int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if( argc < 2 ) { std::cout << "Usage:" << std::endl; std::cout << argv[0] << " filename [stream-name [output-file]]" << std::endl; return 0; } char* filename = argv[1]; char* streamname = (argc<3) ? 0 : argv[2]; char* outfile = (argc<4) ? 0 : argv[3]; POLE::Storage* storage = new POLE::Storage( filename ); storage->open(); if( storage->result() != POLE::Storage::Ok ) { std::cout << "Error on file " << filename << std::endl; return 1; } if( !streamname ) visit( 0, storage, "/" ); else if( !outfile ) dump( storage, streamname ); else extract( storage, streamname, outfile ); delete storage; return 0; }
// Extract encryption data from Microsoft Word file // Place 48 bytes at record_out: // 16 byte Salt, followed by // 16 byte EncryptedVerifier, followed by // 16 byte EncryptedVerifierHash extern "C" void extract_doc(const char *file_name, unsigned char *record_out) { int n; // Used for number of bytes read POLE::Storage* storage = new POLE::Storage(file_name ); storage->open(); if( storage->result() != POLE::Storage::Ok ) { std::cout << "Error on file " << std::endl; exit(1); return; } // Check File Information Block to see if document is encrypted POLE::Stream* stream = new POLE::Stream( storage, "WordDocument" ); if (!stream || stream->fail() ) { std::cerr << "Could not open WordDocument stream\n"; exit(1); } // FibBase should be at the beginning of the WordDocument stream unsigned char wIdent[2]; n = stream->read(wIdent, 2); if (n != 2) return; if (! (wIdent[0] == 0xEC && wIdent[1] == 0xA5 )) { std::cerr << "FibBase not found\n"; exit(1); return; } // fEncrypted is in 12th byte of FibBase. 2 bytes have been read // already and 12 = 2 + 10. unsigned char byte; for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { n = stream->read(&byte, 1); if (n != 1) { std::cerr << "Error reading FibBase\n"; exit(1); } } if ((byte & 0x01) == 0) { std::cerr << "File is not encrypted\n"; exit(1); } // Look for encryption header in 1Table or 0Table stream // See // and delete stream; stream = new POLE::Stream( storage, "1Table" ); if (!stream || stream->fail() ) { stream = new POLE::Stream( storage, "0Table" ); } if (!stream || stream->fail() ) { std::cerr << "Couldn't open 1Table or 0Table stream\n"; exit(1); } unsigned char EncryptionHeader[52]; n = stream->read(EncryptionHeader, 52); memcpy(record_out, EncryptionHeader + 4, 48); }
void WordprocessingDocument::SaveDocument(bool &bMacros) { std::wstring pathWord = m_strOutputPath + FILE_SEPARATOR_STR + L"word" ; NSDirectory::CreateDirectory( pathWord ); if (bMacros && docFile->GetStorage()->isDirectory(L"Macros")) { std::wstring sVbaProjectFile = pathWord + FILE_SEPARATOR_STR + L"vbaProject.bin"; POLE::Storage *storageVbaProject = new POLE::Storage(sVbaProjectFile.c_str()); if ((storageVbaProject) && (storageVbaProject->open(true, true))) { docFile->GetStorage()->copy(0, L"Macros/", storageVbaProject, false); storageVbaProject->close(); delete storageVbaProject; RegisterDocumentMacros(); RegisterVbaProject(); //output_document->get_xl_files().add_vba_project(); } else bMacros = false; } else bMacros = false; if (!bMacros) { RegisterDocument(); } OOX::CContentTypes oContentTypes; OOX::CPath pathDocProps = m_strOutputPath + FILE_SEPARATOR_STR + _T("docProps"); NSDirectory::CreateDirectory(pathDocProps.GetPath()); OOX::CPath DocProps = std::wstring(_T("docProps")); OOX::CApp* pApp = new OOX::CApp(NULL); if (pApp) { std::wstring sApplication = NSSystemUtils::GetEnvVariable(NSSystemUtils::gc_EnvApplicationName); if (sApplication.empty()) sApplication = NSSystemUtils::gc_EnvApplicationNameDefault; pApp->SetApplication(sApplication); #if defined(INTVER) pApp->SetAppVersion(VALUE2STR(INTVER)); #endif pApp->SetDocSecurity(0); pApp->SetScaleCrop(false); pApp->SetLinksUpToDate(false); pApp->SetSharedDoc(false); pApp->SetHyperlinksChanged(false); pApp->write(pathDocProps + FILE_SEPARATOR_STR + _T("app.xml"), DocProps, oContentTypes); delete pApp; } OOX::CCore* pCore = new OOX::CCore(NULL); if (pCore) { pCore->SetCreator(_T("")); pCore->SetLastModifiedBy(_T("")); pCore->write(pathDocProps + FILE_SEPARATOR_STR + _T("core.xml"), DocProps, oContentTypes); delete pCore; } RegisterDocPr(); WritePackage(); //Write main content. (word directory) SaveToFile(pathWord, std::wstring( L"document.xml" ), DocumentXML ); SaveToFile(pathWord, std::wstring( L"fontTable.xml" ), FontTableXML ); SaveToFile(pathWord, std::wstring( L"styles.xml" ), StyleSheetXML ); SaveToFile(pathWord, std::wstring( L"footnotes.xml" ), FootnotesXML ); SaveToFile(pathWord, std::wstring( L"endnotes.xml" ), EndnotesXML ); SaveToFile(pathWord, std::wstring( L"numbering.xml" ), NumberingXML ); SaveToFile(pathWord, std::wstring( L"comments.xml" ), CommentsXML ); SaveToFile(pathWord, std::wstring( L"settings.xml" ), SettingsXML ); SaveToFile(pathWord, std::wstring( L"customizations.xml" ), CommandTableXML ); if (!ImagesList.empty()) { std::wstring pathMedia = pathWord + FILE_SEPARATOR_STR + L"media"; NSDirectory::CreateDirectory(pathMedia); int i = 1; for (std::list<ImageFileStructure>::iterator iter = ImagesList.begin(); iter != ImagesList.end(); ++iter) { unsigned char* bytes = NULL; bytes = new unsigned char[iter->data.size()]; if (bytes) { copy(iter->data.begin(), iter->data.end(), bytes); if (Global::msoblipDIB == iter->blipType) {//user_manual_v52.doc std::wstring file_name = pathMedia + FILE_SEPARATOR_STR + L"image" + FormatUtils::IntToWideString(i++); iter->blipType = ImageHelper::SaveImageToFileFromDIB(bytes, iter->data.size(), file_name); } else { SaveToFile(pathMedia, std::wstring(L"image" ) + FormatUtils::IntToWideString(i++) + iter->ext, (void*)bytes, (unsigned int)iter->data.size()); } RELEASEARRAYOBJECTS(bytes); } } } if (!OleObjectsList.empty()) { std::wstring pathObjects = pathWord + FILE_SEPARATOR_STR + L"embeddings" ; NSDirectory::CreateDirectory( pathObjects ); int i = 1; for (std::list<OleObjectFileStructure>::iterator iter = OleObjectsList.begin(); iter != OleObjectsList.end(); ++iter) { std::wstring fileName = pathObjects + FILE_SEPARATOR_STR + L"oleObject" + FormatUtils::IntToWideString(i++) + iter->ext; if (!iter->data.empty()) { SaveEmbeddedObject(fileName, *iter); } else { SaveOLEObject( fileName, *iter ); } } } int headersCount = 0; int footersCount = 0; for (std::list<std::wstring>::iterator iter = HeaderXMLList.begin(); iter != HeaderXMLList.end(); ++iter) { SaveToFile(pathWord, ( std::wstring( L"header" ) + FormatUtils::IntToWideString(++headersCount) + std::wstring( L".xml" ) ), *iter); } for (std::list<std::wstring>::iterator iter = FooterXMLList.begin(); iter != FooterXMLList.end(); ++iter) { SaveToFile(pathWord, ( std::wstring( L"footer" ) + FormatUtils::IntToWideString(++footersCount) + std::wstring( L".xml" ) ), *iter); } }