void EnhanceApp::mouseUp( MouseEvent event ) { if( mCtlDown ) { int frame = int ( event.getPos().x / float(getWindowWidth()) * mMovie.getNumFrames() ); mMovie.seekToFrame( frame ); mCtlDown = false; } else if( mAltLockDown) { mScale += mScaleOffset; mRot += mRotOffset; mScaleOffset = mRotOffset = 0; mAltLockDown = false; } else { mAxisDisplay += mAxisOffset; mAxisOffset = Vec2f::zero(); } }
void ocvOpticalFlowApp::loadMovieFile( const fs::path &moviePath ) { try { // load up the movie, set it to loop, and begin playing mMovie = qtime::MovieSurface( moviePath ); mMovie.setLoop(); mMovie.play(); // create a texture for showing some info about the movie TextLayout infoText; infoText.clear( ColorA( 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.5f ) ); infoText.setColor( Color::white() ); infoText.addCenteredLine( moviePath.filename().string() ); infoText.addLine( toString( mMovie.getWidth() ) + " x " + toString( mMovie.getHeight() ) + " pixels" ); infoText.addLine( toString( mMovie.getDuration() ) + " seconds" ); infoText.addLine( toString( mMovie.getNumFrames() ) + " frames" ); infoText.addLine( toString( mMovie.getFramerate() ) + " fps" ); infoText.setBorder( 4, 2 ); mInfoTexture = gl::Texture( infoText.render( true ) ); } catch( ... ) { console() << "Unable to load the movie." << std::endl; mMovie.reset(); mInfoTexture.reset(); } mFrameTexture.reset(); }
void EnhanceApp::loadMovieFile( const string &moviePath ) { try { mMovie = qtime::MovieSurface( moviePath ); console() << "Dimensions:" << mMovie.getWidth() << " x " << mMovie.getHeight() << std::endl; console() << "Duration: " << mMovie.getDuration() << " seconds" << std::endl; console() << "Frames: " << mMovie.getNumFrames() << std::endl; console() << "Framerate: " << mMovie.getFramerate() << std::endl; console() << "Alpha channel: " << mMovie.hasAlpha() << std::endl; console() << "Has audio: " << mMovie.hasAudio() << " Has visuals: " << mMovie.hasVisuals() << std::endl; mMovie.setLoop( true, true ); mMovie.setVolume(0); mMovie.seekToStart(); mMovie.play(); } catch( ... ) { console() << "Unable to load the movie." << std::endl; } }
void EnhanceApp::mouseDrag( MouseEvent event ) { //Vec2f offset = event.getPos() - mClickDown; Vec2f offset = ( mClickDown - event.getPos()) * .5; if( mCtlDown ) { int frame = int ( event.getPos().x / float(getWindowWidth()) * mMovie.getNumFrames() ); mMovie.seekToFrame( frame ); } else if( mAltLockDown) { mScaleOffset = offset.y / getWindowHeight(); mRotOffset = offset.x; } else { mAxisOffset = offset; } }