bool GroupDavGlobals::interpretAddressBookDownloadItemsJob( KABC::AddressBookAdaptor *adaptor, KIO::Job *job, const QString &jobData) { kdDebug(5800) << "GroupDavGlobals::interpretAddressBookDownloadItemsJob, vCard=" << endl; kdDebug(5800) << jobData << endl; if(!adaptor || !job) return false; KABC::VCardConverter conv; KABC::Addressee::List addrs(conv.parseVCards(jobData)); if(addrs.count() != 1) { kdError() << "Parsed vCard does not contain exactly one addressee." << endl; return false; } KABC::Addressee a = addrs.first(); KIO::SimpleJob *sjob = dynamic_cast<KIO::SimpleJob *>(job); KURL remoteId; if(sjob) remoteId = sjob->url(); QString fingerprint = extractFingerprint(job, jobData); adaptor->addressbookItemDownloaded(a, a.uid(), remoteId, fingerprint, remoteId.prettyURL()); return true; }
bool GroupDavGlobals::interpretCalendarDownloadItemsJob( KCal::CalendarAdaptor *adaptor, KIO::Job *job, const QString &jobData ) { kdDebug(5800) << "GroupDavGlobals::interpretCalendarDownloadItemsJob, iCalendar=" << endl; kdDebug(5800) << jobData << endl; if ( !adaptor || !job ) return false; KCal::CalendarLocal calendar( QString::fromLatin1("UTC") ); KCal::ICalFormat ical; calendar.setTimeZoneId( adaptor->resource()->timeZoneId() ); KCal::Incidence::List incidences; if ( ical.fromString( &calendar, jobData ) ) { KCal::Incidence::List raw = calendar.rawIncidences(); KCal::Incidence::List::Iterator it = raw.begin(); if ( raw.count() != 1 ) { kdError() << "Parsed iCalendar does not contain exactly one event." << endl; return false; } KCal::Incidence *inc = (raw.front())->clone(); if ( !inc ) return false; KIO::SimpleJob *sjob = dynamic_cast<KIO::SimpleJob *>(job); KURL remoteId; if ( sjob ) remoteId = sjob->url(); QString fingerprint = extractFingerprint( job, jobData ); adaptor->calendarItemDownloaded( inc, inc->uid(), remoteId, fingerprint, remoteId.prettyURL() ); return true; } else { kdError() << "Unable to parse iCalendar" << endl; } return false; }
void FileUndoManagerTest::testCreateDir() { const KUrl url( srcSubDir() + ".mkdir" ); const QString path = url.toLocalFile(); QVERIFY( !QFile::exists(path) ); KIO::SimpleJob* job = KIO::mkdir(url); job->setUiDelegate( 0 ); FileUndoManager::self()->recordJob( FileUndoManager::Mkdir, KUrl(), url, job ); bool ok = KIO::NetAccess::synchronousRun( job, 0 ); QVERIFY( ok ); QVERIFY( QFile::exists(path) ); QVERIFY( QFileInfo(path).isDir() ); m_uiInterface->clear(); m_uiInterface->setNextReplyToConfirmDeletion( false ); // act like the user didn't confirm FileUndoManager::self()->undo(); QCOMPARE( m_uiInterface->files().count(), 1 ); // confirmDeletion was called QCOMPARE( m_uiInterface->files()[0].url(), url.url() ); QVERIFY( QFile::exists(path) ); // nothing happened yet // OK, now do it m_uiInterface->clear(); m_uiInterface->setNextReplyToConfirmDeletion( true ); doUndo(); QVERIFY( !QFile::exists(path) ); }
void FolderLister::slotListJobResult( KIO::Job *job ) { kdDebug(7000) << "OpenGroupware::slotListJobResult(): " << endl; kdDebug() << "URLS (" << mUrls.count() << "): " << mUrls.toStringList().join(" | ") << endl; kdDebug() << "Processed URLS (" << mProcessedPathes.count() << "): " << mProcessedPathes.join(" | ") << endl; KIO::SimpleJob *j = dynamic_cast<KIO::SimpleJob*>(job); if ( j ) { mUrls.remove( j->url() ); mProcessedPathes.append( j->url().path(-1) ); } if ( job->error() ) { kdError() << "Unable to retrieve folders." << endl; } else { interpretListFoldersJob( job ); } kdDebug() << "After URLS (" << mUrls.count() << "): " << mUrls.toStringList().join(" | ") << endl; kdDebug() << "After Processed URLS (" << mProcessedPathes.count() << "): " << mProcessedPathes.join(" | ") << endl; if ( mUrls.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug()<<"No more URLS to download, emitting foldersRead()"<<endl; emit foldersRead(); } }
