// Expects the request message to have a single protocol envelope with a /// single embedded message of the enumeration specified and serialized to /// exactly what we specify void ExpectRequestMessage(uint32 type, ::google::protobuf::Message &expected) { ASSERT_TRUE(this->socket != NULL); ::zmq::pollitem_t pollitem; = ZMQ_POLLIN; pollitem.socket = *this->socket; pollitem.fd = 0; pollitem.revents = 0; ASSERT_EQ(1, ::zmq::poll(&pollitem, 1, 1000)) << "Request message sent in orderly manner"; MessageContainer messages; ASSERT_TRUE(zeromq::ReceiveMessage(*this->socket, messages)); ASSERT_EQ(1, messages.IdentitiesSize()) << "client sent identities as part of request"; ASSERT_EQ(1, messages.MessagesSize()) << "client sent 1 message with content"; message_t msg; msg.copy(messages[0]); ASSERT_GT(msg.size(), 1) << "sent message has content"; char msg_version = 0; memcpy(&msg_version,, 1); EXPECT_EQ(0x01, msg_version) << "sent message has protocol header"; Envelope e; EXPECT_NO_THROW(e = Envelope(msg, 1)) << "envelope could be deserialized"; EXPECT_EQ(1, e.MessageCount()) << "envelope contains one message"; EXPECT_EQ(::zippylog::message_namespace, e.MessageNamespace(0)) << "message of proper namespace"; EXPECT_EQ(type, e.MessageType(0)) << "message of proper type"; EXPECT_EQ(1, e.TagSize()) << "envelope has tag"; ::google::protobuf::Message *sent = (::google::protobuf::Message *)e.GetMessage(0); ASSERT_TRUE(sent != NULL) << "able to deserialize embedded message"; string serialized_expected, serialized_actual; EXPECT_TRUE(expected.SerializeToString(&serialized_expected)); EXPECT_TRUE(sent->SerializeToString(&serialized_actual)); EXPECT_EQ(serialized_expected, serialized_actual) << "sent request message matches expected"; }
void NFCNetLogic::SendToServerByPB(const uint16_t nMsgID, google::protobuf::Message& xData) { if(m_bSocketReady) { g_pNetClientModule->SendToAllServerByPB(nMsgID, xData); } else { NFMsg::MsgBase xMsg; xData.SerializeToString(xMsg.mutable_msg_data()); NFMsg::Ident* pPlayerID = xMsg.mutable_player_id(); *pPlayerID = NFINetModule::NFToPB(NFGUID()); std::string strMsg; xMsg.SerializeToString(&strMsg); m_listDelayMsg.push_back(std::make_pair((uint16_t)nMsgID, strMsg)); } }
int send(int fd, const std::string& name, const ::google::protobuf::Message& message, uint64_t mid) { SocketWriter writer(fd); Version_1_Protocol protocol; Msg msg; message.SerializeToString(msg.mutable_content()); msg.set_mid(mid); msg.set_name(name); int ret = protocol.encode(msg, &writer); if (ret) { LOG_WARN << "encode request error, method[" << name << "] data[" << message.DebugString()<< "]"; return 1; } return writer.write(1000) == SocketWriter::kOk ? 0 : -1; }
/** This function saves a protobuf object to a file with a proceeded 64 bit Poco::Int64 in network byte order that holds the size of the object to be loaded and deserialized. @param inputPath: The path to the file to save the object to @param inputMessageBuffer: The protobuf object to serialize @return: true if the message could be serialized/saved and false otherwise */ bool pylongps::saveProtobufObjectToFile(const std::string &inputPath, google::protobuf::Message &inputMessageBuffer) { std::string serializedObject; try { inputMessageBuffer.SerializeToString(&serializedObject); } catch(const std::exception &inputException) { return false; } //Create serialized object size Poco::Int64 objectSizeNetworkOrder = Poco::ByteOrder::toNetwork(Poco::Int64(serializedObject.size())); //Save to file if(!saveStringToFile(std::string((char *) &objectSizeNetworkOrder, sizeof(Poco::Int64)) + serializedObject, inputPath)) { return false; } return true; }
mori::TcpConnBuffer Codec::Encode( const google::protobuf::Message& msg, const SEncodeContext& context ) { assert(msg.IsInitialized()); CodecProtocol::Codec encodeMsg; encodeMsg.set_msgname(msg.GetDescriptor()->full_name()); encodeMsg.set_clienttype(context.ClientType_); if ( context.UserID_ ) { encodeMsg.set_userid(*context.UserID_); } if ( context.VerifyCode_ ) { encodeMsg.set_verifycode(*context.VerifyCode_); } std::string msgBuf; msg.SerializeToString(&msgBuf); auto bContinue = true; auto step = 0; while ( bContinue ) { switch (step) { case 0: { if ( !context.AESKey_.empty() ) { msgBuf = FastEncrypt::AES_CBCEncrypt(context.AESKey_, msgBuf); encodeMsg.set_aeskey(context.AESKey_); } ++step; }break; case 1: { if ( !context.RSAKey_.empty() && !context.AESKey_.empty() ) { auto EncryptAESKey = FastEncrypt::RSA_PubEncrypt(context.RSAKey_, context.AESKey_); encodeMsg.mutable_aeskey()->swap(EncryptAESKey); encodeMsg.set_rsaencode(true); } ++step; } break; case 2: { if ( context.Compress_ ) { auto compSize = compressBound(msgBuf.size()); std::string tmpbuf; tmpbuf.resize(compSize); auto err = compress(reinterpret_cast<Bytef*>(&tmpbuf[0]), &compSize, reinterpret_cast<const Bytef*>(, msgBuf.size()); if ( Z_OK != err ) { assert(0); bContinue = false; } else { encodeMsg.set_rawsize(msgBuf.size()); msgBuf.clear(); tmpbuf.resize(compSize); msgBuf.swap(tmpbuf); } } ++step; } break; default: { bContinue = false; } break; } } mori::TcpConnBuffer ret(sizeof(uint32_t)+encodeMsg.ByteSize()); encodeMsg.SerializeToArray(, ret.size()-sizeof(uint32_t)); uint32_t* pSize = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(; *pSize = boost::asio::detail::socket_ops::host_to_network_long(encodeMsg.ByteSize()); ret.reserve(ret.size()+msgBuf.size()); std::copy(msgBuf.begin(), msgBuf.end(), std::back_inserter(ret)); return std::move(ret); }
void SendMessage(const ::google::protobuf::Message &message) { std::string message_str; message.SerializeToString(&message_str); iostream_ << message_str.size() << '\n' << message_str; }