예제 #1
void DigitiserCountsPlot::CheckCounts( const Archive *const_data )
  Archive *data = const_cast<Archive*>( const_data );

  Reference::To<DigitiserCounts> counts = data->get<DigitiserCounts>();

  if( !counts )
    if( verbose > 1 )
      cerr << "Attempted to plot DigitiserCounts on an archive without a DigitiserCounts countsension" << endl;

  int npthist = counts->get_npthist();
  int ndigr = counts->get_ndigr();
  int nlev = counts->get_nlev();

  if( npthist == 0 || nlev == 0 || ndigr == 0 )
    if( verbose > 1 )
      cerr << "Attempted to plot DigitiserCounts on an archive without parameter (npthist,ndigr,nlev)" << endl;
  valid_data = true;
예제 #2
void DigitiserCountsPlot::draw( const Archive *const_data )
  Reference::To<Archive> data = const_cast<Archive*>( const_data );

  if( !valid_data )

  Reference::To<DigitiserCounts> counts = data->get<DigitiserCounts>();
  if( !counts )

  int ndigr = counts->get_ndigr();
  int npthist = counts->get_npthist();

  // the range of non zero indices
  int nz_range = (last_nz - first_nz) + 1;

  // for each subint
  //   save the old color
  //   for each digitiser channel
  //     for each index in the non zero range
  //       calculate the ncounts x coord
  //       calculate the ncounts y coord
  //     draw a binned histogram of x and y
  //   restore the old color
  float xstep = 1.0 / nz_range;
  for( int s = srange.first; s <= srange.second; s ++ )
    int old_col;
    cpgqci( &old_col );
    int ncounts_col = old_col;

    for( int c = 0; c < ndigr; c ++ )
      float xs[ nz_range ];
      float ys[ nz_range ];
      for( int j = 0; j < nz_range; j ++ )
        xs[j] = j * xstep + c;
        ys[j] = counts->subints[s].data[(first_nz+j) + c * npthist] + y_jump * (s-srange.first);
      cpgsci( ncounts_col++ );
      cpgbin( nz_range, xs, ys, 1 );
    cpgsci( old_col );

  // get the viewport range including buffer
  float vp_y1, vp_y2;
  get_frame()->get_y_scale()->get_range_external( vp_y1, vp_y2 );

  // Save the current viewport, so that we can adjust relative to it and restore it later.
  float tx_min, tx_max, ty_min, ty_max;
  cpgqvp( 0, &tx_min, &tx_max, &ty_min, &ty_max );

  // For each digitiser channel
  //   set the viewport to cover that channel
  //   set the window to have x ranging from -256 to 255
  //   draw a box around the viewport
  float nx = tx_min;
  float xw = (tx_max-tx_min) * (1.0/ndigr);
  for( int c = 0; c < ndigr; c ++ )
    cpgsvp( nx, nx + xw, ty_min, ty_max );
    cpgswin( first_nz - 256, last_nz - 256, vp_y1, vp_y2 );
    if( nx == tx_min )
      cpgbox("bcnt", 0.0, 0, "bcnt", 0.0, 0);
      cpgbox("bcnt", 0.0, 0, "bct", 0.0, 0 );
    char pol = char( int('A') + c );
    string dig_label = string("Pol ") + tostring(pol);
    cpgmtxt( "T", -1, 0.01, 0, dig_label.c_str() );
    nx += xw;

  // Restore the original viewport
  cpgsvp( tx_min, tx_max, ty_min, ty_max );
예제 #3
void DigitiserCountsPlot::prepare( const Archive *const_data )
  CheckCounts( const_data );

  if( !valid_data )

  Reference::To<Archive> data = const_cast<Archive*>(const_data);
  if( !data )

  Reference::To<DigitiserCounts> counts = data->get<DigitiserCounts>();

  if( !counts )

  int num_rows = counts->subints.size();
  int npthist = counts->get_npthist();
  int ndigr = counts->get_ndigr();

