bool GameMapEncounterAreaParser::Parse(std::string json, GameMapEncounterArea *encounterArea) { JSONNode assetListNode = libjson::parse(json); JSONNode::const_iterator i = assetListNode.begin(); while (i != assetListNode.end()) { if (i->name() == "mobs" && i->type() == JSON_ARRAY) { this->logger->debug() << "parsing mobs"; JSONNode::const_iterator j = i->begin(); while (j != i->end()) { if (j->type() == JSON_NODE) { JSONNode::const_iterator k = j->begin(); while (k != j->end()) { if (k->name() == "enemies") { this->logger->debug() << "parsing enemies for mob"; JSONNode::const_iterator l = k->begin(); std::string r = ""; std::vector<std::string> mob; while (l != k->end()) { this->logger->debug() << std::setfill ('0') << std::setw(sizeof(unsigned char)*2) << std::hex << l->type(); if (l->type() == JSON_STRING) { r += l->as_string() + ", "; mob.push_back(l->as_string()); } l++; } this->logger->debug() << "parsed mob [" << r << "]"; encounterArea->mobs.push_back(mob); } k++; } } j++; } } i++; } return true; }
// parse json/config, get filename and tilesize void Tilemap::parseConfig(const JSONNode& n) { JSONNode::const_iterator it = n.begin(); while (it != n.end()) { string nodeName = it->name(); // might need stupid workaround, for some reason it->as_int() doesn't link! if (nodeName == "tilesize") tileSize = atoi((it->as_string()).c_str()); if (nodeName == "tilemap") { tilemapFile = it->as_string(); } ++it; } createTexture(); }
int load_file(const string &filename, uid_user_map_t &uum, vector<msg_t> &msg_vec, log_t *log) { ifstream ifile; string line; string content; string home; long uid; int num = 0;; if (ifile.is_open()) { while (getline(ifile, line)) { msg_t one_msg; user_t one_user = {-1, "", ""}; JSONNode node = libjson::parse(line); JSONNode::const_iterator jit = node.begin(); while (jit != node.end()) { string name = (string)jit->name(); if (name == "id") { one_msg.mid = atol(jit->as_string().c_str()); } else if (name == "user_id") { uid = atol(jit->as_string().c_str()); one_user.uid = uid; one_msg.uid = uid; } else if (name == "user_name") { = jit->as_string(); } else if (name == "location") { one_user.home = jit->as_string(); } else if (name == "text") { one_msg.content = jit->as_string(); } ++jit; } check_user(one_user, uum); msg_vec.push_back(one_msg); ++num; } ifile.close(); } else { error(log, "open raw file %s error", filename.c_str()); } return num; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // downloads recent trade data: std::string KClient::trades(const std::string& pair, const std::string& since, std::vector<KTrade>& output) { KInput ki; ki["pair"] = pair; ki["since"] = since; // download and parse data json_string data = libjson::to_json_string( public_method("Trades", ki) ); JSONNode root = libjson::parse(data); // throw an exception if there are errors in the JSON response if (!"error").empty()) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Kraken response contains errors: "; // append errors to output string stream for (JSONNode::const_iterator it = root["error"].begin(); it != root["error"].end(); ++it) oss << std::endl << " * " << libjson::to_std_string(it->as_string()); throw std::runtime_error(oss.str()); } // throw an exception if result is empty if ("result").empty()) { throw std::runtime_error("Kraken response doesn't contain result data"); } JSONNode &result = root["result"]; JSONNode &result_pair = result[0]; std::string last = libjson::to_std_string("last").as_string() ); std::vector<KTrade> buf; for (JSONNode::const_iterator it = result_pair.begin(); it != result_pair.end(); ++it) buf.push_back(KTrade(*it)); output.swap(buf); return last; }
