void LibraryI::remove(const BookDescription& description) { IceUtil::Mutex::Lock lock(*this); // // Note: no need to catch and retry on deadlock since all access to // _authors is serialized. // try { StringIsbnSeqDict::iterator p = _authors.find(description.authors); assert(p != _authors.end()); // // Remove the isbn number from the sequence. // Ice::StringSeq isbnSeq = p->second; isbnSeq.erase(remove_if(isbnSeq.begin(), isbnSeq.end(), bind2nd(equal_to<string>(), description.isbn)), isbnSeq.end()); if(isbnSeq.empty()) { // // If there are no further associated isbn numbers then remove // the record. // _authors.erase(p); } else { // // Otherwise, write back the new record. // p.set(isbnSeq); } // // This can throw EvictorDeactivatedException (which indicates // an internal error). The exception is currently ignored. // _evictor->remove(createBookIdentity(description.isbn)); } catch(const Freeze::DatabaseException& ex) { DatabaseException e; e.message = ex.message; throw e; } }
Ice::StringSeq ReplicaGroupFilterI::filter(const string& /* replicaGroupId */, const Ice::StringSeq& adapters, const Ice::ConnectionPtr&, const Ice::Context& ctx) { Ice::Context::const_iterator p = ctx.find("currency"); if(p == ctx.end()) { return adapters; } string currency = p->second; // // Get the Currencies property value from the server descriptor // that owns the adapter and only keep adapters for servers that // are configured with the currency specified in the client // context. // Ice::StringSeq filteredAdapters; for(Ice::StringSeq::const_iterator p = adapters.begin(); p != adapters.end(); ++p) { if(_facade->getPropertyForAdapter(*p, "Currencies").find(currency) != string::npos) { filteredAdapters.push_back(*p); } } return filteredAdapters; }
bool AgentAdapter::init(const ::Ice::StringSeq& defaultAgents,const bool is_udp_protocol, const bool is_compress) { if (defaultAgents.empty()) { XLOG_ERROR("AgentAdapter::init defaultAgent is empty!"); return false; } srand(unsigned(time(NULL))); Ice::PropertiesPtr props=Ice::createProperties(); props->setProperty("Ice.MessageSizeMax", ICE_MESSAGE_SIZE_MAX); props->setProperty("Ice.Override.Timeout", ICE_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS); Ice::InitializationData id; id.properties=props; _ic = ::Ice::initialize(id); srand((unsigned) time(NULL)); current_agent_prx_number=0; std::vector<slice::AgentPrx> _prxs; for (::Ice::StringSeq::const_iterator it = defaultAgents.begin(); it != defaultAgents.end(); ++it) { slice::AgentPrx prx = Util::getPrx<slice::AgentPrx>(_ic, *it, is_udp_protocol, 1000, is_compress); _prxs.push_back(prx); } agent_prxs.swap(_prxs); return true; }
void NodeI::checkConsistency(const NodeSessionPrx& session) { // // Only do the consistency check on the startup. This ensures that servers can't // be removed by a bogus master when the master session is re-established. // if(_consistencyCheckDone) { return; } _consistencyCheckDone = true; // // We use a serial number to keep track of the concurrent changes // on the node. When a server is loaded/destroyed the serial is // incremented. This allows to ensure that the list of servers // returned by the registry is consistent with the servers // currently deployed on the node: if the serial didn't change // after getting the list of servers from the registry, we have // the accurate list of servers that should be deployed on the // node. // unsigned long serial = 0; Ice::StringSeq servers; vector<ServerCommandPtr> commands; while(true) { { Lock sync(*this); if(serial == _serial) { _serial = 1; // We can reset the serial number. commands = checkConsistencyNoSync(servers); break; } serial = _serial; } assert(session); try { servers = session->getServers(); } catch(const Ice::LocalException&) { return; // The connection with the session was lost. } sort(servers.begin(), servers.end()); } for_each(commands.begin(), commands.end(), IceUtil::voidMemFun(&ServerCommand::execute)); }
bool IcePHP::createStringArray(zval* zv, const Ice::StringSeq& seq) { array_init(zv); for(Ice::StringSeq::const_iterator p = seq.begin(); p != seq.end(); ++p) { if(add_next_index_stringl(zv, STRCAST(p->c_str()), static_cast<uint>(p->length())) == FAILURE) { return false; } } return true; }
Ice::StringSeq MetricsAdminI::getMetricsViewNames(Ice::StringSeq& disabledViews, const Current&) { Ice::StringSeq enabledViews; Lock sync(*this); for(map<string, MetricsViewIPtr>::const_iterator p = _views.begin(); p != _views.end(); ++p) { enabledViews.push_back(p->first); } #if defined(__SUNPRO_CC) && defined(_RWSTD_NO_MEMBER_TEMPLATES) for(set<string>::const_iterator p = _disabledViews.begin(); p != _disabledViews.end(); ++p) { disabledViews.push_back(*p); } #else disabledViews.insert(disabledViews.end(), _disabledViews.begin(), _disabledViews.end()); #endif return enabledViews; }
bool IcePy::stringSeqToList(const Ice::StringSeq& seq, PyObject* l) { assert(PyList_Check(l)); for(Ice::StringSeq::const_iterator p = seq.begin(); p != seq.end(); ++p) { PyObject* str = Py_BuildValue(STRCAST("s"), p->c_str()); if(!str) { Py_DECREF(l); return false; } int status = PyList_Append(l, str); Py_DECREF(str); // Give ownership to the list. if(status < 0) { Py_DECREF(l); return false; } } return true; }
PyObject* IcePy_loadSlice(PyObject* /*self*/, PyObject* args) { char* cmd; PyObject* list = 0; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, STRCAST("s|O!"), &cmd, &PyList_Type, &list)) { return 0; } vector<string> argSeq; try { argSeq = IceUtilInternal::Options::split(cmd); } catch(const IceUtilInternal::BadOptException& ex) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_RuntimeError, "error in Slice options: %s", ex.reason.c_str()); return 0; } catch(const IceUtilInternal::APIException& ex) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_RuntimeError, "error in Slice options: %s", ex.reason.c_str()); return 0; } if(list) { if(!listToStringSeq(list, argSeq)) { return 0; } } IceUtilInternal::Options opts; opts.addOpt("D", "", IceUtilInternal::Options::NeedArg, "", IceUtilInternal::Options::Repeat); opts.addOpt("U", "", IceUtilInternal::Options::NeedArg, "", IceUtilInternal::Options::Repeat); opts.addOpt("I", "", IceUtilInternal::Options::NeedArg, "", IceUtilInternal::Options::Repeat); opts.addOpt("d", "debug"); opts.addOpt("", "ice"); opts.addOpt("", "underscore"); opts.addOpt("", "checksum"); opts.addOpt("", "all"); vector<string> files; try { argSeq.insert(argSeq.begin(), ""); // dummy argv[0] files = opts.parse(argSeq); if(files.empty()) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_RuntimeError, "no Slice files specified in `%s'", cmd); return 0; } } catch(const