static std::string get_frontend_pp_string(const std::string &type, property_tree::sptr tree, const fs_path &path){ std::stringstream ss; ss << boost::format("%s Frontend: %s") % type % path.leaf() << std::endl; //ss << std::endl; ss << boost::format("Name: %s") % (tree->access<std::string>(path / "name").get()) << std::endl; ss << boost::format("Antennas: %s") % prop_names_to_pp_string(tree->access<std::vector<std::string> >(path / "antenna/options").get()) << std::endl; if (tree->exists(path/ "sensors")) { ss << boost::format("Sensors: %s") % prop_names_to_pp_string(tree->list(path / "sensors")) << std::endl; } meta_range_t freq_range = tree->access<meta_range_t>(path / "freq/range").get(); ss << boost::format("Freq range: %.3f to %.3f MHz") % (freq_range.start()/1e6) % (freq_range.stop()/1e6) << std::endl; std::vector<std::string> gain_names = tree->list(path / "gains"); if (gain_names.size() == 0) ss << "Gain Elements: None" << std::endl; for(const std::string &name: gain_names){ meta_range_t gain_range = tree->access<meta_range_t>(path / "gains" / name / "range").get(); ss << boost::format("Gain range %s: %.1f to %.1f step %.1f dB") % name % gain_range.start() % gain_range.stop() % gain_range.step() << std::endl; } if (tree->exists(path / "bandwidth" / "range")) { meta_range_t bw_range = tree->access<meta_range_t>(path / "bandwidth" / "range").get(); ss << boost::format("Bandwidth range: %.1f to %.1f step %.1f Hz") % bw_range.start() % bw_range.stop() % bw_range.step() << std::endl; } ss << boost::format("Connection Type: %s") % (tree->access<std::string>(path / "connection").get()) << std::endl; ss << boost::format("Uses LO offset: %s") % ((tree->exists(path / "use_lo_offset") and tree->access<bool>(path / "use_lo_offset").get())? "Yes" : "No") << std::endl; return ss.str(); }
void shd::smini::validate_subdev_spec( property_tree::sptr tree, const subdev_spec_t &spec, const std::string &type, const std::string &mb ){ const size_t num_dsps = tree->list(str(boost::format("/mboards/%s/%s_dsps") % mb % type)).size(); //sanity checking on the length if (spec.size() == 0) throw shd::value_error(str(boost::format( "Empty %s subdevice specification is not supported.\n" ) % type)); if (spec.size() > num_dsps) throw shd::value_error(str(boost::format( "The subdevice specification \"%s\" is too long.\n" "The user specified %u channels, but there are only %u %s dsps on mboard %s.\n" ) % spec.to_string() % spec.size() % num_dsps % type % mb)); //make a list of all possible specs subdev_spec_t all_specs; BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string &db, tree->list(str(boost::format("/mboards/%s/dboards") % mb))){ BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string &sd, tree->list(str(boost::format("/mboards/%s/dboards/%s/%s_frontends") % mb % db % type))){ all_specs.push_back(subdev_spec_pair_t(db, sd)); } } //validate that the spec is possible BOOST_FOREACH(const subdev_spec_pair_t &pair, spec){ shd::assert_has(all_specs, pair, str(boost::format("%s subdevice specification on mboard %s") % type % mb)); }
static std::string get_rfnoc_pp_string(property_tree::sptr tree, const fs_path &path){ std::stringstream ss; ss << "RFNoC blocks on this device:" << std::endl << std::endl; for(const std::string &name: tree->list(path)){ ss << "* " << name << std::endl; } return ss.str(); }
static std::string get_device_pp_string(property_tree::sptr tree){ std::stringstream ss; ss << boost::format("Device: %s") % (tree->access<std::string>("/name").get()) << std::endl; //ss << std::endl; for(const std::string &name: tree->list("/mboards")){ ss << make_border(get_mboard_pp_string(tree, "/mboards/" + name)); } return ss.str(); }
static std::string get_codec_pp_string(const std::string &type, property_tree::sptr tree, const fs_path &path){ std::stringstream ss; if (tree->exists(path / "name")) { ss << boost::format("%s Codec: %s") % type % path.leaf() << std::endl; ss << boost::format("Name: %s") % (tree->access<std::string>(path / "name").get()) << std::endl; std::vector<std::string> gain_names = tree->list(path / "gains"); if (gain_names.size() == 0) ss << "Gain Elements: None" << std::endl; for(const std::string &name: gain_names){ meta_range_t gain_range = tree->access<meta_range_t>(path / "gains" / name / "range").get(); ss << boost::format("Gain range %s: %.1f to %.1f step %.1f dB") % name % gain_range.start() % gain_range.stop() % gain_range.step() << std::endl; } } return ss.str(); }
