void Lua_V2::WorldToScreen() { lua_Object xObj = lua_getparam(1); lua_Object yObj = lua_getparam(2); lua_Object zObj = lua_getparam(3); if (!lua_isnumber(xObj) || !lua_isnumber(yObj) || !lua_isnumber(zObj)) { lua_pushnumber(0.0); lua_pushnumber(0.0); return; } float x = lua_getnumber(xObj); float y = lua_getnumber(yObj); float z = lua_getnumber(zObj); Math::Vector3d pos = Math::Vector3d(x, y, z); const Set::Setup *setup = g_emi->getCurrSet()->getCurrSetup(); const Math::Vector3d interest = setup->_interest; const float roll = setup->_roll; const Math::Quaternion quat = Math::Quaternion(interest.x(), interest.y(), interest.z(), roll); Math::Matrix4 view = quat.toMatrix(); view.transpose(); pos -= setup->_pos; pos = view.getRotation() * pos; pos.z() = -pos.z(); Math::Matrix4 proj = GfxBase::makeProjMatrix(setup->_fov, setup->_nclip, setup->_fclip); proj.transpose(); Math::Vector4d screen = proj * Math::Vector4d(pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z(), 1.0); screen /= screen.w(); lua_pushnumber((screen.x() + 1) * 320); lua_pushnumber((1 - screen.y()) * 240); }
TEST_F(QuaternionTest, default_quaternion_is_identity_quaternion) { const Math::Quaternion<double> quat; EXPECT_EQ(1, quat.w()); EXPECT_EQ(0, quat.x()); EXPECT_EQ(0, quat.y()); EXPECT_EQ(0, quat.z()); }
Math::Quaternion<double> create_quaternion_from_small_real_component(const Math::Matrix4d& matrix) { Math::Quaternion<double> result; result.w() = 0.5 * std::sqrt(matrix_trace(matrix)); result.x() = 0.5 * std::sqrt(matrix(0,0) - matrix(1,1) - matrix(2,2) + matrix(3,3)); result.y() = 0.5 * std::sqrt(-matrix(0,0) + matrix(1,1) - matrix(2,2) + matrix(3,3)); result.z() = 0.5 * std::sqrt(-matrix(0,0) - matrix(1,1) + matrix(2,2) + matrix(3,3)); return result; }
rendering::ShadowCameraTransform rendering::lighting::DirectionalLight::CalcShadowCameraTransform(const math::Vector3D& cameraPos, const math::Quaternion& cameraRot) const { //return BaseLight::CalcShadowCameraTransform(cameraPos, cameraRot); // This function in directional light allows the directional light to be casting shadows only in the area around the camera current position ShadowCameraTransform shadowCameraTransform(cameraPos + cameraRot.GetForward() * m_halfShadowArea, GetTransform().GetTransformedRot()); /** * The reoccurring shimmering is caused by the moving shadow camera by the value less than * the shadow map texel size. If I move by, let's say, half the texel size, render the scene * and generate the shadow map again, the objects aren't going to map to exactly the same texels * in the shadow map. This causes approximation to be calculated slightly differently each frame. * To fix the shimmering effect we have to make sure we only move by the multiple of the texel size. */ /* ==================== Fixing the shimmering effect begin ==================== */ const auto shadowMapSize = static_cast<math::Real>(1 << GetShadowInfo()->GetShadowMapSizeAsPowerOf2()); const auto worldSpaceShadowMapTexelSize = m_halfShadowArea * 2.0f / shadowMapSize; // Now we transform from the world space into the light space auto lightSpaceCameraPos(shadowCameraTransform.pos.Rotate(shadowCameraTransform.rot.Conjugate())); // Now we need to snap the lightSpaceCameraPos to shadow map texel size increments lightSpaceCameraPos.x = worldSpaceShadowMapTexelSize * math::Floor(lightSpaceCameraPos.x / worldSpaceShadowMapTexelSize); lightSpaceCameraPos.y = worldSpaceShadowMapTexelSize * math::Floor(lightSpaceCameraPos.y / worldSpaceShadowMapTexelSize); // Now we transform back from the light space into the world space shadowCameraTransform.pos = lightSpaceCameraPos.Rotate(shadowCameraTransform.rot); /* ==================== Fixing the shimmering effect end ==================== */ return shadowCameraTransform; }
Math::Quaternion<double> create_quaternion_from_large_real_component(const Math::Matrix4d& matrix) { Math::Quaternion<double> result; result.w() = 0.5 * std::sqrt(matrix_trace(matrix)); result.x() = 0.25 *(matrix(2,1) - matrix(1,2))/result.w(); result.y() = 0.25 *(matrix(0,2) - matrix(2,0))/result.w(); result.z() = 0.25 *(matrix(1,0) - matrix(0,1))/result.w(); return result; }
