예제 #1
파일: Enums.cpp 프로젝트: yvanvds/pianola
IDENTITY toIdentity(const juce::String & s) {
  if (s.compareIgnoreCase("none"  ) == 0) return I_NONE  ;
  if (s.compareIgnoreCase("igor"  ) == 0) return I_IGOR  ;
  if (s.compareIgnoreCase("george") == 0) return I_GEORGE;
  if (s.compareIgnoreCase("all"   ) == 0) return I_ALL   ;
  return I_INVALID;
예제 #2
void RPCServer::SetServerVersion(juce::String& version) noexcept
	version = version.trim().substring(0, maxlength_version);
	if (version.containsNonWhitespaceChars())//if name is actually set
		this->version = version;
예제 #3
파일: juce_Block.cpp 프로젝트: mtytel/JUCE
static Block::UID getBlockUIDFromSerialNumber (const juce::String& serial) noexcept
    if (serial.length() < (int) sizeof (BlocksProtocol::BlockSerialNumber))
        return getBlockUIDFromSerialNumber (serial.paddedRight ('0', sizeof (BlocksProtocol::BlockSerialNumber)));

    return getBlockUIDFromSerialNumber ((const uint8*) serial.toRawUTF8());
    bool ValueSuffixDisplayDelegate::fromText(const juce::String& inText,
                                              float& outValue) const
        char buffer[128];
        std::memset(buffer, 0, 128);
        std::strncpy(buffer, inText.toUTF8(), 128);

        char* temp = buffer;
        while ((temp = std::strchr(temp, ',')) != 0)
            *temp++ = '.';

        float factor = 1.;
        if (std::strchr(buffer, 'K') != 0 || std::strchr(buffer, 'k') != 0)
            factor = 1000.;

        float plainValue;
        if (sscanf(buffer, "%g %*s", &plainValue) == 1)
            outValue = ranged(0.f, 1.f, mTaper->getNormalized(factor * plainValue));
            return true;
        return false;
void TrailingWhitespaceCleaner::cleanLine (juce::String& line)
    line = line.trimEnd()
               .trimCharactersAtEnd ("\t")
               .trimCharactersAtEnd ("\t");
예제 #6
bool CodeFileList::isValid (const juce::String& filepath)
    if (filepath.isNotEmpty())
        return juce::File (filepath).hasFileExtension (wildcards);

    return false;
예제 #7
juce::var OAuth2Client::getJSON (const OAuthSource& source)
    if (accessToken.id.isEmpty())
        return juce::var::null;

    juce::URL url (source.getWebsiteAddress().trim());

    if (! url.isWellFormed())
        return juce::var::null;

    url = url.withParameter ("client_id", accessToken.id)
             .withParameter ("client_secret", accessToken.secret);

    if (accessToken.username.isNotEmpty()
        && accessToken.password.isNotEmpty())
        url = url.withParameter ("username", accessToken.username)
                 .withParameter ("password", accessToken.password);

    if (! url.isWellFormed())
        return juce::var::null;

    const juce::String textStream (url.readEntireTextStream().trim());

    if (textStream.isEmpty()
        || (textStream.containsIgnoreCase ("errors")
            && textStream.containsIgnoreCase ("error_message")))
        return juce::var::null;

    juce::var result (juce::JSON::parse (textStream));

    jassert (result != juce::var::null);
    jassert (! result.isUndefined() && ! result.isVoid());

    return result;
예제 #8
void RPCServer::SetServerDescription(juce::String& description) noexcept
	description = version.trim().substring(0, maxlength_description);
	if (description.containsNonWhitespaceChars())//if name is actually set
		this->description = description;
예제 #9
void RPCServer::SetServerName(juce::String& name) noexcept
	name = version.trim().substring(0, maxlength_name);
	if (name.containsNonWhitespaceChars())//if name is actually set
		this->name = name;
void InterfaceComponent::buttonClicked (juce::Button* button)
    if (button == &btnBrowse)
        juce::FileChooser chooser ("Select the folder which contains the code files you want to modularise");
        if (chooser.browseForDirectory())
            const juce::File folder (chooser.getResult());

            txtSourceFileFolder.setText (folder.getFullPathName().trim(), juce::sendNotification);
            txtDestinationFolder.setText (folder.getParentDirectory().getFullPathName().trim(), juce::sendNotification);

            files = Modulariser (folder, true).getFiles();

            fileListBox.setSelectedRows (juce::SparseSet<int>());
    else if (button == &btnRefresh)
    else if (button == &btnGenerate)
        const juce::String srcFolder (txtSourceFileFolder.getText().trim());
        const juce::String destFolder (txtDestinationFolder.getText().trim());

