예제 #1
RockCompressibility::RockCompressibility(Opm::DeckConstPtr deck,
        Opm::EclipseStateConstPtr eclipseState)
    : pref_(0.0),
    const auto tables = eclipseState->getTableManager();
    const auto& rocktabTables = tables->getRocktabTables();
    if (rocktabTables.size() > 0) {
        const auto& rocktabTable = rocktabTables.getTable<RocktabTable>(0);
        if (rocktabTables.size() != 1)
            OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Can only handle a single region in ROCKTAB.");

        p_ = rocktabTable.getColumn("PO").vectorCopy( );
        poromult_ = rocktabTable.getColumn("PV_MULT").vectorCopy();
        if (rocktabTable.hasColumn("PV_MULT_TRAN")) {
            transmult_ =  rocktabTable.getColumn("PV_MULT_TRAN").vectorCopy();
        } else {
            transmult_ =  rocktabTable.getColumn("PV_MULT_TRANX").vectorCopy();
    } else if (deck->hasKeyword("ROCK")) {
        Opm::DeckKeywordConstPtr rockKeyword = deck->getKeyword("ROCK");
        if (rockKeyword->size() != 1) {
            // here it would be better not to use std::cout directly but to add the
            // warning to some "warning list"...
            std::cout << "Can only handle a single region in ROCK ("<<rockKeyword->size()<<" regions specified)."
                      << " Ignoring all except for the first.\n";

        pref_ = rockKeyword->getRecord(0)->getItem("PREF")->getSIDouble(0);
        rock_comp_ = rockKeyword->getRecord(0)->getItem("COMPRESSIBILITY")->getSIDouble(0);
    } else {
        std::cout << "**** warning: no rock compressibility data found in deck (ROCK or ROCKTAB)." << std::endl;
예제 #2
    PolymerInflowFromDeck::setInflowValues(Opm::DeckConstPtr deck,
                                           Opm::EclipseStateConstPtr eclipseState,
                                           size_t currentStep)
        Opm::DeckKeywordConstPtr keyword = deck->getKeyword("WPOLYMER");
        //        Schedule schedule(deck);
        ScheduleConstPtr schedule = eclipseState->getSchedule();
        for (size_t recordNr = 0; recordNr < keyword->size(); recordNr++) {
            DeckRecordConstPtr record = keyword->getRecord(recordNr);

            const std::string& wellNamesPattern = record->getItem("WELL")->getTrimmedString(0);
            std::string wellName = record->getItem("WELL")->getTrimmedString(0);
            std::vector<WellPtr> wells = schedule->getWells(wellNamesPattern);
            for (auto wellIter = wells.begin(); wellIter != wells.end(); ++wellIter) {
                WellPtr well = *wellIter;
                WellInjectionProperties injection = well->getInjectionProperties(currentStep);
                if (injection.injectorType == WellInjector::WATER) {
                    WellPolymerProperties polymer = well->getPolymerProperties(currentStep);
                    wellPolymerRate_.insert(std::make_pair(wellName, polymer.m_polymerConcentration));
                } else {
                    OPM_THROW(std::logic_error, "For polymer injector you must have a water injector");
예제 #3
     * \brief Reads all relevant material parameters form a cell of a parsed ECL deck.
     * This requires that the opm-parser module is available.
    void initFromDeck(Opm::DeckConstPtr deck)
        enableHysteresis_ = false;

        if (!deck->hasKeyword("SATOPTS"))

        Opm::DeckItemConstPtr satoptsItem = deck->getKeyword("SATOPTS")->getRecord(0)->getItem(0);
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < satoptsItem->size(); ++i) {
            std::string satoptsValue = satoptsItem->getString(0);

            if (satoptsValue == "HYSTER")
                enableHysteresis_ = true;

        // check for the (deprecated) HYST keyword
        if (deck->hasKeyword("HYST"))
            enableHysteresis_ = true;

        if (!enableHysteresis_)

        if (!deck->hasKeyword("EHYSTR"))
                      "Enabling hysteresis via the HYST parameter for SATOPTS requires the "
                      "presence of the EHYSTR keyword");

