예제 #1
파일: gdal.cpp 프로젝트: rundel/sfr
std::vector<OGRGeometry *> ogr_from_sfc(Rcpp::List sfc, OGRSpatialReference **sref) {
	Rcpp::List wkblst = CPL_write_wkb(sfc, false);
	std::vector<OGRGeometry *> g(sfc.length());
	OGRSpatialReference *local_srs = NULL;
	Rcpp::List crs = sfc.attr("crs");
	Rcpp::IntegerVector epsg(1);
	epsg[0] = crs["epsg"];
	Rcpp::String p4s = crs["proj4string"];
	if (p4s != NA_STRING) {
		Rcpp::CharacterVector cv = crs["proj4string"];
		local_srs = new OGRSpatialReference;
		OGRErr err = local_srs->importFromProj4(cv[0]);
		if (err != 0) {
			local_srs->Release(); // #nocov
			handle_error(err);    // #nocov
	for (int i = 0; i < wkblst.length(); i++) {
		Rcpp::RawVector r = wkblst[i];
		OGRErr err = OGRGeometryFactory::createFromWkb(&(r[0]), local_srs, &(g[i]), 
			r.length(), wkbVariantIso);
		if (err != 0) {
			if (local_srs != NULL)      // #nocov
				local_srs->Release();   // #nocov
			handle_error(err);          // #nocov
	if (sref != NULL)
		*sref = local_srs; // return and release later, or
	else if (local_srs != NULL)
		local_srs->Release(); // release now
	return g;
예제 #2
SEXP assignRawSymmetricMatrixDiagonal(SEXP destination_, SEXP indices_, SEXP source_)
	Rcpp::S4 destination = destination_;
	Rcpp::RawVector source = source_;
	Rcpp::RawVector destinationData = destination.slot("data");
	Rcpp::IntegerVector indices = indices_;

	if(&(source(0)) == &(destinationData(0)))
		throw std::runtime_error("Source and destination cannot be the same in assignRawSymmetricMatrixDiagonal");

	if((indices.size()*(indices.size()+(R_xlen_t)1))/(R_xlen_t)2 != source.size())
		throw std::runtime_error("Mismatch between index length and source object size");
	for(R_xlen_t column = 0; column < indices.size(); column++)
		for(R_xlen_t row = 0; row <= column; row++)
			R_xlen_t rowIndex = indices[row];
			R_xlen_t columnIndex = indices[column];
			if(rowIndex > columnIndex)
				std::swap(rowIndex, columnIndex);
			destinationData((columnIndex*(columnIndex-(R_xlen_t)1))/(R_xlen_t)2+rowIndex-(R_xlen_t)1) = source((column*(column+(R_xlen_t)1))/(R_xlen_t)2 + row);
예제 #3
SEXP assignRawSymmetricMatrixFromEstimateRF(SEXP destination_, SEXP rowIndices_, SEXP columnIndices_, SEXP source_)
	Rcpp::S4 destination = destination_;
	Rcpp::RawVector source = source_;
	Rcpp::RawVector destinationData = destination.slot("data");
	Rcpp::IntegerVector rowIndices = rowIndices_;
	Rcpp::IntegerVector columnIndices = columnIndices_;

	if(&(source(0)) == &(destinationData(0)))
		throw std::runtime_error("Source and destination cannot be the same in assignRawSymmetricMatrixDiagonal");

	std::vector<int> markerRows, markerColumns;
	markerRows = Rcpp::as<std::vector<int> >(rowIndices);
	markerColumns = Rcpp::as<std::vector<int> >(columnIndices);
	if(countValuesToEstimate(markerRows, markerColumns) != (unsigned long long)source.size())
		throw std::runtime_error("Mismatch between index length and source object size");

	triangularIterator iterator(markerRows, markerColumns);
	R_xlen_t counter = 0;
	for(; !iterator.isDone(); iterator.next())
		std::pair<int, int> markerPair = iterator.get();
		R_xlen_t markerRow = markerPair.first, markerColumn = markerPair.second;
		destinationData((markerColumn*(markerColumn-(R_xlen_t)1))/(R_xlen_t)2 + (markerRow - (R_xlen_t)1)) = source(counter);
	return R_NilValue;
예제 #4
파일: geos.cpp 프로젝트: edzer/sfr
std::vector<GEOSGeom> geometries_from_sfc(GEOSContextHandle_t hGEOSCtxt, Rcpp::List sfc) {
	double precision = sfc.attr("precision");
	Rcpp::List wkblst = CPL_write_wkb(sfc, false, native_endian(), "XY", precision);
	std::vector<GEOSGeom> g(sfc.size());
	for (int i = 0; i < sfc.size(); i++) {
		Rcpp::RawVector r = wkblst[i];
		g[i] = GEOSGeomFromWKB_buf_r(hGEOSCtxt, &(r[0]), r.size());
	return g;
예제 #5
파일: edit.cpp 프로젝트: cran/magick
// [[Rcpp::export]]
XPtrImage magick_image_read_list(Rcpp::List list){
  XPtrImage image = create();
  for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
    if(TYPEOF(list[i]) != RAWSXP)
      throw std::runtime_error("magick_image_read_list can only read raw vectors");
    Rcpp::RawVector x = list[i];
    Magick::readImages(image.get(), Magick::Blob(x.begin(), x.length()));
  return image;
예제 #6
// [[Rcpp::export]]
void sendWSMessage(std::string conn, bool binary, Rcpp::RObject message) {
  WebSocketConnection* wsc = internalize<WebSocketConnection>(conn);
  if (binary) {
    Rcpp::RawVector raw = Rcpp::as<Rcpp::RawVector>(message);
    wsc->sendWSMessage(Binary, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&raw[0]), raw.size());
  } else {
    std::string str = Rcpp::as<std::string>(message);
    wsc->sendWSMessage(Text, str.c_str(), str.size());
예제 #7
// the serialization function from SEXP to std::string
inline std::string serializeToStr(SEXP object) {
    // using R's C API, all SEXP objects will be serialized into a raw vector
    Rcpp::RawVector val = serializeToRaw(object);

