예제 #1
	bool ForwardDVI::determineTarget()
		if (!View::determineTarget())
			return false;

		int para = manager()->info()->lineNumber();
		Kate::Document *doc = manager()->info()->activeTextDocument();
		QString filepath;

		if (doc)
			filepath = doc->url().path();
			return false;

		QString texfile = manager()->info()->relativePath(baseDir(),filepath);
		m_urlstr = "file:" + targetDir() + '/' + target() + "#src:" + QString::number(para+1) + ' ' + texfile; // space added, for files starting with numbers
		addDict("%dir_target", QString::null);
		addDict("%target", m_urlstr);
		KILE_DEBUG() << "==KileTool::ForwardDVI::determineTarget()=============\n" << endl;
		KILE_DEBUG() << "\tusing  " << m_urlstr << endl;

		return true;
예제 #2
// KateMailDialog implementation
KateMailDialog::KateMailDialog( TQWidget *parent, KateMainWindow  *mainwin )
  : KDialogBase( parent, "kate mail dialog", true, i18n("Email Files"),
                Ok|Cancel|User1, Ok, false,
                KGuiItem( i18n("&Show All Documents >>") ) ),
    mainWindow( mainwin )
  setButtonGuiItem( KDialogBase::Ok, KGuiItem( i18n("&Mail..."), "mail-send") );
  mw = makeVBoxMainWidget();
  mw->installEventFilter( this );

  lInfo = new TQLabel( i18n(
        "<p>Press <strong>Mail...</strong> to email the current document."
        "<p>To select more documents to send, press <strong>Show All Documents&nbsp;&gt;&gt;</strong>."), mw );
  // TODO avoid untill needed - later
  list = new TDEListView( mw );
  list->addColumn( i18n("Name") );
  list->addColumn( i18n("URL") );
  Kate::Document *currentDoc = mainWindow->viewManager()->activeView()->getDoc();
  uint n = KateDocManager::self()->documents();
  uint i = 0;
  TQCheckListItem *item;
  while ( i < n ) {
    Kate::Document *doc = KateDocManager::self()->document( i );
    if ( doc ) {
      item = new KateDocCheckItem( list, doc->docName(), doc );
      item->setText( 1, doc->url().prettyURL() );
      if ( doc == currentDoc ) {
        item->setOn( true );
        item->setSelected( true );
  connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL(user1Clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotShowButton()) );
  mw->setMinimumSize( lInfo->sizeHint() );