예제 #1
* Find the version of KAlarm which wrote the calendar file, and do any
* necessary conversions to the current format. If it is a resource calendar,
* the user is prompted whether to save the conversions. For a local calendar
* file, any conversions will only be saved if changes are made later.
* If the calendar only contains the wrong alarm types, 'wrongType' is set true.
* Reply = true if the calendar file is now in the current format.
KCalendar::Status CalendarCompat::fix(KCal::CalendarLocal& calendar, const QString& localFile, AlarmResource* resource,
                                      AlarmResource::FixFunc conv, bool* wrongType)
	if (wrongType)
		*wrongType = false;
	bool version057_UTC = false;
	QString subVersion, versionString;
	int version = readKAlarmVersion(calendar, localFile, subVersion, versionString);
	if (version < 0  ||  version > KAlarm::Version())
		return KCalendar::Incompatible;    // calendar was created by another program, or an unknown version of KAlarm

	if (version)
		// Calendar was created by an earlier version of KAlarm.
		// Convert it to the current format.
		if (version == KAlarm::Version(0,5,7)  &&  !localFile.isEmpty())
			// KAlarm version 0.5.7 - check whether times are stored in UTC, in which
			// case it is the KDE 3.0.0 version, which needs adjustment of summer times.
			version057_UTC = isUTC(localFile);
			kDebug() << "KAlarm version 0.5.7 (" << (version057_UTC ?"" :"non-") << "UTC)";
			kDebug() << "KAlarm version" << version;

		// Convert events to current KAlarm format for if the calendar is saved
		KAEventData::convertKCalEvents(calendar, version, version057_UTC, Preferences::startOfDay());
	if (!resource)
		return KCalendar::Current;    // update non-shared calendars regardless

	// Check whether the alarm types in the calendar correspond with the resource's alarm type
	if (wrongType)
		*wrongType = !resource->checkAlarmTypes(calendar);

	if (!version)
		return KCalendar::Current;     // calendar is in current KAlarm format
	if (resource->ResourceCached::readOnly()  ||  conv == AlarmResource::NO_CONVERT)
		return KCalendar::Convertible;
	// Update the calendar file now if the user wants it to be read-write
	if (conv == AlarmResource::PROMPT  ||  conv == AlarmResource::PROMPT_PART)
		QString msg = (conv == AlarmResource::PROMPT)
		            ? i18nc("@info", "Calendar <resource>%1</resource> is in an old format (<application>KAlarm</application> version %2), and will be read-only unless "
		                   "you choose to update it to the current format.", resource->resourceName(), versionString)
		            : i18nc("@info", "Some or all of the alarms in calendar <resource>%1</resource> are in an old <application>KAlarm</application> format, and will be read-only unless "
		                   "you choose to update them to the current format.", resource->resourceName());
		if (KMessageBox::warningYesNo(0,
		      i18nc("@info", "<para>%1</para><para>"
		           "<warning>Do not update the calendar if it is shared with other users who run an older version "
		           "of <application>KAlarm</application>. If you do so, they may be unable to use it any more.</warning></para>"
		           "<para>Do you wish to update the calendar?</para>", msg))
		    != KMessageBox::Yes)
			return KCalendar::Convertible;
	calendar.setCustomProperty(KCalendar::APPNAME, VERSION_PROPERTY, QLatin1String(KALARM_VERSION));
	return KCalendar::Converted;
예제 #2
* Write the X-KDE-KALARM-VERSION custom property into the calendar.
void CalendarCompat::setID(KCal::CalendarLocal& calendar)
	calendar.setCustomProperty(KCalendar::APPNAME, VERSION_PROPERTY, QString::fromLatin1(KAEventData::currentCalendarVersionString()));