void NOMAD::Speculative_Search::search ( NOMAD::Mads              & mads           ,
					 int                      & nb_search_pts  ,
					 bool                     & stop           ,
					 NOMAD::stop_type         & stop_reason    ,
					 NOMAD::success_type      & success        ,
					 bool                     & count_search   ,
					 const NOMAD::Eval_Point *& new_feas_inc   ,
					 const NOMAD::Eval_Point *& new_infeas_inc   )
  // new_feas_inc and new_infeas_inc are used as inputs,
  // so do not initialize them to NULL here

  nb_search_pts = 0;
  success       = NOMAD::UNSUCCESSFUL;
  count_search  = !stop;

  if ( stop )
  const NOMAD::Display    & out = _p.out();
  NOMAD::dd_type display_degree = out.get_search_dd();
  if ( display_degree == NOMAD::FULL_DISPLAY ) {
    std::ostringstream oss;
    oss << NOMAD::SPEC_SEARCH;
    out << std::endl << NOMAD::open_block ( oss.str() ) << std::endl;

  int                       lkm1;  // l_{k-1}
  int                       lk;    // l_k
  int                       n;
  NOMAD::Signature        * signature;
  NOMAD::Point              delta_m_k;
  NOMAD::Point              delta_m_km1;
  NOMAD::Point              factor;
  NOMAD::Point              xkm1;
  NOMAD::Eval_Point       * sk;
  const NOMAD::Eval_Point * x[2];
  x[0] = new_feas_inc;
  x[1] = new_infeas_inc;
  // Evaluator_Control:
  NOMAD::Evaluator_Control & ev_control = mads.get_evaluator_control();

  for ( int i = 0 ; i < 2 ; ++i ) {    
    if ( x[i] && x[i]->get_mesh_index() ) {

      const NOMAD::Direction * dir = x[i]->get_direction();
      if ( dir && ( dir->is_mads() || dir->get_type()==NOMAD::MODEL_SEARCH_DIR ) ) {

	// get the x_k's signature:
	signature = x[i]->get_signature();
	if ( !signature )
	  throw NOMAD::Exception ( "Speculative_Search.cpp" , __LINE__ ,
	  "Speculative_Search::search(): could not get the signature" );
	xkm1 = *x[i] - *dir;
	lk = lkm1 = *x[i]->get_mesh_index();
	NOMAD::Mesh::update ( NOMAD::FULL_SUCCESS , lk );
	n           = signature->get_n();
	delta_m_k   = NOMAD::Point ( n );
	delta_m_km1 = NOMAD::Point ( n );
	factor      = NOMAD::Point ( n );

	signature->get_mesh().get_delta_m ( delta_m_k   , lk   );
	signature->get_mesh().get_delta_m ( delta_m_km1 , lkm1 );
	// multiplicative factor: takes into account the fact that
	// the direction contains \Delta^m_k:
	try {

	  // factor = delta_m_k / delta_m_km1 :
	  for ( int k = 0 ; k < n ; ++k ) {
	    if ( delta_m_k[k].is_defined()   && delta_m_km1[k].is_defined() &&
		 delta_m_k[k].value() != 0.0 && delta_m_km1[k].value() != 0.0 )
	      factor[k] = delta_m_k[k] / delta_m_km1[k];
	      factor[k] = 0.0;
	catch ( NOMAD::Double::Invalid_Value & ) {
	  if ( display_degree == NOMAD::FULL_DISPLAY )
	    out << "could not compute " << _type << " point: stop" << std::endl
		<< NOMAD::close_block ( "end of speculative search" );
	  stop        = true;
	  stop_reason = NOMAD::MESH_PREC_REACHED;
	if ( lkm1 <= 0 )
	  factor *= NOMAD::Mesh::get_mesh_update_basis();
	// speculative search point:
	NOMAD::Direction new_dir ( n , 0.0 , dir->get_type() );
	new_dir.Point::operator = ( factor * *dir );
	sk = new NOMAD::Eval_Point;
	sk->set ( n , _p.get_bb_nb_outputs() );
	sk->set_signature  ( signature );
	sk->set_direction  ( &new_dir );
	sk->set_mesh_index ( &lk );
	sk->Point::operator = ( xkm1 + new_dir );

