bool PrecipitationEffect::build(const osg::Vec3 eyeLocal, int i, int j, int k, float startTime, PrecipitationDrawableSet& pds, osg::Polytope& frustum, osgUtil::CullVisitor* cv) const
    osg::Vec3 position = _origin + osg::Vec3(float(i)*_du.x(), float(j)*_dv.y(), float(k+1)*_dw.z());
    osg::Vec3 scale(_du.x(), _dv.y(), -_dw.z());

    osg::BoundingBox bb(position.x(), position.y(), position.z()+scale.z(),
                        position.x()+scale.x(), position.y()+scale.y(), position.z());

    if (!frustum.contains(bb)) return false;

    osg::Vec3 center = position + scale*0.5f;
    float distance = (center-eyeLocal).length();

    osg::Matrix* mymodelview = 0;
    if (distance < _nearTransition)
        PrecipitationDrawable::DepthMatrixStartTime& mstp = pds._quadPrecipitationDrawable->getCurrentCellMatrixMap()[PrecipitationDrawable::Cell(i,k,j)];
        mstp.depth = distance;
        mstp.startTime = startTime;
        mymodelview = &mstp.modelview;
    else if (distance <= _farTransition)
        if (_useFarLineSegments)
            PrecipitationDrawable::DepthMatrixStartTime& mstp = pds._linePrecipitationDrawable->getCurrentCellMatrixMap()[PrecipitationDrawable::Cell(i,k,j)];
            mstp.depth = distance;
            mstp.startTime = startTime;
            mymodelview = &mstp.modelview;
            PrecipitationDrawable::DepthMatrixStartTime& mstp = pds._pointPrecipitationDrawable->getCurrentCellMatrixMap()[PrecipitationDrawable::Cell(i,k,j)];
            mstp.depth = distance;
            mstp.startTime = startTime;
            mymodelview = &mstp.modelview;
        return false;

    *mymodelview = *(cv->getModelViewMatrix());


    return true;
예제 #2
void LightPointNode::traverse(osg::NodeVisitor& nv)
    if (_lightPointList.empty())
        // no light points so no op.

    //#define USE_TIMER
    #ifdef USE_TIMER
    osg::Timer timer;
    osg::Timer_t t1=0,t2=0,t3=0,t4=0,t5=0,t6=0,t7=0,t8=0;

#ifdef USE_TIMER
    t1 = timer.tick();

    osgUtil::CullVisitor* cv = nv.asCullVisitor();

#ifdef USE_TIMER
    t2 = timer.tick();

    // should we disable small feature culling here?
    if (cv /*&& !cv->isCulled(_bbox)*/)

        osg::Matrix matrix = *(cv->getModelViewMatrix());
        osg::RefMatrix& projection = *(cv->getProjectionMatrix());
        osgUtil::StateGraph* rg = cv->getCurrentStateGraph();

        if (rg->leaves_empty())
            // this is first leaf to be added to StateGraph
            // and therefore should not already know current render bin,
            // so need to add it.

#ifdef USE_TIMER
        t3 = timer.tick();

        LightPointDrawable* drawable = NULL;
        osg::Referenced* object = rg->getUserData();
        if (object)
            if (typeid(*object)==typeid(LightPointDrawable))
                // resuse the user data attached to the render graph.
                drawable = static_cast<LightPointDrawable*>(object);

            else if (typeid(*object)==typeid(LightPointSpriteDrawable))
                drawable = static_cast<LightPointSpriteDrawable*>(object);
                // will need to replace UserData.
                OSG_WARN << "Warning: Replacing osgUtil::StateGraph::_userData to support osgSim::LightPointNode, may have undefined results."<<std::endl;

        if (!drawable)
            drawable = _pointSprites ? new LightPointSpriteDrawable : new LightPointDrawable;

            if (cv->getFrameStamp())

        // search for a drawable in the RenderLeaf list equal to the attached the one attached to StateGraph user data
        // as this will be our special light point drawable.
        osgUtil::StateGraph::LeafList::iterator litr;
        for(litr = rg->_leaves.begin();
            litr != rg->_leaves.end() && (*litr)->_drawable.get()!=drawable;

        if (litr == rg->_leaves.end())
            // haven't found the drawable added in the RenderLeaf list, therefore this may be the
            // first time through LightPointNode in this frame, so need to add drawable into the StateGraph RenderLeaf list
            // and update its time signatures.

