Ogre::Bone* EC_Mesh::GetBone(const QString& boneName) const { std::string boneNameStd = boneName.toStdString(); if (!entity_) return 0; Ogre::Skeleton* skel = entity_->getSkeleton(); if (skel && skel->hasBone(boneNameStd)) return skel->getBone(boneNameStd); else return 0; }
void NPCCharacter::_behaviorMove(const Ogre::Vector3& target) { //Check for duplicate move calls and update lua function call with that info //std::cout << target << std::endl; if(_destination.squaredDistance(target) >= 5) { updateDestination(target,false); _destination = target; } if(destinationReached()) { _isBhvFinished = true; } else { _isBhvFinished = false; } //point the character in the direction it's traveling Ogre::Vector3 vel = getVelocity(); float speed = vel.length(); vel.y = 0; vel.normalise(); if(speed > .2f) { Ogre::Vector3 src = _node->getOrientation() * Ogre::Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z; src.y = 0; //moving sufficiently fast, change to moving animation and point character Utility::rotateToTarget(_node,vel,true); //change animation if needed. if(_animHandler.getSource() != nullptr) { Ogre::AnimationState* target = _animHandler.getTarget(); //this relies on the properties of the '&&' construct used by C++(if the first is false, //then the if-statement is false. It DOESN'T check both fields. if((target == nullptr && _animHandler.getSource()->getAnimationName() != "Walk") || (target != nullptr && target->getAnimationName() != "Walk")) { _animHandler.blend("Walk",AnimationBlender::BlendWhileAnimating,.2f,true); } } } //also have to reset the head, since I'm manually controlling it. Ogre::Skeleton* skel = static_cast<Ogre::Entity*>(_movableObject)->getSkeleton(); Ogre::Bone* headBone = skel->getBone("Bip01_Head"); //not sure how to do this. }
//This is basically just a time-waster void NPCCharacter::_actionIdle() { //want the head to point straight ahead when it's idling Ogre::Bone* headBone; Ogre::Skeleton* skel = static_cast<Ogre::Entity*>(_movableObject)->getSkeleton(); headBone = skel->getBone("Bip01_Head"); if(headBone->isManuallyControlled()) { //rotate it to be aligned with the body. } _isActFinished = true; }
bool EC_Mesh::SetAttachmentMesh(uint index, const std::string& mesh_name, const std::string& attach_point, bool share_skeleton) { if (!ViewEnabled()) return false; OgreWorldPtr world = world_.lock(); if (!entity_) { LogError("EC_Mesh::SetAttachmentMesh: No mesh entity created yet, can not create attachments!"); return false; } Ogre::SceneManager* sceneMgr = world->OgreSceneManager(); size_t oldsize = attachment_entities_.size(); size_t newsize = index + 1; if (oldsize < newsize) { attachment_entities_.resize(newsize); attachment_nodes_.resize(newsize); for(uint i = oldsize; i < newsize; ++i) { attachment_entities_[i] = 0; attachment_nodes_[i] = 0; } } RemoveAttachmentMesh(index); Ogre::Mesh* mesh = PrepareMesh(mesh_name, false); if (!mesh) return false; if (share_skeleton) { // If sharing a skeleton, force the attachment mesh to use the same skeleton // This is theoretically quite a scary operation, for there is possibility for things to go wrong Ogre::SkeletonPtr entity_skel = entity_->getMesh()->getSkeleton(); if (entity_skel.isNull()) { LogError("EC_Mesh::SetAttachmentMesh: Cannot share skeleton for attachment, not found"); return false; } try { mesh->_notifySkeleton(entity_skel); } catch(const Ogre::Exception &/*e*/) { LogError("EC_Mesh::SetAttachmentMesh: Could not set shared skeleton for attachment"); return false; } } try { QString entityName = QString("EC_Mesh_attach") + QString::number(index); attachment_entities_[index] = sceneMgr->createEntity(world->GetUniqueObjectName(entityName.toStdString()), mesh->getName()); if (!attachment_entities_[index]) { LogError("EC_Mesh::SetAttachmentMesh: Could not set attachment mesh " + mesh_name); return false; } attachment_entities_[index]->setRenderingDistance(drawDistance.Get()); attachment_entities_[index]->setCastShadows(castShadows.Get()); attachment_entities_[index]->setUserAny(entity_->getUserAny()); // Set UserAny also on subentities for(uint i = 0; i < attachment_entities_[index]->getNumSubEntities(); ++i) attachment_entities_[index]->getSubEntity(i)->setUserAny(entity_->getUserAny()); Ogre::Bone* attach_bone = 0; if (!attach_point.empty()) { Ogre::Skeleton* skel = entity_->getSkeleton(); if (skel && skel->hasBone(attach_point)) attach_bone = skel->getBone(attach_point); } if (attach_bone) { Ogre::TagPoint* tag = entity_->attachObjectToBone(attach_point, attachment_entities_[index]); attachment_nodes_[index] = tag; } else { QString nodeName = QString("EC_Mesh_attachment_") + QString::number(index); Ogre::SceneNode* node = sceneMgr->createSceneNode(world->GetUniqueObjectName(nodeName.toStdString())); node->attachObject(attachment_entities_[index]); adjustment_node_->addChild(node); attachment_nodes_[index] = node; } if (share_skeleton && entity_->hasSkeleton() && attachment_entities_[index]->hasSkeleton()) { attachment_entities_[index]->shareSkeletonInstanceWith(entity_); } } catch(Ogre::Exception& e) { LogError("EC_Mesh::SetAttachmentMesh: Could not set attachment mesh " + mesh_name + ": " + std::string(e.what())); return false; } return true; }