	if ( display_degree == NOMAD::FULL_DISPLAY ) {
	  out << "trial point #" << sk->get_tag()
	      << ": ( ";
	  sk->Point::display ( out ," " , 2 , NOMAD::Point::get_display_limit() );
	  out << " )" << std::endl;
	// add the new point to the list of search trial points:
	ev_control.add_eval_point ( sk                      ,
				    display_degree          ,
				    _p.get_snap_to_bounds() ,
				    NOMAD::Double()         ,
				    NOMAD::Double()         ,
				    NOMAD::Double()         ,
				    NOMAD::Double()           );
  nb_search_pts = ev_control.get_nb_eval_points();
  // eval_list_of_points:
  // --------------------
  new_feas_inc = new_infeas_inc = NULL;

  ev_control.eval_list_of_points ( _type                   ,
				   mads.get_true_barrier() ,
				   mads.get_sgte_barrier() ,
				   mads.get_pareto_front() ,
				   stop                    ,
				   stop_reason             ,
				   new_feas_inc            ,
				   new_infeas_inc          ,
				   success                   );

  if ( display_degree == NOMAD::FULL_DISPLAY ) {
    std::ostringstream oss;
    oss << "end of speculative search (" << success << ")";
    out << NOMAD::close_block ( oss.str() ) << std::endl;
예제 #2
void NOMAD::LH_Search::search(NOMAD::Mads               &mads           ,
                              int                       &nb_search_pts  ,
                              bool                      &stop           ,
                              NOMAD::stop_type          &stop_reason    ,
                              NOMAD::success_type       &success        ,
                              bool                      &count_search   ,
                              const NOMAD::Eval_Point  *&new_feas_inc   ,
                              const NOMAD::Eval_Point  *&new_infeas_inc)
    new_feas_inc = new_infeas_inc = NULL;
    nb_search_pts = 0;
    success       = NOMAD::UNSUCCESSFUL;
    count_search  = !stop;

    if (stop)

    // initial display:
    const NOMAD::Display     &out = _p.out();
    NOMAD::dd_type display_degree = out.get_search_dd();
    if (display_degree == NOMAD::FULL_DISPLAY)
        std::ostringstream oss;
        oss << NOMAD::LH_SEARCH;
        out << std::endl << NOMAD::open_block(oss.str()) << std::endl;

    // active barrier:
    const NOMAD::Barrier      &barrier = mads.get_active_barrier();

    // Evaluator_Control:
    NOMAD::Evaluator_Control &ev_control = mads.get_evaluator_control();

    // current incumbents:
    const NOMAD::Eval_Point   *feas_inc   = barrier.get_best_feasible();
    const NOMAD::Eval_Point   *infeas_inc = barrier.get_best_infeasible();

    // get a reference point and a signature:
    const NOMAD::Eval_Point   *ref       = (feas_inc) ? feas_inc : infeas_inc;
    NOMAD::Signature          *signature = _p.get_signature();

    // check the number of points:
    int p = _initial_search ? _p.get_LH_search_p0() : _p.get_LH_search_pi();
    if (p <= 0)
        if (display_degree == NOMAD::FULL_DISPLAY)
            std::ostringstream oss;
            oss << "end of LH " << (_initial_search ? "initial " : "")
                << "search (number of points <= 0)";
            out << std::endl << NOMAD::close_block(oss.str()) << std::endl;

    // no reference point is available (we consider the standard signature):
    if (!ref)

        // it is not sufficient with categorical variables:
        if (signature->has_categorical())
            if (display_degree == NOMAD::FULL_DISPLAY)
                std::ostringstream oss;
                oss << "end of LH " << (_initial_search ? "initial " : "")
                    << "search (no available reference point)";
                out << std::endl << NOMAD::close_block(oss.str()) << std::endl;
        signature = ref->get_signature();