IceUtilInternal::BadOptException& ex) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_RuntimeError, "error in Slice options: %s", ex.reason.c_str()); return 0; } catch(const IceUtilInternal::APIException& ex) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_RuntimeError, "error in Slice options: %s", ex.reason.c_str()); return 0; } vector<string> cppArgs; Ice::StringSeq includePaths; bool debug = false; bool ice = true; // This must be true so that we can create Ice::Identity when necessary. bool underscore = opts.isSet("underscore"); bool all = false; bool checksum = false; if(opts.isSet("D")) { vector<string> optargs = opts.argVec("D"); for(vector<string>::const_iterator i = optargs.begin(); i != optargs.end(); ++i) { cppArgs.push_back("-D" + *i); } } if(opts.isSet("U")) { vector<string> optargs = opts.argVec("U"); for(vector<string>::const_iterator i = optargs.begin(); i != optargs.end(); ++i) { cppArgs.push_back("-U" + *i); } } if(opts.isSet("I")) { includePaths = opts.argVec("I"); for(vector<string>::const_iterator i = includePaths.begin(); i != includePaths.end(); ++i) { cppArgs.push_back("-I" + *i); } } debug = opts.isSet("d") || opts.isSet("debug"); all = opts.isSet("all"); checksum = opts.isSet("checksum"); bool ignoreRedefs = false; bool keepComments = true; for(vector<string>::const_iterator p = files.begin(); p != files.end(); ++p) { string file = *p; Slice::PreprocessorPtr icecpp = Slice::Preprocessor::create("icecpp", file, cppArgs); FILE* cppHandle = icecpp->preprocess(keepComments, "-D__SLICE2PY__"); if(cppHandle == 0) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Slice preprocessing failed for `%s'", cmd); return 0; } UnitPtr u = Slice::Unit::createUnit(ignoreRedefs, all, ice, underscore); int parseStatus = u->parse(file, cppHandle, debug); if(!icecpp->close() || parseStatus == EXIT_FAILURE) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Slice parsing failed for `%s'", cmd); u->destroy(); return 0; } // // Generate the Python code into a string stream. // ostringstream codeStream; IceUtilInternal::Output out(codeStream); out.setUseTab(false); // // Emit a Python magic comment to set the file encoding. // It must be the first or second line. // out << "# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n"; generate(u, all, checksum, includePaths, out); u->destroy(); string code = codeStream.str(); // // We need to invoke Ice.updateModules() so that all of the types we've just generated // are made "public". // code += "\nIce.updateModules()\n"; PyObjectHandle src = Py_CompileString(const_cast<char*>(code.c_str()), const_cast<char*>(file.c_str()), Py_file_input); if(!src.get()) { return 0; } PyObjectHandle globals = PyDict_New(); if(!globals.get()) { return 0; } PyDict_SetItemString(globals.get(), "__builtins__", PyEval_GetBuiltins()); #if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03000000 PyObjectHandle val = PyEval_EvalCode(src.get(), globals.get(), 0); #else PyObjectHandle val = PyEval_EvalCode(reinterpret_cast<PyCodeObject*>(src.get()), globals.get(), 0); #endif if(!val.get()) { return 0; } } Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; }
static int communicatorInit(CommunicatorObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* /*kwds*/) { // // The argument options are: // // Ice.initialize() // Ice.initialize(args) // Ice.initialize(initData) // Ice.initialize(configFile) // Ice.initialize(args, initData) // Ice.initialize(args, configFile) // PyObject* arg1 = 0; PyObject* arg2 = 0; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, STRCAST("|OO"), &arg1, &arg2)) { return -1; } PyObject* argList = 0; PyObject* initData = 0; PyObject* configFile = 0; if(arg1 == Py_None) { arg1 = 0; } if(arg2 == Py_None) { arg2 = 0; } PyObject* initDataType = lookupType("Ice.InitializationData"); if(arg1) { if(PyList_Check(arg1)) { argList = arg1; } else if(PyObject_IsInstance(arg1, initDataType)) { initData = arg1; } else if(checkString(arg1)) { configFile = arg1; } else { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, STRCAST("initialize expects an argument list, Ice.InitializationData or a configuration filename")); return -1; } } if(arg2) { if(PyList_Check(arg2)) { if(argList) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, STRCAST("unexpected list argument to initialize")); return -1; } argList = arg2; } else if(PyObject_IsInstance(arg2, initDataType)) { if(initData) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, STRCAST("unexpected Ice.InitializationData argument to initialize")); return -1; } initData = arg2; } else if(checkString(arg2)) { if(configFile) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, STRCAST("unexpected string argument to initialize")); return -1; } configFile = arg2; } else { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, STRCAST("initialize expects an argument list, Ice.InitializationData or a configuration filename")); return -1; } } if(initData && configFile) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, STRCAST("initialize accepts either Ice.InitializationData or a configuration filename")); return -1; } Ice::StringSeq seq; if(argList && !listToStringSeq(argList, seq)) { return -1; } Ice::InitializationData data; DispatcherPtr dispatcherWrapper; try { if(initData) { PyObjectHandle properties = getAttr(initData, "properties", false); PyObjectHandle logger = getAttr(initData, "logger", false); PyObjectHandle threadHook = getAttr(initData, "threadHook", false); PyObjectHandle threadStart = getAttr(initData, "threadStart", false); PyObjectHandle threadStop = getAttr(initData, "threadStop", false); PyObjectHandle batchRequestInterceptor = getAttr(initData, "batchRequestInterceptor", false); PyObjectHandle dispatcher = getAttr(initData, "dispatcher", false); if(properties.get()) { // // Get the properties implementation. // PyObjectHandle impl = getAttr(properties.get(), "_impl", false); assert(impl.get()); data.properties = getProperties(impl.get()); } if(logger.get()) { data.logger = new LoggerWrapper(logger.get()); } if(threadHook.get() || threadStart.get() || threadStop.get()) { data.threadHook = new ThreadHook(threadHook.get(), threadStart.get(), threadStop.get()); } if(dispatcher.get()) { dispatcherWrapper = new Dispatcher(dispatcher.get()); data.dispatcher = dispatcherWrapper; } if(batchRequestInterceptor.get()) { data.batchRequestInterceptor = new BatchRequestInterceptor(batchRequestInterceptor.get()); } } // // We always supply our own implementation of ValueFactoryManager. // data.valueFactoryManager = new ValueFactoryManager; if(!data.properties) { data.properties = Ice::createProperties(); } if(configFile) { data.properties->load(getString(configFile)); } if(argList) { data.properties = Ice::createProperties(seq, data.properties); } } catch(const Ice::Exception& ex) { setPythonException(ex); return -1; } // // Remaining command line options are passed to the communicator // as an argument vector in case they contain plug-in properties. // int argc = static_cast<int>(seq.size()); char** argv = new char*[argc + 1]; int i = 0; for(Ice::StringSeq::const_iterator s = seq.begin(); s != seq.end(); ++s, ++i) { argv[i] = strdup(s->c_str()); } argv[argc] = 0; data.compactIdResolver = new IdResolver; Ice::CommunicatorPtr communicator; try { AllowThreads allowThreads; if(argList) { communicator = Ice::initialize(argc, argv, data); } else { communicator = Ice::initialize(data); } } catch(const Ice::Exception& ex) { for(i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { free(argv[i]); } delete[] argv; setPythonException(ex); return -1; } // // Replace the contents of the given argument list with the filtered arguments. // if(argList) { PyList_SetSlice(argList, 0, PyList_Size(argList), 0); // Clear the list. for(i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { PyObjectHandle str = Py_BuildValue(STRCAST("s"), argv[i]); PyList_Append(argList, str.get()); } } for(i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { free(argv[i]); } delete[] argv; self->communicator = new Ice::CommunicatorPtr(communicator); CommunicatorMap::iterator p = _communicatorMap.find(communicator); if(p != _communicatorMap.end()) { _communicatorMap.erase(p); } _communicatorMap.insert(CommunicatorMap::value_type(communicator, reinterpret_cast<PyObject*>(self))); if(dispatcherWrapper) { self->dispatcher = new DispatcherPtr(dispatcherWrapper); dispatcherWrapper->setCommunicator(communicator); } return 0; }
int Activator::activate(const string& name, const string& exePath, const string& pwdPath, #ifndef _WIN32 uid_t uid, gid_t gid, #endif const Ice::StringSeq& options, const Ice::StringSeq& envs, const ServerIPtr& server) { IceUtil::Monitor< IceUtil::Mutex>::Lock sync(*this); if(_deactivating) { throw string("The node is being shutdown."); } string path = exePath; if(path.empty()) { throw string("The server executable path is empty."); } string pwd = IcePatch2Internal::simplify(pwdPath); #ifdef _WIN32 if(!IceUtilInternal::isAbsolutePath(path)) { if(path.find('/') == string::npos) { // // Get the absolute pathname of the executable. // wchar_t absbuf[_MAX_PATH]; wchar_t* fPart; wstring ext = path.size() <= 4 || path[path.size() - 4] != '.' ? L".exe" : L""; // // IceGrid doesn't support to use string converters, so don't need to use // any string converter in wstringToString conversions. // if(SearchPathW(NULL, IceUtil::stringToWstring(path).c_str(), ext.c_str(), _MAX_PATH, absbuf, &fPart) == 0) { if(_traceLevels->activator > 0) { Trace out(_traceLevels->logger, _traceLevels->activatorCat); out << "couldn't find `" << path << "' executable."; } throw string("Couldn't find `" + path + "' executable."); } path = IceUtil::wstringToString(absbuf); } else if(!pwd.empty()) { path = pwd + "/" + path; } } // // Get the absolute pathname of the working directory. // // IceGrid doesn't support to use string converters, so // don't need to use any string converter in stringToWstring // conversions. // if(!pwd.empty()) { wchar_t absbuf[_MAX_PATH]; if(_wfullpath(absbuf, IceUtil::stringToWstring(pwd).c_str(), _MAX_PATH) == NULL) { if(_traceLevels->activator > 0) { Trace out(_traceLevels->logger, _traceLevels->activatorCat); out << "cannot convert `" << pwd << "' into an absolute path"; } throw string("The server working directory path `" + pwd + "' can't be converted into an absolute path."); } pwd = IceUtil::wstringToString(absbuf); } #endif // // Setup arguments. // StringSeq args; args.push_back(path); args.insert(args.end(), options.begin(), options.end()); if(_traceLevels->activator > 0) { Ice::Trace out(_traceLevels->logger, _traceLevels->activatorCat); out << "activating server `" << name << "'"; if(_traceLevels->activator > 1) { out << "\n"; out << "path = " << path << "\n"; if(pwd.empty()) { string cwd; if(IceUtilInternal::getcwd(cwd) == 0) { out << "pwd = " << cwd << "\n"; } } else { out << "pwd = " << pwd << "\n"; } #ifndef _WIN32 out << "uid/gid = " << uid << "/" << gid << "\n"; #endif if(!envs.empty()) { out << "envs = " << toString(envs, ", ") << "\n"; } if(!args.empty()) { out << "args = " << toString(args); } } } // // Activate and create. // #ifdef _WIN32 // // Compose command line. // string cmd; for(StringSeq::const_iterator p = args.begin(); p != args.end(); ++p) { if(p != args.begin()) { cmd.push_back(' '); } // // Enclose arguments containing spaces in double quotes. // if((*p).find(' ') != string::npos) { cmd.push_back('"'); cmd.append(*p); cmd.push_back('"'); } else { cmd.append(*p); } } // // IceGrid doesn't support to use string converters, so don't need to use // any string converter in stringToWstring conversions. // wstring wpwd = IceUtil::stringToWstring(pwd); const wchar_t* dir = !wpwd.empty() ? wpwd.c_str() : NULL; // // Make a copy of the command line. // wchar_t* cmdbuf = _wcsdup(IceUtil::stringToWstring(cmd).c_str()); // // Create the environment block for the child process. We start with the environment // of this process, and then merge environment variables from the server description. // Since Windows is case insensitive wrt environment variables we convert the keys to // uppercase to ensure matches are found. // const wchar_t* env = NULL; wstring envbuf; if(!envs.empty()) { map<wstring, wstring, UnicodeStringLess> envMap; LPVOID parentEnv = GetEnvironmentStringsW(); const wchar_t* var = reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t*>(parentEnv); if(*var == L'=') { // // The environment block may start with some information about the // current drive and working directory. This is indicated by a leading // '=' character, so we skip to the first '\0' byte. // while(*var != L'\0') var++; var++; } while(*var != L'\0') { wstring s(var); wstring::size_type pos = s.find(L'='); if(pos != wstring::npos) { envMap[s.substr(0, pos)] = s.substr(pos + 1); } var += s.size(); var++; // Skip the '\0' byte } FreeEnvironmentStringsW(static_cast<wchar_t*>(parentEnv)); for(StringSeq::const_iterator p = envs.begin(); p != envs.end(); ++p) { // // IceGrid doesn't support to use string converters, so don't need to use // any string converter in stringToWstring conversions. // wstring s = IceUtil::stringToWstring(*p); wstring::size_type pos = s.find(L'='); if(pos != wstring::npos) { envMap[s.substr(0, pos)] = s.substr(pos + 