예제 #1
int showMsgBox(Ogre::UTFString title, Ogre::UTFString err, int type)
    // we might call the showMsgBox without having ogre created yet!
    //LOG("message box: " + title + ": " + err);
    int mtype = MB_ICONERROR;
    if(type == 1) mtype = MB_ICONINFORMATION;
    MessageBoxW( NULL, err.asWStr_c_str(), title.asWStr_c_str(), MB_OK | mtype | MB_TOPMOST);
    printf("\n\n%s: %s\n\n", title.asUTF8_c_str(), err.asUTF8_c_str());
    printf("\n\n%s: %s\n\n", title.asUTF8_c_str(), err.asUTF8_c_str());
    //CFOptionFlags flgs;
    //CFUserNotificationDisplayAlert(0, kCFUserNotificationStopAlertLevel, NULL, NULL, NULL, T("A network error occured"), T("Bad server port."), NULL, NULL, NULL, &flgs);
    return 0;
예제 #2
int showWebError(Ogre::UTFString title, Ogre::UTFString err, Ogre::UTFString url)
    // NO logmanager use, because it could be that its not initialized yet!
    //LOG("web message box: " + title + ": " + err + " / url: " + url);
    Ogre::UTFString additional = _L("\n\nYou can eventually get help here:\n\n") + url + _L("\n\nDo you want to open that address in your default browser now?");
    err = err + additional;
    int Response = MessageBoxW( NULL, err.asWStr_c_str(), title.asWStr_c_str(), MB_YESNO | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TOPMOST | MB_SYSTEMMODAL | MB_SETFOREGROUND );
    // 6 (IDYES) = yes, 7 (IDNO) = no
    if(Response == IDYES)
        // Microsoft conversion hell follows :|
        wchar_t *command = L"open";
        ShellExecuteW(NULL, command, url.asWStr_c_str(), NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
    printf("\n\n%s: %s / url: %s\n\n", title.asUTF8_c_str(), err.asUTF8_c_str(), url.asUTF8_c_str());
    printf("\n\n%s: %s / url: %s\n\n", title.asUTF8_c_str(), err.asUTF8_c_str(), url.asUTF8_c_str());
    //CFOptionFlags flgs;
    //CFUserNotificationDisplayAlert(0, kCFUserNotificationStopAlertLevel, NULL, NULL, NULL, "An exception has occured!", err.c_str(), NULL, NULL, NULL, &flgs);
    return 0;
예제 #3
void CLASS::UpdateStats(float dt, Beam *truck)
	if (!MAIN_WIDGET->getVisible()) return;

	if (b_fpsbox)
		const Ogre::RenderTarget::FrameStats& stats = Application::GetOgreSubsystem()->GetRenderWindow()->getStatistics();
		m_cur_fps->setCaptionWithReplacing("Current FPS: " + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(stats.lastFPS));
		m_avg_fps->setCaptionWithReplacing("Average FPS: " + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(stats.avgFPS));
		m_worst_fps->setCaptionWithReplacing("Worst FPS: " + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(stats.worstFPS));
		m_best_fps->setCaptionWithReplacing("Best FPS: " + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(stats.bestFPS));
		m_triangle_count->setCaptionWithReplacing("Triangle count: " + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(stats.triangleCount));
		m_batch_count->setCaptionWithReplacing("Batch count: " + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(stats.batchCount));

	if (b_truckinfo && truck != nullptr)
		truckstats = "\n"; //always reset on each frame + space

		//taken from TruckHUD.cpp, needs cleanup
		beam_t *beam = truck->getBeams();
		float average_deformation = 0.0f;
		float beamstress = 0.0f;
		float current_deformation = 0.0f;
		float mass = truck->getTotalMass();
		int beamCount = truck->getBeamCount();
		int beambroken = 0;
		int beamdeformed = 0;

		for (int i = 0; i < beamCount; i++, beam++)
			if (beam->broken != 0)
			beamstress += beam->stress;
			current_deformation = fabs(beam->L - beam->refL);
			if (fabs(current_deformation) > 0.0001f && beam->type != BEAM_HYDRO && beam->type != BEAM_INVISIBLE_HYDRO)
			average_deformation += current_deformation;

		float health = ((float)beambroken / (float)beamCount) * 10.0f + ((float)beamdeformed / (float)beamCount);
		if (health < 1.0f)
			truckstats = truckstats + MainThemeColor + "Vehicle's health: " + WhiteColor + TOUTFSTRING(Round((1.0f - health) * 100.0f, 2)) + U("%") + "\n";
		else if (health >= 1.0f)
			//When this condition is true, it means that health is at 0% which means 100% of destruction.
			truckstats = truckstats + MainThemeColor + "Vehicle's destruction: " + WhiteColor + U("100%") + "\n";

