jspace::Status OpspacePlanarController::
 init(jspace::Model const & model)
   jspace::Status status(jgoal_controller_.init(model));
   if ( ! status) {
     return status;
   taoDNode * q1_node(model.getNodeByName(q1_name_));
   if ( ! q1_node) {
     status.ok = false;
     status.errstr = "invalid q1_name, no node called `" + q1_name_ + "'";
     return status;
   q1_index_ = q1_node->getID();
   taoDNode * q2_node(model.getNodeByName(q2_name_));
   if ( ! q2_node) {
     status.ok = false;
     status.errstr = "invalid q2_name, no node called `" + q2_name_ + "'";
     return status;
   q2_index_ = q2_node->getID();
   ndof_ = model.getNDOF();
   return status;
예제 #2
    virtual jspace::Status update(jspace::Model const & model)
      // Update the state of our task. Again, this is not critical
      // here, but important later when we want to integrate several
      // operational space tasks into a hierarchy.
      actual_ = model.getState().position_;
      // Compute PD control torques and store them in command_ for
      // later retrieval. If enabled, add the estimated effect of
      // gravity in order to make the robot behave as if was
      // weightless.
      command_ = kp_ * (goal_ - actual_) - kd_ * model.getState().velocity_;
      if (enable_gravity_compensation_) {
	jspace::Vector gg;
	if ( ! model.getGravity(gg)) {
	  return jspace::Status(false, "failed to retrieve gravity torque");
	command_ += gg;
      jspace::Status ok;
      return ok;
 jspace::Status OpspacePlanarController::
 latch(jspace::Model const & model)
   jspace::Status status(jgoal_controller_.latch(model));
   if ( ! status) {
     return status;
   jspace::State const & state(model.getState());
   double q1(state.position_[q1_index_]);
   double q2(state.position_[q2_index_]);
   if (q1_inverted_) {
     q1 = -q1;
   if (q2_inverted_) {
     q2 = -q2;
   double const c1(cos(q1));
   double const s1(sin(q1));
   double const c12(cos(q1+q2));
   double const s12(sin(q1+q2));
   op_goal_[0] = l1_length_ * c1 + l2_length_ * c12;
   op_goal_[1] = l1_length_ * s1 + l2_length_ * s12;
   return status;
예제 #4
// used as fall-back controller
static void StepFloat(jspace::Model const & model, jspace::Vector & tau)
  // this simplistic float mode can only handle a signle scalar kd
  // value...
  if (gain_kd.size() != 1) {
    tau = jspace::Vector::Zero(7);
  jspace::Vector gravity_torque;
  jspace::Matrix massInertia;
  tau = gravity_torque - gain_kd[0] * massInertia * model.getState().velocity_;
예제 #5
static void draw_jspace(jspace::Model const & model)
  for (size_t ii(0); ii < model.getNDOF(); ++ii) {
    taoDNode * node(model.getNode(ii));
    if ( ! node) {
    jspace::Transform gframe;
    if (model.getGlobalFrame(node, gframe)) {
    if (model.computeGlobalCOMFrame(node, gframe)) {
      glColor3d(0.8, 0.6, 0.8);
      glTranslated(gframe.translation().x(), gframe.translation().y(), gframe.translation().z());
      glutSolidSphere(gfx_param.com_radius, 20, 16);
예제 #6
    virtual jspace::Status init(jspace::Model const & model)
      // The Jacobian is not really required for pure jspace control,
      // but will become very important for operational-space control.
      jacobian_ = jspace::Matrix::Identity(model.getNDOF(), model.getNDOF());
      // Initialize our PD parameters.
//      kp_ = 80.0; // BIG only for unit robot!
//      kd_ = 40.0;
//      kp_ = 2.0; // BIG only for unit robot!
//      kd_ = 0.03;
      kp_ = 0.7; // BIG only for unit robot!
      kd_ = 0.04;
      // Initialize our goal to the current configuration.
      goal_ = model.getState().position_;
  goal_[0] = -28.0 * M_PI / 180.0;
  goal_[1] = 80.0 * M_PI / 180.0;
  goal_[2] = 15.0 * M_PI / 180.0;
  goal_[3] = 50.0 * M_PI / 180.0;
  goal_[4] = 0.0 * M_PI / 180.0;
  goal_[4] = 0.0 * M_PI / 180.0;
  goal_[4] = 0.0 * M_PI / 180.0;

