예제 #1
TiXmlElement* mitk::SceneIO::SavePropertyList( PropertyList* propertyList, const std::string& filenamehint)

  //  - TODO what to do about shared properties (same object in two lists or behind several keys)?
  TiXmlElement* element = new TiXmlElement("properties");

  // construct name of serializer class
  PropertyListSerializer::Pointer serializer = PropertyListSerializer::New();

  serializer->SetWorkingDirectory( m_WorkingDirectory );
    std::string writtenfilename = serializer->Serialize();
    element->SetAttribute("file", writtenfilename);
    PropertyList::Pointer failedProperties = serializer->GetFailedProperties();
    if (failedProperties.IsNotNull())
      // move failed properties to global list
      m_FailedProperties->ConcatenatePropertyList( failedProperties, true );
  catch (std::exception& e)
    MITK_ERROR << "Serializer " << serializer->GetNameOfClass() << " failed: " << e.what();

  return element;
예제 #2
bool mitk::SceneReaderV1::DecorateNodeWithProperties(DataNode* node, TiXmlElement* nodeElement, const std::string& workingDirectory)
  bool error(false);

  for( TiXmlElement* properties = nodeElement->FirstChildElement("properties"); properties != NULL; properties = properties->NextSiblingElement("properties") )
    const char* propertiesfilea( properties->Attribute("file") );
    std::string propertiesfile( propertiesfilea ? propertiesfilea : "" );
    const char* renderwindowa( properties->Attribute("renderwindow") );
    std::string renderwindow( renderwindowa ? renderwindowa : "" );

    BaseRenderer* renderer = BaseRenderer::GetByName( renderwindow );
    if (renderer || renderwindow.empty())
      PropertyList::Pointer propertyList = node->GetPropertyList(renderer); // DataNode implementation always returns a propertylist
      // clear all properties from node that might be set by DataNodeFactory during loading 

      // use deserializer to construct new properties
      PropertyListDeserializer::Pointer deserializer = PropertyListDeserializer::New();
      deserializer->SetFilename(workingDirectory + Poco::Path::separator() + propertiesfile);
      bool success = deserializer->Deserialize();
      error |= !success;
      PropertyList::Pointer readProperties = deserializer->GetOutput();

      if (readProperties.IsNotNull())
        propertyList->ConcatenatePropertyList( readProperties, true ); // true = replace
        MITK_ERROR << "Property list reader did not return a property list. This is an implementation error. Please tell your developer.";
        error = true;
      MITK_ERROR << "Found properties for renderer " << renderwindow << " but there is no such renderer in current application. Ignoring those properties";
      error = true;

  return !error;
예제 #3
bool mitk::SceneReaderV1::DecorateBaseDataWithProperties(BaseData::Pointer data, TiXmlElement *baseDataNodeElem, const std::string &workingDir)
  // check given variables, initialize error variable
  bool error(false);

  // get the file name stored in the <properties ...> tag
  const char* baseDataPropertyFile( baseDataNodeElem->Attribute("file") );
  // check if the filename was found
    //PropertyList::Pointer dataPropList = data->GetPropertyList();

    PropertyListDeserializer::Pointer propertyDeserializer = PropertyListDeserializer::New();

    // initialize the property reader
    propertyDeserializer->SetFilename(workingDir + Poco::Path::separator() + baseDataPropertyFile);
    bool ioSuccess = propertyDeserializer->Deserialize();
    error = !ioSuccess;

    // get the output
    PropertyList::Pointer inProperties = propertyDeserializer->GetOutput();

    // store the read-in properties to the given node or throw error otherwise
    if( inProperties.IsNotNull() )
      data->SetPropertyList( inProperties );
      MITK_ERROR << "The property deserializer did not return a (valid) property list.";
      error = true;
    MITK_ERROR << "Function DecorateBaseDataWithProperties(...) called with false TiXmlElement. \n \t ->Given element does not contain a 'file' attribute. \n";
    error = true;

  return !error;
예제 #4
mitk::InteractionEvent::Pointer mitk::EventFactory::CreateEvent(PropertyList::Pointer list)
  std::string eventClass, eventVariant;
  list->GetStringProperty(InteractionEventConst::xmlParameterEventClass().c_str(), eventClass);
  list->GetStringProperty(InteractionEventConst::xmlParameterEventVariant().c_str(), eventVariant);

