예제 #1
std::vector<double> MolData3Ddescriptors::GetRelativeENeg(const RDKit::ROMol& mol){
   int numAtoms= mol.getNumAtoms();
   double* relativeNeg=data3D.getNEG();

  std::vector<double> neg(numAtoms, 0.0);
  for( int i=0; i<numAtoms; ++i){

  return neg;
예제 #2
std::vector<double> MolData3Ddescriptors::GetRelativeIonPol(const RDKit::ROMol& mol){
   int numAtoms= mol.getNumAtoms();
	double* absionpol=data3D.getIonPOL();

  std::vector<double> ionpols(numAtoms, 0.0);
  for( int i=0; i<numAtoms; ++i){

  return ionpols;
예제 #3
std::vector<double> MolData3Ddescriptors::GetRelativeRcov(const RDKit::ROMol& mol){
  int numAtoms= mol.getNumAtoms();
  double* rcov=data3D.getRCOV();

  std::vector<double> wroc(numAtoms, 0.0);
  for( int i=0; i<numAtoms; ++i){

  return wroc;
예제 #4
std::vector<double> MolData3Ddescriptors::GetRelativeMW(const RDKit::ROMol& mol){
  double* relativeMw=data3D.getMW();
  int numAtoms= mol.getNumAtoms();

  std::vector<double> pol(numAtoms, 0.0);
  for( int i=0; i<numAtoms; ++i){

  return pol;
예제 #5
std::vector<double> MolData3Ddescriptors::GetRelativeVdW(const RDKit::ROMol& mol){
   int numAtoms= mol.getNumAtoms();
   double* relativeVdW=data3D.getVDW();

  std::vector<double> vdw(numAtoms, 0.0);
  for( int i=0; i<numAtoms; ++i){


  return vdw;
예제 #6
std::vector<double> MolData3Ddescriptors::GetIState(const  RDKit::ROMol &mol){
  int numAtoms = mol.getNumAtoms();
  std::vector<double> Is;

  for (int i = 0; i < numAtoms; ++i) {
    const RDKit::Atom * atom= mol.getAtomWithIdx(i);
    int atNum=atom->getAtomicNum();
    int degree = atom->getDegree();
    if (degree>0 and atNum>1) {
      int h = atom->getTotalNumHs();
      int Zv = RDKit::PeriodicTable::getTable()->getNouterElecs(atNum);
      double dv =(double) Zv-h;
      dv = dv / (double) (atNum-Zv-1);
      int N =  GetPrincipalQuantumNumber(atNum);
      Is.push_back(round(1000*(4.0/(N*N)*dv+1.0)/degree)/1000);  // WHIM-P5.pdf paper 1997  => +7 & NoHydrogens is used!
    else Is.push_back(0);

 return Is;
예제 #7
void getExperimentalTorsions(const RDKit::ROMol &mol, CrystalFFDetails &details,
                             bool useExpTorsions, bool useBasicKnowledge,
                             unsigned int version, bool verbose) {
  unsigned int nb = mol.getNumBonds();
  unsigned int na = mol.getNumAtoms();
  if (!na) {
    throw ValueErrorException("molecule has no atoms");

  // check that vectors are empty

  unsigned int aid1, aid2, aid3, aid4;
  unsigned int bid2;

  boost::dynamic_bitset<> doneBonds(nb);

  if (useExpTorsions) {
    // we set the torsion angles with experimental data
    const ExpTorsionAngleCollection *params =

    // loop over patterns
    for (const auto &param : *params) {
      std::vector<MatchVectType> matches;
      SubstructMatch(mol, *(param.dp_pattern.get()), matches, false, true);

      // loop over matches
      for (std::vector<MatchVectType>::const_iterator matchIt = matches.begin();
           matchIt != matches.end(); ++matchIt) {
        // get bond indices
        aid1 = (*matchIt)[param.idx[0]].second;
        aid2 = (*matchIt)[param.idx[1]].second;
        aid3 = (*matchIt)[param.idx[2]].second;
        aid4 = (*matchIt)[param.idx[3]].second;
        // FIX: check if bond is NULL
        bid2 = mol.getBondBetweenAtoms(aid2, aid3)->getIdx();
        if (!doneBonds[bid2]) {
          doneBonds[bid2] = 1;
          std::vector<int> atoms(4);
          atoms[0] = aid1;
          atoms[1] = aid2;
          atoms[2] = aid3;
          atoms[3] = aid4;
              std::make_pair(param.signs, param.V));
          if (verbose) {
            std::cout << param.smarts << ": " << aid1 << " " << aid2 << " "
                      << aid3 << " " << aid4 << ", (";
            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < param.V.size() - 1; ++i) {
              std::cout << param.V[i] << ", ";
            std::cout << param.V[param.V.size() - 1] << ") " << std::endl;
        }  // if not donePaths
      }    // end loop over matches

