/** Initialize the help from an XML file */ void Help::initializeHelp(std::string helpDir) { // find the path to the directory containing the help files RevBayesCore::RbFileManager fMngr = RevBayesCore::RbFileManager(); //pathToHelpDir = fMngr.getCurrentDirectory(); fMngr.setFilePath(this->helpDir); if (fMngr.testDirectory() == false) { RBOUT("Warning: Cannot find directory containing help files. User help is unavailable. Path = " + this->helpDir); return; } }
/** Format the error exception string for problems specifying the file/path name */ void Func_readCharacterDataUniversal::formatError(RevBayesCore::RbFileManager& fm, std::string& errorStr) { bool fileNameProvided = fm.isFileNamePresent(); bool isFileNameGood = fm.testFile(); bool isDirectoryNameGood = fm.testDirectory(); if ( fileNameProvided == false && isDirectoryNameGood == false ) errorStr += "Could not read contents of directory \"" + fm.getFilePath() + "\" because the directory does not exist"; else if (fileNameProvided == true && (isFileNameGood == false || isDirectoryNameGood == false)) { errorStr += "Could not read file named \"" + fm.getFileName() + "\" in directory named \"" + fm.getFilePath() + "\" "; if (isFileNameGood == false && isDirectoryNameGood == true) errorStr += "because the file does not exist"; else if (isFileNameGood == true && isDirectoryNameGood == false) errorStr += "because the directory does not exist"; else errorStr += "because neither the directory nor the file exist"; } }
/** Initialize the help from an XML file */ void RbHelpSystem::initializeHelp(const std::string &helpDir) { // find the path to the directory containing the help files RevBayesCore::RbFileManager fMngr = RevBayesCore::RbFileManager(); fMngr.setFilePath(helpDir); if (fMngr.testDirectory() == false) { throw RbException("Warning: Cannot find directory containing help files. User help is unavailable. Path = " + helpDir); } // get a help parser instance RbHelpParser parser = RbHelpParser(); // get the files contained in the directory // gather all xml files in help dir, filtered by '.ext' std::string ext = "xml"; std::vector<std::string> files; std::vector<std::string> fileNames; fMngr.setStringWithNamesOfFilesInDirectory( files ); for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ++it) { RevBayesCore::RbFileManager tmpFM = RevBayesCore::RbFileManager( *it ); if ( tmpFM.getFileExtension() == ext) { fileNames.push_back( *it ); } } for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = fileNames.begin(); it != fileNames.end(); ++it) { if ( parser.testHelpEntry( *it ) == RbHelpParser::FUNCTION ) { RbHelpFunction h = parser.parseHelpFunction( *it ); helpForFunctions.insert( std::pair<std::string,RbHelpFunction>( h.getName() , h) ); helpFunctionNames.insert( h.getName() ); // also add all aliases const std::vector<std::string>& aliases = h.getAliases(); for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator alias = aliases.begin(); alias != aliases.end(); ++alias) { helpForFunctions.insert( std::pair<std::string,RbHelpFunction>( *alias , h) ); } } if ( parser.testHelpEntry( *it ) == RbHelpParser::TYPE || parser.testHelpEntry( *it ) == RbHelpParser::DISTRIBUTION || parser.testHelpEntry( *it ) == RbHelpParser::MONITOR || parser.testHelpEntry( *it ) == RbHelpParser::MOVE ) { RbHelpType* h = NULL; if ( parser.testHelpEntry( *it ) == RbHelpParser::TYPE ) { h = parser.parseHelpType( *it ); } else if ( parser.testHelpEntry( *it ) == RbHelpParser::DISTRIBUTION ) { h = parser.parseHelpDistribution( *it ); } else if ( parser.testHelpEntry( *it ) == RbHelpParser::MONITOR ) { h = parser.parseHelpMonitor( *it ); } else if ( parser.testHelpEntry( *it ) == RbHelpParser::MOVE ) { h = parser.parseHelpMove( *it ); } helpForTypes.insert( std::pair<std::string,RbHelpType*>( h->getName() , h) ); helpTypeNames.insert( h->getName() ); // create a map for all methods for this type std::map<std::string, RbHelpFunction> methodsHelp; const std::vector<RbHelpFunction>& method = h->getMethods(); for (std::vector<RbHelpFunction>::const_iterator m = method.begin(); m != method.end(); ++m) { methodsHelp.insert( std::pair<std::string,RbHelpFunction>( m->getName() , *m) ); } // add the methods to our global map helpForMethods.insert( std::pair<std::string, std::map<std::string,RbHelpFunction> >(h->getName(),methodsHelp) ); // also add all aliases const std::vector<std::string>& aliases = h->getAliases(); for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator alias = aliases.begin(); alias != aliases.end(); ++alias) { helpForTypes.insert( std::pair<std::string,RbHelpType*>( *alias , h->clone() ) ); helpForMethods.insert( std::pair<std::string, std::map<std::string,RbHelpFunction> >(*alias,methodsHelp) ); } } } }