// Query all possible attributes, if they are not present, set their default values.
// Position Events & Key Events
  std::string strModifiers;
  InteractionEvent::ModifierKeys modifiers = InteractionEvent::NoKey;
  std::string strEventButton;
  InteractionEvent::MouseButtons eventButton = InteractionEvent::NoButton;
  std::string strButtonState;
  InteractionEvent::MouseButtons buttonState = InteractionEvent::NoButton;
  std::string strKey;
  std::string key;
  std::string strWheelDelta;
  int wheelDelta;
  std::string strSignalName = "";

  Point2D pos;

// Parse modifier information
  if (list->GetStringProperty(InteractionEventConst::xmlEventPropertyModifier().c_str(), strModifiers))
    std::vector<std::string> mods = split(strModifiers, ',');
    for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = mods.begin(); it != mods.end(); ++it)
      std::transform((*it).begin(), (*it).end(), (*it).begin(), ::toupper);
      if (*it == "CTRL")
        modifiers = modifiers | InteractionEvent::ControlKey;
      else if (*it == "ALT")
        modifiers = modifiers | InteractionEvent::AltKey;
      else if (*it == "SHIFT")
        modifiers = modifiers | InteractionEvent::ShiftKey;
        MITK_WARN<< "mitkEventFactory: Invalid event modifier in config file :" << (*it);

// Set EventButton
  if (list->GetStringProperty(InteractionEventConst::xmlEventPropertyEventButton().c_str(), strEventButton))
    std::transform(strEventButton.begin(), strEventButton.end(), strEventButton.begin(), ::toupper);
    if (strEventButton == "MIDDLEMOUSEBUTTON")
      eventButton = InteractionEvent::MiddleMouseButton;
    else if (strEventButton == "LEFTMOUSEBUTTON")
      eventButton = InteractionEvent::LeftMouseButton;
    else if (strEventButton == "RIGHTMOUSEBUTTON")
      eventButton = InteractionEvent::RightMouseButton;
      MITK_WARN<< "mitkEventFactory: Invalid event button in config file: " << strEventButton;

// Parse ButtonStates
  if (list->GetStringProperty(InteractionEventConst::xmlEventPropertyButtonState().c_str(), strButtonState))
    std::vector<std::string> mods = split(strButtonState, ',');
    for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = mods.begin(); it != mods.end(); ++it)
      std::transform((*it).begin(), (*it).end(), (*it).begin(), ::toupper);
      if (*it == "MIDDLEMOUSEBUTTON")
        buttonState = buttonState | InteractionEvent::MiddleMouseButton;
      else if (*it == "LEFTMOUSEBUTTON")
        buttonState = buttonState | InteractionEvent::LeftMouseButton;
      else if (*it == "RIGHTMOUSEBUTTON")
        buttonState = buttonState | InteractionEvent::RightMouseButton;
        MITK_WARN<< "mitkEventFactory: Invalid event buttonstate in config file:" << (*it);

// Key
  if (!list->GetStringProperty(InteractionEventConst::xmlEventPropertyKey().c_str(), strKey))
    key = "";
    key = strKey;
// WheelDelta
  if (!list->GetStringProperty(InteractionEventConst::xmlEventPropertyScrollDirection().c_str(), strWheelDelta))
    wheelDelta = 0;
    std::transform(strWheelDelta.begin(), strWheelDelta.end(), strWheelDelta.begin(), ::toupper);
    if (strWheelDelta == "DOWN")
      wheelDelta = -1;
      wheelDelta = 1;
// Internal Signals Name
  list->GetStringProperty(InteractionEventConst::xmlEventPropertySignalName().c_str(), strSignalName);

   * Here the objects are created

  mitk::InteractionEvent::Pointer event;
  std::transform(eventClass.begin(), eventClass.end(), eventClass.begin(), ::toupper);

