std::int32_t get_value(const rapidjson::Value& root, const char* key) { if (key != nullptr) { if (root.HasMember(key) && root[key].IsInt()) return root[key].GetInt(); else throw std::system_error(std::error_code(), "Parse error."); } else { if (root.IsInt()) return root.GetInt(); else throw std::system_error(std::error_code(), "Parse error."); } }
void json2tvalue(QVariant & output, const rapidjson::Value & input, int itype) { if(input.IsNull()) { output.clear(); } else if(input.IsInt64()) { output = QVariant(input.GetInt64()); } else if(input.IsInt()) { output = QVariant(input.GetInt()); } else if(input.IsDouble()) { output = QVariant(input.GetDouble()); } else if(input.IsBool()) { output = QVariant(input.GetBool()); } else if(input.IsString()) { output = QVariant(QString(input.GetString())); } else if(input.IsArray()) { switch(itype) { case QVariant::Point: { assert(input.Size() == 2); output = QPoint(input[0u].GetDouble(), input[1].GetDouble()); break; } case QVariant::PointF: { assert(input.Size() == 2); output = QPointF(input[0u].GetDouble(), input[1].GetDouble()); break; } case QVariant::Size: { assert(input.Size() == 2); output = QSize(input[0u].GetDouble(), input[1].GetDouble()); break; } case QVariant::SizeF: { assert(input.Size() == 2); output = QSizeF(input[0u].GetDouble(), input[1].GetDouble()); break; } case QVariant::Rect: { assert(input.Size() == 4); output = QRect(input[0u].GetDouble(), input[1].GetDouble(), input[2].GetDouble(), input[3].GetDouble()); break; } case QVariant::RectF: { assert(input.Size() == 4); output = QRectF(input[0u].GetDouble(), input[1].GetDouble(), input[2].GetDouble(), input[3].GetDouble()); break; } case QVariant::Vector2D: { assert(input.Size() == 2); output = QVector2D(input[0u].GetDouble(), input[1].GetDouble()); break; } case QVariant::Vector3D: { assert(input.Size() == 3); output = QVector3D(input[0u].GetDouble(), input[1].GetDouble(), input[2].GetDouble()); break; } case QVariant::Vector4D: { assert(input.Size() == 4); output = QVector4D(input[0u].GetDouble(), input[1].GetDouble(), input[2].GetDouble(), input[3].GetDouble()); break; } case QVariant::Color: { assert(input.Size() == 4); output = QColor(input[0u].GetDouble(), input[1].GetDouble(), input[2].GetDouble(), input[3].GetDouble()); break; } case QVariant::StringList: { QStringList list; list.reserve(input.Size()); for(rapidjson::Value::ConstValueIterator it = input.Begin(); it != input.End(); ++it) { QString tmp(it->GetString()); list.append(tmp); } output = list; break; } case QVariant::List: default: { QList<QVariant> list; list.reserve(input.Size()); for(rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < input.Size(); ++i) { QVariant tmp; json2tvalue(tmp, input[i], QVariant::Invalid); list.append(tmp); } output = list; break; } } } else if(input.IsObject()) { QMap<QString, QVariant> map; for(rapidjson::Value::ConstMemberIterator it= input.MemberBegin(); it != input.MemberEnd(); ++it) { QString qstring(QLatin1String(it->name.GetString(), it->name.GetStringLength())); QVariant qvalue; json2tvalue(qvalue, it->value, QVariant::Invalid); map.insert(qstring, qvalue); } output = map; } else { output.clear(); assert(false && "shouldn't execute to here."); } }
// Convert rapidjson value to JSON value. static void ToJSONValue(JSONValue& jsonValue, const rapidjson::Value& rapidjsonValue) { switch (rapidjsonValue.GetType()) { case kNullType: // Reset to null type jsonValue.SetType(JSON_NULL); break; case kFalseType: jsonValue = false; break; case kTrueType: jsonValue = true; break; case kNumberType: if (rapidjsonValue.IsInt()) jsonValue = rapidjsonValue.GetInt(); else if (rapidjsonValue.IsUint()) jsonValue = rapidjsonValue.GetUint(); else jsonValue = rapidjsonValue.GetDouble(); break; case kStringType: jsonValue = rapidjsonValue.GetString(); break; case kArrayType: { jsonValue.Resize(rapidjsonValue.Size()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < rapidjsonValue.Size(); ++i) { ToJSONValue(jsonValue[i], rapidjsonValue[i]); } } break; case kObjectType: { jsonValue.SetType(JSON_OBJECT); for (rapidjson::Value::ConstMemberIterator i = rapidjsonValue.MemberBegin(); i != rapidjsonValue.MemberEnd(); ++i) { JSONValue& value = jsonValue[String(i->name.GetString())]; ToJSONValue(value, i->value); } } break; default: break; } }
