예제 #1
// Scatter sections in all directions!
// Remaps section addresses for -verify mode. The following command line options
// can be used to customize the layout of the memory within the phony target's
// address space:
// -target-addr-start <s> -- Specify where the phony target addres range starts.
// -target-addr-end   <e> -- Specify where the phony target address range ends.
// -target-section-sep <d> -- Specify how big a gap should be left between the
//                            end of one section and the start of the next.
//                            Defaults to zero. Set to something big
//                            (e.g. 1 << 32) to stress-test stubs, GOTs, etc.
void remapSections(const llvm::Triple &TargetTriple,
                   const TrivialMemoryManager &MemMgr,
                   RuntimeDyld &RTDyld) {

  // If the -target-addr-end option wasn't explicitly passed, then set it to a
  // sensible default based on the target triple.
  if (TargetAddrEnd.getNumOccurrences() == 0) {
    if (TargetTriple.isArch16Bit())
      TargetAddrEnd = (1ULL << 16) - 1;
    else if (TargetTriple.isArch32Bit())
      TargetAddrEnd = (1ULL << 32) - 1;
    // TargetAddrEnd already has a sensible default for 64-bit systems, so
    // there's nothing to do in the 64-bit case.

  uint64_t NextSectionAddress = TargetAddrStart;

  // Remap code sections.
  for (const auto& CodeSection : MemMgr.FunctionMemory) {
    RTDyld.mapSectionAddress(CodeSection.base(), NextSectionAddress);
    NextSectionAddress += CodeSection.size() + TargetSectionSep;

  // Remap data sections.
  for (const auto& DataSection : MemMgr.DataMemory) {
    RTDyld.mapSectionAddress(DataSection.base(), NextSectionAddress);
    NextSectionAddress += DataSection.size() + TargetSectionSep;
예제 #2
// Scatter sections in all directions!
// Remaps section addresses for -verify mode. The following command line options
// can be used to customize the layout of the memory within the phony target's
// address space:
// -target-addr-start <s> -- Specify where the phony target addres range starts.
// -target-addr-end   <e> -- Specify where the phony target address range ends.
// -target-section-sep <d> -- Specify how big a gap should be left between the
//                            end of one section and the start of the next.
//                            Defaults to zero. Set to something big
//                            (e.g. 1 << 32) to stress-test stubs, GOTs, etc.
static void remapSectionsAndSymbols(const llvm::Triple &TargetTriple,
                                    TrivialMemoryManager &MemMgr,
                                    RuntimeDyldChecker &Checker) {

  // Set up a work list (section addr/size pairs).
  typedef std::list<std::pair<void*, uint64_t>> WorklistT;
  WorklistT Worklist;

  for (const auto& CodeSection : MemMgr.FunctionMemory)
    Worklist.push_back(std::make_pair(CodeSection.base(), CodeSection.size()));
  for (const auto& DataSection : MemMgr.DataMemory)
    Worklist.push_back(std::make_pair(DataSection.base(), DataSection.size()));

  // Apply any section-specific mappings that were requested on the command
  // line.
  typedef std::map<void*, uint64_t> AppliedMappingsT;
  AppliedMappingsT AppliedMappings = applySpecificSectionMappings(Checker);

  // Keep an "already allocated" mapping of section target addresses to sizes.
  // Sections whose address mappings aren't specified on the command line will
  // allocated around the explicitly mapped sections while maintaining the
  // minimum separation.
  std::map<uint64_t, uint64_t> AlreadyAllocated;

  // Move the previously applied mappings into the already-allocated map.
  for (WorklistT::iterator I = Worklist.begin(), E = Worklist.end();
       I != E;) {
    WorklistT::iterator Tmp = I;
    AppliedMappingsT::iterator AI = AppliedMappings.find(Tmp->first);

    if (AI != AppliedMappings.end()) {
      AlreadyAllocated[AI->second] = Tmp->second;

  // If the -target-addr-end option wasn't explicitly passed, then set it to a
  // sensible default based on the target triple.
  if (TargetAddrEnd.getNumOccurrences() == 0) {
    if (TargetTriple.isArch16Bit())
      TargetAddrEnd = (1ULL << 16) - 1;
    else if (TargetTriple.isArch32Bit())
      TargetAddrEnd = (1ULL << 32) - 1;
    // TargetAddrEnd already has a sensible default for 64-bit systems, so
    // there's nothing to do in the 64-bit case.

  // Process any elements remaining in the worklist.
  while (!Worklist.empty()) {
    std::pair<void*, uint64_t> CurEntry = Worklist.front();

    uint64_t NextSectionAddr = TargetAddrStart;

    for (const auto &Alloc : AlreadyAllocated)
      if (NextSectionAddr + CurEntry.second + TargetSectionSep <= Alloc.first)
        NextSectionAddr = Alloc.first + Alloc.second + TargetSectionSep;

    AlreadyAllocated[NextSectionAddr] = CurEntry.second;
    Checker.getRTDyld().mapSectionAddress(CurEntry.first, NextSectionAddr);

  // Add dummy symbols to the memory manager.
  for (const auto &Mapping : DummySymbolMappings) {
    size_t EqualsIdx = Mapping.find_first_of("=");

    if (EqualsIdx == StringRef::npos)
      report_fatal_error("Invalid dummy symbol specification '" + Mapping +
                         "'. Should be '<symbol name>=<addr>'");

    std::string Symbol = Mapping.substr(0, EqualsIdx);
    std::string AddrStr = Mapping.substr(EqualsIdx + 1);

    uint64_t Addr;
    if (StringRef(AddrStr).getAsInteger(0, Addr))
      report_fatal_error("Invalid symbol mapping '" + Mapping + "'.");

    MemMgr.addDummySymbol(Symbol, Addr);