  if (eventClass == "MOUSEPRESSEVENT")
    // buttonstates incorporate the event button (as in Qt)
    buttonState = buttonState | eventButton;
    event = MousePressEvent::New(NULL, pos, buttonState, modifiers, eventButton);
  else if (eventClass == "MOUSEDOUBLECLICKEVENT")
    buttonState = buttonState | eventButton;
    event = MouseDoubleClickEvent::New(NULL, pos, buttonState, modifiers, eventButton);
  else if (eventClass == "MOUSEMOVEEVENT")
    event = MouseMoveEvent::New(NULL, pos, buttonState, modifiers);
  else if (eventClass == "MOUSERELEASEEVENT")
    event = MouseReleaseEvent::New(NULL, pos, buttonState, modifiers, eventButton);
  else if (eventClass == "INTERACTIONKEYEVENT")
    event = InteractionKeyEvent::New(NULL, key, modifiers);
  else if (eventClass == "MOUSEWHEELEVENT")
    event = MouseWheelEvent::New(NULL, pos, buttonState, modifiers, wheelDelta);
  else if (eventClass == "INTERACTIONPOSITIONEVENT")
    event = InteractionPositionEvent::New(NULL, pos);
  else if (eventClass == "INTERNALEVENT")
    event = InternalEvent::New(NULL, NULL, strSignalName);
  else if (eventClass == "INTERACTIONEVENT")
    event = InteractionEvent::New(NULL);
  if (event.IsNull())
    MITK_WARN<< "Event couldn't be constructed. Please check your StateMachine patterns and config files\n for the following event class, which is not valid: " << eventClass;
    return NULL;
  return event;
예제 #5
mitk::InteractionEvent::Pointer mitk::EventFactory::CreateEvent(PropertyList::Pointer list)
  std::string eventClass, eventVariant;
  list->GetStringProperty(InteractionEventConst::xmlParameterEventClass().c_str(), eventClass);
  list->GetStringProperty(InteractionEventConst::xmlParameterEventVariant().c_str(), eventVariant);

  // Query all possible attributes, if they are not present, set their default values.
  // Position Events & Key Events
  std::string strModifiers;
  InteractionEvent::ModifierKeys modifiers = InteractionEvent::NoKey;
  std::string strEventButton;
  InteractionEvent::MouseButtons eventButton = InteractionEvent::NoButton;
  std::string strButtonState;
  InteractionEvent::MouseButtons buttonState = InteractionEvent::NoButton;
  std::string strKey;
  std::string key;
  std::string strWheelDelta;
  int wheelDelta;
  std::string strSignalName = "";

  Point2D pos;
  std::string strPos;

  // Position on screen
  if( list->GetStringProperty(InteractionEventConst::xmlEventPropertyPositionOnScreen().c_str(), strPos))
    //split comma separated string
    int commaPos;
    commaPos = strPos.find_first_of(',');

    pos[0] = static_cast<mitk::ScalarType>(std::atof(strPos.substr(0, commaPos).c_str()));
    pos[1] = static_cast<mitk::ScalarType>(std::atof(strPos.substr(commaPos+1, strPos.length()).c_str()));

  std::string strWorld;
  Point3D worldPos;
  //Position in world coordinates
  if(list->GetStringProperty(InteractionEventConst::xmlEventPropertyPositionInWorld().c_str(), strWorld))
    const std::vector<std::string> coords = split(strWorld, ',');
    int i = 0;
    for ( std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = coords.cbegin(); it != coords.cend(); ++it, ++i)
      worldPos[i] = atof((*it).c_str());

  // Parse modifier information
  if (list->GetStringProperty(InteractionEventConst::xmlEventPropertyModifier().c_str(), strModifiers))
    std::vector<std::string> mods = split(strModifiers, ',');
    for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = mods.begin(); it != mods.end(); ++it)
      std::transform((*it).cbegin(), (*it).cend(), (*it).begin(), ::toupper);
      if (*it == "CTRL")
        modifiers = modifiers | InteractionEvent::ControlKey;
      else if (*it == "ALT")
        modifiers = modifiers | InteractionEvent::AltKey;
      else if (*it == "SHIFT")
        modifiers = modifiers | InteractionEvent::ShiftKey;
        MITK_WARN<< "mitkEventFactory: Invalid event modifier in config file :" << (*it);

  // Set EventButton
  if (list->GetStringProperty(InteractionEventConst::xmlEventPropertyEventButton().c_str(), strEventButton))
    std::transform(strEventButton.cbegin(), strEventButton.cend(), strEventButton.begin(), ::toupper);
    if (strEventButton == "MIDDLEMOUSEBUTTON")
      eventButton = InteractionEvent::MiddleMouseButton;
    else if (strEventButton == "LEFTMOUSEBUTTON")
      eventButton = InteractionEvent::LeftMouseButton;
    else if (strEventButton == "RIGHTMOUSEBUTTON")
      eventButton = InteractionEvent::RightMouseButton;
      MITK_WARN<< "mitkEventFactory: Invalid event button in config file: " << strEventButton;