		truckstats = truckstats + MainThemeColor + "Beam count: " + WhiteColor + TOUTFSTRING(beamCount) + "\n";
		truckstats = truckstats + MainThemeColor + "Broken Beams count: " + WhiteColor + TOUTFSTRING(beambroken) + U(" (") + TOUTFSTRING(Round((float)beambroken / (float)beamCount, 2) * 100.0f) + U("%)") + "\n";
		truckstats = truckstats + MainThemeColor + "Deformed Beams count: " + WhiteColor + TOUTFSTRING(beamdeformed) + U(" (") + TOUTFSTRING(Round((float)beamdeformed / (float)beamCount, 2) * 100.0f) + U("%)") + "\n";
		truckstats = truckstats + MainThemeColor + "Average Deformation: " + WhiteColor + TOUTFSTRING(Round((float)average_deformation / (float)beamCount, 4) * 100.0f) + "\n";

		//Taken from TruckHUD.cpp ..
		wchar_t beamstressstr[256];
		swprintf(beamstressstr, 256, L"%+08.0f", 1 - (float)beamstress / (float)beamCount);
		truckstats = truckstats + MainThemeColor + "Average Stress: " + WhiteColor + Ogre::UTFString(beamstressstr) + "\n";

		truckstats = truckstats + "\n"; //Some space

		int ncount = truck->getNodeCount();
		int wcount = truck->getWheelNodeCount();
		wchar_t nodecountstr[256];
		swprintf(nodecountstr, 256, L"%d (wheels: %d)", ncount, wcount);
		truckstats = truckstats + MainThemeColor + "Node count: " + WhiteColor + Ogre::UTFString(nodecountstr) + "\n";

		wchar_t truckmassstr[256];
		Ogre::UTFString massstr;
		swprintf(truckmassstr, 256, L"%ls %8.2f kg (%.2f tons)", massstr.asWStr_c_str(), mass, mass / 1000.0f);
		truckstats = truckstats + MainThemeColor + "Total mass: " + WhiteColor + Ogre::UTFString(truckmassstr) + "\n";

		truckstats = truckstats + "\n"; //Some space

		if (truck->driveable == TRUCK && truck->engine)
			if (truck->engine->getRPM() > truck->engine->getMaxRPM())
				truckstats = truckstats + MainThemeColor + "Engine RPM: " + RedColor + TOUTFSTRING(Round(truck->engine->getRPM())) + U(" / ") + TOUTFSTRING(Round(truck->engine->getMaxRPM())) + "\n";
				truckstats = truckstats + MainThemeColor + "Engine RPM: " + WhiteColor + TOUTFSTRING(Round(truck->engine->getRPM())) + U(" / ") + TOUTFSTRING(Round(truck->engine->getMaxRPM())) + "\n";

			float currentKw = (((truck->engine->getRPM() * truck->engine->getEngineTorque() *(3.14159265358979323846 /* pi.. */ / 30)) / 1000));

			truckstats = truckstats + MainThemeColor + "Current Power: " + WhiteColor + TOUTFSTRING(Round(currentKw *1.34102209)) + U(" hp / ") + TOUTFSTRING(Round(currentKw)) + U(" Kw") + "\n";

			float velocityKMH = truck->WheelSpeed* 3.6f;
			float velocityMPH = truck->WheelSpeed * 2.23693629f;
			float carSpeedKPH = truck->nodes[0].Velocity.length() * 3.6f;
			float carSpeedMPH = truck->nodes[0].Velocity.length() * 2.23693629f;

			// apply a deadzone ==> no flickering +/-
			if (fabs(truck->WheelSpeed) < 1.0f)
				velocityKMH = velocityMPH = 0.0f;
			if (fabs(truck->nodes[0].Velocity.length()) < 1.0f)
				carSpeedKPH = carSpeedMPH = 0.0f;

			//Some kind of wheel skidding detection? lol
			if (Round(velocityKMH, 0.1) > Round(carSpeedKPH, 0.1) + 2)
				truckstats = truckstats + MainThemeColor + "Wheel speed: " + RedColor + TOUTFSTRING(Round(velocityKMH)) + U(" km/h (") + TOUTFSTRING(Round(velocityMPH)) + U(" mph)") + "\n";
			else if (Round(velocityKMH, 0.1) < Round(carSpeedKPH, 0.1) - 2)
				truckstats = truckstats + MainThemeColor + "Wheel speed: " + BlueColor + TOUTFSTRING(Round(velocityKMH)) + U(" km/h (") + TOUTFSTRING(Round(velocityMPH)) + U(" mph)") + "\n";
				truckstats = truckstats + MainThemeColor + "Wheel speed: " + WhiteColor + TOUTFSTRING(Round(velocityKMH)) + U(" km/h (") + TOUTFSTRING(Round(velocityMPH)) + U(" mph)") + "\n";