        Opm::DeckKeywordConstPtr ehystrKeyword = deck->getKeyword("EHYSTR");
        if (deck->hasKeyword("NOHYKR"))
            krHysteresisModel_ = -1;
        else {
            krHysteresisModel_ = ehystrKeyword->getRecord(0)->getItem("relative_perm_hyst")->getInt(0);
            if (krHysteresisModel_ != 0)
                          "Only the Carlson kr hystersis model (indicated by a 0 on the second item"
                          " of the 'EHYSTR' keyword) is supported");

        if (deck->hasKeyword("NOHYPC"))
            pcHysteresisModel_ = -1;
        else {
            // if capillary pressure hysteresis is enabled, Eclipse always uses the
            // Killough model
            pcHysteresisModel_ = 0;
예제 #4
    /// Constructor.
    /// @param[in]  deck     Input deck expected to contain WPOLYMER.
    PolymerInflowFromDeck::PolymerInflowFromDeck(Opm::DeckConstPtr deck,
                                                 const Wells& wells,
                                                 const int num_cells)
        : sparse_inflow_(num_cells)
        if (!deck->hasKeyword("WPOLYMER")) {
            OPM_MESSAGE("PolymerInflowFromDeck initialized without WPOLYMER in current epoch.");

        // Extract concentrations and put into cell->concentration map.
        Opm::DeckKeywordConstPtr wpolymerKeyword = deck->getKeyword("WPOLYMER");
        const int num_wpl = wpolymerKeyword->size();
        std::map<int, double> perfcell_conc;
        for (int i = 0; i < num_wpl; ++i) {
            // Only use well name and polymer concentration.
            // That is, we ignore salt concentration and group
            // names.
            int wix = 0;
            for (; wix < wells.number_of_wells; ++wix) {
                if (wpolymerKeyword->getRecord(i)->getItem("WELL")->getString(0) == wells.name[wix]) {
            if (wix == wells.number_of_wells) {
                OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Could not find a match for well "
                          << wpolymerKeyword->getRecord(i)->getItem("WELL")->getString(0)
                          << " from WPOLYMER.");
            for (int j = wells.well_connpos[wix]; j < wells.well_connpos[wix+1]; ++j) {
                const int perf_cell = wells.well_cells[j];
                perfcell_conc[perf_cell] =

        // Build sparse vector from map.
        std::map<int, double>::const_iterator it = perfcell_conc.begin();
        for (; it != perfcell_conc.end(); ++it) {
            sparse_inflow_.addElement(it->second, it->first);
예제 #5
        void initFromOil(Opm::DeckKeywordConstPtr pvcdoKeyword)
            int numRegions = pvcdoKeyword->size();


            for (int regionIdx = 0; regionIdx < numRegions; ++ regionIdx) {
                Opm::DeckRecordConstPtr pvcdoRecord = pvcdoKeyword->getRecord(regionIdx);

                ref_press_[regionIdx] = pvcdoRecord->getItem("P_REF")->getSIDouble(0);
                ref_B_[regionIdx]     = pvcdoRecord->getItem("OIL_VOL_FACTOR")->getSIDouble(0);
                comp_[regionIdx]      = pvcdoRecord->getItem("OIL_COMPRESSIBILITY")->getSIDouble(0);
                viscosity_[regionIdx] = pvcdoRecord->getItem("OIL_VISCOSITY")->getSIDouble(0);
                visc_comp_[regionIdx] = pvcdoRecord->getItem("OIL_VISCOSIBILITY")->getSIDouble(0);
예제 #6
void GridManager::createGrdecl(Opm::DeckConstPtr deck, struct grdecl &grdecl)
    // Extract data from deck.
    const std::vector<double>& zcorn = deck->getKeyword("ZCORN")->getSIDoubleData();
    const std::vector<double>& coord = deck->getKeyword("COORD")->getSIDoubleData();
    const int* actnum = NULL;
    if (deck->hasKeyword("ACTNUM")) {
        actnum = &(deck->getKeyword("ACTNUM")->getIntData()[0]);