void PrintValue(rapidjson::Value &value) { rapidjson::Type type = value.GetType(); if (type == rapidjson::Type::kNumberType) { printf("%d", value.GetInt()); } else if (type == rapidjson::Type::kStringType) { printf("%s", value.GetString()); } else if (type == rapidjson::Type::kTrueType) { printf("가능"); } else if (type == rapidjson::Type::kFalseType) { printf("불가능"); } else if (type == rapidjson::Type::kArrayType) { for (int i = 0; i < value.Size(); i++) { PrintValue(value[i]); if (i < value.Size() - 1) printf(", "); } printf("\n"); } else if (type == rapidjson::Type::kObjectType) { for (auto iter = value.MemberBegin(); iter != value.MemberEnd(); iter++) { rapidjson::Value &member = iter->value; std::string name = iter->name.GetString(); if (member.GetType() == rapidjson::Type::kObjectType || member.GetType() == rapidjson::Type::kArrayType) { printf("\n- %s -\n", name.c_str()); PrintValue(member); } else { printf("%s : ", name.c_str()); PrintValue(member); printf("\n"); } } } else { printf("Null"); } }
bool getJsonNumber(const rapidjson::Value &v, T &dst) { if (v.IsDouble()) dst = T(v.GetDouble()); else if (v.IsInt()) dst = T(v.GetInt()); else if (v.IsUint()) dst = T(v.GetUint()); else if (v.IsInt64()) dst = T(v.GetInt64()); else if (v.IsUint64()) dst = T(v.GetUint64()); else return false; return true; }
bool UIFrameViewLoader::setProperty(cocos2d::Node *p, const std::string & name, const rapidjson::Value & value, rapidjson::Value & properties) { uilib::FrameView *image = dynamic_cast<uilib::FrameView*>(p); CCAssert(image, "UIFrameViewLoader::setProperty"); if (name == "image") { if(value.IsString()) { image->setImage(value.GetString()); } } else if(name == "customSizeEnable") { if(value.IsBool()) { image->setCustomSizeEnable(value.GetBool()); } } else if(name == "capInsets") { cocos2d::Rect rc; if(helper::parseValue(value, rc)) { image->setCapInsets(rc); } } else if(name == "color") { cocos2d::Color3B cr; if(helper::parseValue(value, cr)) { image->setColor(cr); } } else if(name == "opacity") { if(value.IsInt()) { image->setOpacity(value.GetInt()); } } else { return base_class::setProperty(p, name, value, properties); } return true; }
void Json_Parser::read_print_for_array(rapidjson::Value &va,int i){ if (va.IsBool()) { const bool flag=va.GetBool(); CCLOG("%d:%d",i,flag); } else if (va.IsDouble()) { const double flag=va.GetDouble(); CCLOG("%d:%f",i,flag); } else if (va.IsInt()) { const int flag=va.GetInt(); CCLOG("%d:%d",i,flag); } else if (va.IsString()) { const std::string flag=va.GetString(); CCLOG("%d:%s",i,flag.c_str()); } else if (va.IsNull()) { CCLOG("%d:null",i); } else if(va.IsObject()) { CCLOG("obj----------%d",i); auto it=va.MemberBegin(); for (;it!=va.MemberEnd();it++) { if (va.HasMember(it->name)) { read_print(va,it->name.GetString()); } } } else if(va.IsArray()) { CCLOG("array-------%d",i); for (int i=0; i<va.Size();i++) { read_print_for_array(va[i],i); } } }
void Json_Parser::read_to_map_for_array(cocos2d::ValueVector &temp,rapidjson::Value &va,int i){ CCLOG("dex:%d",i); if (va.IsBool()) { const bool flag=va.GetBool(); temp.push_back(Value(flag)); } else if (va.IsDouble()) { const double flag=va.GetDouble(); temp.push_back(Value(flag)); } else if (va.IsInt()) { const int flag=va.GetInt(); temp.push_back(Value(flag)); } else if (va.IsString()) { const std::string flag=va.GetString(); temp.push_back(Value(flag)); // CCLOG("++:%d",temp.size()); } else if (va.IsNull()) { temp.push_back(Value(nullptr)); } else if(va.IsObject()) { cocos2d::ValueMap temp2; auto it=va.MemberBegin(); for (;it!=va.MemberEnd();it++) { if (va.HasMember(it->name)) { read_to_map(temp2,va,it->name.GetString()); } } temp.push_back(Value(temp2)); // CCLOG("mapinvectro层:%lu",temp2.size()); } else if(va.IsArray()) { cocos2d::ValueVector temp2; for (int i=0; i<va.Size();i++) { read_to_map_for_array(temp2,va[i],i); } temp.push_back(Value(temp2)); // CCLOG("vectorinvectro层:%lu",temp.size()); } }
bool MetaDataValue::set_value(const rapidjson::Value& v) { if( v.IsDouble()) { _vPtr = new double(v.GetDouble()); } else if(v.IsBool()) { _vPtr = new bool(v.GetBool()); } else if(v.IsInt()) { _vPtr = new int(v.GetInt()); } else if(v.IsString()) { _vPtr = new std::string(v.GetString()); } else return false; return true; }
