void InstrumentWindowPickTab::updateSelectionInfo(int detid) { if (m_instrWindow->blocked()) { m_selectionInfoDisplay->clear(); return; } if (detid >= 0) { InstrumentActor* instrActor = m_instrWindow->getInstrumentActor(); Mantid::Geometry::IDetector_const_sptr det = instrActor->getInstrument()->getDetector(detid); QString text = "Selected detector: " + QString::fromStdString(det->getName()) + "\n"; text += "Detector ID: " + QString::number(detid) + '\n'; QString wsIndex; try { wsIndex = QString::number(instrActor->getWorkspaceIndex(detid)); updatePlot(detid); // Update the plot if the detector links to some data } catch (Mantid::Kernel::Exception::NotFoundError) { // Detector doesn't have a workspace index relating to it wsIndex = "None"; m_plot->clearCurve(); // Clear the plot window m_plot->replot(); } text += "Workspace index: " + wsIndex + '\n'; Mantid::Kernel::V3D pos = det->getPos(); text += "xyz: " + QString::number(pos.X()) + "," + QString::number(pos.Y()) + "," + QString::number(pos.Z()) + '\n'; double r,t,p; pos.getSpherical(r,t,p); text += "rtp: " + QString::number(r) + "," + QString::number(t) + "," + QString::number(p) + '\n'; Mantid::Geometry::ICompAssembly_const_sptr parent = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const Mantid::Geometry::ICompAssembly>(det->getParent()); if (parent) { QString textpath; while (parent) { textpath="/"+QString::fromStdString(parent->getName())+textpath; parent=boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const Mantid::Geometry::ICompAssembly>(parent->getParent()); } text += "Component path:" +textpath+"/"+ QString::fromStdString(det->getName()) +'\n'; } const double integrated = instrActor->getIntegratedCounts(detid); const QString counts = integrated == -1.0 ? "N/A" : QString::number(integrated); text += "Counts: " + counts + '\n'; m_selectionInfoDisplay->setText(text); } else { m_selectionInfoDisplay->clear(); m_plot->clearCurve(); // Clear the plot window m_plot->replot(); } }
/** * The main method to calculate the ring profile for workspaces based on *instruments. * * It will iterate over all the spectrum inside the workspace. * For each spectrum, it will use the RingProfile::getBinForPixel method to *identify * where, in the output_bins, the sum of all the spectrum values should be *placed in. * * @param inputWS: pointer to the input workspace * @param output_bins: the reference to the vector to be filled with the *integration values */ void RingProfile::processInstrumentRingProfile( const API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr inputWS, std::vector<double> &output_bins) { for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(inputWS->getNumberHistograms()); i++) { m_progress->report("Computing ring bins positions for detectors"); // for the detector based, the positions will be taken from the detector // itself. try { Mantid::Geometry::IDetector_const_sptr det = inputWS->getDetector(i); // skip monitors if (det->isMonitor()) { continue; } // this part will be executed if the instrument is attached to the // workspace // get the bin position int bin_n = getBinForPixel(det); if (bin_n < 0) // -1 is the agreement for an invalid bin, or outside the // ring being integrated continue; g_log.debug() << "Bin for the index " << i << " = " << bin_n << " Pos = " << det->getPos() << std::endl; // get the reference to the spectrum auto spectrum_pt = inputWS->getSpectrum(i); const MantidVec &refY = spectrum_pt->dataY(); // accumulate the values of this spectrum inside this bin for (size_t sp_ind = 0; sp_ind < inputWS->blocksize(); sp_ind++) output_bins[bin_n] += refY[sp_ind]; } catch (Kernel::Exception::NotFoundError &ex) { g_log.information() << "It found that detector for " << i << " is not valid. " << ex.what() << std::endl; continue; } } }
