예제 #1
bool Chart::closeHoles()
    Array<HalfEdge::Edge *> boundaryEdges;
    getBoundaryEdges(m_unifiedMesh.ptr(), boundaryEdges);

    uint boundaryCount = boundaryEdges.count();
    if (boundaryCount <= 1)
        // Nothing to close.
        return true;

    // Compute lengths and areas.
    Array<float> boundaryLengths;
    //Array<Vector3> boundaryCentroids;

    for (uint i = 0; i < boundaryCount; i++)
        const HalfEdge::Edge * startEdge = boundaryEdges[i];
        nvCheck(startEdge->face == NULL);

        //float boundaryEdgeCount = 0;
        float boundaryLength = 0.0f;
        //Vector3 boundaryCentroid(zero);

        const HalfEdge::Edge * edge = startEdge;
        do {
            Vector3 t0 = edge->from()->pos;
            Vector3 t1 = edge->to()->pos;

            boundaryLength += length(t1 - t0);
            //boundaryCentroid += edge->vertex()->pos;

            edge = edge->next;
        } while(edge != startEdge);

        //boundaryCentroids.append(boundaryCentroid / boundaryEdgeCount);

    // Find disk boundary.
    uint diskBoundary = 0;
    float maxLength = boundaryLengths[0];

    for (uint i = 1; i < boundaryCount; i++)
        if (boundaryLengths[i] > maxLength)
            maxLength = boundaryLengths[i];
            diskBoundary = i;

    // Sew holes.
    /*for (uint i = 0; i < boundaryCount; i++)
        if (diskBoundary == i)
            // Skip disk boundary.

        HalfEdge::Edge * startEdge = boundaryEdges[i];
        nvCheck(startEdge->face() == NULL);

        boundaryEdges[i] = m_unifiedMesh->sewBoundary(startEdge);

    exportMesh(m_unifiedMesh.ptr(), "debug_sewn.obj");*/

    //bool hasNewHoles = false;

    // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    // @@ Close loop is wrong, after closing a loop, we do not only have to add the face, but make sure that every edge in he loop is pointing to the right place.

    // Close holes.
    for (uint i = 0; i < boundaryCount; i++)
        if (diskBoundary == i)
            // Skip disk boundary.

        HalfEdge::Edge * startEdge = boundaryEdges[i];
        nvDebugCheck(startEdge != NULL);
        nvDebugCheck(startEdge->face == NULL);

#if 1
        Array<HalfEdge::Vertex *> vertexLoop;
        Array<HalfEdge::Edge *> edgeLoop;

        HalfEdge::Edge * edge = startEdge;
        do {
            HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = edge->next->vertex; // edge->to()

            uint i;
            for (i = 0; i < vertexLoop.count(); i++) {
                if (vertex->isColocal(vertexLoop[i])) {
            bool isCrossing = (i != vertexLoop.count());

            if (isCrossing) {

                HalfEdge::Edge * prev = edgeLoop[i];    // Previous edge before the loop.
                HalfEdge::Edge * next = edge->next;   // Next edge after the loop.


                // Close loop.
                closeLoop(i+1, edgeLoop);

                // Link boundary loop.

                // Start over again.
                edge = startEdge;
                vertex = edge->to();


            edge = edge->next;
        } while(edge != startEdge);

        closeLoop(0, edgeLoop);


        // Add face and connect boundary edges.
        HalfEdge::Face * face = m_unifiedMesh->addFace();

        HalfEdge::Edge * edge = startEdge;
        do {

            edge = edge->next();
        } while(edge != startEdge);


        uint edgeCount = 0;
        HalfEdge::Edge * edge = startEdge;
        do {
            edge = edge->next();
        } while(edge != startEdge);

        // Count edges in this boundary.
        uint edgeCount = 0;
        HalfEdge::Edge * edge = startEdge;
        do {
            edge = edge->next();
        } while(edge != startEdge);

        // Trivial hole, fill with one triangle. This actually works for all convex boundaries with non colinear vertices.
        if (edgeCount == 3) {
            // Add face and connect boundary edges.
            HalfEdge::Face * face = m_unifiedMesh->addFace();

            edge = startEdge;
            do {

                edge = edge->next();
            } while(edge != startEdge);

            // @@ Implement the above using addFace, it should now work with existing edges, as long as their face pointers is zero.

        else {
            // Ideally we should:
            // - compute best fit plane of boundary vertices.
            // - project boundary polygon onto plane.
            // - triangulate boundary polygon.
            // - add faces of the resulting triangulation.

            // I don't have a good triangulator available. A more simple solution that works in more (but not all) cases:
            // - compute boundary centroid.
            // - add vertex centroid.
            // - connect centroid vertex with boundary vertices.
            // - connect radial edges with boundary edges.

            // This should work for non-convex boundaries with colinear vertices as long as the kernel of the polygon is not empty.

            // Compute boundary centroid:
            Vector3 centroid_pos(0);
            Vector2 centroid_tex(0);

            HalfEdge::Edge * edge = startEdge;
            do {
                centroid_pos += edge->vertex()->pos;
                centroid_tex += edge->vertex()->tex;
                edge = edge->next();
            } while(edge != startEdge);

            centroid_pos *= (1.0f / edgeCount);
            centroid_tex *= (1.0f / edgeCount);

            HalfEdge::Vertex * centroid = m_unifiedMesh->addVertex(centroid_pos);
            centroid->tex = centroid_tex;

            // Add one pair of edges for each boundary vertex.
            edge = startEdge;
            do {
                HalfEdge::Edge * next = edge->next();

                nvCheck(edge->face() == NULL);
                HalfEdge::Face * face = m_unifiedMesh->addFace(centroid->id(), edge->from()->id(), edge->to()->id());
                if (face != NULL) {
                    nvCheck(edge->face() == face);
                else {
                    hasNewHoles = true;

                edge = next;
            } while(edge != startEdge);


    if (hasNewHoles) {
        // Link boundary again, in case closeHoles created new holes!

    // Because some algorithms do not expect sparse edge buffers.

    // In case we messed up:

    getBoundaryEdges(m_unifiedMesh.ptr(), boundaryEdges);

    boundaryCount = boundaryEdges.count();
    nvDebugCheck(boundaryCount == 1);

    //exportMesh(m_unifiedMesh.ptr(), "debug_hole_filled.obj");

    return boundaryCount == 1;