bool VCard_LDIFCreator::readContents( const QString &path )
  // read file contents
  QFile file( path );
  if ( ! QIODevice::ReadOnly ) )
    return false;

  QString info;

  // read the file
  QByteArray contents = file.readAll();

  // convert the file contents to a KABC::Addressee address
  KABC::Addressee::List addrList;
  KABC::Addressee addr;
  KABC::VCardConverter converter;

  addrList = converter.parseVCards( contents);
  if ( addrList.count() == 0 ) {
    KABC::AddresseeList l; // FIXME porting
    if ( !KABC::LDIFConverter::LDIFToAddressee( contents, l ) )
	return false;
    // FIXME porting
    KABC::AddresseeList::ConstIterator it( l.constBegin() );
    for ( ; it != l.constEnd(); ++ it ) {
        addrList.append( *it );
  if ( addrList.count()>1 ) {
    // create an overview (list of all names)
    name = i18np("One contact found:", "%1 contacts found:", addrList.count());
    int no, linenr;
    for (linenr=no=0; linenr<30 && no<addrList.count(); ++no) {
       addr = addrList[no];
       info = addr.formattedName().simplified();
       if (info.isEmpty())
          info = addr.givenName() + ' ' + addr.familyName();
       info = info.simplified();
       if (info.isEmpty())
    return true;

  // create card for _one_ contact
  addr = addrList[ 0 ];

  // prepare the text
  name = addr.formattedName().simplified();
  if ( name.isEmpty() )
    name = addr.givenName() + ' ' + addr.familyName();
  name = name.simplified();

  KABC::PhoneNumber::List pnList = addr.phoneNumbers();
  QStringList phoneNumbers;
  for (int no=0; no<pnList.count(); ++no) {
    QString pn = pnList[no].number().simplified();
    if (!pn.isEmpty() && !phoneNumbers.contains(pn))
  if ( !phoneNumbers.isEmpty() )
      text += phoneNumbers.join("\n") + '\n';

  info = addr.organization().simplified();
  if ( !info.isEmpty() )
    text += info + '\n';

  // get an address
  KABC::Address address = addr.address(KABC::Address::Work);
  if (address.isEmpty())
    address = addr.address(KABC::Address::Home);
  if (address.isEmpty())
    address = addr.address(KABC::Address::Pref);
  info = address.formattedAddress();
  if ( !info.isEmpty() )
    text += info + '\n';

  return true;