        if (srcFolder.isNotEmpty()
            && destFolder.isNotEmpty()
            && juce::File::isAbsolutePath (srcFolder)
            && juce::File::isAbsolutePath (destFolder))
            Modulariser modulariser (files);

            modulariser.saveTo (juce::File (destFolder),
예제 #11
juce::String Track::extractInstrumentNameFromTrackName(const juce::String& trackName)
  //On regarde les noms des fichiers .fxp dans le répertoire fxp
  //Si la trackName contient un de ces noms, c'est l'instrument qu'on cherche !
  juce::Array<juce::File> fxpFiles;
  juce::File fxpDirectory = juce::File::getCurrentWorkingDirectory().getChildFile("../fxp").getFullPathName();
  fxpDirectory.findChildFiles(fxpFiles, juce::File::findFiles, true, "*.fxp");
  for(int i = 0; i < fxpFiles.size(); ++i)
    if (trackName.containsIgnoreCase(fxpFiles[i].getFileNameWithoutExtension()))
      return fxpFiles[i].getFileNameWithoutExtension();
  return juce::String::empty;
void InterfaceComponent::refresh()
    const juce::String folderPath (txtSourceFileFolder.getText().trim());

    if (folderPath.isNotEmpty()
        && juce::File::isAbsolutePath (folderPath))
        const juce::File folder (folderPath);

        if (folder.isDirectory())
            txtDestinationFolder.setText (folder.getParentDirectory().getFullPathName().trim(), juce::sendNotification);

            const juce::StringArray fileList = Modulariser (folder, true).getFiles();

            if (fileList != files)
                files = fileList;
                fileListBox.setSelectedRows (juce::SparseSet<int>());
예제 #13
파일: Enums.cpp 프로젝트: yvanvds/pianola
ACTION toAction(const juce::String & s) {
  if (s.compareIgnoreCase("none"     ) == 0) return A_NONE     ;
  if (s.compareIgnoreCase("servo1"   ) == 0) return A_SERVO1   ;
  if (s.compareIgnoreCase("servo2"   ) == 0) return A_SERVO2   ;
  if (s.compareIgnoreCase("servo3"   ) == 0) return A_SERVO3   ;
  if (s.compareIgnoreCase("servo4"   ) == 0) return A_SERVO4   ;
  if (s.compareIgnoreCase("servo5"   ) == 0) return A_SERVO5   ;
  if (s.compareIgnoreCase("servo6"   ) == 0) return A_SERVO6   ;
  if (s.compareIgnoreCase("servo7"   ) == 0) return A_SERVO7   ;
  if (s.compareIgnoreCase("servo8"   ) == 0) return A_SERVO8   ;
  if (s.compareIgnoreCase("nod"      ) == 0) return A_NOD      ;
  if (s.compareIgnoreCase("idle"     ) == 0) return A_IDLE     ;
  return A_INVALID;
예제 #14
juce::File IRBrowserComponent::checkMatchingTrueStereoFile(const juce::String& fileNameBody,
                                                           const juce::String& fileNameExt,
                                                           const juce::File& directory,
                                                           const juce::String& pattern,
                                                           const juce::String& replacement,
                                                           const size_t sampleCount,
                                                           const double sampleRate) const
  std::vector<juce::String> candidateNames;
  if (fileNameBody.startsWith(pattern))
    candidateNames.push_back(replacement + fileNameBody.substring(pattern.length(), fileNameBody.length()) + fileNameExt);
  if (fileNameBody.endsWith(pattern))
    candidateNames.push_back(fileNameBody.substring(0, fileNameBody.length()-pattern.length()) + replacement + fileNameExt);

  for (size_t i=0; i<candidateNames.size(); ++i)
    const juce::String& candidateName = candidateNames[i];
    if (directory.getNumberOfChildFiles(juce::File::findFiles|juce::File::ignoreHiddenFiles, candidateName) == 1)
      const juce::File candidateFile = directory.getChildFile(candidateName);
      size_t candidateChannelCount = 0;
      size_t candidateSampleCount = 0;
      double candidateSampleRate = 0.0;
      const bool fileInfoSuccess = readAudioFileInfo(candidateFile, candidateChannelCount, candidateSampleCount, candidateSampleRate);
      if (fileInfoSuccess &&
          candidateChannelCount == 2 &&
          candidateSampleCount == sampleCount &&
          ::fabs(candidateSampleRate - sampleRate) < 0.000001)
        return candidateFile;