1); } } for(map<wstring, wstring, UnicodeStringLess>::const_iterator q = envMap.begin(); q != envMap.end(); ++q) { envbuf.append(q->first); envbuf.push_back(L'='); envbuf.append(q->second); envbuf.push_back(L'\0'); } envbuf.push_back(L'\0'); env = envbuf.c_str(); } Process process; STARTUPINFOW si; ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si)); si.cb = sizeof(si); PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(pi)); BOOL b = CreateProcessW( NULL, // Executable cmdbuf, // Command line NULL, // Process attributes NULL, // Thread attributes FALSE, // Do NOT inherit handles CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP | CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT, // Process creation flags (LPVOID)env, // Process environment dir, // Current directory &si, // Startup info &pi // Process info ); free(cmdbuf); if(!b) { throw IceUtilInternal::lastErrorToString(); } // // Caller is responsible for closing handles in PROCESS_INFORMATION. We don't need to // keep the thread handle, so we close it now. The process handle will be closed later. // CloseHandle(pi.hThread); process.activator = this; process.pid = pi.dwProcessId; process.hnd = pi.hProcess; process.server = server; map<string, Process>::iterator it = _processes.insert(make_pair(name, process)).first; Process* pp = &it->second; if(!RegisterWaitForSingleObject(&pp->waithnd, pp->hnd, activatorWaitCallback, pp, INFINITE, WT_EXECUTEDEFAULT | WT_EXECUTEONLYONCE)) { throw IceUtilInternal::lastErrorToString(); } // // Don't print the following trace, this might interfer with the // output of the started process if it fails with an error message. // // if(_traceLevels->activator > 0) // { // Ice::Trace out(_traceLevels->logger, _traceLevels->activatorCat); // out << "activated server `" << name << "' (pid = " << pi.dwProcessId << ")"; // } return static_cast<Ice::Int>(process.pid); #else int fds[2]; if(pipe(fds) != 0) { SyscallException ex(__FILE__, __LINE__); ex.error = getSystemErrno(); throw ex; } int errorFds[2]; if(pipe(errorFds) != 0) { SyscallException ex(__FILE__, __LINE__); ex.error = getSystemErrno(); throw ex; } // // Convert to standard argc/argv. // IceUtilInternal::ArgVector av(args); IceUtilInternal::ArgVector env(envs); // // Current directory // const char* pwdCStr = pwd.c_str(); pid_t pid = fork(); if(pid == -1) { SyscallException ex(__FILE__, __LINE__); ex.error = getSystemErrno(); throw ex; } if(pid == 0) // Child process. { // // Until exec, we can only use async-signal safe functions // // // Unblock signals blocked by IceUtil::CtrlCHandler. // sigset_t sigs; sigemptyset(&sigs); sigaddset(&sigs, SIGHUP); sigaddset(&sigs, SIGINT); sigaddset(&sigs, SIGTERM); sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &sigs, 0); // // Change the uid/gid under which the process will run. // if(setgid(gid) == -1) { ostringstream os; os << gid; reportChildError(getSystemErrno(), errorFds[1], "cannot set process group id", os.str().c_str(), _traceLevels); } errno = 0; struct passwd* pw = getpwuid(uid); if(!pw) { if(errno) { reportChildError(getSystemErrno(), errorFds[1], "cannot read the password database", "", _traceLevels); } else { ostringstream os; os << uid; reportChildError(getSystemErrno(), errorFds[1], "unknown user uid" , os.str().c_str(), _traceLevels); } } // // Don't initialize supplementary groups if we are not running as root. // if(getuid() == 0 && initgroups(pw->pw_name, gid) == -1) { ostringstream os; os << pw->pw_name; reportChildError(getSystemErrno(), errorFds[1], "cannot initialize process supplementary group access list for user", os.str().c_str(), _traceLevels); } if(setuid(uid) == -1) { ostringstream os; os << uid; reportChildError(getSystemErrno(), errorFds[1], "cannot set process user id", os.str().c_str(), _traceLevels); } // // Assign a new process group for this process. // setpgid(0, 0); // // Close all file descriptors, except for standard input, // standard output, standard error, and the write side // of the newly created pipe. // int maxFd = static_cast<int>(sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX)); for(int fd = 3; fd < maxFd; ++fd) { if(fd != fds[1] && fd != errorFds[1]) { close(fd); } } for(int i = 0; i < env.argc; i++) { // // Each env is leaked on purpose ... see man putenv(). // if(putenv(strdup(env.argv[i])) != 0) { reportChildError(errno, errorFds[1], "cannot set environment variable", env.argv[i], _traceLevels); } } // // Change working directory. // if(strlen(pwdCStr) != 0) { if(chdir(pwdCStr) == -1) { reportChildError(errno, errorFds[1], "cannot change working directory to", pwdCStr, _traceLevels); } } // // Close on exec the error message file descriptor. // int flags = fcntl(errorFds[1], F_GETFD); flags |= 1; // FD_CLOEXEC if(fcntl(errorFds[1], F_SETFD, flags) == -1) { close(errorFds[1]); errorFds[1] = -1; } if(execvp(av.argv[0], av.argv) == -1) { if(errorFds[1] != -1) { reportChildError(errno, errorFds[1], "cannot execute", av.argv[0], _traceLevels); } else { reportChildError(errno, fds[1], "cannot execute", av.argv[0], _traceLevels); } } } else // Parent process. { close(fds[1]); close(errorFds[1]); // // Read a potential error message over the error message pipe. // char s[16]; ssize_t rs; string message; while((rs = read(errorFds[0], &s, 16)) > 0) { message.append(s, rs); } // // If an error occured before the exec() we do some cleanup and throw. // if(!message.empty()) { close(fds[0]); close(errorFds[0]); waitPid(pid); throw message; } // // Otherwise, the exec() was successfull and we don't need the error message // pipe anymore. // close(errorFds[0]); Process process; process.pid = pid; process.pipeFd = fds[0]; process.server = server; _processes.insert(make_pair(name, process)); int flags = fcntl(process.pipeFd, F_GETFL); flags |= O_NONBLOCK; fcntl(process.pipeFd, F_SETFL, flags); setInterrupt(); // // Don't print the following trace, this might interfere with the // output of the started process if it fails with an error message. // // if(_traceLevels->activator > 0) // { // Ice::Trace out(_traceLevels->logger, _traceLevels->activatorCat); // out << "activated server `" << name << "' (pid = " << pid << ")"; // } } return pid; #endif }