  // Make sure srange.first,srange.second have the subint range we want to display
  if( srange.first == -1 && srange.second == -1 )
    if( subint == -1 )
      srange.first = 0;
      srange.second = num_rows -1;
      srange.first = subint;
      srange.second = subint;

  // Should optimize this, at present just create a separate array for data thats scaled properly
//   adjusted_data.resize( num_rows );
//   for( int s = 0; s < num_rows; s ++ )
//   {
//     adjusted_data[s].resize( ndigr * npthist );
//     for( int d = 0; d < ndigr * npthist; d ++ )
//     {
//       adjusted_data[s][d] = float(counts->rows[s].data[d]) * counts->rows[s].data_scl + counts->rows[s].data_offs;
//     }
//   }

  // Determine the first and last indices with non zero data in all channels/subints
  // Some files have data values close to zero but negligible, treat anything under
  // 10 as effectively zero.
  first_nz = npthist;
  last_nz = 0;
  for( int s = srange.first; s <= srange.second; s ++ )
    for( int c = 0; c < ndigr; c ++ )
      for( int v = 0; v < npthist; v ++ )
        float ncounts_value = counts->subints[s].data[c*npthist + v];
        if( ncounts_value > 10 )
          if( v < first_nz )
            first_nz = v;
      for( int v = npthist - 1; v >= 0; v -- )
        float ncounts_value = counts->subints[s].data[c*npthist + v];
        if( ncounts_value > 10 )
          if( v > last_nz )
            last_nz = v;
  // sanity check, if first_nz >= last_nz, then we have all zeroes, just plot the whole thing
  if( first_nz >= last_nz )
    first_nz = 0;
    last_nz = npthist;

  // Find the min and max counts for all subints and channels
  min_count = FLT_MAX;
  max_count = -FLT_MAX;
  for( int s = srange.first ; s <= srange.second; s ++ )
    cyclic_minmax( counts->subints[s].data, first_nz, last_nz, 
                   min_count, max_count );

  // y_range is how far up the y axis each subint goes
  float y_range = max_count - min_count;

  // y_jump is how far to increase y between subints, adjust to nearest 10,000
  y_jump = y_range * 0.75;
  y_jump = int( y_jump / 10000 ) + 1;
  y_jump *= 10000;

  // set the ranges for the axes, we hide the axes becase we need to draw a box for
  // each digitiser channel later.
  // TODO find out why we need to hard code the buffer here
  get_frame()->get_y_scale()->set_minmax( min_count , max_count + y_jump * (srange.second - srange.first) );
  get_frame()->get_y_scale()->set_buf_norm( 0.05 );
  get_frame()->get_x_scale()->set_minmax( 0, counts->get_ndigr() );
void DigitiserCountsPlot::draw( const Archive *const_data ) try
  Reference::To<Archive> data = const_cast<Archive*>( const_data );

  if( !valid_data )

  Reference::To<DigitiserCounts> counts = data->get<DigitiserCounts>();
  if( !counts )

  int ndigr = counts->get_ndigr();
  int npthist = counts->get_npthist();

  // the range of non zero indices
  int nz_range = (last_nz - first_nz) + 1;

  // for each subint
  //   save the old color
  //   for each digitiser channel
  //     for each index in the non zero range
  //       calculate the ncounts x coord
  //       calculate the ncounts y coord
  //     draw a binned histogram of x and y
  //   restore the old color
  float xstep = 1.0 / nz_range;
  for( int s = srange.first; s <= srange.second; s ++ )
    int old_col;
    cpgqci( &old_col );
    int ncounts_col = old_col;

    for( int c = 0; c < ndigr; c ++ )
      float xs[ nz_range ];
      float ys[ nz_range ];
      for( int j = 0; j < nz_range; j ++ )
        xs[j] = j * xstep + c;
        ys[j] = counts->subints.at(s).data[(first_nz+j) + c * npthist] + y_jump * (s-srange.first);

	cerr << "y[" << j << "]=" << ys[j] << endl;
	if (logscale)
	  if (ys[j] < 1)
	    ys[j] = -40; // effectively zero
	    ys[j] = log10(ys[j]);
      cpgsci( ncounts_col++ );
      cpgbin( nz_range, xs, ys, 1 );
    cpgsci( old_col );

