예제 #1
STDMETHODIMP COutlookButton::Invoke(DISPID dispIdMember, REFIID riid, LCID lcid, WORD wFlags, DISPPARAMS* pDispParams, VARIANT* pVarResult, EXCEPINFO* pExcepInfo, UINT* puArgErr)
	if (IID_NULL != riid)

	// The only dispID supported is 1, which triggers when the "button" is clicked
    if (dispIdMember != 0x00000001)

    if (NULL == pDispParams) 
		return E_POINTER;
    if (pDispParams->cArgs != 2) 

	/*CMAPIEx mapi;
	if(!CMAPIEx::Init() || !mapi.Login("Outlook") || !mapi.OpenMessageStore("")) {
		MessageBox(NULL, "Failed to initialize MAPI", "Error", MB_OK);
		return S_OK;

	MessageBox(NULL, mapi.GetProfileName(), "Test", MB_OK);*/

	// you can use this profile name as an argument for Login() when no MAPI provider is open (ie Outlook)
	//printf("Profile Name: %s\n",mapi.GetProfileName());


	try {
		if( pDispParams->rgvarg[1].vt == VT_DISPATCH ) 
			//OutlookSecurity::SecurityManager sec;
			Outlook::_ExplorerPtr spExplorer = m_OLAppPtr->ActiveExplorer();
            _ContactItemPtr pContactItem = NULL;
			CString fullName="";

			if (spExplorer!=NULL) {			
				Outlook::_NameSpacePtr nameSpace = m_OLAppPtr->GetNamespace("MAPI");
				Outlook::MAPIFolderPtr currFolder = spExplorer->CurrentFolder;
				HRESULT hr;
				enum Outlook::OlItemType olt;
				hr = currFolder->get_DefaultItemType(&olt);
				if (!FAILED(hr)) {
					if (olt==(Outlook::OlItemType)2) {												
						IDispatchPtr pContact = GetSelectedItem(spExplorer);
						if (pContact!=NULL) {
							pContactItem = (Outlook::_ContactItemPtr)pContact;
							fullName = (LPCTSTR)pContactItem->GetFullName();							
					} else if (olt==(Outlook::OlItemType)0) {						
						Outlook::MAPIFolderPtr pParentFolder = (Outlook::MAPIFolderPtr)currFolder->GetParent();

						if (pParentFolder!=NULL) {
							IDispatchPtr pSelectedItem = GetSelectedItem(spExplorer);
							Outlook::_MailItemPtr pMailItem;
							//Outlook::_ContactItemPtr pContactItem;												
							Outlook::MAPIFolderPtr pTemp, pTemp2;
							BOOL itemType = 0; // 0-other, 1-mail, 2-contact

							if (pSelectedItem!=NULL) {
								HRESULT hr = pSelectedItem->QueryInterface(&pMailItem);

								if (FAILED(hr)) {
									hr = pSelectedItem->QueryInterface(&pContactItem);
									if (!FAILED(hr))
										itemType = 2;							
								} else {
									itemType = 1;

								if (itemType==1) { //mail item
									if ((pTemp=pParentFolder->GetParent())==NULL) {						
										pParentFolder = currFolder;
									} else {										
										while (1) {
											if ((pTemp2=pTemp->GetParent())!=NULL)
									if ((pParentFolder->GetName()==nameSpace->GetDefaultFolder(Outlook::olFolderOutbox)->GetName()) ||
										(pParentFolder->GetName()==nameSpace->GetDefaultFolder(Outlook::olFolderSentMail)->GetName()) ||
										(pParentFolder->GetName()==nameSpace->GetDefaultFolder(Outlook::olFolderDrafts)->GetName())) {
											fullName = (LPCTSTR)pMailItem->GetTo();
									} else if (pParentFolder->GetName()==nameSpace->GetDefaultFolder(Outlook::olFolderInbox)->GetName()) {										
										fullName = (LPCTSTR)pMailItem->GetSenderName();
									} else {
										fullName = (LPCTSTR)pMailItem->GetSenderName();										
										/*fullName += "#####";
										fullName += (LPCTSTR)pMailItem->GetTo();*/
									pContactItem = FindContact(CString(CString("[FullName] = '") + fullName + "'").AllocSysString());
								} else if (itemType==2) { //contact item
									fullName = (LPCTSTR)pContactItem->GetFullName();									                                    

