예제 #1
파일: load.cpp 프로젝트: DwBu/frePPLe
DECLARE_EXPORT Object* Load::finder(const DataValueDict& d)
  // Check operation
  const DataValue* tmp = d.get(Tags::operation);
  if (!tmp)
    return NULL;
  Operation* oper = static_cast<Operation*>(tmp->getObject());

  // Check resource field
  tmp = d.get(Tags::resource);
  if (!tmp)
    return NULL;
  Resource* res = static_cast<Resource*>(tmp->getObject());

  // Walk over all loads of the operation, and return
  // the first one with matching
  const DataValue* hasEffectiveStart = d.get(Tags::effective_start);
  Date effective_start;
  if (hasEffectiveStart)
    effective_start = hasEffectiveStart->getDate();
  const DataValue* hasEffectiveEnd = d.get(Tags::effective_end);
  Date effective_end;
  if (hasEffectiveEnd)
    effective_end = hasEffectiveEnd->getDate();
  const DataValue* hasPriority = d.get(Tags::priority);
  int priority;
  if (hasPriority)
    priority = hasPriority->getInt();
  const DataValue* hasName = d.get(Tags::name);
  string name;
  if (hasName)
    name = hasName->getString();
  for (Operation::loadlist::const_iterator fl = oper->getLoads().begin();
    fl != oper->getLoads().end(); ++fl)
    if (fl->getResource() != res)
    if (hasEffectiveStart && fl->getEffectiveStart() != effective_start)
    if (hasEffectiveEnd && fl->getEffectiveEnd() != effective_end)
    if (hasPriority && fl->getPriority() != priority)
    if (hasName && fl->getName() != name)
    return const_cast<Load*>(&*fl);
  return NULL;
예제 #2
DECLARE_EXPORT void HasLevel::computeLevels()
  computationBusy = true;
  // Get exclusive access to this function in a multi-threaded environment.
  static Mutex levelcomputationbusy;
  ScopeMutexLock l(levelcomputationbusy);

  // Another thread may already have computed the levels while this thread was
  // waiting for the lock. In that case the while loop will be skipped.
  while (recomputeLevels)
    // Reset the recomputation flag. Note that during the computation the flag
    // could be switched on again by some model change in a different thread.
    // In that case, the while loop will be rerun.
    recomputeLevels = false;

    // Force creation of all delivery operations f
    for (Demand::iterator gdem = Demand::begin();
        gdem != Demand::end(); ++gdem)

    // Reset current levels on buffers, resources and operations.
    // Also force the creation of all producing operations on the buffers.
    size_t numbufs = Buffer::size();
    // Creating the producing operations of the buffers can cause new buffers
    // to be created. We repeat this loop until no new buffers are being added.
    // This isn't the most efficient loop, but it remains cheap and fast...
    while (true)
      for (Buffer::iterator gbuf = Buffer::begin();
          gbuf != Buffer::end(); ++gbuf)
        gbuf->cluster = 0;
        gbuf->lvl = -1;
      size_t numbufs_after = Buffer::size();
      if (numbufs == numbufs_after)
        numbufs = numbufs_after;
    for (Resource::iterator gres = Resource::begin();
        gres != Resource::end(); ++gres)
      gres->cluster = 0;
      gres->lvl = -1;
    for (Operation::iterator gop = Operation::begin();
        gop != Operation::end(); ++gop)
      gop->cluster = 0;
      gop->lvl = -1;

    // Loop through all operations
    stack< pair<Operation*,int> > stack;
    Operation* cur_oper;
    int cur_level;
    Buffer *cur_buf;
    const Flow* cur_Flow;
    bool search_level;
    int cur_cluster;
    numberOfLevels = 0;
    numberOfClusters = 0;
    map<Operation*,short> visited;
    for (Operation::iterator g = Operation::begin();
        g != Operation::end(); ++g)
      // Select a new cluster number
      if (g->cluster)
        cur_cluster = g->cluster;
        // Detect hanging operations
        if (g->getFlows().empty() && g->getLoads().empty()
            && g->getSuperOperations().empty()
            && g->getSubOperations().empty()
          // Cluster 0 keeps all dangling operations
          g->lvl = 0;
        cur_cluster = ++numberOfClusters;
        if (numberOfClusters >= UINT_MAX)
          throw LogicException("Too many clusters");

      logger << "Investigating operation '" << &*g
          << "' - current cluster " << g->cluster << endl;