// read through json/tiles // for each tile, calculate index, crestore in a std::vector(?) void Tilemap::parseTiles(const JSONNode& n) { JSONNode::const_iterator it = n.begin(); while (it != n.end()) { string textureId = it->name(); int idx = atoi((it->as_string()).c_str()); //it->as_int(); int x1 = idx%tilesPerLine * tileSize; int y1 = idx/tilesPerLine * tileSize; int x2 = x1+tileSize; int y2 = y1+tileSize; TilemapTexture textureInfo = {(float)x1/tilemapWidth, (float)y1/tilemapHeight, (float)x2/tilemapWidth, (float)y2/tilemapHeight}; tiles[idx] = textureInfo; tileMapping[textureId] = idx; ++it; } }
const vector<uint64_t> JSONModelGetter::operator()(const string &rel_key){ vector<uint64_t> ret; JSONNode::const_iterator it = data->find(rel_key); if(it==data->end()){//||it->type()!=JSON_ARRAY) { return ret; } JSONNode fns_node = it->as_array(); if(fns_node.size()>0){ JSONNode::const_iterator stit = fns_node.begin(); while(stit!=fns_node.end()){ uint64_t fn = 0UL; if(stit->type()==JSON_NUMBER){ fn = stit->as_int(); }else if(it->type()==JSON_STRING){ string fs = it->as_string(); fn = strtoul(fs.c_str(), NULL, 10); } ret.push_back(fn); ++stit; } } return ret; }
Handle<Object> AtJsonParser::parse( const JSONNode &n ) { Isolate* isolate = Isolate::GetCurrent(); Handle<Object> ret = Object::New( isolate ); JSONNode::const_iterator i = n.begin(); while ( i != n.end() ) { std::string node_name = i->name(); if ( node_name == "serverTime" || node_name == "response" || node_name == "data" || node_name == "tick" || node_name == "ATBarHistory" || node_name == "ATSymbol" || node_name == "ATLoginResponse" || node_name == "time" || node_name == "open" || node_name == "high" || node_name == "low" || node_name == "close" || node_name == "ATTickHistory" || node_name == "offsetDatabaseDate" || node_name == "tradeLastPrice" || node_name == "quoteBidPrice" || node_name == "quoteAskPrice" || node_name == "ATMarketMoversDb" || node_name == "recordSymbol" || node_name == "itemSymbol" || node_name == "itemLastPrice" || node_name == "ATQuoteDb" || node_name == "priceData" || node_name == "dateTime" || node_name == "ATQuoteStream" || node_name == "lastPrice" || node_name == "bidPrice" || node_name == "askPrice" || node_name == "prevClose" || node_name == "afterMarketClose" || node_name == "lastUpdateTime" || node_name == "marketMovers" || node_name == "closePrice" || node_name == "lastDateTime" || node_name == "beginDateTime" || node_name == "endDateTime" ) { ret->Set( String::NewFromUtf8( isolate, node_name.c_str() ), parse( *i ) ); } else if ( filterAsString( node_name ) ) { ret->Set( String::NewFromUtf8( isolate, node_name.c_str() ), String::NewFromUtf8( isolate, i->as_string().c_str() ) ); } else if ( filterAsNumber( node_name ) ) { ret->Set( String::NewFromUtf8( isolate, node_name.c_str() ), Number::New( isolate, i->as_float() ) ); } else if ( filterAsInteger( node_name ) ) { ret->Set( String::NewFromUtf8( isolate, node_name.c_str() ), Integer::New( isolate, i->as_int() ) ); } else if ( filterAsBoolean( node_name ) ) { ret->Set( String::NewFromUtf8( isolate, node_name.c_str() ), Boolean::New( isolate, i->as_bool() ) ); } else if ( i->type() == JSON_ARRAY ) { JSONNode::const_iterator j = i->begin(); std::vector< Handle<Object> > vec; while ( j != i->end() ) { vec.push_back( parse( *j ) ); ++j; } Handle<Array> arr = Array::New( isolate, vec.size() ); for ( size_t idx = 0; idx < vec.size(); idx++ ) { arr->Set( idx, vec[idx] ); } ret->Set( String::NewFromUtf8( isolate, node_name.c_str() ), arr ); } ++i; } return ret; }