			CString numbers;			
			CString strTemp;
			if (pContactItem) {
                strTemp = (LPCTSTR)pContactItem->GetAssistantTelephoneNumber();
				if (strTemp!="")
					numbers += "Assistant:" + strTemp + " | ";

				strTemp = (LPCTSTR)pContactItem->GetBusinessTelephoneNumber();				
				if (strTemp!="")
					numbers += "Business:" + strTemp + " | ";

				strTemp = (LPCTSTR)pContactItem->GetBusiness2TelephoneNumber();					
				if (strTemp!="")
					numbers += "Business2:" + strTemp + " | ";

				strTemp = (LPCTSTR)pContactItem->GetBusinessFaxNumber();					
				if (strTemp!="")
					numbers += "Business Fax:" + strTemp + " | ";

				strTemp = (LPCTSTR)pContactItem->GetCallbackTelephoneNumber();					
				if (strTemp!="")
					numbers += "Callback:" + strTemp + " | ";

				strTemp = (LPCTSTR)pContactItem->GetCarTelephoneNumber();					
				if (strTemp!="")
					numbers += "Car:" + strTemp + " | ";

				strTemp = (LPCTSTR)pContactItem->GetCompanyMainTelephoneNumber();
				if (strTemp!="")
					numbers += "Company Main:" + strTemp + " | ";

				strTemp = (LPCTSTR)pContactItem->GetHomeTelephoneNumber();					
				if (strTemp!="")
					numbers += "Home:" + strTemp + " | ";

				strTemp = (LPCTSTR)pContactItem->GetHome2TelephoneNumber();					
				if (strTemp!="")
					numbers += "Home2:" + strTemp + " | ";

				strTemp = (LPCTSTR)pContactItem->GetHomeFaxNumber();
				if (strTemp!="")
					numbers += "Home Fax:" + strTemp + " | ";

				strTemp = (LPCTSTR)pContactItem->GetISDNNumber();
				if (strTemp!="")
					numbers += "ISDN:" + strTemp + " | ";

				strTemp = (LPCTSTR)pContactItem->GetMobileTelephoneNumber();					
				if (strTemp!="")
					numbers += "Mobile:" + strTemp + " | ";

				strTemp = (LPCTSTR)pContactItem->GetOtherTelephoneNumber();					
				if (strTemp!="")
					numbers += "Other:" + strTemp + " | ";

				strTemp = (LPCTSTR)pContactItem->GetOtherFaxNumber();
				if (strTemp!="")
					numbers += "Other Fax:" + strTemp + " | ";

				strTemp = (LPCTSTR)pContactItem->GetPagerNumber();
				if (strTemp!="")
					numbers += "Pager:" + strTemp + " | ";

				strTemp = (LPCTSTR)pContactItem->GetPrimaryTelephoneNumber();					
				if (strTemp!="")
					numbers += "Primary:" + strTemp + " | ";

				strTemp = (LPCTSTR)pContactItem->GetRadioTelephoneNumber();
				if (strTemp!="")
					numbers += "Radio:" + strTemp + " | ";

				strTemp = (LPCTSTR)pContactItem->GetTelexNumber();
				if (strTemp!="")
					numbers += "Telex:" + strTemp + " | ";

				strTemp = (LPCTSTR)pContactItem->GetTTYTDDTelephoneNumber();
				if (strTemp!="")
					numbers += "TTY/TDD:" + strTemp + " | ";

			// We can now get at the "button" which triggered this event.
			LPDISPATCH pButton = pDispParams->rgvarg[1].pdispVal;
			CString strWindowTitle = "BSOC Main Application Window";
			CString strDataToSend;
			if (fullName=="") {
				strDataToSend = _T("Dial");
			} else {
				CString ContactName;
				if (pContactItem) {
                    ContactName = CString((LPCTSTR)pContactItem->GetFirstName()) + " | " + 
					CString((LPCTSTR)pContactItem->GetMiddleName()) + " | " +
				} else {
                    ContactName = fullName;
				strDataToSend = _T("Dial#####" + ContactName + "#####" + numbers);				

			LRESULT copyDataResult;			
			CWnd *pOtherWnd = CWnd::FindWindow(NULL, strWindowTitle);

			if (pOtherWnd)
				cpd.dwData = 0;
				cpd.cbData = strDataToSend.GetLength();
				cpd.lpData = (void*)strDataToSend.GetBuffer(cpd.cbData);
				copyDataResult = pOtherWnd->SendMessage(WM_COPYDATA,
				// copyDataResult has value returned by other app				
				AfxMessageBox(CString(APP_NAME) + " is not running.");

	} catch (...) { }


    return S_OK;
예제 #2
IDispatchPtr CreateNewEmail(IDispatchPtr spDispOutlook, IDispatchPtr spDispNameSpace)
   if(spDispOutlook == 0)
      throw Workshare::ArgumentNullException(_T("spDispOutlook"), _T("Outlook Application pointer is null."));

   if(spDispNameSpace == 0)
      throw Workshare::ArgumentNullException(_T("spDispNameSpace"), _T("MAPI NameSpace pointer is null."));

   Outlook::_ApplicationPtr spOutlook = spDispOutlook;
   Outlook::_NameSpacePtr spNameSpace = spDispNameSpace;
   Outlook::MAPIFolderPtr spDraftsFolder = spNameSpace->GetDefaultFolder(Outlook::olFolderDrafts);
   Outlook::_ItemsPtr spDraftItems = spDraftsFolder->Items;
   return spDraftItems->Add();