int PCBNEW_CONTROL::ZoomPreset( const TOOL_EVENT& aEvent )
    unsigned int idx = aEvent.Parameter<long>();
    std::vector<double>& zoomList = m_frame->GetScreen()->m_ZoomList;
    KIGFX::VIEW* view = m_frame->GetGalCanvas()->GetView();
    KIGFX::GAL* gal = m_frame->GetGalCanvas()->GetGAL();

    m_frame->SetPresetZoom( idx );

    if( idx == 0 )      // Zoom Auto
        return ZoomFitScreen( aEvent );
    else if( idx >= zoomList.size() )
        assert( false );
        return 0;

    double selectedZoom = zoomList[idx];
    double zoomFactor = gal->GetWorldScale() / gal->GetZoomFactor();
    view->SetScale( 1.0 / ( zoomFactor * selectedZoom ) );

    return 0;
예제 #2
void EDA_DRAW_FRAME::UseGalCanvas()
    KIGFX::GAL* gal = GetGalCanvas()->GetGAL();

    // Set up grid settings
    gal->SetGridVisibility( IsGridVisible() );
    gal->SetGridSize( VECTOR2D( GetScreen()->GetGridSize() ) );
    gal->SetGridOrigin( VECTOR2D( GetGridOrigin() ) );

    // Transfer EDA_DRAW_PANEL settings
    KIGFX::VIEW_CONTROLS* viewControls = GetGalCanvas()->GetViewControls();
    viewControls->EnableCursorWarping( !m_canvas->GetEnableZoomNoCenter() );
    viewControls->EnableMousewheelPan( m_canvas->GetEnableMousewheelPan() );
    viewControls->EnableAutoPan( m_canvas->GetEnableAutoPan() );

    m_canvas->SetEvtHandlerEnabled( false );
    GetGalCanvas()->SetEvtHandlerEnabled( true );


    // Switch panes
    // JEY TODO: drop down to a single pane....
    m_auimgr.GetPane( "DrawFrame" ).Show( false );
    m_auimgr.GetPane( "DrawFrameGal" ).Show( true );

    // Reset current tool on switch();
int PCBNEW_CONTROL::ZoomFitScreen( const TOOL_EVENT& aEvent )
    KIGFX::VIEW* view = m_frame->GetGalCanvas()->GetView();
    KIGFX::GAL* gal = m_frame->GetGalCanvas()->GetGAL();
    BOARD* board = getModel<BOARD>();
    BOX2I boardBBox = board->ViewBBox();
    VECTOR2I screenSize = gal->GetScreenPixelSize();

    if( boardBBox.GetSize().x == 0 || boardBBox.GetSize().y == 0 )
        // Empty view
        view->SetCenter( view->ToWorld( VECTOR2D( screenSize.x / 2, screenSize.y / 2 ) ) );
        view->SetScale( 17.0 );
        // Autozoom to board
        double iuPerX = screenSize.x ? boardBBox.GetWidth() / screenSize.x : 1.0;
        double iuPerY = screenSize.y ? boardBBox.GetHeight() / screenSize.y : 1.0;

        double bestZoom = std::max( iuPerX, iuPerY );
        double zoomFactor = gal->GetWorldScale() / gal->GetZoomFactor();
        double zoom = 1.0 / ( zoomFactor * bestZoom );

        view->SetCenter( boardBBox.Centre() );
        view->SetScale( zoom );

    return 0;
void SIMPLE_OVERLAY_ITEM::setupGal( KIGFX::GAL& aGal ) const
    // default impl: set up the GAL options we have - the
    // overriding class can add to this if needed
    aGal.SetLineWidth( m_lineWidth );
    aGal.SetStrokeColor( m_strokeColor );
    aGal.SetFillColor( m_fillColor );
    aGal.SetIsStroke( true );
    aGal.SetIsFill( true );
예제 #5
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::SetCursorShape( int aCursorShape )
    const unsigned int BIG_CURSOR = 8000;
    const unsigned int SMALL_CURSOR = 80;

    EDA_DRAW_FRAME::SetCursorShape( aCursorShape );
    KIGFX::GAL* gal = GetGalCanvas()->GetGAL();

    if( gal )
        gal->SetCursorSize( aCursorShape ? BIG_CURSOR : SMALL_CURSOR );
int PCBNEW_CONTROL::SwitchCursor( const TOOL_EVENT& aEvent )
    const unsigned int BIG_CURSOR = 8000;
    const unsigned int SMALL_CURSOR = 80;

