static void RemoveProcessBeforeState( StateModel& statemodel, const Process::ProcessModel& proc) { ProcessStateDataInterface* state = proc.endStateData(); if (!state) return; auto it = ossia::find_if(statemodel.previousProcesses(), [&](const auto& elt) { return state == &elt.process(); }); updateTreeWithRemovedProcess( statemodel.messages().rootNode(),, ProcessPosition::Previous); statemodel.sig_statesUpdated(); // TODO debug the need for this check if (it != statemodel.previousProcesses().end()) statemodel.previousProcesses().erase(it); }
static void AddProcessBeforeState( StateModel& statemodel, const Process::ProcessModel& proc) { // TODO this should be fused with the notion of State Process. ProcessStateDataInterface* state = proc.endStateData(); if (!state) return; auto prev_proc_fun = [&](const State::MessageList& ml) { // TODO have some collapsing between all the processes of a state // NOTE how to prevent these states from being played // twice ? mark them ? // TODO which one should be sent ? the ones // from the process ? auto& messages = statemodel.messages(); for (const ProcessStateWrapper& next_proc : statemodel.followingProcesses()) { next_proc.process().setMessages(ml, messages.rootNode()); } updateTreeWithMessageList( messages.rootNode(), ml,, ProcessPosition::Previous); statemodel.sig_statesUpdated(); }; statemodel.previousProcesses().emplace_back(state); auto& wrapper = statemodel.previousProcesses().back(); QObject::connect( state, &ProcessStateDataInterface::messagesChanged, &wrapper, prev_proc_fun); prev_proc_fun(state->messages()); }