      // Do we need to activate the level search?
      // Criterion are:
      //   - Not used in a super operation
      //   - Have a producing flow on the operation itself
      //     or on any of its sub operations
      search_level = false;
      if (g->getSuperOperations().empty())
        search_level = true;
        // Does the operation itself have producing flows?
        for (Operation::flowlist::const_iterator fl = g->getFlows().begin();
            fl != g->getFlows().end() && search_level; ++fl)
          if (fl->isProducer()) search_level = false;
        if (search_level)
          // Do suboperations have a producing flow?
          for (Operation::Operationlist::const_reverse_iterator
              i = g->getSubOperations().rbegin();
              i != g->getSubOperations().rend() && search_level;
            for (Operation::flowlist::const_iterator
                fl = (*i)->getOperation()->getFlows().begin();
                fl != (*i)->getOperation()->getFlows().end() && search_level;
              if (fl->isProducer()) search_level = false;

      // If both the level and the cluster are de-activated, then we can move on
      if (!search_level && g->cluster) continue;

      // Start recursing
      // Note that as soon as push an operation on the stack we set its
      // cluster and/or level. This is avoid that operations are needlessly
      // pushed a second time on the stack.
      stack.push(make_pair(&*g, search_level ? 0 : -1));
      g->cluster = cur_cluster;
      if (search_level) g->lvl = 0;
      while (!stack.empty())
        // Take the top of the stack
        cur_oper = stack.top().first;
        cur_level = stack.top().second;

        // Keep track of the maximum number of levels
        if (cur_level > numberOfLevels)
          numberOfLevels = cur_level;

        logger << "    Recursing in Operation '" << *(cur_oper)
            << "' - current level " << cur_level << endl;
        // Detect loops in the supply chain
        map<Operation*,short>::iterator detectloop = visited.find(cur_oper);
        if (detectloop == visited.end())
          // Keep track of operations already visited
        else if (++(detectloop->second) > 1)
          // Already visited this operation enough times - don't repeat

        // Push sub operations on the stack
        for (Operation::Operationlist::const_reverse_iterator
            i = cur_oper->getSubOperations().rbegin();
            i != cur_oper->getSubOperations().rend();
          if ((*i)->getOperation()->lvl < cur_level)
            // Search level and cluster
            (*i)->getOperation()->lvl = cur_level;
            (*i)->getOperation()->cluster = cur_cluster;
          else if (!(*i)->getOperation()->cluster)
            // Search for clusters information only
            (*i)->getOperation()->cluster = cur_cluster;
          // else: no search required

        // Push super operations on the stack
        for (list<Operation*>::const_reverse_iterator
            j = cur_oper->getSuperOperations().rbegin();
            j != cur_oper->getSuperOperations().rend();
          if ((*j)->lvl < cur_level)
            // Search level and cluster
            (*j)->lvl = cur_level;
            (*j)->cluster = cur_cluster;
          else if (!(*j)->cluster)
            // Search for clusters information only
            (*j)->cluster = cur_cluster;
          // else: no search required

        // Update level of resources linked to current operation
        for (Operation::loadlist::const_iterator gres =
            gres != cur_oper->getLoads().end(); ++gres)
          Resource *resptr = gres->getResource();
          // Update the level of the resource
          if (resptr->lvl < cur_level) resptr->lvl = cur_level;
          // Update the cluster of the resource and operations using it
          if (!resptr->cluster)
            resptr->cluster = cur_cluster;
            // Find more operations connected to this cluster by the resource
            for (Resource::loadlist::const_iterator resops =
                resops != resptr->getLoads().end(); ++resops)
              if (!resops->getOperation()->cluster)
                resops->getOperation()->cluster = cur_cluster;