  return juce::File::nonexistent;
void OscOutputManagerComponent::oscOutputAdded(juce::String newHostname)
	//this gets called to add a oscoutput to the list
	//only add it if it's a validly formatted ipaddress or .local
	if ( IPAddress ( newHostname).toString() == newHostname || newHostname.endsWith( ".local") )
		if ( !hostnameList.contains( newHostname) )
			//let the mainComponent know to create a new OscSender
			Component::BailOutChecker checker ( this );
			if (!checker.shouldBailOut() )
				listeners.callChecked( checker, &OscOutputManagerComponent::Listener::oscOutputAdded, newHostname, 7000 );
			//we only need to add the ip to the list,
			//the listbox takes care of creating and destroying the components
			hostnameList.add( newHostname);
void TrailingWhitespaceCleaner::cleanFile (const juce::File& file,
                                           const bool removeDocumentStartWhitespace,
                                           const WhitespaceRemovalOptions documentEndOptions)
    if (! file.hasWriteAccess())

    juce::StringArray lines;
    file.readLines (lines);

    if (lines.size() <= 0)

    while (lines.strings.getLast().trim().isEmpty())
        lines.remove (lines.size() - 1);


    cleanRange (lines, 0, lines.size());

    if (removeDocumentStartWhitespace)
        for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i)
            if (lines[i].isEmpty())
                lines.remove (i);

    //Remove empty lines at the end of the file:
    for (int i = lines.size(); --i >= 0;)
        if (lines[i].isEmpty())
            lines.remove (i);
#if 0
    if (documentEndOptions == KeepOneBlankLine)
        const juce::String last (lines.strings[lines.size() - 1].trim());

        if (lines.size() == 0)
            lines.add (juce::newLine);
            if (last.isNotEmpty())
                if (last == "\r" || last == "\n" || last == "\n\r" || last == "\r\n")
                    lines.strings.getReference (lines.size() - 1) = juce::newLine;
                    lines.add (juce::newLine);
                lines.strings.getReference (lines.size() - 1) = juce::newLine;
    juce::ScopedPointer<juce::FileOutputStream> stream (file.createOutputStream());

    if (stream != nullptr)
        writeLinesToStream (stream, lines);
예제 #17
void LufsPluginEditor::exportToText( bool useCommasForDigitSeparation )
    LufsAudioProcessor* processor = getProcessor();

    const int updateSize = processor->m_lufsProcessor.getValidSize();

    const juce::String saveDirString( "saveDirectory" );
    const juce::String saveDir = getProcessor()->m_settings.getUserSettings()->getValue( saveDirString );

    juce::File directory;
    if ( saveDir.length() )
        directory = juce::File( directory );
    if ( !directory.exists() )
        directory = juce::File::getSpecialLocation( juce::File::userHomeDirectory );

    juce::FileChooser fileChooser( "Select text output file", directory, "*.txt" );
    if ( fileChooser.browseForFileToSave( true ) )
        juce::File file( fileChooser.getResult() );
        if ( ! file.deleteFile() )
            juce::AlertWindow::showMessageBox( juce::AlertWindow::NoIcon, "Unable to delete existing file, not saving.", "" );

        // save chosen directory
        getProcessor()->m_settings.getUserSettings()->getValue( saveDirString, file.getParentDirectory().getFullPathName() );

        juce::FileOutputStream outputStream( file );

        juce::String text = "Time\tMomentary\tShort Term\tIntegrated\n";

        for ( int tens = 0; tens < updateSize ; tens += 10 )
            // add time 
            const int seconds = tens / 10;
            const int hours = seconds / 3600;
            const int minutes = ( seconds - hours * 60 ) / 60;
            int shownSeconds = seconds - hours * 3600 - minutes * 60;
            juce::String line( hours );
            line << ":";
            if ( minutes < 10 )
                line << "0";
            line << minutes;
            line << ":";
            if ( shownSeconds < 10 )
                line << "0";
            line << shownSeconds;
            line << "\t";

            // add momentary
            line << juce::String( processor->m_lufsProcessor.getMomentaryVolumeArray()[ tens ], 1 );
            line << "\t";

            // add short term
            line << juce::String( processor->m_lufsProcessor.getShortTermVolumeArray()[ tens ], 1 );
            line << "\t";

            // add integrated
            line << juce::String( processor->m_lufsProcessor.getIntegratedVolumeArray()[ tens ], 1 );
            line << "\n";

            if ( useCommasForDigitSeparation )
                line = line.replaceCharacter( '.', ',' );

            text << line;

        outputStream.writeText( text, false, false );
예제 #18
void MiditoOscAudioProcessor::setOSCConnection (const juce::String address, const uint16_t port)
    transmitSocket.Connect( IpEndpointName(address.getCharPointer(), port) );
void ClientByListenerExample::UnicodeSend(juce::String data)//possibly unicode string
	return Send(data.toStdString());