static std::string get_dboard_pp_string(const std::string &type, property_tree::sptr tree, const fs_path &path){ std::stringstream ss; ss << boost::format("%s Dboard: %s") % type % path.leaf() << std::endl; //ss << std::endl; const std::string prefix = (type == "RX")? "rx" : "tx"; if (tree->exists(path / (prefix + "_eeprom"))) { usrp::dboard_eeprom_t db_eeprom = tree->access<usrp::dboard_eeprom_t>(path / (prefix + "_eeprom")).get(); if ( != usrp::dboard_id_t::none()) ss << boost::format("ID: %s") % << std::endl; if (not db_eeprom.serial.empty()) ss << boost::format("Serial: %s") % db_eeprom.serial << std::endl; if (type == "TX"){ usrp::dboard_eeprom_t gdb_eeprom = tree->access<usrp::dboard_eeprom_t>(path / "gdb_eeprom").get(); if ( != usrp::dboard_id_t::none()) ss << boost::format("ID: %s") % << std::endl; if (not gdb_eeprom.serial.empty()) ss << boost::format("Serial: %s") % gdb_eeprom.serial << std::endl; } } if (tree->exists(path / (prefix + "_frontends"))) { for(const std::string &name: tree->list(path / (prefix + "_frontends"))){ ss << make_border(get_frontend_pp_string(type, tree, path / (prefix + "_frontends") / name)); } } ss << make_border(get_codec_pp_string(type, tree, path.branch_path().branch_path() / (prefix + "_codecs") / path.leaf())); return ss.str(); }
static std::string get_mboard_pp_string(property_tree::sptr tree, const fs_path &path){ std::stringstream ss; ss << boost::format("Mboard: %s") % (tree->access<std::string>(path / "name").get()) << std::endl; if (tree->exists(path / "eeprom")){ usrp::mboard_eeprom_t mb_eeprom = tree->access<usrp::mboard_eeprom_t>(path / "eeprom").get(); for(const std::string &key: mb_eeprom.keys()){ if (not mb_eeprom[key].empty()) ss << boost::format("%s: %s") % key % mb_eeprom[key] << std::endl; } } else { ss << "No mboard EEPROM found." << std::endl; } if (tree->exists(path / "fw_version")){ ss << "FW Version: " << tree->access<std::string>(path / "fw_version").get() << std::endl; } if (tree->exists(path / "fpga_version")){ ss << "FPGA Version: " << tree->access<std::string>(path / "fpga_version").get() << std::endl; } if (tree->exists(path / "fpga_version_hash")){ ss << "FPGA git hash: " << tree->access<std::string>(path / "fpga_version_hash").get() << std::endl; } if (tree->exists(path / "xbar")){ ss << "RFNoC capable: Yes" << std::endl; } ss << std::endl; try { if (tree->exists(path / "time_source" / "options")){ const std::vector< std::string > time_sources = tree->access<std::vector<std::string> >(path / "time_source" / "options").get(); ss << "Time sources: " << prop_names_to_pp_string(time_sources) << std::endl; } if (tree->exists(path / "clock_source" / "options")){ const std::vector< std::string > clock_sources = tree->access<std::vector<std::string> >(path / "clock_source" / "options").get(); ss << "Clock sources: " << prop_names_to_pp_string(clock_sources) << std::endl; } if (tree->exists(path / "sensors")){ ss << "Sensors: " << prop_names_to_pp_string(tree->list(path / "sensors")) << std::endl; } if (tree->exists(path / "rx_dsps")){ for(const std::string &name: tree->list(path / "rx_dsps")){ ss << make_border(get_dsp_pp_string("RX", tree, path / "rx_dsps" / name)); } } if (tree->exists(path / "dboards")) { for(const std::string &name: tree->list(path / "dboards")){ ss << make_border(get_dboard_pp_string("RX", tree, path / "dboards" / name)); } if (tree->exists(path / "tx_dsps")){ for(const std::string &name: tree->list(path / "tx_dsps")){ ss << make_border(get_dsp_pp_string("TX", tree, path / "tx_dsps" / name)); } } for(const std::string &name: tree->list(path / "dboards")){ ss << make_border(get_dboard_pp_string("TX", tree, path / "dboards" / name)); } } if (tree->exists(path / "xbar")){ ss << make_border(get_rfnoc_pp_string(tree, path / "xbar")); } } catch (const uhd::lookup_error& ex) { std::cout << "Exited device probe on " << ex.what() << std::endl; } return ss.str(); }