int main( int argc, char **argv ) { QApplication a( argc, argv ); // QApplication required! if ( argc != 3) { qWarning() << "usage: test-password-qt4 owner-password filename"; exit(1); } Poppler::Document *doc = Poppler::Document::load(argv[2], argv[1]); if (!doc) { qWarning() << "doc not loaded"; exit(1); } // output some meta-data int major = 0, minor = 0; doc->getPdfVersion( &major, &minor ); qDebug() << " PDF Version: " << qPrintable(QString::fromLatin1("%1.%2").arg(major).arg(minor)); qDebug() << " Title: " << doc->info("Title"); qDebug() << " Subject: " << doc->info("Subject"); qDebug() << " Author: " << doc->info("Author"); qDebug() << " Key words: " << doc->info("Keywords"); qDebug() << " Creator: " << doc->info("Creator"); qDebug() << " Producer: " << doc->info("Producer"); qDebug() << " Date created: " << doc->date("CreationDate").toString(); qDebug() << " Date modified: " << doc->date("ModDate").toString(); qDebug() << "Number of pages: " << doc->numPages(); qDebug() << " Linearised: " << doc->isLinearized(); qDebug() << " Encrypted: " << doc->isEncrypted(); qDebug() << " OK to print: " << doc->okToPrint(); qDebug() << " OK to copy: " << doc->okToCopy(); qDebug() << " OK to change: " << doc->okToChange(); qDebug() << "OK to add notes: " << doc->okToAddNotes(); qDebug() << " Page mode: " << doc->pageMode(); QStringList fontNameList; foreach( const Poppler::FontInfo &font, doc->fonts() ) fontNameList +=; qDebug() << " Fonts: " << fontNameList.join( ", " ); Poppler::Page *page = doc->page(0); qDebug() << " Page 1 size: " << page->pageSize().width()/72 << "inches x " << page->pageSize().height()/72 << "inches"; PDFDisplay test( doc ); // create picture display test.setWindowTitle("Poppler-Qt4 Test");; // show it return a.exec(); // start event loop }
int main( int argc, char **argv ) { QApplication a( argc, argv ); // QApplication required! QTime t; t.start(); QDir directory( argv[1] ); foreach ( const QString &fileName, directory.entryList() ) { if (fileName.endsWith("pdf") ) { qDebug() << "Doing" << fileName.toLatin1().data() << ":"; Poppler::Document *doc = Poppler::Document::load( directory.canonicalPath()+"/"+fileName ); if (!doc) { qWarning() << "doc not loaded"; } else if ( doc->isLocked() ) { if (! doc->unlock( "", "password" ) ) { qWarning() << "couldn't unlock document"; delete doc; } } else { doc->pdfVersion(); doc->info("Title"); doc->info("Subject"); doc->info("Author"); doc->info("Keywords"); doc->info("Creator"); doc->info("Producer"); doc->date("CreationDate").toString(); doc->date("ModDate").toString(); doc->numPages(); doc->isLinearized(); doc->isEncrypted(); doc->okToPrint(); doc->okToCopy(); doc->okToChange(); doc->okToAddNotes(); doc->pageMode(); for( int index = 0; index < doc->numPages(); ++index ) { Poppler::Page *page = doc->page( index ); QImage image = page->renderToImage(); page->pageSize(); page->orientation(); delete page; std::cout << "."; std::cout.flush(); } std::cout << std::endl; delete doc; } } } std::cout << "Elapsed time: " << (t.elapsed()/1000) << "seconds" << std::endl; }
void TestMetaData::checkPageSize() { Poppler::Document *doc; doc = Poppler::Document::load("../../../test/unittestcases/truetype.pdf"); QVERIFY( doc ); Poppler::Page *page = doc->page(0); QCOMPARE( page->pageSize(), QSize(595, 842) ); QCOMPARE( page->pageSizeF(), QSizeF(595.22, 842) ); delete page; delete doc; }
QImage Pdf::page(int i) { QImage image; // Paranoid safety check if (_document == 0) { return image; } Poppler::Page* pdfPage = _document->page(i); // Document starts at page 0 if (pdfPage == 0) { return image; } QSize size = pdfPage->pageSize(); float scale = 2.0; // the size can be decided more intelligently image = pdfPage->renderToImage(scale*72.0, scale*72.0, 0, 0, scale*size.width(), scale*size.height()); delete pdfPage; return binarization(image); }
int main( int argc, char **argv ) { QApplication a( argc, argv ); // QApplication required! Q_UNUSED( argc ); Q_UNUSED( argv ); QTime t; t.start(); QDir dbDir( QStringLiteral( "./pdfdb" ) ); if ( !dbDir.exists() ) { qWarning() << "Database directory does not exist"; } QStringList excludeSubDirs; excludeSubDirs << QStringLiteral("000048") << QStringLiteral("000607"); const QStringList dirs = dbDir.entryList(QStringList() << QStringLiteral("0000*"), QDir::Dirs); foreach ( const QString &subdir, dirs ) { if ( excludeSubDirs.contains(subdir) ) { // then skip it } else { QString path = "./pdfdb/" + subdir + "/data.pdf"; std::cout <<"Doing " << path.toLatin1().data() << " :"; Poppler::Document *doc = Poppler::Document::load( path ); if (!doc) { qWarning() << "doc not loaded"; } else { int major = 0, minor = 0; doc->getPdfVersion( &major, &minor ); doc->info(QStringLiteral("Title")); doc->info(QStringLiteral("Subject")); doc->info(QStringLiteral("Author")); doc->info(QStringLiteral("Keywords")); doc->info(QStringLiteral("Creator")); doc->info(QStringLiteral("Producer")); doc->date(QStringLiteral("CreationDate")).toString(); doc->date(QStringLiteral("ModDate")).toString(); doc->numPages(); doc->isLinearized(); doc->isEncrypted(); doc->okToPrint(); doc->okToCopy(); doc->okToChange(); doc->okToAddNotes(); doc->pageMode(); for( int index = 0; index < doc->numPages(); ++index ) { Poppler::Page *page = doc->page( index ); page->renderToImage(); page->pageSize(); page->orientation(); delete page; std::cout << "."; std::cout.flush(); } std::cout << std::endl; delete doc; } } } std::cout << "Elapsed time: " << (t.elapsed()/1000) << std::endl; }