bool OgreSmartBody::frameRenderingQueued(const Ogre::FrameEvent& evt) { if(mWindow->isClosed()) return false; //Need to capture/update each device mKeyboard->capture(); mMouse->capture(); if(mKeyboard->isKeyDown(OIS::KC_ESCAPE)) return false; // smartbody if (!m_pScene) return true; SmartBody::SBSimulationManager* sim = m_pScene->getSimulationManager(); sim->setTime((Ogre::Root::getSingleton().getTimer()->getMilliseconds() / 1000.0f) - mStartTime); m_pScene->update(); int numCharacters = m_pScene->getNumCharacters(); if (numCharacters == 0) return true; const std::vector<std::string>& characterNames = m_pScene->getCharacterNames(); for (size_t n = 0; n < characterNames.size(); n++) { SmartBody::SBCharacter* character = m_pScene->getCharacter(characterNames[n]); if (!this->getSceneManager()->hasEntity(characterNames[n])) continue; Ogre::Entity* entity = this->getSceneManager()->getEntity(characterNames[n]); Ogre::Skeleton* meshSkel = entity->getSkeleton(); Ogre::Node* node = entity->getParentNode(); SrVec pos = character->getPosition(); SrQuat ori = character->getOrientation(); //std::cout << ori.w << ori.x << " " << ori.y << " " << ori.z << std::endl; node->setPosition(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); node->setOrientation(ori.w, ori.x, ori.y, ori.z); // Update joints SmartBody::SBSkeleton* sbSkel = character->getSkeleton(); int numJoints = sbSkel->getNumJoints(); for (int j = 0; j < numJoints; j++) { SmartBody::SBJoint* joint = sbSkel->getJoint(j); try { SrQuat orientation = joint->quat()->value(); Ogre::Vector3 posDelta(joint->getPosition().x, joint->getPosition().y, joint->getPosition().z); Ogre::Quaternion quatDelta(orientation.w, orientation.x, orientation.y, orientation.z); Ogre::Bone* bone = meshSkel->getBone(joint->getName()); if (!bone) continue; bone->setPosition(bone->getInitialPosition() + posDelta); bone->setOrientation(quatDelta); } catch (Ogre::ItemIdentityException& ex) { // Should not happen as we filtered using m_mValidBones } } } return true; }
void NPCCharacter::_actionLook(const Ogre::Vector3& target) { Ogre::Bone* headBone; std::string n = _node->getName(); Ogre::Skeleton* skel = static_cast<Ogre::Entity*>(_movableObject)->getSkeleton(); headBone = skel->getBone("Bip01_Head"); headBone->setManuallyControlled(true); headBone->setInheritOrientation(true); int nAnim = skel->getNumAnimations(); //have to do this to allow the head to turn properly. for(int i = 0; i < nAnim; ++i) { skel->getAnimation(i)->destroyNodeTrack(headBone->getHandle()); } Ogre::Vector3 test = headBone->_getDerivedPosition() * CHARACTER_SCALE_FACTOR + _node->getPosition(); Ogre::Vector3 dir = target - test; Ogre::Quaternion nodeRot,boneRot; Ogre::Euler boneEuler; boneEuler.setDirection(dir,true,false); /*boneRot = _node->convertLocalToWorldOrientation(_node->getOrientation()) * headBone->_getDerivedOrientation(); Ogre::Vector3 boneTest = boneRot * Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Z;*/ //Ogre::Vector3 boneTest = headBone->getOrientation() * Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Z; //turns the direction vector into a 2D normalized vector on the X/Z axis. dir.y = 0; dir.normalise(); //All of this ray query stuff is to make sure that the AI can "see" the target before attempting to look at it. Ogre::SceneManager* scene = _node->getCreator(); Ogre::Ray ray(headBone->_getDerivedPosition() * CHARACTER_SCALE_FACTOR + _node->getPosition(),dir); Ogre::RaySceneQuery* query = scene->createRayQuery(ray); query->setSortByDistance(true); query->setQueryMask(CHARACTER_MASK | SCENERY_MASK); Ogre::RaySceneQueryResult results = query->execute(); bool withinView = false; if(results.size() == 0) { withinView = true; } else { if(results.begin()->movable->getParentNode()->getName() == getName()) { if(results.size() == 1) { withinView = true; } } if(!withinView && results.size() > 1 && std::next(results.begin())->distance > test.distance(target)) { withinView = true; } } scene->destroyQuery(query); if(withinView) { Ogre::Euler node; Ogre::Euler t = headOrientation.getRotationTo(dir); t.limitYaw(Ogre::Radian(3.0)); t.limitPitch(Ogre::Radian(0.0)); headOrientation = headOrientation + t; headOrientation.limitYaw(Ogre::Degree(100)); headOrientation.limitPitch(Ogre::Degree(60)); headBone->setOrientation(headOrientation); /*headBone->rotate(boneTest.getRotationTo(dir),Ogre::Node::TS_WORLD); Ogre::Quaternion boneRotation = _node->convertLocalToWorldOrientation(_node->getOrientation()) * headBone->_getDerivedOrientation() * (Ogre::Quaternion(Ogre::Degree(180),Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Y)); Ogre::Quaternion nodeRotation = _node->_getDerivedOrientation(); Ogre::Quaternion diff = nodeRotation.Inverse() * boneRotation;*/ } _isActFinished = true; }