bool load_configuration_values(const k3d::filesystem::path& file_path, k3d::double_t& recursion, k3d::double_t& basic_angle, k3d::double_t& thickness) { // Open configuration file k3d::filesystem::ifstream file(file_path); if(!file.good()) { k3d::log() << error << k3d_file_reference << ": error opening [" << file_path.native_console_string() << "]" << std::endl; return 0.0; } // Get recursion level std::string temp; return_val_if_fail(ls_line(file, temp), false); std::stringstream scan(temp); scan >> recursion; // Get asic angle return_val_if_fail(ls_line(file, temp), false); std::stringstream scan2(temp); scan2 >> basic_angle; // Get thickness return_val_if_fail(ls_line(file, temp), false); std::stringstream scan3(temp); scan3 >> thickness; return true; }
template<typename ReaderT> void load_file(const k3d::filesystem::path& FilePath, const TCollection_ExtendedString& TypeName, implementation* Implementation) { ReaderT reader; // create a CAF reader, which supports reading attributes like shape names, colors, ... reader.SetNameMode(true); // Make sure we read names IFSelect_ReturnStatus status = reader.ReadFile(const_cast<char*>(FilePath.native_filesystem_string().c_str())); // Read the file if(status != IFSelect_RetDone) { k3d::log() << error << k3d_file_reference << ": error opening [" << FilePath.native_console_string() << "]" << std::endl; throw std::exception(); } Implementation->xde_doc = new TDocStd_Document(TypeName); // initialise an empty document if (!reader.Transfer(Implementation->xde_doc)) // attempt to transfer the STEP file contents to the document { k3d::log() << error << "Failed to transfer OpenCascade file" << std::endl; throw std::exception(); } if(!XCAFDoc_DocumentTool::IsXCAFDocument(Implementation->xde_doc)) // sanity check { k3d::log() << error << "Invalid document" << std::endl; throw std::exception(); } TDF_Label shaperoot = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool::ShapesLabel(Implementation->xde_doc->Main()); // get the root node for the geometric shapes Implementation->shapes.push(TDF_ChildIterator(shaperoot)); }
const k3d::bool_t test_type(const k3d::string_t& TestExtension, const k3d::string_t& TestType, const k3d::filesystem::path& File, k3d::string_t& FileType) { if(TestExtension != k3d::filesystem::extension(File).lowercase().raw()) return false; FileType = TestType; k3d::log() << info << "Identified " << File.native_console_string() << " as " << FileType << " using " << get_factory().name() << std::endl; return true; }
bool read_file(const k3d::filesystem::path& Path, k3d::bitmap& Bitmap) { try { k3d::log() << info << "Reading " << Path.native_console_string() << " using " << get_factory().name() << std::endl; boost::gil::read_and_convert_image(Path.native_filesystem_string(), Bitmap, boost::gil::jpeg_tag()); return true; } catch(std::exception& e) { k3d::log() << error << k3d_file_reference << ": caught exception: " << e.what() << std::endl; return false; } catch(...) { k3d::log() << error << k3d_file_reference << ": caught unknown exception" << std::endl; return false; } }
Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> load_pixbuf(const k3d::filesystem::path& SharePath, const k3d::filesystem::path& Path) { Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> result; const k3d::filesystem::path path = SharePath / Path; try { result = Gdk::Pixbuf::create_from_file(path.native_filesystem_string()); } catch(Glib::Exception& e) { k3d::log() << error << e.what() << std::endl; } catch(std::exception& e) { k3d::log() << error << e.what() << std::endl; } catch(...) { k3d::log() << error << "Unknown exception loading [" << path.native_console_string() << "]" << std::endl; } return result; }
/// Creates plugin factories at runtime based on the contents of a directory void register_plugins(const k3d::filesystem::path& Path, k3d::iplugin_registry& Registry) { k3d::log() << info << "Loading scripts from " << Path.native_console_string() << std::endl; boost::regex metadata_expression("((k3d|ngui|qtui):[^=]*)=\"([^\"]*)\""); // There are very few SDK functions that can be safely called at this point in execution, but k3d::share_path() happens to be one of them ... for(k3d::filesystem::directory_iterator script_path(Path); script_path != k3d::filesystem::directory_iterator(); ++script_path) { if(k3d::filesystem::is_directory(*script_path)) continue; k3d::filesystem::ifstream script_file(*script_path); std::stringstream script_stream; script_stream << script_file.rdbuf(); k3d::string_t script = script_stream.str(); k3d::string_t plugin_class; k3d::string_t plugin_type; k3d::string_t plugin_name; k3d::string_t plugin_description = _("Scripted Plugin."); k3d::iplugin_factory::metadata_t plugin_metadata; for(boost::sregex_iterator metadata(script.begin(), script.end(), metadata_expression); metadata != boost::sregex_iterator(); ++metadata) { const k3d::string_t name = (*metadata)[1].str(); const k3d::string_t value = (*metadata)[3].str(); if(name == "k3d:plugin-class") plugin_class = value; else if(name == "k3d:plugin-type") { plugin_type = value; plugin_metadata.insert(std::make_pair(name, value)); } else if(name == "k3d:plugin-name") plugin_name = value; else if(name == "k3d:plugin-description") plugin_description = value; else plugin_metadata.insert(std::make_pair(name, value)); } // Automatically disable documentation for all scripted plugins ... plugin_metadata.insert(std::make_pair("k3d:disable-documentation", "")); if(plugin_class.empty()) { continue; } if(plugin_class != "application" && plugin_class != "document") { k3d::log() << error << "Script [" << script_path->native_console_string() << "] using unknown plugin class [" << plugin_class << "] will not be loaded" << std::endl; continue; } if(plugin_type.empty()) { k3d::log() << error << "Script [" << script_path->native_console_string() << "] without k3d:plugin-type property will not be loaded" << std::endl; continue; } if(plugin_name.empty()) { k3d::log() << error << "Script [" << script_path->native_console_string() << "] without k3d:plugin-name property will not be loaded" << std::endl; continue; } if(plugin_class == "application") { k3d::iplugin_factory* const factory = new application_factory( *script_path, plugin_type, k3d::uuid::random(), plugin_name, plugin_description, "Scripts", k3d::iplugin_factory::STABLE, plugin_metadata); Registry.register_factory(*factory); } else if(plugin_class == "document") { k3d::iplugin_factory* const factory = new document_factory( *script_path, plugin_type, k3d::uuid::random(), plugin_name, plugin_description, "Scripts", k3d::iplugin_factory::STABLE, plugin_metadata); Registry.register_factory(*factory); } } }
// Process a ls file and setup rules bool load_configuration_rules(const k3d::double_t recursion, const k3d::double_t basic_angle, const k3d::double_t thickness, const k3d::filesystem::path& file_path) { // Open grammar file k3d::filesystem::ifstream file(file_path); if(!file.good()) { k3d::log() << error << k3d_file_reference << ": error opening [" << file_path.native_console_string() << "]" << std::endl; return false; } // Set default values trope_set = false; rand_set = false; closed_form = false; last_recur = false; min_thick = 0.0; rand_amount = 0.0; trope_amount = 0.0; polcount = 0; poly_limit = 500000L; col = 2; last_col = 0; tr = 0.2; sky = k3d::vector3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); last = k3d::point3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); // Clear stacks stack = std::stack<s_rec>(); pstack = std::stack<vectors_t>(); // Skip but setup recursion level, basic angle and thickness std::string temp; return_val_if_fail(ls_line(file, temp), false); lev = (unsigned long)std::floor(recursion); fraction = recursion - (k3d::double_t)lev; if(fraction > 0) lev++; return_val_if_fail(ls_line(file, temp), false); ang = basic_angle / 180 * 3.141592654; return_val_if_fail(ls_line(file, temp), false); thick = thickness / 100; // Axiom return_val_if_fail(ls_line(file, temp), false); object_string = strtok(const_cast<char*>(temp.c_str()), " \r\n\t#"); // Get rules rules.clear(); for(unsigned long i = 0; i < 150; i++) { return_val_if_fail(ls_line(file, temp), false); std::string rule = strtok(const_cast<char*>(temp.c_str()), " \r\n\t#"); if(!rule.size()) continue; if(rule[0] == '@') break; rules.push_back(rule); } // Add default rules rules.push_back("+=+"); rules.push_back("-=-"); rules.push_back("&=&"); rules.push_back("^=^"); rules.push_back("<=<"); rules.push_back(">=>"); rules.push_back("%=%"); rules.push_back("|=|"); rules.push_back("!=!"); rules.push_back("?=?"); rules.push_back(":=:"); rules.push_back(";=;"); rules.push_back("\'=\'"); rules.push_back("\"=\""); rules.push_back("c=c"); rules.push_back("[=["); rules.push_back("]=]"); rules.push_back("{={"); rules.push_back("}=}"); rules.push_back("F=F"); rules.push_back("f=f"); rules.push_back("t=t"); rules.push_back("g=g"); rules.push_back("Z=Z"); rules.push_back("z=z"); rules.push_back("*=*"); rules.push_back("$=$"); rules.push_back("~=~"); rules.push_back(".=."); rules.push_back("1=1"); rules.push_back("2=2"); rules.push_back("3=3"); rules.push_back("4=4"); rules.push_back("5=5"); rules.push_back("6=6"); rules.push_back("7=7"); rules.push_back("8=8"); rules.push_back("9=9"); rules.push_back("0=0"); rules.push_back("(=("); rules.push_back(")=)"); // Closer default rules.push_back("_=_"); // Set start values for F and Z distances dis = 100.0; dis2 = dis * 0.5; // Get marks marks.clear(); for(unsigned long n = 0; n < rules.size(); n++) marks.push_back(false); // Check which rules need to be marked for last recursion when growing for(unsigned long n = 0; n < rules.size(); n++) { if(rules[n][0] == '+') break; marks[n] = true; // All rules with basic move/block before '=' mark false if(rules[n][0] == 'F') marks[n] = false; if(rules[n][0] == 'f') marks[n] = false; if(rules[n][0] == 'Z') marks[n] = false; if(rules[n][0] == 'z') marks[n] = false; } return true; }