            rg->addLeaf(new osgUtil::RenderLeaf(drawable,&projection,NULL,FLT_MAX));

            // need to update the drawable's frame count.
            if (cv->getFrameStamp())


#ifdef USE_TIMER
        t4 = timer.tick();

#ifdef USE_TIMER
        t7 = timer.tick();

        if (cv->getComputeNearFarMode() != osgUtil::CullVisitor::DO_NOT_COMPUTE_NEAR_FAR)

        const float minimumIntensity = 1.0f/256.0f;
        const osg::Vec3 eyePoint = cv->getEyeLocal();

        double time=drawable->getSimulationTime();
        double timeInterval=drawable->getSimulationTimeInterval();

        const osg::Polytope clipvol(cv->getCurrentCullingSet().getFrustum());
        const bool computeClipping = false;//(clipvol.getCurrentMask()!=0);

        //LightPointDrawable::ColorPosition cp;
        for(LightPointList::iterator itr=_lightPointList.begin();
            const LightPoint& lp = *itr;

            if (!lp._on) continue;

            const osg::Vec3& position = lp._position;

            // skip light point if it is not contianed in the view frustum.
            if (computeClipping && !clipvol.contains(position)) continue;

            // delta vector between eyepoint and light point.
            osg::Vec3 dv(eyePoint-position);

            float intensity = (_lightSystem.valid()) ? _lightSystem->getIntensity() : lp._intensity;

            // slip light point if its intensity is 0.0 or negative.
            if (intensity<=minimumIntensity) continue;

            // (SIB) Clip on distance, if close to limit, add transparancy
            float distanceFactor = 1.0f;
            if (_maxVisibleDistance2!=FLT_MAX)
                if (dv.length2()>_maxVisibleDistance2) continue;
                else if (_maxVisibleDistance2 > 0)
                    distanceFactor = 1.0f - osg::square(dv.length2() / _maxVisibleDistance2);

            osg::Vec4 color = lp._color;

            // check the sector.
            if (lp._sector.valid())
                intensity *= (*lp._sector)(dv);

                // skip light point if it is intensity is 0.0 or negative.
                if (intensity<=minimumIntensity) continue;


            // temporary accounting of intensity.
            //color *= intensity;

            // check the blink sequence.
            bool doBlink = lp._blinkSequence.valid();
            if (doBlink && _lightSystem.valid())
                doBlink = (_lightSystem->getAnimationState() == LightPointSystem::ANIMATION_ON);

            if (doBlink)
                osg::Vec4 bs = lp._blinkSequence->color(time,timeInterval);
                color[0] *= bs[0];
                color[1] *= bs[1];
                color[2] *= bs[2];
                color[3] *= bs[3];

            // if alpha value is less than the min intentsity then skip
            if (color[3]<=minimumIntensity) continue;

            float pixelSize = cv->pixelSize(position,lp._radius);

            //            cout << "pixelsize = "<<pixelSize<<endl;

            // adjust pixel size to account for intensity.
            if (intensity!=1.0) pixelSize *= sqrt(intensity);

            // adjust alpha to account for max range (Fade on distance)
            color[3] *= distanceFactor;

            // round up to the minimum pixel size if required.
            float orgPixelSize = pixelSize;
            if (pixelSize<_minPixelSize) pixelSize = _minPixelSize;

            osg::Vec3 xpos(position*matrix);

            if (lp._blendingMode==LightPoint::BLENDED)
                if (pixelSize<1.0f)
                    // need to use alpha blending...
                    color[3] *= pixelSize;
                    // color[3] *= osg::square(pixelSize);

                    if (color[3]<=minimumIntensity) continue;

                    drawable->addBlendedLightPoint(0, xpos,color);
                else if (pixelSize<_maxPixelSize)

                    unsigned int lowerBoundPixelSize = (unsigned int)pixelSize;
                    float remainder = osg::square(pixelSize-(float)lowerBoundPixelSize);