void MotionEmuThread() { auto update_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); Math::Quaternion<float> q = MakeQuaternion(Math::Vec3<float>(), 0); Math::Quaternion<float> old_q; while (!shutdown_event.WaitUntil(update_time)) { update_time += update_duration; old_q = q; { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(tilt_mutex); // Find the quaternion describing current 3DS tilting q = MakeQuaternion(Math::MakeVec(-tilt_direction.y, 0.0f, tilt_direction.x), tilt_angle); } auto inv_q = q.Inverse(); // Set the gravity vector in world space auto gravity = Math::MakeVec(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f); // Find the angular rate vector in world space auto angular_rate = ((q - old_q) * inv_q).xyz * 2; angular_rate *= 1000 / update_millisecond / MathUtil::PI * 180; // Transform the two vectors from world space to 3DS space gravity = QuaternionRotate(inv_q, gravity); angular_rate = QuaternionRotate(inv_q, angular_rate); // Update the sensor state { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(status_mutex); status = std::make_tuple(gravity, angular_rate); } } }
TEST_F(QuaternionTest, multiplying_quaternions_with_only_real_part_gives_a_quaternion_with_only_the_real_parts_multiplied_and_no_imaginary_part) { Math::Quaternion<double> left; Math::Quaternion<double> right; left.w() = create_random_scalar(); right.w() = create_random_scalar(); auto res = left * right; EXPECT_EQ(left.w() * right.w(), res.w()); EXPECT_EQ(0, res.x()); EXPECT_EQ(0, res.y()); EXPECT_EQ(0, res.z()); }
Math::Matrix4d make_matrix_from_quaternion(const Math::Quaternion<double>& quat) { Math::Matrix4d matrix; const auto s = 2.0 / quaternion_norm(quat); matrix(0,0) -= s *(quat.y() * quat.y() + quat.z() * quat.z()); matrix(0,1) += s *(quat.x() * quat.y() - quat.w() * quat.z()); matrix(0,2) += s *(quat.x() * quat.z() + quat.w() * quat.y()); matrix(1,0) += s *(quat.x() * quat.y() + quat.w() * quat.z()); matrix(1,1) -= s *(quat.x() * quat.x() + quat.z() * quat.z()); matrix(1,2) += s *(quat.y() * quat.z() - quat.w() * quat.x()); matrix(2,0) += s *(quat.x() * quat.z() - quat.w() * quat.y()); matrix(2,1) += s *(quat.y() * quat.z() + quat.w() * quat.x()); matrix(2,2) -= s *(quat.x() * quat.x() + quat.y() * quat.y()); return matrix; }
void EMIHead::lookAt(bool entering, const Math::Vector3d &point, float rate, const Math::Matrix4 &matrix) { if (!_cost->_emiSkel || !_cost->_emiSkel->_obj) return; if (_jointName.empty()) return; Joint *joint = _cost->_emiSkel->_obj->getJointNamed(_jointName); if (!joint) return; Math::Quaternion lookAtQuat; // Note: Identity if not looking at anything. if (entering) { Math::Matrix4 jointToWorld = _cost->getOwner()->getFinalMatrix() * joint->_finalMatrix; Math::Vector3d jointWorldPos = jointToWorld.getPosition(); Math::Matrix4 worldToJoint = jointToWorld; worldToJoint.invertAffineOrthonormal(); Math::Vector3d targetDir = (point + _offset) - jointWorldPos; targetDir.normalize(); const Math::Vector3d worldUp(0, 1, 0); Math::Vector3d frontDir = Math::Vector3d(worldToJoint(0, 1), worldToJoint(1, 1), worldToJoint(2, 1)); // Look straight ahead. (+Y) Math::Vector3d modelFront(0, 0, 1); Math::Vector3d modelUp(0, 1, 0); joint->_absMatrix.inverseRotate(&modelFront); joint->_absMatrix.inverseRotate(&modelUp); // Generate a world-space look at matrix. Math::Matrix4 lookAtTM; lookAtTM.setToIdentity(); if (Math::Vector3d::dotProduct(targetDir, worldUp) >= 0.98f) // Avoid singularity if trying to look straight up. lookAtTM.buildFromTargetDir(modelFront, targetDir, modelUp, -frontDir); // Instead of orienting head towards scene up, orient head towards character "back", else if (Math::Vector3d::dotProduct(targetDir, worldUp) <= -0.98f) // Avoid singularity if trying to look straight down. lookAtTM.buildFromTargetDir(modelFront, targetDir, modelUp, frontDir); // Instead of orienting head towards scene down, orient head towards character "front", else lookAtTM.buildFromTargetDir(modelFront, targetDir, modelUp, worldUp); // Convert