    // convert R raw vector into a std::string
    std::string res;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < val.size(); i++) {
        res = res + std::to_string(int(val[i])) + "\t";

    return res;
예제 #8
파일: Redis.cpp 프로젝트: agstudy/rhiredis
    // redis set -- serializes to R internal format
    std::string set(std::string key, SEXP s) {

        // if raw, use as is else serialize to raw
        Rcpp::RawVector x = (TYPEOF(s) == RAWSXP) ? s : serializeToRaw(s);

        // uses binary protocol, see hiredis doc at github
        redisReply *reply = 
            static_cast<redisReply*>(redisCommand(prc_, "SET %s %b", 
                                                  key.c_str(), x.begin(), x.size()));
        std::string res(reply->str);                                                
예제 #9
//Returns the value of any((object@data >= length(object@levels)) & object@data != as.raw(255))
SEXP checkRawSymmetricMatrix(SEXP rawSymmetric_)
	Rcpp::S4 rawSymmetric = rawSymmetric_;
	Rcpp::NumericVector levels = Rcpp::as<Rcpp::NumericVector>(rawSymmetric.slot("levels"));
	Rcpp::RawVector data = Rcpp::as<Rcpp::RawVector>(rawSymmetric.slot("data"));
	R_xlen_t size = data.size(), levelsSize = levels.size();
	for(R_xlen_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
		if(data[i] >= levelsSize && data[i] != 0xff) return Rcpp::wrap(true);
	return Rcpp::wrap(false);
예제 #10
Rcpp::LogicalVector toLogical(Rcpp::RawVector bytes) {

	unsigned nBit = bytes.attr("bitlen");
	unsigned nByte = bytes.size();
    Rcpp::LogicalVector ans(nBit);//default are all 0s

    unsigned byteIndex, bitIndex;

    for(unsigned i =0 ; i < nBit; i++) {
        byteIndex = i / 8;
        bitIndex = i % 8;
        if(bytes[byteIndex] & 1 << bitIndex)
        	ans(i) = 1;

예제 #11
파일: edit.cpp 프로젝트: cran/magick
// [[Rcpp::export]]
XPtrImage magick_image_readbin(Rcpp::RawVector x, Rcpp::CharacterVector density, Rcpp::IntegerVector depth, bool strip = false){
  XPtrImage image = create();
#if MagickLibVersion >= 0x689
  Magick::ReadOptions opts = Magick::ReadOptions();
#if MagickLibVersion >= 0x690
  Magick::readImages(image.get(), Magick::Blob(x.begin(), x.length()), opts);
  Magick::readImages(image.get(), Magick::Blob(x.begin(), x.length()));
    for_each (image->begin(), image->end(), Magick::stripImage());
  return image;
예제 #12
파일: V8.cpp 프로젝트: kenahoo/V8
// [[Rcpp::export]]
bool context_assign_bin(std::string name, Rcpp::RawVector data, Rcpp::XPtr< v8::Persistent<v8::Context> > ctx) {

  // Test if context still exists
    throw std::runtime_error("Context has been disposed.");

  // Create scope
  HandleScope handle_scope;
  Context::Scope context_scope(*ctx);
  v8::Handle<v8::Object> global = (*ctx)->Global();

  // Currently converts raw vectors to strings. Better would be ArrayBuffer (Uint8Array specifically)
  Local<v8::String> mystring = v8::String::New((const char*) RAW(data), data.length());
  global->Set(String::NewSymbol(name.c_str()), mystring);
  return true;
예제 #13
  uv_buf_t getData(size_t bytesDesired) {
    size_t bytes = _vector.size() - _pos;

    // Are we at the end?
    if (bytes == 0)
      return uv_buf_init(NULL, 0);

    if (bytesDesired < bytes)
      bytes = bytesDesired;
    char* buf = (char*)malloc(bytes);
    if (!buf) {
      throw Rcpp::exception("Couldn't allocate buffer");

    for (size_t i = 0; i < bytes; i++) {
      buf[i] = _vector[_pos + i];

    _pos += bytes;

    return uv_buf_init(buf, bytes);
예제 #14
파일: edit.cpp 프로젝트: cran/magick
// [[Rcpp::export]]
XPtrImage magick_image_readbitmap_raw(Rcpp::RawVector x){
  Rcpp::IntegerVector dims(x.attr("dim"));
  return magick_image_bitmap(x.begin(), Magick::CharPixel, dims[0], dims[1], dims[2]);
예제 #15
// [[Rcpp::export]]
std::string base64encode(const Rcpp::RawVector& x) {
  return b64encode(x.begin(), x.end());
예제 #16
 uint64_t size() const {
   return _vector.size();