        // Now loop through all flows of the operation
        for (Operation::flowlist::const_iterator
            gflow = cur_oper->getFlows().begin();
            gflow != cur_oper->getFlows().end();
          cur_Flow = &*gflow;
          cur_buf = cur_Flow->getBuffer();

          // Check whether the level search needs to continue
          search_level = cur_level!=-1 && cur_buf->lvl<cur_level+1;

          // Check if the buffer needs processing
          if (search_level || !cur_buf->cluster)
            // Update the cluster of the current buffer
            cur_buf->cluster = cur_cluster;

            // Loop through all flows of the buffer
            for (Buffer::flowlist::const_iterator
                buffl = cur_buf->getFlows().begin();
                buffl != cur_buf->getFlows().end();
              // Check level recursion
              if (cur_Flow->isConsumer() && search_level)
                if (buffl->getOperation()->lvl < cur_level+1
                    && &*buffl != cur_Flow && buffl->isProducer())
                  buffl->getOperation()->lvl = cur_level+1;
                  buffl->getOperation()->cluster = cur_cluster;
                else if (!buffl->getOperation()->cluster)
                  buffl->getOperation()->cluster = cur_cluster;
                if (cur_level+1 > numberOfLevels)
                  numberOfLevels = cur_level+1;
                cur_buf->lvl = cur_level+1;
              // Check cluster recursion
              else if (!buffl->getOperation()->cluster)
                buffl->getOperation()->cluster = cur_cluster;
          }  // End of needs-procssing if statement
        } // End of flow loop

      }     // End while stack not empty

    } // End of Operation loop

    // The above loop will visit ALL operations and recurse through the
    // buffers and resources connected to them.
    // Missing from the loop are buffers and resources that have no flows or
    // loads at all. We catch those poor lonely fellows now...
    for (Buffer::iterator gbuf2 = Buffer::begin();
        gbuf2 != Buffer::end(); ++gbuf2)
      if (gbuf2->getFlows().empty()) gbuf2->cluster = 0;
    for (Resource::iterator gres2 = Resource::begin();
        gres2 != Resource::end(); ++gres2)
      if (gres2->getLoads().empty()) gres2->cluster = 0;

  } // End of while recomputeLevels. The loop will be repeated as long as model
  // changes are done during the recomputation.

  // Unlock the exclusive access to this function
  computationBusy = false;
예제 #3
파일: load.cpp 프로젝트: zhoufoxcn/frePPLe
DECLARE_EXPORT void Load::validate(Action action)
  // Catch null operation and resource pointers
  Operation *oper = getOperation();
  Resource *res = getResource();
  if (!oper || !res)
    // Invalid load model
    if (!oper && !res)
      throw DataException("Missing operation and resource on a load");
    else if (!oper)
      throw DataException("Missing operation on a load on resource '"
          + res->getName() + "'");
    else if (!res)
      throw DataException("Missing resource on a load on operation '"
          + oper->getName() + "'");

  // Check if a load with 1) identical resource, 2) identical operation and
  // 3) overlapping effectivity dates already exists
  Operation::loadlist::const_iterator i = oper->getLoads().begin();
  for (; i != oper->getLoads().end(); ++i)
    if (i->getResource() == res
        && i->getEffective().overlap(getEffective())
        && &*i != this)

  // Apply the appropriate action
  switch (action)
    case ADD:
      if (i != oper->getLoads().end())
        throw DataException("Load of '" + oper->getName() + "' and '"
            + res->getName() + "' already exists");
    case CHANGE:
      throw DataException("Can't update a load");
    case ADD_CHANGE:
      // ADD is handled in the code after the switch statement
      if (i == oper->getLoads().end()) break;
      throw DataException("Can't update a load");
    case REMOVE:
      // This load was only used temporarily during the reading process
      delete this;
      if (i == oper->getLoads().end())
        // Nothing to delete
        throw DataException("Can't remove nonexistent load of '"
            + oper->getName() + "' and '" + res->getName() + "'");
      delete &*i;
      // Set a flag to make sure the level computation is triggered again

  // The statements below should be executed only when a new load is created.

  // Set a flag to make sure the level computation is triggered again