from world-space to joint-space. lookAtTM = worldToJoint * lookAtTM; // Apply angle limits. Math::Angle p, y, r; lookAtTM.getXYZ(&y, &p, &r, Math::EO_ZXY); y.clampDegrees(_yawRange); p.clampDegrees(_minPitch, _maxPitch); r.clampDegrees(30.0f); lookAtTM.buildFromXYZ(y, p, r, Math::EO_ZXY); lookAtQuat.fromMatrix(lookAtTM.getRotation()); } if (_headRot != lookAtQuat) { Math::Quaternion diff = _headRot.inverse() * lookAtQuat; float angle = 2 * acos(diff.w()); if (diff.w() < 0.0f) { angle = 2 * (float)M_PI - angle; } float turnAmount = g_grim->getPerSecond(rate * ((float)M_PI / 180.0f)); if (turnAmount < angle) _headRot = _headRot.slerpQuat(lookAtQuat, turnAmount / angle); else _headRot = lookAtQuat; } if (_headRot != Math::Quaternion()) { // If not identity.. joint->_animMatrix = joint->_animMatrix * _headRot.toMatrix(); joint->_animQuat = joint->_animQuat * _headRot; _cost->_emiSkel->_obj->commitAnim(); } }
void AnimationEmi::animate(Skeleton *skel, float delta) { _time += delta; if (_time > _duration) { _time = _duration; } for (int bone = 0; bone < _numBones; ++bone) { Bone &curBone = _bones[bone]; if (!curBone._target) curBone._target = skel->getJointNamed(curBone._boneName); Math::Matrix4 &relFinal = curBone._target->_finalMatrix; Math::Quaternion &quatFinal = curBone._target->_finalQuat; if (curBone._rotations) { int keyfIdx = 0; Math::Quaternion quat; Math::Vector3d relPos = relFinal.getPosition(); for (int curKeyFrame = 0; curKeyFrame < curBone._count; curKeyFrame++) { if (curBone._rotations[curKeyFrame]._time >= _time) { keyfIdx = curKeyFrame; break; } } if (keyfIdx == 0) { quat = curBone._rotations[keyfIdx]._quat; } else if (keyfIdx == curBone._count - 1) { quat = curBone._rotations[keyfIdx - 1]._quat; } else { float timeDelta = curBone._rotations[keyfIdx - 1]._time - curBone._rotations[keyfIdx]._time; float interpVal = (_time - curBone._rotations[keyfIdx]._time) / timeDelta; // Might be the other way around (keyfIdx - 1 slerped against keyfIdx) quat = curBone._rotations[keyfIdx]._quat.slerpQuat(curBone._rotations[keyfIdx - 1]._quat, interpVal); } quat.toMatrix(relFinal); quatFinal = quat; relFinal.setPosition(relPos); } if (curBone._translations) { int keyfIdx = 0; Math::Vector3d vec; for (int curKeyFrame = 0; curKeyFrame < curBone._count; curKeyFrame++) { if (curBone._translations[curKeyFrame]._time >= _time) { keyfIdx = curKeyFrame; break; } } if (keyfIdx == 0) { vec = curBone._translations[keyfIdx]._vec; } else if (keyfIdx == curBone._count - 1) { vec = curBone._translations[keyfIdx - 1]._vec; } else { float timeDelta = curBone._translations[keyfIdx - 1]._time - curBone._translations[keyfIdx]._time; float interpVal = (_time - curBone._translations[keyfIdx]._time) / timeDelta; vec.x() = curBone._translations[keyfIdx - 1]._vec.x() + (curBone._translations[keyfIdx]._vec.x() - curBone._translations[keyfIdx - 1]._vec.x()) * interpVal; vec.y() = curBone._translations[keyfIdx - 1]._vec.y() + (curBone._translations[keyfIdx]._vec.y() - curBone._translations[keyfIdx - 1]._vec.y()) * interpVal; vec.z() = curBone._translations[keyfIdx - 1]._vec.z() + (curBone._translations[keyfIdx]._vec.z() - curBone._translations[keyfIdx - 1]._vec.z()) * interpVal; } relFinal.setPosition(vec); } } }
void OnlineRotHec::addMeasurement( const Math::Quaternion& q, const Math::Quaternion& r ) { // make sure the signs of both w's are equal const double nq = q.w() < 0 ? -1 : 1; const double nr = r.w() < 0 ? -1 : 1; Math::ErrorVector< double, 3 > kalmanMeasurement; kalmanMeasurement.value( 0 ) = r.x() * nr - q.x() * nq; kalmanMeasurement.value( 1 ) = r.y() * nr - q.y() * nq; kalmanMeasurement.value( 2 ) = r.z() * nr - q.z() * nq; kalmanMeasurement.covariance = Math::Matrix< double, 3, 3 >::identity(); // do the filter update Math::Matrix< double, 3, 3 > h; skewMatrix( h, Math::Vector< double, 3 >( q.x() * nq + r.x() * nr, q.y() * nq + r.y() * nr, q.z() * nq + r.z() * nr ) ); Tracking::kalmanMeasurementUpdate< 3, 3 >( m_state, Math::Function::LinearFunction< 3, 3, double >( h ), kalmanMeasurement, 0, m_state.value.size() ); }