예제 #1
    /// @brief Computes phase mobilities for a set of saturation values.
    /// @param[in]  props     rock and fluid properties
    /// @param[in]  cells     cells with which the saturation values are associated
    /// @param[in]  p         pressure (one value per cell)
    /// @param[in]  z         surface-volume values (for all P phases)
    /// @param[in]  s         saturation values (for all phases)
    /// @param[out] pmobc     phase mobilities (for all phases).
    void computePhaseMobilities(const Opm::BlackoilPropertiesInterface& props,
                                const std::vector<int>&                 cells,
                                const std::vector<double>&              p,
                                const std::vector<double>&              z,
                                const std::vector<double>&              s,
                                std::vector<double>&                    pmobc)
        const int nc = props.numCells();
        const int np = props.numPhases();

        assert(int(s.size()) == nc * np);

        std::vector<double> mu(nc*np);
        props.viscosity(nc, &p[0], &z[0], &cells[0], &mu[0], 0);

        pmobc.resize(nc*np, 0.0);
        double* dpmobc = 0;
        props.relperm(nc, &s[0], &cells[0],
                      &pmobc[0], dpmobc);

        std::transform(pmobc.begin(), pmobc.end(),
예제 #2
    /// Computes the fractional flow for each cell in the cells argument
    /// @param[in]  props            rock and fluid properties
    /// @param[in]  polyprops        polymer properties
    /// @param[in]  cells            cells with which the saturation values are associated
    /// @param[in]  p                pressure (one value per cell)
    /// @param[in]  z                surface-volume values (for all P phases)
    /// @param[in]  s                saturation values (for all phases)
    /// @param[in]  c                concentration values
    /// @param[in]  cmax             max polymer concentration experienced by cell
    /// @param[out] fractional_flow  the fractional flow for each phase for each cell.
    void computeFractionalFlow(const Opm::BlackoilPropertiesInterface& props,
                               const Opm::PolymerProperties& polyprops,
                               const std::vector<int>& cells,
                               const std::vector<double>& p,
                               const std::vector<double>& T,
                               const std::vector<double>& z,
                               const std::vector<double>& s,
                               const std::vector<double>& c,
                               const std::vector<double>& cmax,
                               std::vector<double>& fractional_flows)
	int num_cells = cells.size();
	int num_phases = props.numPhases();
        if (num_phases != 2) {
            OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "computeFractionalFlow() assumes 2 phases.");
	assert(int(s.size()) == num_cells*num_phases);
	std::vector<double> kr(num_cells*num_phases);
	props.relperm(num_cells, &s[0], &cells[0], &kr[0], 0);
	std::vector<double> mu(num_cells*num_phases);
	props.viscosity(num_cells, &p[0], &T[0], &z[0], &cells[0], &mu[0], 0);
        double mob[2]; // here we assume num_phases=2
	for (int cell = 0; cell < num_cells; ++cell) {
            double* kr_cell = &kr[2*cell];
            double* mu_cell = &mu[2*cell];
            polyprops.effectiveMobilities(c[cell], cmax[cell], mu_cell, kr_cell, mob);
            fractional_flows[2*cell]     = mob[0] / (mob[0] + mob[1]);
            fractional_flows[2*cell + 1] = mob[1] / (mob[0] + mob[1]);