    std::array<int, 3> dims;
    if (deck->hasKeyword("DIMENS")) {
        Opm::DeckKeywordConstPtr dimensKeyword = deck->getKeyword("DIMENS");
        dims[0] = dimensKeyword->getRecord(0)->getItem(0)->getInt(0);
        dims[1] = dimensKeyword->getRecord(0)->getItem(1)->getInt(0);
        dims[2] = dimensKeyword->getRecord(0)->getItem(2)->getInt(0);
    } else if (deck->hasKeyword("SPECGRID")) {
        Opm::DeckKeywordConstPtr specgridKeyword = deck->getKeyword("SPECGRID");
        dims[0] = specgridKeyword->getRecord(0)->getItem(0)->getInt(0);
        dims[1] = specgridKeyword->getRecord(0)->getItem(1)->getInt(0);
        dims[2] = specgridKeyword->getRecord(0)->getItem(2)->getInt(0);
    } else {
        OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Deck must have either DIMENS or SPECGRID.");

    // Collect in input struct for preprocessing.

    grdecl.zcorn = &zcorn[0];
    grdecl.coord = &coord[0];
    grdecl.actnum = actnum;
    grdecl.dims[0] = dims[0];
    grdecl.dims[1] = dims[1];
    grdecl.dims[2] = dims[2];

    if (deck->hasKeyword("MAPAXES")) {
        Opm::DeckKeywordConstPtr mapaxesKeyword = deck->getKeyword("MAPAXES");
        Opm::DeckRecordConstPtr mapaxesRecord = mapaxesKeyword->getRecord(0);

        // memleak alert: here we need to make sure that C code
        // can properly take ownership of the grdecl.mapaxes
        // object. if it is not freed, it will result in a
        // memleak...
        double *cWtfMapaxes = static_cast<double*>(malloc(sizeof(double)*mapaxesRecord->size()));
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < mapaxesRecord->size(); ++i)
            cWtfMapaxes[i] = mapaxesRecord->getItem(i)->getSIDouble(0);
        grdecl.mapaxes = cWtfMapaxes;
    } else
        grdecl.mapaxes = NULL;

예제 #7
        /// set the tables which specify the temperature dependence of the water viscosity
        void initFromDeck(std::shared_ptr<const PvtInterface> isothermalPvt,
                          Opm::DeckConstPtr deck,
                          Opm::EclipseStateConstPtr eclipseState)
            isothermalPvt_ = isothermalPvt;
            watvisctTables_ = 0;

            // stuff which we need to get from the PVTW keyword
            Opm::DeckKeywordConstPtr pvtwKeyword = deck->getKeyword("PVTW");
            int numRegions = pvtwKeyword->size();
            for (int regionIdx = 0; regionIdx < numRegions; ++ regionIdx) {
                Opm::DeckRecordConstPtr pvtwRecord = pvtwKeyword->getRecord(regionIdx);
                pvtwRefPress_[regionIdx] = pvtwRecord->getItem("P_REF")->getSIDouble(0);
                pvtwRefB_[regionIdx] = pvtwRecord->getItem("WATER_VOL_FACTOR")->getSIDouble(0);
                pvtwViscosity_[regionIdx] = pvtwRecord->getItem("WATER_VISCOSITY")->getSIDouble(0);
                pvtwViscosibility_[regionIdx] = pvtwRecord->getItem("WATER_VISCOSIBILITY")->getSIDouble(0);

            // quantities required for the temperature dependence of the viscosity
            // (basically we expect well-behaved VISCREF and WATVISCT keywords.)
            if (deck->hasKeyword("VISCREF")) {
                watvisctTables_ = &eclipseState->getWatvisctTables();
                Opm::DeckKeywordConstPtr viscrefKeyword = deck->getKeyword("VISCREF");

                assert(int(watvisctTables_->size()) == numRegions);
                assert(int(viscrefKeyword->size()) == numRegions);

                for (int regionIdx = 0; regionIdx < numRegions; ++ regionIdx) {
                    Opm::DeckRecordConstPtr viscrefRecord = viscrefKeyword->getRecord(regionIdx);

                    viscrefPress_[regionIdx] = viscrefRecord->getItem("REFERENCE_PRESSURE")->getSIDouble(0);