    }  // end loop over patterns

  // apply basic knowledge such as flat aromatic rings, other sp2-centers,
  // straight triple bonds, etc.
  if (useBasicKnowledge) {
    boost::dynamic_bitset<> doneAtoms(na);
    ROMol::ADJ_ITER nbrIdx;
    ROMol::ADJ_ITER endNbrs;

    // inversion terms (improper torsions / out-of-plane bends / inversion)
    // loop over atoms
    for (aid2 = 0; aid2 < na; ++aid2) {
      if (!(doneAtoms[aid2])) {
        std::vector<int> atoms(4, -1);
        atoms[1] = aid2;
        const Atom *atom2 = mol.getAtomWithIdx(atoms[1]);
        int at2AtomicNum = atom2->getAtomicNum();

        // if atom is a N,O or C and SP2-hybridized
        if (((at2AtomicNum == 6) || (at2AtomicNum == 7) ||
             (at2AtomicNum == 8)) &&
            (atom2->getHybridization() == Atom::SP2)) {
          // get neighbors
          boost::tie(nbrIdx, endNbrs) = mol.getAtomNeighbors(atom2);
          // check if enough neighbours
          if (mol.getAtomDegree(atom2) != 3) {
          unsigned int i = 0;
          unsigned int isBoundToSP2O = 0;  // false
          for (; nbrIdx != endNbrs; ++nbrIdx) {
            const Atom *atomX = mol[*nbrIdx];
            atoms[i] = atomX->getIdx();
            // if the central atom is sp2 carbon and is bound to sp2 oxygen, set
            // a flag
            if (!isBoundToSP2O) {
              isBoundToSP2O =
                  ((at2AtomicNum == 6) && (atomX->getAtomicNum() == 8) &&
                   (atomX->getHybridization() == Atom::SP2));
            if (!i) {
          /*if (verbose) {
            std::cout << "out-of-plane bend: " << atoms[0] << " " << atoms[1] <<
          " "
                << atoms[2] << " " << atoms[3] << std::endl;
      }  // if atom is a N,O or C and SP2-hybridized

    // torsions for flat rings
    const RingInfo *rinfo =
        mol.getRingInfo();  // FIX: make sure we have ring info
    CHECK_INVARIANT(rinfo, "");
    const VECT_INT_VECT &atomRings = rinfo->atomRings();
    for (const auto &atomRing : atomRings) {
      unsigned int rSize = atomRing.size();
      // we don't need to deal with 3 membered rings
      // and we do not treat rings greater than 6
      if (rSize < 4 || rSize > 6) {
      // loop over ring atoms
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rSize; ++i) {
        // proper torsions
        aid1 = atomRing[i];
        aid2 = atomRing[(i + 1) % rSize];
        aid3 = atomRing[(i + 2) % rSize];
        aid4 = atomRing[(i + 3) % rSize];
        bid2 = mol.getBondBetweenAtoms(aid2, aid3)->getIdx();
        // if all 4 atoms are SP2, add torsion
        if (!(doneBonds[bid2]) &&
            (mol.getAtomWithIdx(aid1)->getHybridization() == Atom::SP2) &&
            (mol.getAtomWithIdx(aid2)->getHybridization() == Atom::SP2) &&
            (mol.getAtomWithIdx(aid3)->getHybridization() == Atom::SP2) &&
            (mol.getAtomWithIdx(aid4)->getHybridization() == Atom::SP2)) {
          doneBonds[bid2] = 1;
          std::vector<int> atoms(4);
          atoms[0] = aid1;
          atoms[1] = aid2;
          atoms[2] = aid3;
          atoms[3] = aid4;
          std::vector<int> signs(6, 1);
          signs[1] = -1;  // MMFF sign for m = 2
          std::vector<double> fconsts(6, 0.0);
          fconsts[1] = 100.0;  // 7.0 is MMFF force constants for aromatic rings
          details.expTorsionAngles.push_back(std::make_pair(signs, fconsts));
          /*if (verbose) {
            std::cout << "SP2 ring: " << aid1 << " " << aid2 << " " << aid3 << "
          " << aid4 << std::endl;

      }  // loop over atoms in ring
    }    // loop over rings
  }      // if useBasicKnowledge

}  // end function