 * Function highlightNet()
 * Looks for a BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM in a given spot, and if one is found - it enables
 * highlight for its net.
 * @param aPoint is the point where an item is expected (world coordinates).
static bool highlightNet( TOOL_MANAGER* aToolMgr, const VECTOR2D& aPosition )
    KIGFX::RENDER_SETTINGS* render = aToolMgr->GetView()->GetPainter()->GetSettings();
    GENERAL_COLLECTORS_GUIDE guide = static_cast<PCB_BASE_FRAME*>( aToolMgr->GetEditFrame() )->GetCollectorsGuide();
    BOARD* board = static_cast<BOARD*>( aToolMgr->GetModel() );
    GENERAL_COLLECTOR collector;
    int net = -1;

    // Find a connected item for which we are going to highlight a net
    collector.Collect( board, GENERAL_COLLECTOR::PadsTracksOrZones,
                       wxPoint( aPosition.x, aPosition.y ), guide );
    bool enableHighlight = ( collector.GetCount() > 0 );

    // Obtain net code for the clicked item
    if( enableHighlight )
        net = static_cast<BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM*>( collector[0] )->GetNetCode();

    // Toggle highlight when the same net was picked
    if( net > 0 && net == render->GetHighlightNetCode() )
        enableHighlight = !render->IsHighlightEnabled();

    if( enableHighlight != render->IsHighlightEnabled() || net != render->GetHighlightNetCode() )
        render->SetHighlight( enableHighlight, net );

    return true;
void SELECTION_TOOL::highlightNet( const VECTOR2I& aPoint )
    KIGFX::RENDER_SETTINGS* render = getView()->GetPainter()->GetSettings();
    GENERAL_COLLECTORS_GUIDE guide = m_frame->GetCollectorsGuide();
    GENERAL_COLLECTOR collector;
    int net = -1;

    // Find a connected item for which we are going to highlight a net
    collector.Collect( getModel<BOARD>(), GENERAL_COLLECTOR::PadsTracksOrZones,
                       wxPoint( aPoint.x, aPoint.y ), guide );
    bool enableHighlight = ( collector.GetCount() > 0 );

    // Obtain net code for the clicked item
    if( enableHighlight )
        net = static_cast<BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM*>( collector[0] )->GetNetCode();

    if( enableHighlight != render->GetHighlight() || net != render->GetHighlightNetCode() )
        render->SetHighlight( enableHighlight, net );