            // quantities required for the temperature dependence of the density
            if (deck->hasKeyword("WATDENT")) {
                DeckKeywordConstPtr watdentKeyword = deck->getKeyword("WATDENT");

                assert(int(watdentKeyword->size()) == numRegions);

                for (int regionIdx = 0; regionIdx < numRegions; ++regionIdx) {
                    Opm::DeckRecordConstPtr watdentRecord = watdentKeyword->getRecord(regionIdx);

                    watdentRefTemp_[regionIdx] = watdentRecord->getItem("REFERENCE_TEMPERATURE")->getSIDouble(0);
                    watdentCT1_[regionIdx] = watdentRecord->getItem("EXPANSION_COEFF_LINEAR")->getSIDouble(0);
                    watdentCT2_[regionIdx] = watdentRecord->getItem("EXPANSION_COEFF_QUADRATIC")->getSIDouble(0);
예제 #8
    TimeMap::TimeMap(Opm::DeckConstPtr deck) {
        // The default start date is not specified in the Eclipse
        // reference manual. We hence just assume it is same as for
        // the START keyword for Eclipse R100, i.e., January 1st,
        // 1983...
        boost::posix_time::ptime startTime(boost::gregorian::date(1983, 1, 1));

        // use the 'START' keyword to find out the start date (if the
        // keyword was specified)
        if (deck->hasKeyword("START")) {
            Opm::DeckKeywordConstPtr keyword = deck->getKeyword("START");
            startTime = timeFromEclipse(keyword->getRecord(/*index=*/0));

        m_timeList.push_back( startTime );

        // find all "TSTEP" and "DATES" keywords in the deck and deal
        // with them one after another
        size_t numKeywords = deck->size();
        for (size_t keywordIdx = 0; keywordIdx < numKeywords; ++keywordIdx) {
            Opm::DeckKeywordConstPtr keyword = deck->getKeyword(keywordIdx);

            // We're only interested in "TSTEP" and "DATES" keywords,
            // so we ignore everything else here...
            if (keyword->name() != "TSTEP" &&
                keyword->name() != "DATES")

            if (keyword->name() == "TSTEP")
            else if (keyword->name() == "DATES")
예제 #9
     * \brief Implement the temperature part of the oil PVT properties.
    void initFromDeck(DeckConstPtr deck,
                      EclipseStateConstPtr eclState)
        // initialize the isothermal part
        isothermalPvt_ = new IsothermalPvt;
        isothermalPvt_->initFromDeck(deck, eclState);

        // initialize the thermal part
        auto tables = eclState->getTableManager();

        enableThermalDensity_ = deck->hasKeyword("THERMEX1");
        enableThermalViscosity_ = deck->hasKeyword("VISCREF");

        unsigned numRegions = isothermalPvt_->numRegions();

        // viscosity
        if (deck->hasKeyword("VISCREF")) {
            const auto& oilvisctTables = tables->getOilvisctTables();
            Opm::DeckKeywordConstPtr viscrefKeyword = deck->getKeyword("VISCREF");

            assert(oilvisctTables.size() == numRegions);
            assert(viscrefKeyword->size() == numRegions);

            for (unsigned regionIdx = 0; regionIdx < numRegions; ++regionIdx) {
                const auto& TCol = oilvisctTables[regionIdx].getColumn("Temperature").vectorCopy();
                const auto& muCol = oilvisctTables[regionIdx].getColumn("Viscosity").vectorCopy();
                oilvisctCurves_[regionIdx].setXYContainers(TCol, muCol);

