void HistoryGUIClient::slotViewHistory()
	// Original Code, but this any segfault if anything in this pipe is NULL - Tejas Dinkar
	//Kopete::MetaContact *m = Kopete::ChatSessionManager::self()->activeView()->msgManager()->members().first()->metaContact();
	//The same as above but with some checking
	KopeteView *view= Kopete::ChatSessionManager::self()->activeView();
	if (!view) {
		kDebug()<<"Unable to Get Active View!";

	Kopete::ChatSession *session = view->msgManager();
	if (!session) {
		kDebug()<<"Unable to Get Active Session!";

	Kopete::Contact *contact = session->members().first();
	if (!contact) {
		kDebug()<<"Unable to get contact!";

	Kopete::MetaContact *m = contact->metaContact();

		HistoryDialog* dialog = new HistoryDialog(m);
		dialog->setObjectName( QLatin1String("HistoryDialog") );
void NowListeningPlugin::slotOutgoingMessage(Kopete::Message& msg)
	// Only do stuff if autoadvertising is on

	QString originalBody = msg.plainBody();

	// If it is a /media message, don't process it

	// What will be sent
	QString newBody;

	// Getting the list of contacts the message will be sent to to determine if at least
	// one of them has never gotten the current music information.
	Kopete::ContactPtrList dest = msg.to();
	bool mustSendAnyway = false;
	for( Kopete::Contact *c = dest.first() ; c ; c = dest.next() )
		const QString& cId = c->contactId();
		if( 0 == d->m_musicSentTo.contains( cId ) )
			mustSendAnyway = true;

			// The contact will get the music information so we put it in the list.
			d->m_musicSentTo.push_back( cId );

	bool newTrack = newTrackPlaying();

	// We must send the music information if someone has never gotten it or the track(s)
	// has changed since it was last sent.
	if ( mustSendAnyway || newTrack )
		QString advert = mediaPlayerAdvert(false); // false since newTrackPlaying() did the update
		if( !advert.isEmpty() )
			newBody = originalBody + "<br>" + advert;

		// If we send because the information has changed since it was last sent, we must
		// rebuild the list of contacts the latest information was sent to.
		if( newTrack )
			for( Kopete::Contact *c = dest.first() ; c ; c = dest.next() )
				d->m_musicSentTo.push_back( c->contactId() );

	// If the body has been modified, change the message
	if( !newBody.isEmpty() )
		msg.setBody( newBody, Kopete::Message::RichText );
void Kopete::ChatSession::addContact( const Kopete::Contact *c, bool suppress )
	//kDebug( 14010 ) ;
	if ( d->contacts.contains( (Kopete::Contact*)c ) )
		kDebug( 14010 ) << "Contact already exists";
//		emit contactAdded( c, suppress );
		if ( d->contacts.count() == 1 && d->isEmpty )
			kDebug( 14010 ) << " F****R ZONE ";
			/* We have only 1 contact before, so the status of the
			   message manager was given from that contact status */
			Kopete::Contact *old = d->contacts.first();
			d->contacts.removeAll( old );
			d->contacts.append( (Kopete::Contact*)c );

			disconnect( old, SIGNAL(onlineStatusChanged(Kopete::Contact*,Kopete::OnlineStatus,Kopete::OnlineStatus)),
				this, SLOT(slotOnlineStatusChanged(Kopete::Contact*,Kopete::OnlineStatus,Kopete::OnlineStatus)) );
			disconnect( old, SIGNAL(statusMessageChanged(Kopete::Contact*)), this, SIGNAL(statusMessageChanged(Kopete::Contact*)) );

			if ( old->metaContact() )
				disconnect( old->metaContact(), SIGNAL(displayNameChanged(QString,QString)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateDisplayName()) );
				disconnect( old->metaContact(), SIGNAL(photoChanged()), this, SIGNAL(photoChanged()) );
				disconnect( old, SIGNAL(propertyChanged(Kopete::PropertyContainer*,QString,QVariant,QVariant)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateDisplayName()) );

			disconnect( old, SIGNAL(propertyChanged(Kopete::PropertyContainer*,QString,QVariant,QVariant)), this, SLOT(slotContactPropertyChanged(Kopete::PropertyContainer*,QString,QVariant,QVariant)) );

			emit contactAdded( c, suppress );
			emit contactRemoved( old, QString() );
Kopete::ChatSession* Kopete::Transfer::chatSession() const
	Kopete::Contact *c = d->info.contact();
	return ( c ) ? c->manager() : 0;