void threadParamEvalFunction_init(int ndim, NEWMAT::ColumnVector& x) { for (int i = 0; i < ndim; i++) { x.element(i) = opt_params_thread_params.orig_params->element(i); } }
void energyEvalFunction_init(int ndim, NEWMAT::ColumnVector& x) { for (int i = 0; i < ndim; i++) { x.element(i) = opt_params.orig_params_each_piece->element(i); } }
void ossimRpcProjection::buildNormalEquation(const ossimTieGptSet& tieSet, NEWMAT::SymmetricMatrix& A, NEWMAT::ColumnVector& residue, NEWMAT::ColumnVector& projResidue, double pstep_scale) { //goal: build Least Squares system //constraint: never store full Jacobian matrix in memory (can be huge) // so we build the matrices incrementally // the system can be built using forward() or inverse() depending on the projection capabilities : useForward() // //TBD : add covariance matrix for each tie point //init int np = getNumberOfAdjustableParameters(); int dimObs; bool useImageObs = useForward(); //caching if (useImageObs) { dimObs = 2; //image observation } else { dimObs = 3; //ground observations } int no = dimObs * tieSet.size(); //number of observations A.ReSize(np); residue.ReSize(no); projResidue.ReSize(np); //Zeroify matrices that will be accumulated A = 0.0; projResidue = 0.0; const vector<ossimRefPtr<ossimTieGpt> >& theTPV = tieSet.getTiePoints(); vector<ossimRefPtr<ossimTieGpt> >::const_iterator tit; unsigned long c=1; if (useImageObs) { //image observations ossimDpt* imDerp = new ossimDpt[np]; ossimDpt resIm; // loop on tie points for (tit = theTPV.begin() ; tit != theTPV.end() ; ++tit) { //compute residue resIm = (*tit)->tie - forward(*(*tit)); residue(c++) = resIm.x; residue(c++) = resIm.y; //compute all image derivatives regarding parametres for the tie point position for(int p=0;p<np;++p) { imDerp[p] = getForwardDeriv( p , *(*tit) , pstep_scale); } //compute influence of tie point on all sytem elements for(int p1=0;p1<np;++p1) { //proj residue: J * residue projResidue.element(p1) += imDerp[p1].x * resIm.x + imDerp[p1].y * resIm.y; //normal matrix A = transpose(J)*J for(int p2=p1;p2<np;++p2) { A.element(p1,p2) += imDerp[p1].x * imDerp[p2].x + imDerp[p1].y * imDerp[p2].y; } } } delete []imDerp; } else { // ground observations std::vector<ossimGpt> gdDerp(np); ossimGpt gd, resGd; // loop on tie points for (tit = theTPV.begin() ; tit != theTPV.end() ; ++tit) { //compute residue gd = inverse((*tit)->tie); residue(c++) = resGd.lon = ((*tit)->lon - gd.lon) * 100000.0; residue(c++) = resGd.lat = ((*tit)->lat - gd.lat) * 100000.0 * cos(gd.lat / 180.0 * M_PI); residue(c++) = resGd.hgt = (*tit)->hgt - gd.hgt; //TBD : normalize to meters? //compute all image derivatives regarding parametres for the tie point position for(int p=0;p<np;++p) { gdDerp[p] = getInverseDeriv( p , (*tit)->tie, pstep_scale); } //compute influence of tie point on all sytem elements for(int p1=0;p1<np;++p1) { //proj residue: J * residue projResidue.element(p1) += gdDerp[p1].lon * resGd.lon + gdDerp[p1].lat * resGd.lat + gdDerp[p1].hgt * resGd.hgt; //TBC //normal matrix A = transpose(J)*J for(int p2=p1;p2<np;++p2) { A.element(p1,p2) += gdDerp[p1].lon * gdDerp[p2].lon + gdDerp[p1].lat * gdDerp[p2].lat + gdDerp[p1].hgt * gdDerp[p2].hgt; } } } } //end of if (useImageObs) }