    // Change Display stats style
    const std::list<std::string>         old_ds = _p.get_display_stats();
    std::list<std::string>                 ds    = old_ds;
    ds.push_back(" (LH)");

    // check the parameters:
    _p.check(false ,      // remove_history_file  = false
             false ,    // remove_solution_file = false
             false);    // remove_stats_file    = false

    int                      i;
    NOMAD::Eval_Point       *x;
    int                      n          = signature->get_n();
    int                      m          = _p.get_bb_nb_outputs();
    int                      mesh_index = NOMAD::Mesh::get_mesh_index();
    int                      pm1        = p-1;

    // mesh sizes:
    NOMAD::Point delta_m_max(n);
    signature->get_mesh().get_delta_m(delta_m_max , NOMAD::Mesh::get_min_mesh_index());

    NOMAD::Double delta_m_i;
    NOMAD::Point  delta_m;
    if (!_initial_search)
        signature->get_mesh().get_delta_m(delta_m , mesh_index);

    // fixed variables:
    const NOMAD::Point &fixed_variables = signature->get_fixed_variables();

    // bb input types:
    const std::vector<NOMAD::bb_input_type> &bbit = signature->get_input_types();

    // bounds:
    const NOMAD::Point &lb = signature->get_lb();
    const NOMAD::Point &ub = signature->get_ub();

    // pts contains n points of dimension p: each of these points contains
    // p different values for each variable:
    NOMAD::Point **pts = new NOMAD::Point * [n];

    // creation of p search points:
    for (int k = 0 ; k < p ; ++k)

        x = new NOMAD::Eval_Point(n , m);

        for (i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i)

            if (k==0)
                if (fixed_variables[i].is_defined())
                    pts[i] = new NOMAD::Point(p , fixed_variables[i]);
                else if (bbit[i] == NOMAD::CATEGORICAL)
                    pts[i] = new NOMAD::Point(p , (*ref)[i]);
                    pts[i] = new NOMAD::Point(p);

                    // for the initial mesh: delta_m is not used and there will
                    // be no projection on mesh:
                    if (!_initial_search)
                        delta_m_i = delta_m[i];

                    values_for_var_i(p               ,
                                     delta_m_i       ,
                                     delta_m_max[i]  ,
                                     bbit       [i]  ,
                                     lb         [i]  ,
                                     ub         [i]  ,
                                     *pts       [i]);

            (*x)[i] = (*pts[i])[k];

            if (k == pm1)
                delete pts[i];

        if (display_degree == NOMAD::FULL_DISPLAY)
            out << "LH point #" << x->get_tag()
                << ": ( ";
            x->Point::display(out , " " , 2 , NOMAD::Point::get_display_limit());
            out << " )" << std::endl;

        // add the new point to the ordered list of search trial points:
        ev_control.add_eval_point(x               ,
                                  display_degree  ,
                                  false           ,  // snap_to_bounds = false
                                  NOMAD::Double() ,
                                  NOMAD::Double() ,
                                  NOMAD::Double() ,

    delete [] pts;

    nb_search_pts = ev_control.get_nb_eval_points();

    // eval_list_of_points:
    // --------------------
    new_feas_inc = new_infeas_inc = NULL;
    ev_control.eval_list_of_points(_type                   ,
                                   mads.get_true_barrier() ,
                                   mads.get_sgte_barrier() ,
                                   mads.get_pareto_front() ,
                                   stop                    ,
                                   stop_reason             ,
                                   new_feas_inc            ,
                                   new_infeas_inc          ,


    // restore stats style
    _p.check(false ,      // remove_history_file  = false
             false ,    // remove_solution_file = false
             false);    // remove_stats_file    = false

    // final displays:
    if (display_degree == NOMAD::FULL_DISPLAY)
        std::ostringstream oss;
        oss << "end of LH search (" << success << ")";
        out << std::endl << NOMAD::close_block(oss.str()) << std::endl;