static int communicatorInit(CommunicatorObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* /*kwds*/) { PyObject* argList = 0; PyObject* initData = 0; if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, STRCAST("|OO"), &argList, &initData)) { return -1; } if(argList == Py_None) { argList = 0; } if(initData == Py_None) { initData = 0; } PyObject* initDataType = lookupType("Ice.InitializationData"); if(argList && !initData) { if(PyObject_IsInstance(argList, initDataType)) { initData = argList; argList = 0; } else if(!PyList_Check(argList)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, STRCAST("initialize expects an argument list or Ice.InitializationData")); return -1; } } else if(argList && initData) { if(!PyList_Check(argList) || !PyObject_IsInstance(initData, initDataType)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, STRCAST("initialize expects an argument list and Ice.InitializationData")); return -1; } } Ice::StringSeq seq; if(argList && !listToStringSeq(argList, seq)) { return -1; } // // Use the with-args or the without-args version of initialize()? // bool hasArgs = argList != 0; Ice::InitializationData data; if(initData) { PyObjectHandle properties = PyObject_GetAttrString(initData, STRCAST("properties")); PyObjectHandle logger = PyObject_GetAttrString(initData, STRCAST("logger")); PyObjectHandle threadHook = PyObject_GetAttrString(initData, STRCAST("threadHook")); PyObjectHandle batchRequestInterceptor = PyObject_GetAttrString(initData, STRCAST("batchRequestInterceptor")); PyErr_Clear(); // PyObject_GetAttrString sets an error on failure. if(properties.get() && properties.get() != Py_None) { // // Get the properties implementation. // PyObjectHandle impl = PyObject_GetAttrString(properties.get(), STRCAST("_impl")); assert(impl.get()); data.properties = getProperties(impl.get()); } if(logger.get() && logger.get() != Py_None) { data.logger = new LoggerWrapper(logger.get()); } if(threadHook.get() && threadHook.get() != Py_None) { data.threadHook = new ThreadHook(threadHook.get()); } if(batchRequestInterceptor.get() && batchRequestInterceptor.get() != Py_None) { data.batchRequestInterceptor = new BatchRequestInterceptor(batchRequestInterceptor.get()); } } // // We always supply our own implementation of ValueFactoryManager. // data.valueFactoryManager = new ValueFactoryManager; try { if(argList) { data.properties = Ice::createProperties(seq, data.properties); } else if(!data.properties) { data.properties = Ice::createProperties(); } } catch(const Ice::Exception& ex) { setPythonException(ex); return -1; } // // Remaining command line options are passed to the communicator // as an argument vector in case they contain plug-in properties. // int argc = static_cast<int>(seq.size()); char** argv = new char*[argc + 1]; int i = 0; for(Ice::StringSeq::const_iterator s = seq.begin(); s != seq.end(); ++s, ++i) { argv[i] = strdup(s->c_str()); } argv[argc] = 0; data.compactIdResolver = new IdResolver; Ice::CommunicatorPtr communicator; try { AllowThreads allowThreads; if(hasArgs) { communicator = Ice::initialize(argc, argv, data); } else { communicator = Ice::initialize(data); } } catch(const Ice::Exception& ex) { for(i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { free(argv[i]); } delete[] argv; setPythonException(ex); return -1; } // // Replace the contents of the given argument list with the filtered arguments. // if(argList) { PyList_SetSlice(argList, 0, PyList_Size(argList), 0); // Clear the list. for(i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { PyObjectHandle str = Py_BuildValue(STRCAST("s"), argv[i]); PyList_Append(argList, str.get()); } } for(i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { free(argv[i]); } delete[] argv; self->communicator = new Ice::CommunicatorPtr(communicator); CommunicatorMap::iterator p = _communicatorMap.find(communicator); if(p != _communicatorMap.end()) { _communicatorMap.erase(p); } _communicatorMap.insert(CommunicatorMap::value_type(communicator, reinterpret_cast<PyObject*>(self))); return 0; }
bool NodeI::canRemoveServerDirectory(const string& name) { // // Check if there's files which we didn't create. // Ice::StringSeq c = readDirectory(_serversDir + "/" + name); set<string> contents(c.begin(), c.end()); contents.erase("dbs"); contents.erase("config"); contents.erase("distrib"); contents.erase("revision"); contents.erase("data"); Ice::StringSeq serviceDataDirs; for(set<string>::const_iterator p = contents.begin(); p != contents.end(); ++p) { if(p->find("data_") != 0) { return false; } serviceDataDirs.push_back(*p); } if(!contents.empty()) { return false; } c = readDirectory(_serversDir + "/" + name + "/config"); for(Ice::StringSeq::const_iterator p = c.begin() ; p != c.end(); ++p) { if(p->find("config") != 0) { return false; } } if(IceUtilInternal::directoryExists(_serversDir + "/" + name + "/dbs")) { c = readDirectory(_serversDir + "/" + name + "/dbs"); for(Ice::StringSeq::const_iterator p = c.begin() ; p != c.end(); ++p) { try { Ice::StringSeq files = readDirectory(_serversDir + "/" + name + "/dbs/" + *p); files.erase(remove(files.begin(), files.end(), "DB_CONFIG"), files.end()); files.erase(remove(files.begin(), files.end(), "__Freeze"), files.end()); if(!files.empty()) { return false; } } catch(const string&) { return false; } } } if(IceUtilInternal::directoryExists(_serversDir + "/" + name + "/data")) { if(!readDirectory(_serversDir + "/" + name + "/data").empty()) { return false; } } for(Ice::StringSeq::const_iterator p = serviceDataDirs.begin(); p != serviceDataDirs.end(); ++p) { try { if(!readDirectory(_serversDir + "/" + name + "/" + *p).empty()) { return false; } } catch(const string&) { return false; } } return true; }
vector<ServerCommandPtr> NodeI::checkConsistencyNoSync(const Ice::StringSeq& servers) { vector<ServerCommandPtr> commands; // // Check if the servers directory doesn't contain more servers // than the registry really knows. // Ice::StringSeq contents; try { contents = readDirectory(_serversDir); } catch(const string& msg) { Ice::Error out(_traceLevels->logger); out << "couldn't read directory `" << _serversDir << "':\n" << msg; return commands; } vector<string> remove; set_difference(contents.begin(), contents.end(), servers.begin(), servers.end(), back_inserter(remove)); // // Remove the extra servers if possible. // try { vector<string>::iterator p = remove.begin(); while(p != remove.end()) { ServerIPtr server = ServerIPtr::dynamicCast(_adapter->find(createServerIdentity(*p))); if(server) { // // If the server is loaded, we invoke on it to destroy it. // try { ServerCommandPtr command = server->destroy(0, "", 0, "Master", false); if(command) { commands.push_back(command); } p = remove.erase(p); continue; } catch(const Ice::LocalException& ex) { Ice::Error out(_traceLevels->logger); out << "server `" << *p << "' destroy failed:\n" << ex; } catch(const string&) { assert(false); } } try { if(canRemoveServerDirectory(*p)) { // // If the server directory can be removed and we // either remove it or back it up before to remove it. // removeRecursive(_serversDir + "/" + *p); p = remove.erase(p); continue; } } catch(const string& msg) { Ice::Warning out(_traceLevels->logger); out << "removing server directory `" << _serversDir << "/" << *p << "' failed:\n" << msg; } *p = _serversDir + "/" + *p; ++p; } } catch(const Ice::ObjectAdapterDeactivatedException&) { // // Just return the server commands, we'll finish the // consistency check next time the node is started. // return commands; } if(!remove.empty()) { Ice::Warning out(_traceLevels->logger); out << "server directories containing data not created or written by IceGrid were not removed:\n"; out << toString(remove); } return commands; }