    PCB_BASE_FRAME* frame = getEditFrame<PCB_BASE_FRAME>();
    KIGFX::GAL* gal = frame->GetGalCanvas()->GetGAL();
    gal->SetCursorSize( frame->GetCursorShape() ? BIG_CURSOR : SMALL_CURSOR );

    return 0;
int PCBNEW_CONTROL::SwitchCursor( const TOOL_EVENT& aEvent )
    const unsigned int BIG_CURSOR = 4000;
    const unsigned int SMALL_CURSOR = 80;

    KIGFX::GAL* gal = getEditFrame<PCB_BASE_FRAME>()->GetGalCanvas()->GetGAL();

    if( gal->GetCursorSize() == BIG_CURSOR )
        gal->SetCursorSize( SMALL_CURSOR );
        gal->SetCursorSize( BIG_CURSOR );

    return 0;
예제 #8
int PCBNEW_CONTROL::ZoomInOutCenter( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent )
    KIGFX::VIEW* view = m_frame->GetGalCanvas()->GetView();
    KIGFX::GAL* gal = m_frame->GetGalCanvas()->GetGAL();

    if( aEvent.IsAction( &COMMON_ACTIONS::zoomInCenter ) )
    else if( aEvent.IsAction( &COMMON_ACTIONS::zoomOutCenter ) )

    double zoomFactor = gal->GetWorldScale() / gal->GetZoomFactor();
    double zoom = 1.0 / ( zoomFactor * m_frame->GetZoom() );

    view->SetScale( zoom );

    return 0;
예제 #9
void EDA_DRAW_FRAME::UseGalCanvas( bool aEnable )
    KIGFX::VIEW* view = GetGalCanvas()->GetView();
    KIGFX::GAL* gal = GetGalCanvas()->GetGAL();

    // Display the same view after canvas switching
    if( aEnable )
        // Switch to GAL renderer from legacy
        if( !m_galCanvasActive )
            // Set up viewport
            double zoomFactor = gal->GetWorldScale() / gal->GetZoomFactor();
            double zoom = 1.0 / ( zoomFactor * m_canvas->GetZoom() );
            view->SetScale( zoom );
            view->SetCenter( VECTOR2D( m_canvas->GetScreenCenterLogicalPosition() ) );

        // Set up grid settings
        gal->SetGridVisibility( IsGridVisible() );
        gal->SetGridSize( VECTOR2D( GetScreen()->GetGridSize() ) );
        gal->SetGridOrigin( VECTOR2D( GetGridOrigin() ) );

        // Transfer EDA_DRAW_PANEL settings
        GetGalCanvas()->GetViewControls()->EnableCursorWarping( !m_canvas->GetEnableZoomNoCenter() );
        GetGalCanvas()->GetViewControls()->EnableMousewheelPan( m_canvas->GetEnableMousewheelPan() );
        GetGalCanvas()->GetViewControls()->EnableAutoPan( m_canvas->GetEnableAutoPan() );
    else if( m_galCanvasActive )
        // Switch to legacy renderer from GAL
        double zoomFactor = gal->GetWorldScale() / gal->GetZoomFactor();
        // TODO replace it with EDA_DRAW_PANEL_GAL::GetLegacyZoom
        m_canvas->SetZoom( 1.0 / ( zoomFactor * view->GetScale() ) );
        VECTOR2D center = view->GetCenter();
        AdjustScrollBars( wxPoint( center.x, center.y ) );

    m_canvas->SetEvtHandlerEnabled( !aEnable );
    GetGalCanvas()->SetEvtHandlerEnabled( aEnable );

    // Switch panes
    m_auimgr.GetPane( wxT( "DrawFrame" ) ).Show( !aEnable );
    m_auimgr.GetPane( wxT( "DrawFrameGal" ) ).Show( aEnable );

    // Reset current tool on switch();

    m_galCanvasActive = aEnable;
 * Draw simple ticks on the back of a line such that the line is
 * divided into n parts.
 * @param aGal the GAL to draw on
 * @param aOrigin start of line to draw ticks on
 * @param aLine line vector
 * @param aTickLen length of ticks in IU
 * @param aNumDivisions number of parts to divide the line into
void drawBacksideTicks( KIGFX::GAL& aGal, const VECTOR2D& aOrigin,
        const VECTOR2D& aLine, double aTickLen, int aNumDivisions )
    const double backTickSpace = aLine.EuclideanNorm() / aNumDivisions;
    const auto backTickVec = aLine.Rotate( M_PI_2 ).Resize( aTickLen );