  // get the viewport range including buffer
  float vp_y1, vp_y2;
  get_frame()->get_y_scale()->get_range_external( vp_y1, vp_y2 );

  // Save the current viewport, so that we can adjust relative to it and restore it later.
  float tx_min, tx_max, ty_min, ty_max;
  cpgqvp( 0, &tx_min, &tx_max, &ty_min, &ty_max );

  // For each digitiser channel
  //   set the viewport to cover that channel
  //   set the window to have x ranging from -npthist/2 to npthist/2
  //   draw a box around the viewport
  float nx = tx_min;
  float xw = (tx_max-tx_min) * (1.0/ndigr);
  for( int c = 0; c < ndigr; c ++ )
    cpgsvp( nx, nx + xw, ty_min, ty_max );

    // subtracting npthist/2 assumes offset binary encoding - WvS 23 Jan 2017
    cpgswin( first_nz - npthist/2, last_nz - npthist/2, vp_y1, vp_y2 );
    string yopt = "bct";
    if( nx == tx_min )
      yopt += "n";
    if (logscale)
      yopt += "l";
    cpgbox("bcnt", 0.0, 0, yopt.c_str(), 0.0, 0);

    char pol = char( int('A') + c );
    string dig_label = string("Pol ") + tostring(pol);
    cpgmtxt( "T", -1, 0.01, 0, dig_label.c_str() );
    nx += xw;

  // Restore the original viewport
  cpgsvp( tx_min, tx_max, ty_min, ty_max );
 catch (std::exception& e)
     throw Error (FailedCall, "DigitiserCountsPlot::prepare", e.what());
void DigitiserCountsPlot::prepare( const Archive *const_data ) try
  CheckCounts( const_data );

  if( !valid_data )

  Reference::To<Archive> data = const_cast<Archive*>(const_data);
  if( !data )

  Reference::To<DigitiserCounts> counts = data->get<DigitiserCounts>();

  if( !counts )

  int num_rows = counts->subints.size();
  int npthist = counts->get_npthist();
  int ndigr = counts->get_ndigr();

  // Make sure srange.first,srange.second have the subint range we want to display
  if( srange.first == -1 && srange.second == -1 )
    if( subint == -1 )
      srange.first = 0;
      srange.second = num_rows -1;
      srange.first = subint;
      srange.second = subint;

  // Should optimize this, at present just create a separate array for data thats scaled properly
//   adjusted_data.resize( num_rows );
//   for( int s = 0; s < num_rows; s ++ )
//   {
//     adjusted_data[s].resize( ndigr * npthist );
//     for( int d = 0; d < ndigr * npthist; d ++ )
//     {
//       adjusted_data[s][d] = float(counts->rows[s].data[d]) * counts->rows[s].data_scl + counts->rows[s].data_offs;
//     }
//   }

    Determine the first and last indices with non zero data in all
  first_nz = npthist;
  last_nz = 0;
  float minimum_value = 10;

  if (logscale)
    minimum_value = 1;