KIO::SimpleJob* KonqOperations::mkdir( QWidget *parent, const KUrl & url ) { KIO::SimpleJob * job = KIO::mkdir(url); job->ui()->setWindow(parent); job->ui()->setAutoErrorHandlingEnabled(true); KIO::FileUndoManager::self()->recordJob( KIO::FileUndoManager::Mkdir, KUrl(), url, job ); return job; }
bool Manager::removeAppData(const QString &file) { QFileInfo fileInfo(file); if(fileInfo.exists()) { KIO::SimpleJob* deleteJob = KIO::file_delete(QUrl::fromUserInput(file)); KJobWidgets::setWindow(deleteJob, m_kileInfo->mainWindow()); return deleteJob->exec(); } return true; }
void KWebDesktopRun::slotMimetype(KIO::Job *job, const QString &_type) { KIO::SimpleJob *sjob = static_cast< KIO::SimpleJob * >(job); // Update our URL in case of a redirection m_url = sjob->url(); QString type = _type; // necessary copy if we plan to use it sjob->putOnHold(); kdDebug() << "slotMimetype : " << type << endl; KParts::ReadOnlyPart *part = m_webDesktop->createPart(type); // Now open the URL in the part if(part) part->openURL(m_url); }
void UpnpCollectionBase::slotRemoveJob(KJob* job) { KIO::SimpleJob *sj = static_cast<KIO::SimpleJob*>( job ); m_jobSet.remove( sj ); if( sj->error() ) { m_continuousJobFailureCount++; if( m_continuousJobFailureCount >= MAX_JOB_FAILURES_BEFORE_ABORT ) { debug() << prettyName() << "Had" << m_continuousJobFailureCount << "continuous job failures, something wrong with the device. Removing this collection."; emit remove(); } } else { m_continuousJobFailureCount = 0; } }
void MediaNotifier::onMediumChange(const QString &name, bool allowNotification) { kdDebug() << "MediaNotifier::onMediumChange( " << name << ", " << allowNotification << ")" << endl; if(!allowNotification) return; // Update user activity timestamp, otherwise the notification dialog will be shown // in the background due to focus stealing prevention. Entering a new media can // be seen as a kind of user activity after all. It'd be better to update the timestamp // as soon as the media is entered, but it apparently takes some time to get here. kapp->updateUserTimestamp(); KURL url("system:/media/" + name); KIO::SimpleJob *job = KIO::stat(url, false); job->setInteractive(false); m_allowNotificationMap[job] = allowNotification; connect(job, SIGNAL(result(KIO::Job *)), this, SLOT(slotStatResult(KIO::Job *))); }
void ExchangeDelete::startDelete(const KURL &url) { KIO::SimpleJob *job = KIO::file_delete(url, false); // no GUI job->setWindow(mWindow); connect(job, SIGNAL(result(KIO::Job *)), this, SLOT(slotDeleteResult(KIO::Job *))); }
QNetworkReply *AccessManager::createRequest(Operation op, const QNetworkRequest &req, QIODevice *outgoingData) { const KUrl reqUrl (req.url()); if (!d->externalContentAllowed && !KDEPrivate::AccessManagerReply::isLocalRequest(reqUrl) && reqUrl.scheme() != QL1S("data")) { kDebug( 7044 ) << "Blocked: " << reqUrl; return new KDEPrivate::AccessManagerReply(op, req, QNetworkReply::ContentAccessDenied, i18n("Blocked request."), this); } // Check if the internal ignore content disposition header is set. const bool ignoreContentDisposition = req.hasRawHeader("x-kdewebkit-ignore-disposition"); // Retrieve the KIO meta data... KIO::MetaData metaData; d->setMetaDataForRequest(req, metaData); KIO::SimpleJob *kioJob = 0; switch (op) { case HeadOperation: { //kDebug( 7044 ) << "HeadOperation:" << reqUrl; kioJob = KIO::mimetype(reqUrl, KIO::HideProgressInfo); break; } case GetOperation: { //kDebug( 7044 ) << "GetOperation:" << reqUrl; if (!reqUrl.path().isEmpty() || kioJob = KIO::get(reqUrl, KIO::NoReload, KIO::HideProgressInfo); else kioJob = KIO::stat(reqUrl, KIO::HideProgressInfo); // WORKAROUND: Avoid the brain damaged stuff QtWebKit does when a POST // operation is redirected! See BR# 268694. metaData.remove(QL1S("content-type")); // Remove the content-type from a GET/HEAD request! break; } case PutOperation: { //kDebug( 7044 ) << "PutOperation:" << reqUrl; if (outgoingData) kioJob = KIO::storedPut(outgoingData->readAll(), reqUrl, -1, KIO::HideProgressInfo); else kioJob = KIO::put(reqUrl, -1, KIO::HideProgressInfo); break; } case PostOperation: { kioJob = KIO::http_post(reqUrl, outgoingData, sizeFromRequest(req), KIO::HideProgressInfo); if (!metaData.contains(QL1S("content-type"))) { const QVariant header = req.header(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader); if (header.isValid()) { metaData.insert(QL1S("content-type"), (QL1S("Content-Type: ") + header.toString())); } else { metaData.insert(QL1S("content-type"), QL1S("Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded")); } } break; } case DeleteOperation: { //kDebug(7044) << "DeleteOperation:" << reqUrl; kioJob = KIO::http_delete(reqUrl, KIO::HideProgressInfo); break; } case CustomOperation: { const QByteArray& method = req.attribute(QNetworkRequest::CustomVerbAttribute).toByteArray(); //kDebug(7044) << "CustomOperation:" << reqUrl << "method:" << method << "outgoing data:" << outgoingData; if (method.isEmpty()) { return new KDEPrivate::AccessManagerReply(op, req, QNetworkReply::ProtocolUnknownError, i18n("Unknown HTTP verb."), this); } if (outgoingData) kioJob = KIO::http_post(reqUrl, outgoingData, sizeFromRequest(req), KIO::HideProgressInfo); else kioJob = KIO::get(reqUrl, KIO::NoReload, KIO::HideProgressInfo); metaData.insert(QL1S("CustomHTTPMethod"), method); break; } default: { kWarning(7044) << "Unsupported KIO operation requested! Defering to QNetworkAccessManager..."; return QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest(op, req, outgoingData); } } // Set the job priority switch (req.priority()) { case QNetworkRequest::HighPriority: KIO::Scheduler::setJobPriority(kioJob, -5); break; case QNetworkRequest::LowPriority: KIO::Scheduler::setJobPriority(kioJob, 5); break; default: break; } KDEPrivate::AccessManagerReply *reply; /* NOTE: Here we attempt to handle synchronous XHR requests. Unfortunately, due to the fact that QNAM is both synchronous and multi-thread while KIO is completely the opposite (asynchronous and not thread safe), the code below might cause crashes like the one reported in bug# 287778 (nested event loops are inherently dangerous). Unfortunately, all attempts to address the crash has so far failed due to the many regressions they caused, e.g. bug# 231932 and 297954. Hence, until a solution is found, we have to live with the side effects of creating nested event loops. */ if (req.attribute(gSynchronousNetworkRequestAttribute).toBool()) { KUrl finalURL; QByteArray data; if (KIO::NetAccess::synchronousRun(kioJob, d->window, &data, &finalURL, &metaData)) { reply = new KDEPrivate::AccessManagerReply(op, req, data, finalURL, metaData, this); kDebug(7044) << "Synchronous XHR:" << reply << reqUrl; } else { kWarning(7044) << "Failed to create a synchronous XHR for" << reqUrl; reply = new KDEPrivate::AccessManagerReply(op, req, QNetworkReply::UnknownNetworkError, kioJob->errorText(), this); } } else { // Set the window on the the KIO ui delegate if (d->window) { kioJob->ui()->setWindow(d->window); } // Disable internal automatic redirection handling kioJob->setRedirectionHandlingEnabled(false); // Set the job priority switch (req.priority()) { case QNetworkRequest::HighPriority: KIO::Scheduler::setJobPriority(kioJob, -5); break; case QNetworkRequest::LowPriority: KIO::Scheduler::setJobPriority(kioJob, 5); break; default: break; } // Set the meta data for this job... kioJob->setMetaData(metaData); // Create the reply... reply = new KDEPrivate::AccessManagerReply(op, req, kioJob, d->emitReadyReadOnMetaDataChange, this); //kDebug(7044) << reply << reqUrl; } if (ignoreContentDisposition && reply) { //kDebug(7044) << "Content-Disposition WILL BE IGNORED!"; reply->setIgnoreContentDisposition(ignoreContentDisposition); } return reply; }