예제 #1
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    // first the formalities
    QByteArray prgname;

    //! TODO use KCmdLineArguments with options
    // first argument should be xbase source directory
    QString xBaseSourceDirectory = QString::fromLatin1(argv[1]);

    // second argument should be kexi file ( destination )
    QString destinationDatabase = QString::fromLatin1(argv[2]);

    QFileInfo info = QFileInfo(argv[0]);
    prgname = info.baseName().toLatin1();

    //Needed for variosu things like i18n and kconfig and stuff. No need to keep it around or clean it as this is just a test case so nothing long-lived
    new KComponentData(prgname);

    // write the code for testing migration here
    // Start with a driver manager
    KexiDB::DriverManager manager;
    KexiMigration::MigrateManager migrateManager;

    kDebug() << "Creating destination driver...";

    // Get a driver to the destination database
    KexiDB::Driver *destDriver = manager.driver(KexiDB::defaultFileBasedDriverName() //file based
    if (!destDriver || manager.error()) {
        kDebug() << "Manager error...";

    KexiDB::ConnectionData *cdata;
    QString dbname;

    cdata = new KexiDB::ConnectionData();

    // set destination file name here.
    //! TODO User should be able to specify this
    cdata->driverName = KexiDB::defaultFileBasedDriverName();

    //! TODO User should be able to specify this
    dbname = destinationDatabase;
    kDebug() << "Current file name: " << dbname;

    QString sourceDriverName = "xbase";
    // get the source migration driver
    KexiMigration::KexiMigrate* sourceDriver = 0;
    sourceDriver = migrateManager.driver(sourceDriverName);
    if (!sourceDriver || migrateManager.error()) {
        kDebug() << "Import migrate driver error...";
        return -1;

    KexiMigration::Data* md = new KexiMigration::Data();
    md->keepData = true;
    // delete md->destination;
    md->destination = new KexiProjectData(*cdata, dbname);

    // Setup XBase connection data
    KexiDB::ConnectionData* conn_data = new KexiDB::ConnectionData();

    md->source = conn_data;
    md->sourceName = "";


    if (!sourceDriver->performImport()) {
        kDebug() << "Import failed";
        return -1;

    return 0;
예제 #2
//bool xBaseConnectionInternal::db_connect(QCString host, QCString user,
//  QCString password, unsigned short int port, QString socket)
bool xBaseConnectionInternal::db_connect(const Predicate::ConnectionData& data)
  // we have to migrate the xbase source database into a .kexi file
  // xbase source database directory will be in connectiondata
  // we can choose a KTemporaryFile for the destination .kexi file

  KexiMigration::MigrateManager xBase2KexiMigrateManager;

  // create a temporary .kexi file
  KTemporaryFile temporaryKexiFile;
  temporaryKexiFile.setSuffix( ".kexi" );
  temporaryKexiFile.setAutoRemove( false );

  if ( !temporaryKexiFile.open() ) {
    PreDrvDbg<<"Couldn't create .kexi file for exporting from xBase to .kexi";
    return false;

        tempDatabase = temporaryKexiFile.fileName();

  Predicate::ConnectionData* kexiConnectionData = 0;
  kexiConnectionData = new Predicate::ConnectionData();

  // set destination file name here.
  kexiConnectionData->driverName = Predicate::defaultFileBasedDriverName();
  kexiConnectionData->setFileName( tempDatabase );
  PreDrvDbg << "Current file name: " << tempDatabase;

  QString sourceDriverName = "xbase";
  // get the source migration driver
  KexiMigration::KexiMigrate* sourceDriver = 0;
  sourceDriver = xBase2KexiMigrateManager.driver( sourceDriverName );
  if(!sourceDriver || xBase2KexiMigrateManager.error()) {
    PreDrvDbg << "Import migrate driver error...";
    return false;

  KexiMigration::Data* md = new KexiMigration::Data();
  md->keepData = true;
  md->destination = new KexiProjectData(*kexiConnectionData, tempDatabase);

  // Setup XBase connection data from input connection data passed
  //! TODO Check sanity of this
  md->source = new Predicate::ConnectionData(data);
  md->sourceName = "";

  if ( !sourceDriver->performImport() ) {
    PreDrvDbg<<"Import failed";
    return false;

  // finished transferring xBase database into .kexi file

  // Get a driver to the destination database

  if ( internalDriver )
    internalConn = internalDriver->createConnection(*kexiConnectionData);
    return false;

  if (!internalConn || internalDriver->error()) {
    return false;
  if (!internalConn->connect()) {
    return false;

        if (!internalConn->useDatabase(tempDatabase)) {
                return false;

  // store mapping from xbase directory to .kexi file name for future use
  // Note: When a directory is specified ( as has to be done for xBase ), fileName()
  // will give directory name with an additional forward slash. dbPath() won't do so.
  // Need some more maintainable solution.

  dbMap[data.fileName()] = tempDatabase;

  return true;