    for( int i = 0; i < aNumDivisions + 1; ++i )
        const auto backTickPos = aOrigin + aLine.Resize( backTickSpace * i );
        aGal.DrawLine( backTickPos, backTickPos + backTickVec );
 * Draw labelled ticks on a line. Ticks are spaced according to a
 * maximum density. Miror ticks are not labelled.
 * @param aGal the GAL to draw on
 * @param aOrigin start of line to draw ticks on
 * @param aLine line vector
 * @param aMinorTickLen length of minor ticks in IU
void drawTicksAlongLine( KIGFX::GAL& aGal, const VECTOR2D& aOrigin,
        const VECTOR2D& aLine, double aMinorTickLen )
    VECTOR2D tickLine = aLine.Rotate( -M_PI_2 );

    double tickSpace;
    TICK_FORMAT tickF = getTickFormatForScale( aGal.GetWorldScale(), tickSpace );

    // number of ticks in whole ruler
    int numTicks = (int) std::ceil( aLine.EuclideanNorm() / tickSpace );

    // work out which way up the tick labels go
    double labelAngle = -tickLine.Angle();

    if( aLine.Angle() > 0 )
        aGal.SetHorizontalJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT );
        aGal.SetHorizontalJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT );
        labelAngle += M_PI;

    // text and ticks are dimmed
    aGal.SetStrokeColor( PreviewOverlayDefaultColor().WithAlpha( PreviewOverlayDeemphAlpha( true ) ) );

    const auto labelOffset = tickLine.Resize( aMinorTickLen * ( majorTickLengthFactor + 1 ) );

    for( int i = 0; i < numTicks; ++i )
        const auto tickPos = aOrigin + aLine.Resize( tickSpace * i );

        double length = aMinorTickLen;
        bool drawLabel = false;

        if( i % tickF.majorStep == 0)
            drawLabel = true;
            length *= majorTickLengthFactor;
        else if( tickF.midStep && i % tickF.midStep == 0 )
            drawLabel = true;
            length *= midTickLengthFactor;

        aGal.DrawLine( tickPos, tickPos + tickLine.Resize( length ) );

        if( drawLabel )
            wxString label = DimensionLabel( "", tickSpace * i, g_UserUnit );

            // FIXME: spaces choke OpenGL lp:1668455
            label.erase( std::remove( label.begin(), label.end(), ' ' ), label.end() );

            aGal.BitmapText( label, tickPos + labelOffset, labelAngle );
예제 #12
void EDA_DRAW_FRAME::OnSelectZoom( wxCommandEvent& event )
    if( m_zoomSelectBox == NULL )
        return;                        // Should not happen!

    int id = m_zoomSelectBox->GetCurrentSelection();

    if( id < 0 || !( id < (int)m_zoomSelectBox->GetCount() ) )

    if( id == 0 )                      // Auto zoom (Fit in Page)
        Zoom_Automatique( true );
        double selectedZoom = GetScreen()->m_ZoomList[id];

        if( GetScreen()->GetZoom() == selectedZoom )

        GetScreen()->SetZoom( selectedZoom );

        if( IsGalCanvasActive() )
            // Apply computed view settings to GAL
            KIGFX::VIEW* view = GetGalCanvas()->GetView();
            KIGFX::GAL* gal = GetGalCanvas()->GetGAL();

            double zoomFactor = gal->GetWorldScale() / gal->GetZoomFactor();
            double zoom = 1.0 / ( zoomFactor * GetZoom() );

            view->SetScale( zoom );
            RedrawScreen( GetScrollCenterPosition(), false );
예제 #13
const wxString EDA_DRAW_FRAME::GetZoomLevelIndicator() const
    wxString Line;
    double level = 0.0;

    if( IsGalCanvasActive() )
        KIGFX::GAL* gal = m_galCanvas->GetGAL();
        KIGFX::VIEW* view = m_galCanvas->GetView();
        double zoomFactor = gal->GetWorldScale() / gal->GetZoomFactor();
        level = m_zoomLevelCoeff * zoomFactor * view->GetScale();
    else if( BASE_SCREEN* screen = GetScreen() )
        level = m_zoomLevelCoeff / (double) screen->GetZoom();

