예제 #1
/// Puts a test case into the database.
/// \pre The test case has not been put yet.
/// \post The test case is stored into the database with a new identifier.
/// \param test_program The program containing the test case to be stored.
/// \param test_case_name The name of the test case to put.
/// \param test_program_id The test program this test case belongs to.
/// \return The identifier of the inserted test case.
/// \throw error If there is any problem when talking to the database.
store::write_transaction::put_test_case(const model::test_program& test_program,
                                        const std::string& test_case_name,
                                        const int64_t test_program_id)
    const model::test_case& test_case = test_program.find(test_case_name);

    try {
        const int64_t metadata_id = put_metadata(
            _pimpl->_db, test_case.get_raw_metadata());

        sqlite::statement stmt = _pimpl->_db.create_statement(
            "INSERT INTO test_cases (test_program_id, name, metadata_id) "
            "VALUES (:test_program_id, :name, :metadata_id)");
        stmt.bind(":test_program_id", test_program_id);
        stmt.bind(":name", test_case.name());
        stmt.bind(":metadata_id", metadata_id);
        return _pimpl->_db.last_insert_rowid();
    } catch (const sqlite::error& e) {
        throw error(e.what());