  // Parse ButtonStates
  if (list->GetStringProperty(InteractionEventConst::xmlEventPropertyButtonState().c_str(), strButtonState))
    std::vector<std::string> mods = split(strButtonState, ',');
    for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = mods.begin(); it != mods.end(); ++it)
      std::transform((*it).cbegin(), (*it).cend(), (*it).begin(), ::toupper);
      if (*it == "MIDDLEMOUSEBUTTON")
        buttonState = buttonState | InteractionEvent::MiddleMouseButton;
      else if (*it == "LEFTMOUSEBUTTON")
        buttonState = buttonState | InteractionEvent::LeftMouseButton;
      else if (*it == "RIGHTMOUSEBUTTON")
        buttonState = buttonState | InteractionEvent::RightMouseButton;
        MITK_WARN<< "mitkEventFactory: Invalid event buttonstate in config file:" << (*it);

  // Key
  if (!list->GetStringProperty(InteractionEventConst::xmlEventPropertyKey().c_str(), strKey))
    key = "";
    key = strKey;
  // WheelDelta
  if (!list->GetStringProperty(InteractionEventConst::xmlEventPropertyScrollDirection().c_str(), strWheelDelta))
    wheelDelta = 0;
    std::transform(strWheelDelta.cbegin(), strWheelDelta.cend(), strWheelDelta.begin(), ::toupper);
    if (strWheelDelta == "DOWN")
      wheelDelta = -1;
      wheelDelta = 1;
  // Internal Signals Name
  list->GetStringProperty(InteractionEventConst::xmlEventPropertySignalName().c_str(), strSignalName);

  // Get BaseRenderer by name
  mitk::BaseRenderer* renderer = NULL;
  std::string strRenderer;

  // only search for a renderer if there is at least one renderer registered
  if(mitk::BaseRenderer::baseRendererMap.size() > 0)

    if(list->GetStringProperty(mitk::InteractionEventConst::xmlEventPropertyRendererName().c_str(), strRenderer))
      //look up for renderer registered with the name in xml file
      renderer = mitk::BaseRenderer::GetByName(strRenderer);

    //if not found always use first registered renderer
    if(renderer == NULL)
      renderer = (*(mitk::BaseRenderer::baseRendererMap.cbegin())).second;

   * Here the objects are created

  mitk::InteractionEvent::Pointer event;
  std::transform(eventClass.cbegin(), eventClass.cend(), eventClass.begin(), ::toupper);

  if (eventClass == "MOUSEPRESSEVENT")
    // buttonstates incorporate the event button (as in Qt)
    buttonState = buttonState | eventButton;
    event = MousePressEvent::New(renderer, pos, buttonState, modifiers, eventButton);
  else if (eventClass == "MOUSEDOUBLECLICKEVENT")
    buttonState = buttonState | eventButton;
    event = MouseDoubleClickEvent::New(renderer, pos, buttonState, modifiers, eventButton);
  else if (eventClass == "MOUSEMOVEEVENT")
    event = MouseMoveEvent::New(renderer, pos, buttonState, modifiers);
  else if (eventClass == "MOUSERELEASEEVENT")
    event = MouseReleaseEvent::New(renderer, pos, buttonState, modifiers, eventButton);
  else if (eventClass == "INTERACTIONKEYEVENT")
    event = InteractionKeyEvent::New(renderer, key, modifiers);
  else if (eventClass == "MOUSEWHEELEVENT")
    event = MouseWheelEvent::New(renderer, pos, buttonState, modifiers, wheelDelta);
  else if (eventClass == "INTERACTIONPOSITIONEVENT")
    event = InteractionPositionEvent::New(renderer, pos);
  else if (eventClass == "INTERNALEVENT")
    event = InternalEvent::New(renderer, NULL, strSignalName);
  else if (eventClass == "INTERACTIONEVENT")
    event = InteractionEvent::New(renderer);
  if (event.IsNull())
    MITK_WARN<< "Event couldn't be constructed. Please check your StateMachine patterns and config files\n for the following event class, which is not valid: " << eventClass;
    return NULL;
  return event;