      // No initialization problems to report: the default constructor
      // of jspace::Status yields an instance that signifies success.
      jspace::Status ok;
      return ok;
  jspace::Status OpspacePlanarController::
  computeCommand(jspace::Model const & model, jspace::Vector & tau)
    // First find out what the joint-space controller would do, later
    // overwrite just the two entries that make up our "planar" robot.
    jspace::Status status(jgoal_controller_.computeCommand(model, tau));
    if ( ! status) {
      return status;
    if (tau.size() != ndof_) {
      status.ok = false;
      status.errstr = "whoa, encapsulated jgoal_controller has a different NDOF???";
      return status;
    jspace::State const & state(model.getState());
    double q1(state.position_[q1_index_]);
    double q2(state.position_[q2_index_]);
    if (q1_inverted_) {
      q1 = -q1;
    if (q2_inverted_) {
      q2 = -q2;
    double const c1(cos(q1));
    double const s1(sin(q1));
    double const c12(cos(q1+q2));
    double const s12(sin(q1+q2));
    op_position_[0] = l1_length_ * c1 + l2_length_ * c12;
    op_position_[1] = l1_length_ * s1 + l2_length_ * s12;
    jacobian_.coeffRef(0, 0) = - l1_length_ * s1 - l2_length_ * s12;
    jacobian_.coeffRef(0, 1) =                   - l2_length_ * s12;
    jacobian_.coeffRef(1, 0) =   l1_length_ * c1 + l2_length_ * c12;
    jacobian_.coeffRef(1, 1) =                     l2_length_ * c12;
    // op_velocity_ is only really stored as field for debugging...
    jspace::Vector qvel(2); // will probably need some smoothing on qvel
    qvel[0] = state.velocity_[q1_index_];
    qvel[1] = state.velocity_[q2_index_];
    op_velocity_ = jacobian_ * qvel;
    // op_fstar_ is only really stored as field for debugging...
    if (0 > op_kp_by_kd_) {
      // fall back on pure proportional control
      op_fstar_ = - op_kp_ * (op_position_ - op_goal_);
    else {
      jspace::Vector vdes(2);
      if (op_vmax_ < 1e-3) {
	vdes = jspace::Vector::Zero(2);
      else {
	vdes = op_kp_by_kd_ * (op_goal_ - op_position_);
	double const vdes_norm(vdes.norm());
	if (vdes_norm > op_vmax_) {
	  vdes *= op_vmax_ / vdes_norm;
      op_fstar_ = - op_kd_ * (op_velocity_ - vdes);
    // taustar is the 2DOF torque that we want to send to the planar
    // robot, so we use its values to overwrite what the joint-space
    // controller would have wanted to do with those two.
    jspace::Vector taustar(jacobian_.transpose() * op_fstar_);
    if (q1_inverted_) {
      tau[q1_index_] = -taustar[0];
    else {
      tau[q1_index_] =  taustar[0];
    if (q2_inverted_) {
      tau[q2_index_] = -taustar[1];
    else {
      tau[q2_index_] =  taustar[1];
    return status;
예제 #8
static void StepTaskPosture(jspace::Model const & model, jspace::Vector & tau)
  static taoDNode * right_hand(0);
  if ( ! right_hand) {
    right_hand = model.getNodeByName("right-hand");
    if ( ! right_hand) {
      tau = jspace::Vector::Zero(7);
  // task
  jspace::Transform eepos;
  model.computeGlobalFrame(right_hand, 0.0, -0.15, 0.0, eepos);
  jspace::Matrix Jfull;
  jspace::Matrix Jx(Jfull.block(0, 0, 3, 7));
  jspace::Matrix invA;
  jspace::Matrix invLambda_t(Jx * invA * Jx.transpose());