/** * Here is the main logic to perform the transformation, to calculate the bin position in degree for each detector. * * The first part of the method is to check if the detector is inside the ring defined as minRadio and maxRadio. * * To do this, it checks the projected distance between the centre and the detector position. If this projected * distance is outside the defined ring, it returns -1. * * For those detectors that lay inside the ring, it will calculate the phi angle. And than find the slot where * this angle should be placed (bin) * @param det: pointer to the detector from which the positions will be taken * @return bin position */ int RingProfile::getBinForPixel(Mantid::Geometry::IDetector_const_sptr det ){ using Mantid::Kernel::V3D; V3D origin(centre_x, centre_y, centre_z); V3D diff_vector = det->getPos()-origin; double radio, theta, phi; // get the spherical values of the vector from center to detector position diff_vector.getSpherical(radio, theta, phi); // the distance from the centre to the ring will be calculated as radio * sin(theta). double effect_distance = radio * sin(theta*M_PI/180); // g_log.debug() << "effect Distance = " << effect_distance << std::endl; // check if it is inside the ring defined by min_radius, max_radius if ( effect_distance < min_radius || effect_distance > max_radius || effect_distance == 0) return -1; // get the angle // g_log.debug() << "The real angle is " << phi << std::endl; return fromAngleToBin(phi); }
/** * Update the info window with information for a selected detector. * @param detid :: ID of the selected detector. */ void InstrumentWindowPickTab::updateSelectionInfo(int detid) { if (m_freezePlot) { // freeze the plot for one update m_freezePlot = false; return; } if (m_instrWindow->blocked()) { m_selectionInfoDisplay->clear(); return; } if (detid >= 0) { InstrumentActor* instrActor = m_instrWindow->getInstrumentActor(); Mantid::Geometry::IDetector_const_sptr det = instrActor->getInstrument()->getDetector(detid); QString text = "Selected detector: " + QString::fromStdString(det->getName()) + "\n"; text += "Detector ID: " + QString::number(detid) + '\n'; QString wsIndex; try { wsIndex = QString::number(instrActor->getWorkspaceIndex(detid)); updatePlot(detid); // Update the plot if the detector links to some data } catch (Mantid::Kernel::Exception::NotFoundError &) { // Detector doesn't have a workspace index relating to it wsIndex = "None"; m_plot->clearCurve(); // Clear the plot window m_plot->replot(); } text += "Workspace index: " + wsIndex + '\n'; Mantid::Kernel::V3D pos = det->getPos(); text += "xyz: " + QString::number(pos.X()) + "," + QString::number(pos.Y()) + "," + QString::number(pos.Z()) + '\n'; double r,t,p; pos.getSpherical(r,t,p); text += "rtp: " + QString::number(r) + "," + QString::number(t) + "," + QString::number(p) + '\n'; Mantid::Geometry::ICompAssembly_const_sptr parent = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const Mantid::Geometry::ICompAssembly>(det->getParent()); if (parent) { QString textpath; while (parent) { textpath="/"+QString::fromStdString(parent->getName())+textpath; parent=boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const Mantid::Geometry::ICompAssembly>(parent->getParent()); } text += "Component path:" +textpath+"/"+ QString::fromStdString(det->getName()) +'\n'; } const double integrated = instrActor->getIntegratedCounts(detid); const QString counts = integrated == -1.0 ? "N/A" : QString::number(integrated); text += "Counts: " + counts + '\n'; QString xUnits; if (m_selectionType > SingleDetectorSelection && !m_plotSum) { switch(m_tubeXUnits) { case DETECTOR_ID: xUnits = "Detector ID"; break; case LENGTH: xUnits = "Length"; break; case PHI: xUnits = "Phi"; break; default: xUnits = "Detector ID"; } } else { xUnits = QString::fromStdString(instrActor->getWorkspace()->getAxis(0)->unit()->caption()); //xUnits = "Time of flight"; } text += "X units: " + xUnits + '\n'; m_selectionInfoDisplay->setText(text); } else { m_selectionInfoDisplay->clear(); m_plot->clearCurve(); // Clear the plot window m_plot->replot(); } }