			truckstats = truckstats + MainThemeColor + "Car speed: " + WhiteColor + TOUTFSTRING(Round(carSpeedKPH)) + U(" km/h (") + TOUTFSTRING(Round(carSpeedMPH)) + U(" mph)") + "\n";
			float speedKN = truck->nodes[0].Velocity.length() * 1.94384449f;
			truckstats = truckstats + MainThemeColor + "Current Speed: " + WhiteColor + TOUTFSTRING(Round(speedKN)) + U(" kn (") + TOUTFSTRING(Round(speedKN * 1.852)) + U(" km/h) (") + TOUTFSTRING(Round(speedKN * 1.151)) + U(" mph)") + "\n";
			float altitude = truck->nodes[0].AbsPosition.y / 30.48 * 100;

			truckstats = truckstats + MainThemeColor + "Altitude: " + WhiteColor + TOUTFSTRING(Round(altitude)) + U(" feet (") + TOUTFSTRING(Round(altitude * 0.30480)) + U(" meters)") + "\n";

			if (truck->driveable == AIRPLANE)
				for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
					if (truck->aeroengines[i] && truck->aeroengines[i]->getType() == AeroEngine::AEROENGINE_TYPE_TURBOJET)
						truckstats = truckstats + MainThemeColor + "Engine " + TOUTFSTRING(i + 1 /*not to start with 0, players wont like it i guess*/) + " : " + WhiteColor + TOUTFSTRING(Round(truck->aeroengines[i]->getRPM())) + "%" + "\n";
					else if (truck->aeroengines[i] && truck->aeroengines[i]->getType() == AeroEngine::AEROENGINE_TYPE_TURBOPROP)
						truckstats = truckstats + MainThemeColor + "Engine " + TOUTFSTRING(i + 1 /*not to start with 0, players wont like it i guess*/) + " : " + WhiteColor + TOUTFSTRING(Round(truck->aeroengines[i]->getRPM())) + " RPM" + "\n";
			else if(truck->driveable == BOAT)
				for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
					if (truck->screwprops[i])
						truckstats = truckstats + MainThemeColor + "Engine " + TOUTFSTRING(i + 1 /*not to start with 0, players wont like it i guess*/) + " : " + WhiteColor + TOUTFSTRING(Round(truck->screwprops[i]->getThrottle() *100 )) + "%" + "\n";

		truckstats = truckstats + MainThemeColor + "maxG: " + WhiteColor + Ogre::UTFString(geesstr) + "\n";

		//Is this really usefull? people really use it?
		truckstats = truckstats + "\n"; //Some space

		wchar_t geesstr[256];
		Ogre::Vector3 gees = truck->getGForces();
		// apply deadzones ==> no flickering +/-
		if (fabs(gees.y) < 0.01) gees.y = 0.0f;
		if (fabs(gees.z) < 0.01) gees.z = 0.0f;
		Ogre::UTFString tmp = _L("Vertical: %1.2fg | Saggital: %1.2fg | Lateral: %1.2fg");
		swprintf(geesstr, 256, tmp.asWStr_c_str(), gees.x, gees.y, gees.z);
		truckstats = truckstats + MainThemeColor + "Gees: " + WhiteColor + Ogre::UTFString(geesstr) + "\n";

		if (truck->driveable == TRUCK || truck->driveable == AIRPLANE || truck->driveable == BOAT)
			if (gees.x > maxPosVerG[truck->driveable])
				maxPosVerG[truck->driveable] = gees.x;
			if (gees.x < maxNegVerG[truck->driveable])
				maxNegVerG[truck->driveable] = gees.x;

			if (gees.y > maxPosSagG[truck->driveable])
				maxPosSagG[truck->driveable] = gees.y;
			if (gees.y < maxNegSagG[truck->driveable])
				maxNegSagG[truck->driveable] = gees.y;

			if (gees.z > maxPosLatG[truck->driveable])
				maxPosLatG[truck->driveable] = gees.z;
			if (gees.z < maxNegLatG[truck->driveable])
				maxNegLatG[truck->driveable] = gees.z;

			tmp = _L("V %1.2fg %1.2fg // S %1.2fg %1.2fg // L %1.2fg %1.2fg");
			swprintf(geesstr, 256, tmp.asWStr_c_str(),
			truckstats = truckstats + MainThemeColor + "maxG: " + WhiteColor + Ogre::UTFString(geesstr) + "\n";