void allTests(const Ice::CommunicatorPtr& comm) { IceGrid::RegistryPrx registry = IceGrid::RegistryPrx::checkedCast( comm->stringToProxy(comm->getDefaultLocator()->ice_getIdentity().category + "/Registry")); test(registry); IceGrid::QueryPrx query = IceGrid::QueryPrx::checkedCast( comm->stringToProxy(comm->getDefaultLocator()->ice_getIdentity().category + "/Query")); test(query); AdminSessionPrx session = registry->createAdminSession("foo", "bar"); session->ice_getConnection()->setACM(registry->getACMTimeout(), IceUtil::None, Ice::HeartbeatAlways); AdminPrx admin = session->getAdmin(); test(admin); cout << "testing server registration... " << flush; Ice::StringSeq serverIds = admin->getAllServerIds(); test(find(serverIds.begin(), serverIds.end(), "Server1") != serverIds.end()); test(find(serverIds.begin(), serverIds.end(), "Server2") != serverIds.end()); test(find(serverIds.begin(), serverIds.end(), "IceBox1") != serverIds.end()); test(find(serverIds.begin(), serverIds.end(), "IceBox2") != serverIds.end()); test(find(serverIds.begin(), serverIds.end(), "SimpleServer") != serverIds.end()); test(find(serverIds.begin(), serverIds.end(), "SimpleIceBox") != serverIds.end()); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing adapter registration... " << flush; Ice::StringSeq adapterIds = admin->getAllAdapterIds(); test(find(adapterIds.begin(), adapterIds.end(), "Server1.Server") != adapterIds.end()); test(find(adapterIds.begin(), adapterIds.end(), "Server2.Server") != adapterIds.end()); test(find(adapterIds.begin(), adapterIds.end(), "SimpleServer.Server") != adapterIds.end()); test(find(adapterIds.begin(), adapterIds.end(), "IceBox1.Service1.Service1") != adapterIds.end()); test(find(adapterIds.begin(), adapterIds.end(), "IceBox1Service2Adapter") != adapterIds.end()); test(find(adapterIds.begin(), adapterIds.end(), "IceBox2.Service1.Service1") != adapterIds.end()); test(find(adapterIds.begin(), adapterIds.end(), "IceBox2Service2Adapter") != adapterIds.end()); test(find(adapterIds.begin(), adapterIds.end(), "SimpleIceBox.SimpleService.SimpleService") != adapterIds.end()); test(find(adapterIds.begin(), adapterIds.end(), "ReplicatedAdapter") != adapterIds.end()); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing object registration... " << flush; Ice::ObjectProxySeq objs = query->findAllObjectsByType("::Test"); test(find_if(objs.begin(), objs.end(), bind2nd(ProxyIdentityEqual(comm),"Server1")) != objs.end()); test(find_if(objs.begin(), objs.end(), bind2nd(ProxyIdentityEqual(comm),"Server2")) != objs.end()); test(find_if(objs.begin(), objs.end(), bind2nd(ProxyIdentityEqual(comm),"SimpleServer")) != objs.end()); test(find_if(objs.begin(), objs.end(), bind2nd(ProxyIdentityEqual(comm),"IceBox1-Service1")) != objs.end()); test(find_if(objs.begin(), objs.end(), bind2nd(ProxyIdentityEqual(comm),"IceBox1-Service2")) != objs.end()); test(find_if(objs.begin(), objs.end(), bind2nd(ProxyIdentityEqual(comm),"IceBox2-Service1")) != objs.end()); test(find_if(objs.begin(), objs.end(), bind2nd(ProxyIdentityEqual(comm),"IceBox2-Service2")) != objs.end()); test(find_if(objs.begin(), objs.end(), bind2nd(ProxyIdentityEqual(comm),"SimpleIceBox-SimpleService")) != objs.end()); test(find_if(objs.begin(), objs.end(), bind2nd(ProxyIdentityEqual(comm),"ReplicatedObject")) != objs.end()); { test(identityToString(query->findObjectByType("::TestId1")->ice_getIdentity()) == "cat/name1"); test(identityToString(query->findObjectByType("::TestId2")->ice_getIdentity()) == "cat1/name1"); test(identityToString(query->findObjectByType("::TestId3")->ice_getIdentity()) == "cat1/name1-bis"); test(identityToString(query->findObjectByType("::TestId4")->ice_getIdentity()) == "c2\\/c2/n2\\/n2"); test(identityToString(query->findObjectByType("::TestId5")->ice_getIdentity()) == "n2\\/n2"); } { Ice::ObjectPrx obj = query->findObjectByType("::Test"); string id = identityToString(obj->ice_getIdentity()); test(id == "Server1" || id == "Server2" || id == "SimpleServer" || id == "IceBox1-Service1" || id == "IceBox1-Service2" || id == "IceBox2-Service1" || id == "IceBox2-Service2" || id == "SimpleIceBox-SimpleService" || "ReplicatedObject"); } { Ice::ObjectPrx obj = query->findObjectByTypeOnLeastLoadedNode("::Test", LoadSample5); string id = identityToString(obj->ice_getIdentity()); test(id == "Server1" || id == "Server2" || id == "SimpleServer" || id == "IceBox1-Service1" || id == "IceBox1-Service2" || id == "IceBox2-Service1" || id == "IceBox2-Service2" || id == "SimpleIceBox-SimpleService" || "ReplicatedObject"); } { Ice::ObjectPrx obj = query->findObjectByType("::Foo"); test(!obj); obj = query->findObjectByTypeOnLeastLoadedNode("::Foo", LoadSample15); test(!obj); } Ice::Identity encoding10_oneway; encoding10_oneway.name = "encoding10-oneway"; test(query->findObjectById(encoding10_oneway)->ice_getEncodingVersion() == Ice::Encoding_1_0); test(query->findObjectById(encoding10_oneway)->ice_isOneway()); Ice::Identity encoding10_secure; encoding10_secure.name = "encoding10-secure"; test(query->findObjectById(encoding10_secure)->ice_getEncodingVersion() == Ice::Encoding_1_0); test(query->findObjectById(encoding10_secure)->ice_isSecure()); Ice::Identity oaoptions; oaoptions.name = "oaoptions"; test(query->findObjectById(oaoptions)->ice_getEncodingVersion() == Ice::stringToEncodingVersion("1.2")); test(query->findObjectById(oaoptions)->ice_isTwoway()); Ice::Identity comoptions; comoptions.name = "communicatoroptions"; test(query->findObjectById(comoptions)->ice_getEncodingVersion() == Ice::stringToEncodingVersion("1.3")); test(query->findObjectById(comoptions)->ice_isTwoway()); Ice::Identity options34; options34.name = "34options"; test(query->findObjectById(options34)->ice_getEncodingVersion() == Ice::Encoding_1_0); Ice::Identity simpleServer; simpleServer.name = "SimpleServer"; test(query->findObjectById(simpleServer)->ice_getEncodingVersion() == Ice::Encoding_1_1); Ice::Identity replicated15; replicated15.name = "ReplicatedObject15"; test(query->findObjectById(replicated15)->ice_getEncodingVersion() == Ice::stringToEncodingVersion("1.5")); Ice::Identity replicated14; replicated14.name = "ReplicatedObject14"; test(query->findObjectById(replicated14)->ice_getEncodingVersion() == Ice::stringToEncodingVersion("1.4")); Ice::LocatorPrx locator = comm->getDefaultLocator(); test(query->findObjectById(encoding10_oneway) == locator->findObjectById(encoding10_oneway)); test(query->findObjectById(encoding10_secure) == locator->findObjectById(encoding10_secure)); test(query->findObjectById(oaoptions) == locator->findObjectById(oaoptions)); test(query->findObjectById(comoptions) == locator->findObjectById(comoptions)); test(query->findObjectById(options34) == locator->findObjectById(options34)); test(query->findObjectById(simpleServer) == locator->findObjectById(simpleServer)); test(query->findObjectById(replicated15) == locator->findObjectById(replicated15)); test(query->findObjectById(replicated14) == locator->findObjectById(replicated14)); cout << "ok" << endl; // // Ensure that all server and service objects are reachable. // // The identity for the test object in deployed server or services // is the name of the service or server. The object adapter name // is Adapter prefixed with the name of the service or // server. Ensure we can reach each object. // cout << "pinging server objects... " << flush; TestIntfPrx obj; obj = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(comm->stringToProxy("*****@*****.**")); obj = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(comm->stringToProxy("*****@*****.**")); obj = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(comm->stringToProxy("*****@*****.**")); obj = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(comm->stringToProxy("[email protected]")); obj = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(comm->stringToProxy("IceBox1-Service2@IceBox1Service2Adapter")); obj = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(comm->stringToProxy("[email protected]")); obj = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(comm->stringToProxy("IceBox2-Service2@IceBox2Service2Adapter")); obj = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast( comm->stringToProxy("*****@*****.**")); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing server configuration... " << flush; obj = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(comm->stringToProxy("*****@*****.**")); test(obj->getProperty("Type") == "Server"); test(obj->getProperty("Name") == "Server1"); test(obj->getProperty("NameName") == "Server1Server1"); test(obj->getProperty("NameEscaped") == "${name}"); test(obj->getProperty("NameEscapeEscaped") == "$Server1"); test(obj->getProperty("NameEscapedEscapeEscaped") == "$${name}"); test(obj->getProperty("ManyEscape") == "$$$${name}"); test(obj->getProperty("TestServer1Identity") == "Server1"); test(obj->getProperty("LogFilePath") == "test-Server1.log"); test(obj->getProperty("LogFilePath-Server1") == "test.log"); test(obj->getProperty("PropertyWithSpaces") == " test "); // \ is escaped in C++ string literals test(obj->getProperty("WindowsPath") == "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\ZeroC\\"); test(obj->getProperty("UNCPath") == "\\\\server\\foo bar\\file"); test(obj->getProperty("PropertyWith=") == "foo=bar"); test(obj->getProperty("PropertyWithHash") == "foo#bar"); test(obj->getProperty("PropertyWithTab") == "foo\tbar"); test(obj->getProperty("PropertyWithEscapeSpace") == "foo\\ "); test(obj->getProperty("PropertyWithProperty") == "Plugin.EntryPoint=foo:bar --Ice.Config=\\\\\\server\\foo bar\\file.cfg"); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing service configuration... " << flush; obj = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(comm->stringToProxy("[email protected]")); test(obj->getProperty("Service1.Type") == "standard"); test(obj->getProperty("Service1.ServiceName") == "Service1"); test(obj->getProperty("TestService1Identity") == "IceBox1-Service1"); test(obj->getProperty("LogFilePath") == "test-Service1.log"); test(obj->getProperty("LogFilePath-Service1") == "test.log"); test(obj->getProperty("PropertyWithSpaces") == " test "); // \ is escaped in C++ string literals test(obj->getProperty("WindowsPath") == "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\ZeroC\\"); test(obj->getProperty("UNCPath") == "\\\\server\\foo bar\\file"); test(obj->getProperty("PropertyWith=") == "foo=bar"); test(obj->getProperty("PropertyWithHash") == "foo#bar"); test(obj->getProperty("PropertyWithTab") == "foo\tbar"); test(obj->getProperty("PropertyWithEscapeSpace") == "foo\\ "); test(obj->getProperty("PropertyWithProperty") == "Plugin.EntryPoint=foo:bar --Ice.Config=\\\\\\server\\foo bar\\file.cfg"); obj = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(comm->stringToProxy("IceBox2-Service2@IceBox2Service2Adapter")); test(obj->getProperty("Service2.Type") == "nonstandard"); test(obj->getProperty("Service2.ServiceName") == "Service2"); test(obj->getProperty("Service2.DebugProperty") == ""); test(obj->getProperty("Service1.DebugProperty") == ""); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing server options... " << flush; obj = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(comm->stringToProxy("*****@*****.**")); test(obj->getProperty("Test.Test") == "2"); test(obj->getProperty("Test.Test1") == "0"); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing variables... " << flush; vector<TestIntfPrx> proxies; obj = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(comm->stringToProxy("*****@*****.**")); proxies.push_back(obj); obj = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(comm->stringToProxy("[email protected]")); proxies.push_back(obj); obj = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(comm->stringToProxy("*****@*****.**")); proxies.push_back(obj); obj = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast( comm->stringToProxy("*****@*****.**")); proxies.push_back(obj); for(vector<TestIntfPrx>::const_iterator p = proxies.begin(); p != proxies.end(); ++p) { test((*p)->getProperty("AppVarProp") == "AppVar"); test((*p)->getProperty("NodeVarProp") == "NodeVar"); test((*p)->getProperty("RecursiveAppVarProp") == "Test"); test((*p)->getProperty("AppVarOverridedProp") == "OverridedInNode"); test((*p)->getProperty("AppVarDefinedInNodeProp") == "localnode"); test((*p)->getProperty("EscapedAppVarProp") == "${escaped}"); test((*p)->getProperty("RecursiveEscapedAppVarProp") == "${escaped}"); test((*p)->getProperty("Recursive2EscapedAppVarProp") == "${escaped}"); test((*p)->getProperty("RecursiveNodeVarProp") == "localnode"); test((*p)->getProperty("TestDirProp") != "NotThisValue"); } cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing parameters... " << flush; obj = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(comm->stringToProxy("*****@*****.