    // returns a human readable value which can be displayed as zoom
    // level indicator in dialogs.
    Line.Printf( wxT( "Z %.2f" ), level );

    return Line;
예제 #14
int PCBNEW_CONTROL::ZoomFitScreen( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent )
    KIGFX::VIEW* view = m_frame->GetGalCanvas()->GetView();
    KIGFX::GAL* gal = m_frame->GetGalCanvas()->GetGAL();
    BOX2I boardBBox  = getModel<BOARD>( PCB_T )->ViewBBox();
    VECTOR2I screenSize = gal->GetScreenPixelSize();

    double iuPerX = screenSize.x ? boardBBox.GetWidth() / screenSize.x : 1.0;
    double iuPerY = screenSize.y ? boardBBox.GetHeight() / screenSize.y : 1.0;

    double bestZoom = std::max( iuPerX, iuPerY );
    // This is needed to avoid "jumpy" zooms if first hot key was used and then mouse scroll
    // (or other way round).
    m_frame->GetScreen()->SetZoom( bestZoom );

    double zoomFactor = gal->GetWorldScale() / gal->GetZoomFactor();
    double zoom = 1.0 / ( zoomFactor * bestZoom );

    view->SetScale( zoom );
    view->SetCenter( boardBBox.Centre() );

    return 0;
예제 #15
void EDA_DRAW_FRAME::UseGalCanvas( bool aEnable )
    KIGFX::VIEW* view = GetGalCanvas()->GetView();
    KIGFX::GAL* gal = GetGalCanvas()->GetGAL();

    double zoomFactor = gal->GetWorldScale() / gal->GetZoomFactor();

    // Display the same view after canvas switching
    if( aEnable )
        BASE_SCREEN* screen = GetScreen();

        // Switch to GAL rendering
        if( !IsGalCanvasActive() )
            // Set up viewport
            double zoom = 1.0 / ( zoomFactor * m_canvas->GetZoom() );
            view->SetScale( zoom );
            view->SetCenter( VECTOR2D( m_canvas->GetScreenCenterLogicalPosition() ) );

        // Set up grid settings
        gal->SetGridVisibility( IsGridVisible() );
        gal->SetGridSize( VECTOR2D( screen->GetGridSize().x, screen->GetGridSize().y ) );
        gal->SetGridOrigin( VECTOR2D( GetGridOrigin() ) );
        // Switch to standard rendering
        if( IsGalCanvasActive() )
            // Change view settings only if GAL was active previously
            double zoom = 1.0 / ( zoomFactor * view->GetScale() );
            m_canvas->SetZoom( zoom );

            VECTOR2D center = view->GetCenter();
            RedrawScreen( wxPoint( center.x, center.y ), false );

    m_canvas->SetEvtHandlerEnabled( !aEnable );
    GetGalCanvas()->SetEvtHandlerEnabled( aEnable );

    // Switch panes
    m_auimgr.GetPane( wxT( "DrawFrame" ) ).Show( !aEnable );
    m_auimgr.GetPane( wxT( "DrawFrameGal" ) ).Show( aEnable );

    // Reset current tool on switch();
    SetToolID( ID_NO_TOOL_SELECTED, wxCURSOR_DEFAULT, wxEmptyString );

    m_galCanvasActive = aEnable;
예제 #16
void VIEW_GROUP::ViewDraw( int aLayer, VIEW* aView ) const
    KIGFX::GAL* gal = aView->GetGAL();
    PAINTER*    painter = aView->GetPainter();
    bool        isSelection = m_layer == LAYER_SELECT_OVERLAY;
    const auto  drawList = updateDrawList();

    std::unordered_map<int, std::vector<VIEW_ITEM*>> layer_item_map;

    // Build a list of layers used by the items in the group
    for( auto item : drawList )
        int item_layers[VIEW::VIEW_MAX_LAYERS], item_layers_count;
        item->ViewGetLayers( item_layers, item_layers_count );

        for( int i = 0; i < item_layers_count; i++ )
            if( layer_item_map.count( item_layers[i] ) == 0 )
                layer_item_map.emplace( std::make_pair( item_layers[i],
                                                        std::vector<VIEW_ITEM*>() ) );

            layer_item_map[ item_layers[i] ].push_back( item );

    int layers[VIEW::VIEW_MAX_LAYERS] = { 0 };
    int layers_count = 0;

    for( const auto& entry : layer_item_map )
        layers[ layers_count++ ] = entry.first;

    aView->SortLayers( layers, layers_count );

    // Now draw the layers in sorted order


    for( int i = 0; i < layers_count; i++ )
        int  layer = layers[i];
        bool draw = aView->IsLayerVisible( layer );

        if( isSelection )
            switch( layer )
            case LAYER_PADS_TH:
            case LAYER_PADS_PLATEDHOLES:
            case LAYER_PAD_FR:
            case LAYER_PAD_BK:
                draw = true;

        if( draw )

            for( auto item : layer_item_map[ layers[i] ] )
                if( !painter->Draw( item, layers[i] ) )
                    item->ViewDraw( layers[i], aView ); // Alternative drawing method