                DeckRecordConstPtr viscrefRecord = viscrefKeyword->getRecord(regionIdx);
                viscrefPress_[regionIdx] = viscrefRecord->getItem("REFERENCE_PRESSURE")->getSIDouble(0);
                viscrefRs_[regionIdx] = viscrefRecord->getItem("REFERENCE_RS")->getSIDouble(0);

                // temperature used to calculate the reference viscosity [K]. the
                // value does not really matter if the underlying PVT object really
                // is isothermal...
                Scalar Tref = 273.15 + 20;

                // compute the reference viscosity using the isothermal PVT object.
                viscRef_[regionIdx] =

        // quantities required for density. note that we just always use the values
        // for the first EOS. (since EOS != PVT region.)
        refTemp_ = 0.0;
        if (deck->hasKeyword("THERMEX1")) {
            int oilCompIdx = deck->getKeyword("OCOMPIDX")->getRecord(0)->getItem("OIL_COMPONENT_INDEX")->getInt(0) - 1;

            // always use the values of the first EOS
            refTemp_ = deck->getKeyword("TREF")->getRecord(0)->getItem("TEMPERATURE")->getSIDouble(oilCompIdx);
            refPress_ = deck->getKeyword("PREF")->getRecord(0)->getItem("PRESSURE")->getSIDouble(oilCompIdx);
            refC_ = deck->getKeyword("CREF")->getRecord(0)->getItem("COMPRESSIBILITY")->getSIDouble(oilCompIdx);
            thermex1_ = deck->getKeyword("THERMEX1")->getRecord(0)->getItem("EXPANSION_COEFF")->getSIDouble(oilCompIdx);
예제 #10
    void BlackoilPvtProperties::init(Opm::DeckConstPtr deck,
                                     Opm::EclipseStateConstPtr eclipseState,
                                     int numSamples)
        phase_usage_ = phaseUsageFromDeck(deck);

        // Surface densities. Accounting for different orders in eclipse and our code.
        Opm::DeckKeywordConstPtr densityKeyword = deck->getKeyword("DENSITY");
        int numRegions = densityKeyword->size();

        for (int regionIdx = 0; regionIdx < numRegions; ++regionIdx) {
            if (phase_usage_.phase_used[Liquid]) {
                    = densityKeyword->getRecord(regionIdx)->getItem("OIL")->getSIDouble(0);
            if (phase_usage_.phase_used[Aqua]) {
                    = densityKeyword->getRecord(regionIdx)->getItem("WATER")->getSIDouble(0);
            if (phase_usage_.phase_used[Vapour]) {
                    = densityKeyword->getRecord(regionIdx)->getItem("GAS")->getSIDouble(0);

        // Resize the property objects container

        // Water PVT
        if (phase_usage_.phase_used[Aqua]) {
            // if water is used, we require the presence of the "PVTW"
            // keyword for now...
            std::shared_ptr<PvtConstCompr> pvtw(new PvtConstCompr);

            props_[phase_usage_.phase_pos[Aqua]] = pvtw;

            auto tables = eclipseState->getTableManager();
            // Oil PVT
            if (phase_usage_.phase_used[Liquid]) {
                // for oil, we support the "PVDO", "PVTO" and "PVCDO"
                // keywords...
                const auto &pvdoTables = tables->getPvdoTables();
                const auto &pvtoTables = tables->getPvtoTables();
                if (pvdoTables.size() > 0) {
                    if (numSamples > 0) {
                        auto splinePvt = std::shared_ptr<PvtDeadSpline>(new PvtDeadSpline);
                        splinePvt->initFromOil(pvdoTables, numSamples);
                        props_[phase_usage_.phase_pos[Liquid]] = splinePvt;
                    } else {
                        auto deadPvt = std::shared_ptr<PvtDead>(new PvtDead);
                        props_[phase_usage_.phase_pos[Liquid]] = deadPvt;
                } else if (pvtoTables.size() > 0) {
                    props_[phase_usage_.phase_pos[Liquid]].reset(new PvtLiveOil(pvtoTables));
                } else if (deck->hasKeyword("PVCDO")) {
                    std::shared_ptr<PvtConstCompr> pvcdo(new PvtConstCompr);