ResponseCode UpdateRepoTagOfTarball(std::string pathTarball, std::string repo, std::string tag, std::string &idImage) { TAR *tar = NULL; int ret = 0; int th_found = 0; int exitcode = 0; // char tmp_filepath[] = P_tmpdir "/libtar-tmpfile-XXXXXX"; //gen path to upload image char* tmp_imagepath = tempnam (FileUtils::GetPathDir(pathTarball).c_str(), "imageDirTmp_"); std::string pathTmpDir = tmp_imagepath; free(tmp_imagepath); std::cout << "path tmp dir: " << pathTmpDir << std::endl; int tmp_fd = -1; ret = tar_open(&tar, (char*)pathTarball.c_str(), NULL, O_RDONLY, 0, 0); if (ret != 0) { fprintf(stdout, "Fail to open file: %s\n", pathTarball.c_str()); // return FILE_ACTION_ERROR; exitcode = 2; } if (exitcode == 0) { if (tar_extract_all(tar, (char*)pathTmpDir.c_str()) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Fail to extract file: %s\n", pathTarball.c_str()); exitcode = 2; } } if (exitcode == 0) { ret = tar_close(tar); if (ret != 0) { perror("Failed to close tar file."); exitcode = 2; } tar = NULL; } //Modify repository file if (exitcode == 0) { char buf[BUFSIZ]; ssize_t n_buf = 0; FILE *tmpfile = NULL; std::ifstream in((pathTmpDir + "/" + REPOSITORIES_FILE).c_str(), std::ios::binary); std::string info((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(in)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>()); JSONNode n; try { n = libjson::parse(info); } catch(const std::invalid_argument& e) { std::cerr << "Invalid argument: " << e.what() << '\n'; // return FILE_ACTION_ERROR; exitcode = 1; } if(exitcode == 0){ JSONNode::const_iterator i = n.begin(); //if (i != n.end() && i -> name() == TAG_SERVICE_STR && i -> type() != JSON_ARRAY && i -> type() != JSON_NODE) if (i != n.end() && i -> type() == JSON_NODE){ JSONNode tag_id_node = i->as_node(); i = tag_id_node.begin(); if (i != n.end() && i -> type() != JSON_ARRAY && i -> type() != JSON_NODE){ idImage = i->as_string(); }else{ std::cout << "Tarball format error.\n"; // return FILE_ACTION_ERROR; exitcode = 1; } } }else{ std::cout << "Tarball format error.\n"; // return FILE_ACTION_ERROR; exitcode = 1; } } if(exitcode == 0){ JSONNode newRepoNode(JSON_NODE); newRepoNode.set_name(repo); newRepoNode.push_back(JSONNode(tag, idImage)); JSONNode newNode; newNode.push_back(newRepoNode); std::string content = newNode.write(); FILE * pFile; if (exitcode == 0) { pFile = fopen ((pathTmpDir + "/" + REPOSITORIES_FILE).c_str() , "w"); if (pFile == NULL) { printf("Error opening file %s\n", (pathTmpDir + "/" + REPOSITORIES_FILE).c_str()); // return FILE_ACTION_ERROR; exitcode = 1; } } if (exitcode == 0) { fwrite (content.c_str() , sizeof(char), content.size(), pFile); fclose (pFile); printf("content tmp file: %s\n", content.c_str()); } } if (exitcode == 0) { remove (pathTarball.c_str()); ret = tar_open(&tar, (char*)pathTarball.c_str(), NULL, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0600, 0); if (ret != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Fail to open file: %s\n", pathTarball.c_str()); // return FILE_ACTION_ERROR; exitcode = 2; } if (exitcode == 0) { if (tar_append_tree(tar, (char*)pathTmpDir.c_str(), "") != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Fail to compress file: %s\n", pathTarball.c_str()); // return FILE_ACTION_ERROR; exitcode = 2; } } if (exitcode == 0) { ret = tar_close(tar); if (ret != 0) { perror("Failed to close tar file."); exitcode = 2; } else { tar = NULL; } } } std::cout << "delete_folder_tree: " << pathTmpDir.c_str() << std::endl; if (FileUtils::delete_folder_tree(pathTmpDir.c_str())) { fprintf(stderr, "Fail to delete temp dir: %s\n", pathTmpDir.c_str()); } if (exitcode == 0) { return FILE_ACTION_SUCCESS; } else if (exitcode == 1) { return FILE_ACTION_ERROR; } else { return DATA_ERROR; } }