    /* If not plotting on a log scale, treat anything smaller than
       zero_threshold * the maximum histogram value as zero. */
    long maxval = 0;
    for( int s = srange.first; s <= srange.second; s ++ )
      for( int c = 0; c < ndigr; c ++ )
	for( int v = 0; v < npthist; v ++ )
	  maxval = std::max( maxval, counts->subints.at(s).data[c*npthist + v] );
    minimum_value = zero_threshold * maxval;

  for( int s = srange.first; s <= srange.second; s ++ )
    for( int c = 0; c < ndigr; c ++ )
      for( int v = 0; v < npthist; v ++ )
        float ncounts_value = counts->subints.at(s).data[c*npthist + v];
        if( ncounts_value >= minimum_value )
          if( v < first_nz )
            first_nz = v;
      for( int v = npthist - 1; v >= 0; v -- )
        float ncounts_value = counts->subints.at(s).data[c*npthist + v];
        if( ncounts_value >= minimum_value )
          if( v > last_nz )
            last_nz = v;

  // sanity check, if first_nz >= last_nz, then we have all zeroes, just plot the whole thing
  bool all_zero = first_nz >= last_nz;
  if (all_zero)
    first_nz = 0;
    last_nz = npthist;

  // Find the min and max counts for all subints and channels
  min_count = FLT_MAX;
  max_count = -FLT_MAX;
  for( int s = srange.first ; s <= srange.second; s ++ )
    cyclic_minmax( counts->subints.at(s).data, first_nz, last_nz, 
                   min_count, max_count );

  if (logscale && !all_zero)
    min_count = 0;
    max_count = log10(max_count);
  // y_range is how far up the y axis each subint goes
  float y_range = max_count - min_count;

  // y_jump is how far to increase y between subints, adjust to nearest 10,000
  y_jump = y_range * 0.75;
  y_jump = int( y_jump / 10000 ) + 1;
  y_jump *= 10000;

  // set the ranges for the axes, we hide the axes becase we need to draw a box for
  // each digitiser channel later.
  // TODO find out why we need to hard code the buffer here
  get_frame()->get_y_scale()->set_minmax( min_count , max_count + y_jump * (srange.second - srange.first) );
  get_frame()->get_y_scale()->set_buf_norm( 0.05 );
  get_frame()->get_x_scale()->set_minmax( 0, counts->get_ndigr() );
 catch (std::exception& e)
     throw Error (FailedCall, "DigitiserCountsPlot::prepare", e.what());
예제 #6
void DigitiserStatsPlot::prepare( const Archive *const_arch )
  Reference::To<Archive> arch = const_cast<Archive*>( const_arch );

  Reference::To<DigitiserStatistics> ext = arch->get<DigitiserStatistics>();

  if( CheckStats( ext ) )
    ncycsub = ext->get_ncycsub();
    ndigr = ext->get_ndigr();
    npar = ext->get_npar();
    nsub = ext->rows.size();


    y_min = FLT_MAX;
    y_max = -FLT_MAX;

    // The data in the file isn't how we would like it. [p1][p2][p3] etc what we want
    // is all the p1 values sequentially, then all the p2 etc. So create an array of
    // profiles [digitiser channel][parameter] then we just pass it to cpgline
    // when we want to draw them. Grab the min and max while we're doing this.

    profiles.resize( ndigr );
    for( int g = 0; g < ndigr; g ++ )
      profiles[g].resize( npar );
      for( int p = 0; p < npar; p ++ )
        profiles[g][p].resize( ncycsub * nsub );
        for( int c = 0; c < ncycsub; c ++ )
          for( int s = srange.first; s <= srange.second; s ++ )
            float next_val = ext->rows[s].data[c*ndigr*npar + g*npar + p];
            if( next_val < y_min )
              y_min = next_val;
            if( next_val > y_max )
              y_max = next_val;
            profiles[g][p][s*ncycsub + c] = next_val;

    if( !(y_min == 0 && y_max == 0) )
      valid_archive = true;

      // adjust the viewport to show all the data, don't overlap the subints, looks crap.

      get_frame()->get_y_scale()->set_minmax( y_min, y_max );
      get_frame()->get_x_scale()->set_minmax( 0, ndigr );
      get_frame()->get_y_scale()->set_buf_norm( .07 );

      if( verbose > 1 )
        cerr << "Digitiser Stats values are all zero" << endl;