                    props_[phase_usage_.phase_pos[Liquid]] = pvcdo;
                } else {
                    OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Input is missing PVDO, PVCDO or PVTO\n");
            // Gas PVT
            if (phase_usage_.phase_used[Vapour]) {
                // gas can be specified using the "PVDG" or "PVTG" keywords...
                const auto &pvdgTables = tables->getPvdgTables();
                const auto &pvtgTables = tables->getPvtgTables();
                if (pvdgTables.size() > 0) {
                    if (numSamples > 0) {
                        std::shared_ptr<PvtDeadSpline> splinePvt(new PvtDeadSpline);
                        splinePvt->initFromGas(pvdgTables, numSamples);

                        props_[phase_usage_.phase_pos[Vapour]] = splinePvt;
                    } else {
                        std::shared_ptr<PvtDead> deadPvt(new PvtDead);

                        props_[phase_usage_.phase_pos[Vapour]] = deadPvt;
                } else if (pvtgTables.size() > 0) {
                    props_[phase_usage_.phase_pos[Vapour]].reset(new PvtLiveGas(pvtgTables));
                } else {
                    OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Input is missing PVDG or PVTG\n");
예제 #11
     * \brief Reads all relevant material parameters form a cell of a parsed ECL deck.
     * This requires that the opm-parser module is available.
    void initFromDeck(Opm::DeckConstPtr deck,
                      Opm::EclipseStateConstPtr eclState,
                      Opm::EclTwoPhaseSystemType twoPhaseSystemType)
        // find out if endpoint scaling is used in the first place
        if (!deck->hasKeyword("ENDSCALE")) {
            // it is not used, i.e., just set all enable$Foo attributes to 0 and be done
            // with it.
            enableSatScaling_ = false;
            enableThreePointKrSatScaling_ = false;
            enablePcScaling_ = false;
            enableKrwScaling_ = false;
            enableKrnScaling_ = false;

        // endpoint scaling is used, i.e., at least saturation scaling needs to be enabled
        enableSatScaling_ = true;

        // check if three-point scaling is to be used for the saturations of the relative
        // permeabilities
        if (deck->hasKeyword("SCALECRS")) {
            // if the deck features the SCALECRS keyword, it must be set to 'YES'
            Opm::DeckKeywordConstPtr scalecrsKeyword = deck->getKeyword("SCALECRS");
            std::string scalecrsValue =
            // convert the value of the SCALECRS keyword to upper case, just to be sure

            if (scalecrsValue == "YES" || scalecrsValue == "Y")
                enableThreePointKrSatScaling_ = true;
                enableThreePointKrSatScaling_ = false;
            enableThreePointKrSatScaling_ = false;

        // check if we are supposed to scale the Y axis of the capillary pressure
        if (twoPhaseSystemType == EclOilWaterSystem)
            enablePcScaling_ =
                || eclState->hasDoubleGridProperty("SWATINIT");

        else {
            assert(twoPhaseSystemType == EclGasOilSystem);
            enablePcScaling_ = eclState->hasDoubleGridProperty("PCG");

        // check if we are supposed to scale the Y axis of the wetting phase relperm
        if (twoPhaseSystemType == EclOilWaterSystem)
            enableKrwScaling_ = eclState->hasDoubleGridProperty("KRW");
        else {
            assert(twoPhaseSystemType == EclGasOilSystem);
            enableKrwScaling_ = eclState->hasDoubleGridProperty("KRO");

        // check if we are supposed to scale the Y axis of the non-wetting phase relperm
        if (twoPhaseSystemType == EclOilWaterSystem)
            enableKrnScaling_ = eclState->hasDoubleGridProperty("KRO");
        else {
            assert(twoPhaseSystemType == EclGasOilSystem);
            enableKrnScaling_ = eclState->hasDoubleGridProperty("KRG");
예제 #12
size_t SimpleTable::numTables(Opm::DeckKeywordConstPtr keyword)
    return keyword->size();