                    // (SIB) Add transparency if pixel is clamped to minpixelsize
                    if (orgPixelSize<_minPixelSize)
                        color[3] *= (2.0/3.0) + (1.0/3.0) * sqrt(orgPixelSize / pixelSize);

                    drawable->addBlendedLightPoint(lowerBoundPixelSize-1, xpos,color);
                    color[3] *= remainder;
                    drawable->addBlendedLightPoint(lowerBoundPixelSize, xpos,color);
                else // use a billboard geometry.
                    drawable->addBlendedLightPoint((unsigned int)(_maxPixelSize-1.0), xpos,color);
            else // ADDITIVE blending.
                if (pixelSize<1.0f)
                    // need to use alpha blending...
                    color[3] *= pixelSize;
                    // color[3] *= osg::square(pixelSize);

                    if (color[3]<=minimumIntensity) continue;

                    drawable->addAdditiveLightPoint(0, xpos,color);
                else if (pixelSize<_maxPixelSize)

                    unsigned int lowerBoundPixelSize = (unsigned int)pixelSize;
                    float remainder = osg::square(pixelSize-(float)lowerBoundPixelSize);

                    // (SIB) Add transparency if pixel is clamped to minpixelsize
                    if (orgPixelSize<_minPixelSize)
                        color[3] *= (2.0/3.0) + (1.0/3.0) * sqrt(orgPixelSize / pixelSize);

                    float alpha = color[3];
                    color[3] = alpha*(1.0f-remainder);
                    drawable->addAdditiveLightPoint(lowerBoundPixelSize-1, xpos,color);
                    color[3] = alpha*remainder;
                    drawable->addAdditiveLightPoint(lowerBoundPixelSize, xpos,color);
                else // use a billboard geometry.
                    drawable->addAdditiveLightPoint((unsigned int)(_maxPixelSize-1.0), xpos,color);

#ifdef USE_TIMER
        t8 = timer.tick();

#ifdef USE_TIMER
    cout << "compute"<<endl;
    cout << "  t2-t1="<<t2-t1<<endl;
    cout << "  t4-t3="<<t4-t3<<endl;
    cout << "  t6-t5="<<t6-t5<<endl;
    cout << "  t8-t7="<<t8-t7<<endl;
    cout << "_lightPointList.size()="<<_lightPointList.size()<<endl;
    cout << "  t8-t7/size = "<<(float)(t8-t7)/(float)_lightPointList.size()<<endl;
예제 #3
bool SiltEffect::build(const osg::Vec3 eyeLocal, int i, int j, int k, float startTime, SiltDrawableSet& pds, osg::Polytope& frustum, osgUtil::CullVisitor* cv) const
    osg::Vec3 position = _origin + osg::Vec3(float(i)*_du.x(), float(j)*_dv.y(), float(k+1)*_dw.z());
    osg::Vec3 scale(_du.x(), _dv.y(), -_dw.z());

    osg::BoundingBox bb(position.x(), position.y(), position.z()+scale.z(),
        position.x()+scale.x(), position.y()+scale.y(), position.z());

    if ( !frustum.contains(bb) ) 
        return false;

    osg::Vec3 center = position + scale*0.5f;
    float distance = (center-eyeLocal).length();

    osg::Matrix* mymodelview = 0;

    if (distance < _nearTransition)
        SiltDrawable::DepthMatrixStartTime& mstp 
            = pds._quadSiltDrawable->getCurrentCellMatrixMap()[SiltDrawable::Cell(i,k,j)];
        mstp.depth = distance;
        mstp.startTime = startTime;
        mymodelview = &mstp.modelview;
    else if (distance <= _farTransition)
        SiltDrawable::DepthMatrixStartTime& mstp 
            = pds._pointSiltDrawable->getCurrentCellMatrixMap()[SiltDrawable::Cell(i,k,j)];
        mstp.depth = distance;
        mstp.startTime = startTime;
        mymodelview = &mstp.modelview;
        return false;

    *mymodelview = *(cv->getModelViewMatrix());


    // preMultTranslate and preMultScale introduced in rev 8868, which was 
    // before OSG 2.7.3.


    // Otherwise use unoptimized versions



    return true;