예제 #1
    bool recvData(std::vector<double>& receivedData)
        bool isDataReceived = false;
        if ( intraComm != MPI::COMM_NULL)
            MPI::Status status;
            double buffer[100];
            intraComm.Recv(buffer, 100,
                           /*tag*/ 100,

            int count = status.Get_count(MPI::DOUBLE);
            receivedData = std::vector<double>(buffer, buffer+count);

            log.Info() << "RECV [ " << getRank()
                        << " <-- "
                        << status.Get_source()
                        << " ] data : "
                        << receivedData
                        << std::endl;
            isDataReceived = true;
            log.Err() << "PID " << getProcessId()
                      << " failed to RECV"
                      << std::endl;
        return isDataReceived;
예제 #2
void transfH_MPI(mblock<double>** Ap, mblock<float>** A, unsigned* seq_part)
  unsigned rank = COMM_AHMED.Get_rank(),
                  nproc = COMM_AHMED.Get_size();

  unsigned info[8];

  if (rank==0) {
    copyH(seq_part[1]-seq_part[0], Ap, A);

    for (unsigned j=1; j<nproc; ++j) {
      for (unsigned i=seq_part[j]; i<seq_part[j+1]; ++i) {

        COMM_AHMED.Recv(info, 8, MPI::UNSIGNED, j, 7);
        A[i] = new mblock<float>(info[0], info[1]);
        float* tmp = NULL;
        if (info[7]) {
          tmp = new float[info[7]];
          COMM_AHMED.Recv(tmp, info[7], MPI::FLOAT, j, 8);
        A[i]->cpy_mbl(info+2, tmp);
        delete [] tmp;
  } else {
    for (unsigned i=seq_part[rank]; i<seq_part[rank+1]; ++i) {
      mblock<double>* p = Ap[i-seq_part[rank]];
      info[0] = p->getn1();
      info[1] = p->getn2();
      info[7] = p->nvals();
      COMM_AHMED.Send(info, 8, MPI::UNSIGNED, 0, 7);

      if (info[7]) {
        float* tmp = new float[info[7]];
        for (unsigned i=0; i<info[7]; ++i) tmp[i] = (float) p->getdata()[i];
        COMM_AHMED.Send(tmp, info[7], MPI::FLOAT, 0, 8);
        delete [] tmp;
예제 #3
   * Receive a block.
   void MemoryIArchive::recv(MPI::Intracomm& comm, int source)
      int  myRank     = comm.Get_rank();
      int  comm_size  = comm.Get_size();

      // Preconditions
      if (source > comm_size - 1 || source < 0) {
         UTIL_THROW("Source rank out of bounds");
      if (source == myRank) {
         UTIL_THROW("Source and desination identical");

      size_t recvCapacity = capacity_ + sizeof(size_t);
      comm.Recv(buffer_, recvCapacity, MPI::UNSIGNED_CHAR, source, 5);

      begin_ = buffer_ + sizeof(size_t);
      cursor_ = begin_;

      size_t* sizePtr = (size_t*) buffer_;
      size_t  size = *sizePtr;
      end_  = buffer_ + size;
예제 #4
void mltaGeHVec_MPI(double d, mblock<double>** A, double* x, double* y,
                   unsigned p, unsigned *seq_part, blcluster** blList)
  unsigned rank = COMM_AHMED.Get_rank();
  unsigned info[3];  // nblcks, beg2, n2

  if (rank == 0)

    for (unsigned j=1; j<p; j++)
      info[0] = seq_part[j+1] - seq_part[j];
      dimsx_(blList+seq_part[j], info[0], info[1], info[2]);
      COMM_AHMED.Send(info, 3, MPI::UNSIGNED, j, 1);
      COMM_AHMED.Send(x+info[1], info[2], MPI::DOUBLE, j, 2);

    // compute for processor 0
    for (unsigned i=seq_part[0]; i<seq_part[1]; ++i)
      unsigned idx = i-seq_part[0];
      A[idx]->mltaVec(d, x+blList[i]->getb2(), y+blList[i]->getb1());

    for (unsigned j=1; j<p; ++j)
      unsigned dimsy[2];
      COMM_AHMED.Recv(dimsy, 2, MPI::UNSIGNED, j, 3);

      double* tmp = new double[dimsy[1]];
      COMM_AHMED.Recv(tmp, dimsy[1], MPI::DOUBLE, j, 4);

      blas::add(dimsy[1], tmp, y+dimsy[0]);

      delete [] tmp;

    COMM_AHMED.Recv(info, 3, MPI::UNSIGNED, 0, 1);

    // receive required part of x
    double* xp = new double[info[2]];
    COMM_AHMED.Recv(xp, info[2], MPI::DOUBLE, 0, 2);

    unsigned dimsy[2];
    dimsy_(blList+seq_part[rank], info[0], dimsy[0], dimsy[1]);
    double* tmp = new double[dimsy[1]];
    blas::setzero(dimsy[1], tmp);

    for (unsigned i=seq_part[rank]; i<seq_part[rank+1]; ++i)
      unsigned idx = i-seq_part[rank];
      A[idx]->mltaVec(d, xp+blList[i]->getb2()-info[1],

    COMM_AHMED.Send(dimsy, 2, MPI::UNSIGNED, 0, 3);
    COMM_AHMED.Send(tmp, dimsy[1], MPI::DOUBLE, 0, 4);

    delete [] tmp;
    delete [] xp;
예제 #5
void worker_process(const MPI::Intracomm &comm_world, const int manager_rank, const int rank, const Mat& Q, const vector<float> &lut) {
	char flag = MANAGER_READY;
	int inputSize;
	int outputSize;
	int maskSize;
	char *input;
	char *output;
	char *mask;

	uint64_t t0, t1;
	printf("worker %d ready\n", rank);

	while (flag != MANAGER_FINISHED && flag != MANAGER_ERROR) {
		t0 = cci::common::event::timestampInUS();