  Eigen::SVD<jspace::Matrix> svdLambda_t(invLambda_t);
  int const nrows_t(svdLambda_t.singularValues().rows());
  jspace::Matrix Sinv_t;
  Sinv_t = jspace::Matrix::Zero(nrows_t, nrows_t);
  for (int ii(0); ii < nrows_t; ++ii) {
    if (svdLambda_t.singularValues().coeff(ii) > 1e-3) {
      Sinv_t.coeffRef(ii, ii) = 1.0 / svdLambda_t.singularValues().coeff(ii);
  jspace::Matrix Lambda_t(svdLambda_t.matrixU() * Sinv_t * svdLambda_t.matrixU().transpose());
  dbg_invLambda_t = invLambda_t;
  dbg_Lambda_t = Lambda_t;
  static jspace::Vector eegoal0;
  if (0 == eegoal0.size()) {
    if (goal.rows() < 3) {
      tau = jspace::Vector::Zero(7);
    eegoal0 = goal.block(0, 0, 3, 1);
  struct timeval now;
  gettimeofday(&now, 0);
  double const alpha((1.0 * now.tv_sec + 1.0e-6 * now.tv_usec) * M_PI / 2.0);
  jspace::Vector eegoal(eegoal0);
  eegoal.coeffRef(1) += 0.2 * cos(alpha);
  eegoal.coeffRef(2) += 0.2 * sin(alpha);
  jspace::Vector poserror(eepos.translation() - eegoal);
  jspace::Vector g;
  static jspace::Vector eegain_kp, eegain_kd;
  if (0 == eegain_kp.size()) {
    if (3 <= gain_kp.size()) {
      eegain_kp = gain_kp.block(0, 0, 3, 1);
    else {
      eegain_kp = gain_kp[0] * jspace::Vector::Ones(3);
    if (3 <= gain_kd.size()) {
      eegain_kd = gain_kd.block(0, 0, 3, 1);
    else {
      eegain_kd = gain_kd[0] * jspace::Vector::Ones(3);

    tau_task(Jx.transpose() * (-Lambda_t)
	     * ( eegain_kp.cwise() * poserror
		 + eegain_kd.cwise() * Jx * model.getState().velocity_));
  // posture
  jspace::Matrix Jbar(invA * Jx.transpose() * Lambda_t);
  jspace::Matrix nullspace(jspace::Matrix::Identity(7, 7) - Jbar * Jx);
  static jspace::Vector goalposture;
  if (7 != goalposture.size()) {
    if (goal.size() >= 10) {
      goalposture = goal.block(3, 0, 7, 1);
      goalposture *= M_PI / 180;
    else {
      goalposture = jspace::Vector::Zero(7);
      goalposture[1] = 30 * M_PI / 180; // shoulder "sideways" 30 degrees
      goalposture[3] = 60 * M_PI / 180; // ellbow at 60 degrees
  jspace::Matrix invLambda_p(nullspace * invA);
  Eigen::SVD<jspace::Matrix> svdLambda_p(invLambda_p);

  int const nrows_p(svdLambda_p.singularValues().rows());
  jspace::Matrix Sinv_p;
  Sinv_p = jspace::Matrix::Zero(nrows_p, nrows_p);
  for (int ii(0); ii < nrows_p; ++ii) {
    if (svdLambda_p.singularValues().coeff(ii) > 1e-3) {
      Sinv_p.coeffRef(ii, ii) = 1.0 / svdLambda_p.singularValues().coeff(ii);
  jspace::Matrix Lambda_p(svdLambda_p.matrixU() * Sinv_p * svdLambda_p.matrixU().transpose());
  dbg_invLambda_p = invLambda_p;
  dbg_Lambda_p = Lambda_p;
  static jspace::Vector posturegain_kp, posturegain_kd;
  if (0 == posturegain_kp.size()) {
    if (10 <= gain_kp.size()) {
      posturegain_kp = gain_kp.block(3, 0, 7, 1);
    else {
      if (1 == gain_kp.size()) {
	posturegain_kp = gain_kp[0] * jspace::Vector::Ones(7);
      else {
	posturegain_kp = gain_kp[1] * jspace::Vector::Ones(7);
    if (10 <= gain_kd.size()) {
      posturegain_kd = gain_kd.block(3, 0, 7, 1);
    else {
      if (1 == gain_kd.size()) {
	posturegain_kd = gain_kd[0] * jspace::Vector::Ones(7);
      else {
	posturegain_kd = gain_kd[1] * jspace::Vector::Ones(7);

  jspace::Vector tau_posture(nullspace.transpose() * (-Lambda_p)
			     * (posturegain_kp.cwise() * (model.getState().position_ - goalposture)
				+ posturegain_kd.cwise() * model.getState().velocity_));
  // sum it up...
  tau = tau_task + tau_posture + g;