**")); test(obj->getProperty("Param1Prop") == "Param1"); test(obj->getProperty("Param2Prop") == "AppVar"); test(obj->getProperty("ParamEscapedProp") == "${escaped}"); test(obj->getProperty("ParamDoubleEscapedProp") == "$escapedvalue"); test(obj->getProperty("AppVarOverridedByParamProp") == "Overrided"); test(obj->getProperty("NodeVarOverridedByParamProp") == "Test"); test(obj->getProperty("DefaultParamProp") == "VALUE"); obj = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(comm->stringToProxy("*****@*****.**")); test(obj->getProperty("Param1Prop") == "Param12"); test(obj->getProperty("Param2Prop") == "OverridedInNode"); test(obj->getProperty("ParamEscapedProp") == "${escaped}"); test(obj->getProperty("ParamDoubleEscapedProp") == "$escapedvalue"); test(obj->getProperty("AppVarOverridedByParamProp") == "Overrided"); test(obj->getProperty("NodeVarOverridedByParamProp") == "Test"); test(obj->getProperty("DefaultParamProp") == "OTHERVALUE"); obj = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(comm->stringToProxy("[email protected]")); test(obj->getProperty("AppVarOverridedByParamProp") == "Test"); test(obj->getProperty("NodeVarOverridedByParamProp") == "Overrided"); obj = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(comm->stringToProxy("IceBox1-Service2@IceBox1Service2Adapter")); test(obj->getProperty("AppVarOverridedByParamProp") == "Test"); test(obj->getProperty("NodeVarOverridedByParamProp") == "Test"); obj = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(comm->stringToProxy("[email protected]")); test(obj->getProperty("AppVarOverridedByParamProp") == "Test"); test(obj->getProperty("NodeVarOverridedByParamProp") == "Overrided"); obj = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(comm->stringToProxy("IceBox2-Service2@IceBox2Service2Adapter")); test(obj->getProperty("AppVarOverridedByParamProp") == "Test"); test(obj->getProperty("NodeVarOverridedByParamProp") == "Test"); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing descriptions... " << flush; // // NOTE: We can't test the following since // getApplicationDescriptor doesn't return the instantiated // application descriptor... // // ApplicationDescriptor desc = admin->getApplicationDescriptor("test"); // test(desc.description == "APP AppVar"); // test(desc.nodes["localnode"].description == "NODE NodeVar"); // test(desc.replicaGroups[0].description == "REPLICA GROUP AppVar"); // test(desc.nodes["localnode"].servers.size() == 2); // const int idx = desc.nodes["localnode"].servers[0]->id == "SimpleServer" ? 0 : 1; ServerInfo info = admin->getServerInfo("SimpleServer"); test(info.descriptor->id == "SimpleServer"); test(info.descriptor->description == "SERVER NodeVar"); test(info.descriptor->adapters[0].description == "ADAPTER NodeVar"); test(info.descriptor->dbEnvs[0].description == "DBENV NodeVar"); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing property sets..." << flush; obj = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(comm->stringToProxy("*****@*****.**")); test(obj->getProperty("AppProperty") == "AppVar"); test(obj->getProperty("AppProperty2") == "OverrideMe"); test(obj->getProperty("AppProperty21") == "Override"); test(obj->getProperty("NodeProperty") == "NodeVar"); obj = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(comm->stringToProxy("*****@*****.**")); test(obj->getProperty("AppProperty") == "AppVar"); test(obj->getProperty("AppProperty2") == "OverrideMe"); test(obj->getProperty("AppProperty21") == "Override"); test(obj->getProperty("NodeProperty") == "NodeVar"); test(obj->getProperty("ServerInstanceProperty") == "Server2"); obj = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(comm->stringToProxy("[email protected]")); test(obj->getProperty("AppProperty") == ""); // IceBox server properties aren't inherited for IceBox1 test(obj->getProperty("AppProperty2") == ""); test(obj->getProperty("AppProperty21") == ""); test(obj->getProperty("NodeProperty") == ""); obj = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(comm->stringToProxy("[email protected]")); test(obj->getProperty("AppProperty") == "AppVar"); test(obj->getProperty("AppProperty2") == "OverrideMe"); test(obj->getProperty("AppProperty21") == "Override"); test(obj->getProperty("NodeProperty") == "NodeVar"); test(obj->getProperty("IceBoxInstanceProperty") == "IceBox2"); obj = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(comm->stringToProxy("IceBox2-Service2@IceBox2Service2Adapter")); test(obj->getProperty("AppProperty") == "AppVar"); test(obj->getProperty("AppProperty2") == "OverrideMe"); test(obj->getProperty("AppProperty21") == "Override"); test(obj->getProperty("NodeProperty") == "NodeVar"); test(obj->getProperty("IceBoxInstanceProperty") == "IceBox2"); test(obj->getProperty("ServiceInstanceProperty") == "Service2"); obj = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(comm->stringToProxy("*****@*****.**")); test(obj->getProperty("AppProperty") == "AppVar"); test(obj->getProperty("AppProperty2") == "OverrideMe"); test(obj->getProperty("AppProperty21") == "Override"); test(obj->getProperty("NodeProperty") == "NodeVar"); obj = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(comm->stringToProxy("[email protected]")); test(obj->getProperty("ServerInstanceServiceProperty") == "service1"); obj = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(comm->stringToProxy("[email protected]")); test(obj->getProperty("ServerInstanceServiceProperty") == "service4"); obj = TestIntfPrx::checkedCast(comm->stringToProxy("[email protected]")); test(obj->getProperty("IceBoxInstanceProperty") == "overriden"); cout << "ok" << endl; cout << "testing validation... " << flush; TemplateDescriptor templ; templ.parameters.push_back("name"); templ.parameters.push_back("nam3"); templ.parameters.push_back("nam2"); templ.parameters.push_back("nam3"); templ.descriptor = new ServerDescriptor(); ServerDescriptorPtr server = ServerDescriptorPtr::dynamicCast(templ.descriptor); server->id = "test"; server->exe = "${test.dir}/server"; server->applicationDistrib = false; server->allocatable = false; ApplicationDescriptor desc; desc.name = "App"; desc.serverTemplates["ServerTemplate"] = templ; try { admin->addApplication(desc); test(false); } catch(const DeploymentException& ex) { test(ex.reason.find("duplicate parameters") != string::npos); } catch(const Ice::Exception& ex) { cerr << ex << endl; test(false); } cout << "ok" << endl; logTests(comm, session); session->destroy(); }