		// tell the manager - ready
		comm_world.Send(&WORKER_READY, 1, MPI::CHAR, manager_rank, TAG_CONTROL);
//		printf("worker %d signal ready\n", rank);
		// get the manager status
		comm_world.Recv(&flag, 1, MPI::CHAR, manager_rank, TAG_CONTROL);
//		printf("worker %d received manager status %d\n", rank, flag);

		if (flag == MANAGER_READY) {
			// get data from manager
			comm_world.Recv(&inputSize, 1, MPI::INT, manager_rank, TAG_METADATA);
			comm_world.Recv(&maskSize, 1, MPI::INT, manager_rank, TAG_METADATA);
			comm_world.Recv(&outputSize, 1, MPI::INT, manager_rank, TAG_METADATA);

			// allocate the buffers
			input = new char[inputSize];
			mask = new char[maskSize];
			output = new char[outputSize];
			memset(input, 0, inputSize * sizeof(char));
			memset(mask, 0, maskSize * sizeof(char));
			memset(output, 0, outputSize * sizeof(char));

			// get the file names
			comm_world.Recv(input, inputSize, MPI::CHAR, manager_rank, TAG_DATA);
			comm_world.Recv(mask, maskSize, MPI::CHAR, manager_rank, TAG_DATA);
			comm_world.Recv(output, outputSize, MPI::CHAR, manager_rank, TAG_DATA);

			t0 = cci::common::event::timestampInUS();
//			printf("comm time for worker %d is %lu us\n", rank, t1 -t0);
			//printf("worker %d processing \"%s\"\n", rank, mask);

			// now do some work
			compute(input, mask, output, Q, lut);

			t1 = cci::common::event::timestampInUS();
//			printf("worker %d processed \"%s\" + \"%s\" -> \"%s\" in %lu us\n", rank, input, mask, output, t1 - t0);
			printf("worker %d processed \"%s\" in %lu us\n", rank, mask, t1 - t0);

			// clean up
			delete [] input;
			delete [] mask;
			delete [] output;

예제 #6
void manager_process(const MPI::Intracomm &comm_world, const int manager_rank, const int worker_size, std::string &maskName, std::string &imgDir, std::string &outDir, bool overwrite) {
	// first get the list of files to process
   	std::vector<std::string> filenames;
	std::vector<std::string> seg_output;
	std::vector<std::string> features_output;
	uint64_t t1, t0;

	t0 = cci::common::event::timestampInUS();
	getFiles(maskName, imgDir, outDir, filenames, seg_output, features_output, overwrite);

	t1 = cci::common::event::timestampInUS();
	printf("Manager ready at %d, file read took %lu us\n", manager_rank, t1 - t0);

	// now start the loop to listen for messages
	int curr = 0;
	int total = filenames.size();
	MPI::Status status;
	int worker_id;
	char ready;
	char *input;
	char *mask;
	char *output;
	int inputlen;
	int masklen;
	int outputlen;
	while (curr < total) {

		if (comm_world.Iprobe(MPI_ANY_SOURCE, TAG_CONTROL, status)) {
/* where is it coming from */
			comm_world.Recv(&ready, 1, MPI::CHAR, worker_id, TAG_CONTROL);
//			printf("manager received request from worker %d\n",worker_id);
			if (worker_id == manager_rank) continue;

			if(ready == WORKER_READY) {
				// tell worker that manager is ready
				comm_world.Send(&MANAGER_READY, 1, MPI::CHAR, worker_id, TAG_CONTROL);
//				printf("manager signal transfer\n");
/* send real data */
				inputlen = filenames[curr].size() + 1;  // add one to create the zero-terminated string
				masklen = seg_output[curr].size() + 1;
				outputlen = features_output[curr].size() + 1;
				input = new char[inputlen];
				memset(input, 0, sizeof(char) * inputlen);
				strncpy(input, filenames[curr].c_str(), inputlen);
				mask = new char[masklen];
				memset(mask, 0, sizeof(char) * masklen);
				strncpy(mask, seg_output[curr].c_str(), masklen);
				output = new char[outputlen];
				memset(output, 0, sizeof(char) * outputlen);
				strncpy(output, features_output[curr].c_str(), outputlen);

				comm_world.Send(&inputlen, 1, MPI::INT, worker_id, TAG_METADATA);
				comm_world.Send(&masklen, 1, MPI::INT, worker_id, TAG_METADATA);
				comm_world.Send(&outputlen, 1, MPI::INT, worker_id, TAG_METADATA);

				// now send the actual string data
				comm_world.Send(input, inputlen, MPI::CHAR, worker_id, TAG_DATA);
				comm_world.Send(mask, masklen, MPI::CHAR, worker_id, TAG_DATA);
				comm_world.Send(output, outputlen, MPI::CHAR, worker_id, TAG_DATA);

				delete [] input;
				delete [] mask;
				delete [] output;


			if (curr % 100 == 1) {
				printf("[ MANAGER STATUS ] %d tasks remaining.\n", total - curr);

/* tell everyone to quit */
	int active_workers = worker_size;
	while (active_workers > 0) {

		if (comm_world.Iprobe(MPI_ANY_SOURCE, TAG_CONTROL, status)) {
		/* where is it coming from */
			comm_world.Recv(&ready, 1, MPI::CHAR, worker_id, TAG_CONTROL);
//			printf("manager received request from worker %d\n",worker_id);
			if (worker_id == manager_rank) continue;

			if(ready == WORKER_READY) {
				comm_world.Send(&MANAGER_FINISHED, 1, MPI::CHAR, worker_id, TAG_CONTROL);
//				printf("manager signal finished\n");