static void parseValue(SettingValue &value, const rapidjson::Value &json_val) { if (json_val.IsInt()) value = json_val.GetInt(); else if (json_val.IsString()) value = std::string(json_val.GetString(), json_val.GetStringLength()); else if (json_val.IsBool()) value = json_val.GetBool(); else if (json_val.IsArray()) { SettingList value_list; for (auto it = json_val.Begin(); it != json_val.End(); ++it) { SettingValue child_val; parseValue(child_val, *it); value_list.push_back(child_val); } value = value_list; } else if (json_val.IsObject()) { SettingMap value_map; for (auto it = json_val.MemberBegin(); it != json_val.MemberEnd(); ++it) { SettingValue child_val; parseValue(child_val, it->value); value_map[it->name.GetString()] = child_val; } value = value_map; } else throw std::runtime_error("Unexpected JSON value type."); }
void ConvertToMsgPack(const rapidjson::Value& json, msgpack::object& object, msgpack::zone& zone) { switch (json.GetType()) { case rapidjson::kFalseType: object = false; break; case rapidjson::kTrueType: object = true; break; case rapidjson::kNumberType: { if (json.IsInt()) { object = json.GetInt(); } else if (json.IsUint()) { object = json.GetUint(); } else if (json.IsInt64()) { object = json.GetInt64(); } else if (json.IsUint64()) { object = json.GetUint64(); } else if (json.IsDouble()) { object = json.GetDouble(); } break; } case rapidjson::kStringType: // we allocate with 'zone', otherwise the std::string's raw pointer gets used, which won't work as it gets destructed later on object = msgpack::object(std::string(json.GetString(), json.GetStringLength()), zone); break; case rapidjson::kObjectType: { std::map<std::string, msgpack::object> list; for (auto it = json.MemberBegin(); it != json.MemberEnd(); it++) { msgpack::object newObject; ConvertToMsgPack(it->value, newObject, zone); list.insert({ it->name.GetString(), newObject }); } object = msgpack::object(list, zone); break; } case rapidjson::kArrayType: { std::vector<msgpack::object> list; for (auto it = json.Begin(); it != json.End(); it++) { msgpack::object newObject; ConvertToMsgPack(*it, newObject, zone); list.push_back(newObject); } object = msgpack::object(list, zone); break; } default: object = msgpack::type::nil(); break; } }
template<> inline int conf_getter<int>(const rapidjson::Value & value) { return value.GetInt(); }
// フラグの確認 bool GameEventHelper::detectFlg(rapidjson::Value& json, bool negative) { bool detection { false }; if (!json.IsArray()) { // 自分自身のステータスを確認 detection = PlayerDataManager::getInstance()->getLocalData()->checkEventStatus(DungeonSceneManager::getInstance()->getLocation().map_id, DungeonSceneManager::getInstance()->getRunningEventId(), json.GetInt()); if(negative) detection = !detection; } else if (!json[0].IsArray()) { detection = PlayerDataManager::getInstance()->getLocalData()->checkEventStatus(stoi(json[0].GetString()), stoi(json[1].GetString()), json[2].GetInt()); if(negative) detection = !detection; } else { // 複数の場合 for(int i { 0 }; i < json.Size(); i++) { detection = PlayerDataManager::getInstance()->getLocalData()->checkEventStatus(stoi(json[i][0].GetString()), stoi(json[i][1].GetString()), json[i][2].GetInt()); if(negative) detection = !detection; if(!detection) break; } } return detection; }
int Deserialize_Int(const rapidjson::Value& value) { assert(value.IsNumber()); return value.GetInt(); }
bool clone_value(rapidjson::Value & output, const rapidjson::Value & input, rapidjson::Value::AllocatorType & allocator) { if(&output == &input) { return false; } if(input.IsNull()) { output.SetNull(); } else if(input.IsInt64()) { output.SetInt(input.GetInt64()); } else if(input.IsInt()) { output.SetInt(input.GetInt()); } else if(input.IsDouble()) { output.SetDouble(input.GetDouble()); } else if(input.IsBool()) { output.SetBool(input.GetBool()); } else if(input.IsString()) { output.SetString(input.GetString(), input.GetStringLength(), allocator); } else if(input.IsArray()) { rapidjson::Value temp; output.SetArray(); output.Reserve(input.Size(), allocator); for(rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < input.Size(); ++i) { clone_value(temp, input[i], allocator); output.PushBack(temp, allocator); } } else if(input.IsObject()) { output.SetObject(); rapidjson::Value key, val; for(rapidjson::Value::ConstMemberIterator it = input.MemberBegin(); it != input.MemberEnd(); ++it) { clone_value(key, it->name, allocator); clone_value(val, it->value, allocator); output.AddMember(key, val, allocator); } } else { assert(false && "shuldn't execute to here."); return false; } return true; }